The Nintendo Switch has got off to a much stronger start than its predecessor the Wii U, but its early success isn’t cannibalising the PlayStation 4’s sales, according to SIE group president Andrew House. There’s been a good tussle between the two systems recently in the monthly NPD report, but it seems that regardless of whether it’s winning or losing those United States-based bouts, Sony’s happy with where its platform’s at.
And to be fair, it should be: all of the indications are that the PS4 is up year-over-year around the globe, which is a phenomenal result considering Sony itself seemed to forecast that the fiscal year that’s just finished would be the format’s peak. Instead, it’s looking like last year’s dizzying figures will either be matched – or potentially even bettered, depending on how hard it goes during the holiday period.
Ultimately, this is all good news for the industry at large. With the Switch selling well, the PS4 doing the business as usual, and the Xbox One X on the way, perhaps we may see some meaningful growth in the industry at long last.
[source uk.reuters.com]
Comments 37
I would consider Switch a good companion console, especially with Rocket League being cross platform multiplayer to other versions.
It's always good when Nintendo does well. Here's hoping they stay in the game for good.
Of course it isn't. People aren't going to suddenly not have bought a PS4 are they? Those numbers aren't suddenly going to fall from 65 million to 50 million!
Plus, 4 year head start. If the Switch caught up in that time, and it never will, I'm still thinking 25m most for the thing, the laws of physics would be breaking.
In my opinion, both switch and ps4 are must haves when it comes to gaming and solid exclusives.
Right now PS4 is litterally drowning in games. This is the time for Sony sell software. The Switch will sell like all new Nintendo hardware does at first but ill reserve judgment until Next June.
The PS4 being up year-on-year is the craziest part. Makes you wonder when it'll actually start slowing down.
Holy crud sammy wrote a Switch article?! With a pic!?!?!? Where's Tasuki to ban him for life, if not longer?
Switch isn't going to hurt PS4 sales - God of War, Spiderman, TLoU2, RDR2*. Even when PS4 sales start slowing down, and they will, b/c PS3 sold 80m and PS4 is already at ~65, it's not going to have anything to do with the Switch. Nor even the X1X. The thing that will most certainly slow down PS4 sales is the PS5 announcement sometime in the next couple of years.
I suppose the real question is, will a healthy install base of Switch and the announcement of a 4k SwitchTwo in 3 years slow down PS5 sales? But it's too late for anything to affect PS4, it's its own thing. And it still has games coming.
*Even if Switch does get RDR2, which it could, anything is possible, I still think PS4 has the advantage w/ two models, people can go cheap w/ the PS4 Slim, Sony can always drop it to $199 if need be, or power w/ PS4 Pro. Switch does have the portability, so it would sell well, but not at the expense of PS4.
I'm happy for the indurstry being on a high and hope it stays that way. Now they just need to fucus on making more creative experiences. I'm sick of the yearly COD, assassins creed, etc. give me more hellblade, mario+rabbids and steamworld dig.
It is surprising that PS4 could even have growth this year but it's had a really great and diverse line-up of exclusives with more to come next year (i cannot wait for Spiderman personally!) so it's well deserved.
Also great that the Switch is doing well, again, with such a strong line-up it deserved to, i'm not so sure about the Xbox One X, i just can't see it doing amazingly well somehow, happy to be proven wrong though
THE best news to come out of this year for me is that the japanese companies all seem to have bounced back and made their mark again after so many years of the west dominating software sales, it's great to see legacy series like Resi and FF return to prominence and even better to see newer, more experimental games like Nier Automata and Splatoon 2 achieve commercial success.
I think I split my time and money evenly between the two. Except for multiplayer where Splatoon reigns supreme, regardless of free online.
Switch is not going to effect hardware sales very much, for many it will be a second console, me included. The fact that PS4 sales increased at the this stage in life cycle is incredible. But the switch will effect software sales which are the main profit driver. I still have the same games budget I had before and with the switches pick up and play anytime capability I am spending more time and money on the switch. That takes spend from the PS4. At the moment its only the big AAA action games I'd buy for the PS4
Not surprised it's not hurting PS4 sales, they're aimed at different markets. It's not really a question of one or the other. If you like power, PS4 is your jam. Want portable? Switch all the way. As far as I'm concerned, Switch + PS4 is a perfect pairing. I love the games that both Sony and Nintendo bring to the table, so I'll always need both.
is this April fools joke.hahaha. ps4 is king so no.didn't you said the same thing software wise about Zelda botw.vs horizon zero dawn.
The switch is perfect companion console for the ps4, I play big AAA games and sony 1st party games on ps4, while the switch is for nintendo 1st party games and indie, replacing my vita.
