Heavy Rain hasn’t aged especially well, but the game was ground-breaking when it first released in 2010, delivering a grounded interactive adventure that would go on to influence the likes of Telltale and beyond. And Parisian developer Quantic Dream has announced that as of 31st March, the release has sold in excess of 4.5 million units globally across both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.
When you consider the type of game it is, that’s an extraordinary achievement, and it proves that there is a market for titles where you don’t necessarily just fire guns, drive cars, or perform a mixture of both. The developer is, of course, currently working on Detroit: Become Human, and it’ll be hoping that it’s tale of artificial intelligence achieves similar success.
[source facebook.com]
Comments 16
When I first played this game I got a glitch where people's faces disappeared but their eyes and teeth stayed.
It was a jump scare for me to see that and was the first time I seen something like it.
Always wanted to play but never got round to it. Glad this game did well, I want more experimental games, even if the results aren't 100% perfect.
@Rudy_Manchego It's worth checking out for context. It's influenced more games than it gets credit for.
@get2sammyb I have been tempted each time I have seen it on sale but I know I will just let it sit on the virtual shelf.
Shaun! Shaun!! Shaun!!! SHAUN!!!!
I always remember the chase scene on the inn rooftop. It was rather good.
It might not have aged well but it's still a better game than Beyond.
Beyond was frustrating because there were literally only 4 chapters that had any real impact on how the game played out.
I remember my first play through of Heavy Rain and thinking "wait...did I just kill off that character?!" And yes, I did.
I honestly prefer heavy rain to any telltale game. The only game of its genre (choices matter story game) I think I like more is until dawn. Really excited for Detroit.
Like everyone else, I was excited about beyond but it didn't have the same impact with me.
I'm glad there's market for games like this (plus nier automata and persona 5), it will be really boring if the only AAA games we get is shooter.
Can't wait for Detroid
Heavy Rain was awesome. It had its faults (bad voice acting and some strange control choices) but aside from that it was unique and engaging.
Hoping for positive news on the Detroit: Become Human front from this year's E3.
the game still looks good
Unbelievable moody and great story wife sat and watched it and was like wow that's very realistic when you're playing the house with your son!
@Bigkopman Jasssooooon! JASON!
To me a Game is always about how it plays first. Story, graphics, music & everything else comes after.
Heavy Rain was not a game. It had NO gameplay at all & is the very worst interactive experience I've ever had from a gameplay angle. The story became irrelevant as I just could not PLAY the thing. So I'm not going to use the word 'game' as I firmly believe it isn't one.
For anyone who did get enjoyment from it that's fair enough but me? Just terrible.
One of my all time favorite games. Id have to politely but vehemiently disagree about it not aging well. On ps4 it looks great and plays well for the most part. Ok the walking controls are a bit tankish at times but it doesnt take away from the game being absolutely enthralling. Im currently replaying it with my gf and she is totally captivated by its story etc.
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