Think of the children The Simpsons 1

Just another reason to pull the plug on Brexit: Belgium’s Gaming Commission has declared loot boxes to be a form of gambling – and it wants to ban them across Europe. News comes courtesy of VTM (via PC Gamer), with the verdict of a recent investigation determining that loot boxes are indeed a form of gambling, and “mixing gambling and gaming, especially at a young age, is dangerous for the mental health of the child”.

The report continues that, while it doesn’t necessarily have a problem with in-app purchase where players know exactly what they’re getting, it wants to ban those with a random element. And it’s not just speaking about Belgium either: it wants to prohibit the sale of loot boxes across Europe. Of course, the EU is notoriously slow when it comes to things like this – or so Nigel Farage likes to tell us – so we could be waiting a while for this story to get really juicy.

[source, via]