@Toadie Yeah, I'm glad this is happening, I'm so sick of brown first and third person shooter last gen. I'm glad for nier automata, nioh, and persona 5 success
@BLP_Software that "four year head start" was really a one year head start for Nintendo with the WiiU, it's incredible how badly things went for that console (I own one). Glad to see the big N back in business
I'd buy a Switch but I just know it would end up the same as my DS, blowing off the dust to play occasionally.
of course it isn't, they both offer different experiences and target different demographics
@BLP_Software 25 million? Personally I think Switch will sell over 50m at least...
@BLP_Software the articles about Sony surpassing the targetted sales of the ps4 in 2017 and switch not affecting the expected results although its also selling great.
Thats good news.
@BLP_Software @Dodoo Unless Nintendo does something stupid, the Switch should easily sell between 50 and 75 million units. Remember that it'll be getting the big handheld games that drive record profits as well!
25M would be essentially a fail cus that's just above GCN... I can see it matching 3DS/PS4's numbers currently both are around near 70M units... I'd expect 50M+ would be a success tbh...
@Ralizah Yeah exactly. One analyst has even raised their forecast to 130 million by 2022. Not sure I'm that optimistic though!
The nice thing about the Switch is that it should draw from multiple parts of the gaming market simultaneously. It also doesn't need to worry about competing directly with PS4 Pro/Scorpio thanks to its ability to function as a portable device.
@Dodoo 130 million is unrealistic, but it's so nice seeing investors be over-optimistic about Nintendo again.
@Ralizah Agreed and agreed!
@Kidfried I'm surprised to see you say 3DS in that list as for me it has one of the best line-ups of games ever, definitely the best for a handheld console, but i guess there are genres it doesn't cover and the ones it does just happen to be ones i love, i've adored mine since launch and am still hooked on it even now the Switch is here, i'll be quite sad when Nintendo finally stop supporting it.
If I could walk into a store and buy a Switch I would own one today but I can't. Make more...
@Toadie Yeah, it's crazy to me to see people saying the DS and 3DS had a lack of games. They had some of the best support of any handheld console.
I'm happy the Switch is selling so well. Hopefully it can at least reach 50 million units by the end of it's lifepsan.
Still not a fan of Nintendo's pricings, rare price drops, and stock/supply issues though.
I would be surprised if Switch was taking sales away from PS4, both are different enough experiences to not overlap.
Back in April, someone at Sony suggested hardware sales may slow down for this fiscal year, but the software line-up is just too stellar.
@Kidfried Ahh fair enough man, i was worried about putting that reply as i hoped it wasn't taken the wrong way but i was just curious as to whether people really thought the 3DS had suffered from software droughts like the other recent Ninty consoles as i thought it had been pretty consistent.
I really wanted to love Pushmo but no matter how many times i go back to it it just doesn't 'click' with me, Luigi's Mansion 2 is my fave game on the system, absolutely adore that game
@Storytime7 Agreed, i loved the DS for introducing me to games like Ace Attorney and Hotel Dusk, the 3DS has become one of my all time fave consoles, i'm currently hooked on Kirby Triple Deluxe which i've only just recently gotten around to playing after it being in my backlog for years haha
Bought a PS4 last month but got a Switch in April, and they are two completely different systems.
Take the PS4 in Your pocket and play it outside with no cables , wires and a tv...
"Ultimately, this is all good news for the industry at large. With the Switch selling well, the PS4 doing the business as usual" (THE END) You should of stopped there The 'Xbox ONE OXO CUBE' won't do much in the long run really.
I personally think this is a stupid article. I think the PS4 base is so much larger at this point that any success the Switch is seeing will have no effect on the PS4. What are we expecting to see? Are we expecting Sony to say, "well the Nintendo Switch is currently out selling our system....I guess we should totally stop making games for it even though 60 million people own our system? On the same note, do you think Nintendo cares that the PS4 install base is as big as it is? This entire, video game company battle is dated. Articles like these make me feel like I'm back in the 80's or 90's.
Each gamer has his/her preference and that's what it's all about. I personally think that Microsoft has the best online experience and community, and the new ability to play some games on the PC, but the Nintendo Switch's portability and first party games are the best, while Sony has balance; and by balance I mean awesome first party titles, great support from third party developers, great indie titles/library, and descent online. It also helps that the PS4 had a "HUGE" library of awesome games....and stuff for every type of gamer. If I had time and money, I would own all three and play the best from all three!
@Kidfried That's fair enough
I would love to hear your opinion on Dark Moon if you do manage to get around to playing it, i loved the first one too but my god the second one is just incredible, it looks utterly amazing in 3D too !
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