Is it a remaster or a remake? We’re still not entirely sure, but having watched the trailer about a dozen times now, we reckon Shadow of the Colossus probably falls into the latter camp. There’s been some confusion over these two terms of late, hasn’t there? Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is billed as a remaster, but in essence it’s a remake. And the same can be said of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.

Looking at the video, very little of the PlayStation 2 presentation appears to have been maintained for the new Shadow of the Colossus – it looks, for all intents and purposes, to be a brand new game. We’ll have to wait to see whether the controls are identical, but given how dated the original can feel these days, we’re going to hope that they’ve been tweaked. Over on the PlayStation Blog, they’re saying that the game is being “rebuilt” for the PlayStation 4.

That’s good enough for us.
