The new patch for Rainbow Six: Siege is probably best avoided for now, as there are reports that it’s bricking entire PlayStation 4 consoles. While the severity of the problems range from simple crashes all the way through to wiped hard drives, we’d recommend giving Y2S3.1 a wide berth until things are fixed.
It all seems to occur when accessing your friends list from within the game: “Players have reported a crashing issue regarding the party invitation,” a Ubisoft spokesperson said. “We are cooperating with Sony on this issue and would advise you to not use this feature until a resolution is found.”
It’s probably time to take an enforced break from the tactical first-person shooter, then.
[source support.ubi.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 25
WOW. Glad I haven't played that game in a while
What is it with things crashing the PS4 lately?
Even on bootup no matter the HDMI cable it sometimes needs to be reset before outputting. The Destiny 2 somehow crashed PS4 Pro systems, now this?
Sony, your submission process exists to make sure it doesnt impact the system like this. This is why people have to pay you money to submit. So you can be sure crashes and especially bricking doesnt happen. :/
Yep had a few games with some mates last night and after looking at compare trophies my ps4 crashed each time I tried to compare, then when I just looked at my friends list it did the same. Hope it gets sorted asap.
Realistically, what happens if a games patch causes your system to brick or wipe saved data?
@Mikethemosher How do you mean?
This is atrocious.
How can a bug potentially wipe the hard drive? It almost seems malicious to me- like an unhappy worker adding some dodgy virus to the update.
@get2sammyb I think he might mean what can he do to fix it or go about returning it for a new one.
@adf86 @Mikethemosher You'd have to format the hard drive and start from scratch I suspect. In other words, don't download this patch.
Ahh ok. Ehen you say brick the system does it effectively ruin the console and cause irreparable damage or does a reformat fix things? This hadnt happened to me but im curious what kind of protection end users have.
Thanks for responding sammy. I do love the site here and exclusive ps content. Im here every day! I check ot more often than other misc games media outlets.
If you guys did (more) feature articles it would add even more incentive/value for me.
Now that is an impressive bug. Check a friends trophy list, lose everything. I can see how they are connected.
Really makes you wonder how things like this even leave the QA department (if Ubisoft has ever heard of such a thing).
@Mikethemosher Doesn't sound like it fries the hardware, no. Just corrupts the hard drive, forcing you into losing everything.
Cheers for reading!
@RedMageLanakyn This is the same community that made AC Unity after all.
I see a class action lawsuit coming, and a new Xbox 1X. So what does Sony plan to do to compensate for all the damage done??
@DeadlyBB62 Affected users will receive 1.78 free days of PSN. That's almost two days!
patches usaly auto download
@get2sammyb I read something on anther site that some people could rebuild the database from the safe mode i thought it was a post on reddit. Trying does not make anything worse.
so my friend has the update, he told me to download it too, but I just ignored (for some particular reason...). Interestingly he was talking about Rainbow 6 and was telling me about the new contents and some matches he played. so far he had no problem... the thing is... he has the update... is that gonna be problematic?
I mean he could at least just delete his Rainbow 6... instead of losing all the data he has...including Save files
"You collected your first crash!" - Bronze trophy
"You collected 10 crashes without dying!" - Silver Trophy
"Your hard disk have been wiped!" - Gold Trophy
"Your console have been bricked!" - Platinum Trophy
@DeadlyBB62 Techically Sony doesn't have to do anything, they are not at fault here it falls on Ubisoft.
Wow that's not good. Would Ubisoft be liable to fix bricked consoles?
@hadlee73 yep mine does the same has fir years now, best fix I've found is unplugging and hitting the power button until stops bleeping and keep unplugged for a few hours,gives me a week or two before the spitting starts again 😉
@stBoa @hadlee73 Do you have Original model PS4's because this issue is caused by heat on the bottom of the console triggering the eject button
what you have to do is elevate the system of whatever you have it on so there is a gap between the PS4 and the shelf, this stops the eject issue (and yes i know this works because it used to happen to me and i asked the official help and that's what they told me)
of course if it ISN'T the heat issue then it's a faulty eject button
@FullbringIchigo yeah it's the original. .I've removed the rubber foot beneath the eject button and have the system on its side too!
It has times when it doesn't spit for a while but still an ongoing issue
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