Bluehole, the developer of steam train success PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, is working on a new intellectual property for the PlayStation 4. The title – also scheduled to release on the Nintendo Switch – will primarily target the Asian market, although there’s no indication of what it will actually entail.
According to a report by South Korean website Naver, the game is in the early stages of development and there’s no further information available at this time. Sony is purportedly also in discussions with Bluehole to bring Battlegrounds to the PS4, but the title is currently bound to a timed exclusivity arrangement with Microsoft.
[source news.naver.com]
Comments 33
Unfortunately, this leaves us with no timeline though. Late 2018 at the earliest??
@NYJetsfan123 perhaps, right around the time when developers start having visions of little PS5's dancing in their heads.
True, but I feel like developers would see this as an easy win without any thoughts of ps5. A multiplayer game which is hot across all consoles, this would seem like a low risk high reward game. And please anybody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm to believe this is just multiplayer only, right? If so, I can't imagine it would be released at full price. Seems like a win win...
Battlegrounds is basically the current Rise of the Tomb Raider, the way the developer is quiet on but we all no it will end up here eventually right?.
@itshoggie i hope so, have a pretty good feeling we will get it, eventually
@bbtothe I'd say it will, if Xbox has a full exclusive on this they would of said by now.
PUBG is overrated, and really clunky. The only thing really going for it is the last man standing concept. The game itself definitely feels like an Early Access game. Poor man's Splatoon in so many ways.
@KirbyTheVampire it's a fun game! No splatoon 2 but fun!
The new IP is called Battlegrounds: Unknown Player
@AFCC It's fun, I just have no idea how it went past a few million sales.
Is this the MMORPG Ascent: Infinite Realm? That's their next game that's currently in Development so I would expect that is the game this refers too. I can't imagine them having a 3rd game on the go
@KirbyTheVampire Agreed. If there ever was a poor man's Splatoon, it would be this game. Splatoon had a much better Battle Royale mode.
I recently won two games in PUBG, and I have to tell you, nothing had never come close, has never come close, and probably will never come close to the feeling I got when "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" came up on my screen the first time.
It was a pure shot of dopamine. I was on the verge of an anxiety attack when I was rushing down my final opponent with my M416. I didn't really see why this game was so successful until I won my first game. I took me a little over 40 hours to get the skill (or luck maybe) to win one match.
It's popular for good reason. If any of you know of the YouTube channel Extra Credits watch their video on PUBG's success. They are spot on.
@Constable_What Well, that seals it ... the game’s not for me. I’ll never be able to be the last man standing. I suck at MP shooters. I’ll have to get my dopamine rush elsewhere.
@Th3solution Not with that attitude you won't!
But seriously, I'm really bad at PC shooters (I'm a console gamer and mouse and keyboard is still a little foreign to me), and I managed to win two. I feel like its less about skill and more about managing your stress and survival. The game gives you opportunities to be the oppressed and the oppressor kind of like an asymmetrical survival horror game. It has a way of drawing stress, tension, and suspense out over about a ten minute period.
But if you don't think you'll win and you never do; then the game is frustrating. You will focus on all of its many flaws, and it starts to turn into a boring slog with very little incentive to push you forward. It absolutely isn't for everyone, but I'm really glad it's for me.
@Constable_What More power to ya. Good that you enjoy it. And actually you make the game sound a little more interesting than I figured it was. If it’s not just outright shooting to be successful, then I might have a sliver of a chance for success — like the Assassins Creed multiplayer where you get points for every second that you survive while being the hunted. I could sometimes do okay on those games. But I have never, ever been the best player of a MP game, and out of a field of 40??... no chance. But I’m okay with that. I have my SP games. And my therapist says I’m still a good person with a lot of redeeming qualities and talents.
@Th3solution Man I love single player games. If I had to make a Sophie's Choice between SP and MP I'd choose SP no hesitation. Single player is what made me fall in love with games.
Cool about your therapist though. I'm honestly jealous... Mine just keeps saying something about a court order or something like that? What a quack!
@Th3solution Yeah, I don't think I'll ever win a game, either. At the start of a round I'm all chill and can spot people pretty easily and avoid them if I don't think I can get the kill, but as the round progresses, I get more and more anxious and start getting tunnel vision, lol.
Plus, I'm already pretty mediocre at first person shooters, so when I have to try to kill someone under pressure, I have all the accuracy of a Storm Trooper.
meh the game looks like a mess
given the insane amount of people on my friend's list playing fortnite: battle royale, i think they may have missed with the boat with pubg.
And why should I care. I'll leave this to the "pc master race" 😂
Bah I said Winner Winner Chicken Dinner before PUBG came out. Admittedly I stole it from Ozzy Man but, hey, he is in Australia.
PUBG is still in early access, finish it bluehole ffs.
@Constable_What there used to be mods for unreal tournament last man standing matches in the early noughties. A tad different to pubg as the maps were smaller but the same principles applied. Same mix of adrenhaline and anxiety. Im surprised no articles are bringing them up as they are clearly inspiration for the game.
Whats getting on my nerves though, is the game is given a free pass relative to mainstream games. The graphics are pretty rough, its unoptimised, the crazy weird glitches etc.
Never heard of them. Going by the comments, they've not shown any real promise so far.
@themcnoisy That mod kind of shares the same concept, but it is still really different from Battle Royal like PUBG, H1Z1, or the Arma mod. The map sizes are downright puny compared to the open world map. That makes a pretty big difference!
The graphics, optimisation, and overall QA has gotten marketedly better in the past couple weeks. I only really drop to the 40's when I'm first dropping into the map.
The graphics did used to look rough, but I never thought they looked all that bad (explosions have always looked really really good.). Maybe a bit generic. They're a lot smoother now since a couple patches ago. There is a new jumping animation as well that looks considerably less stupid.
I stay at around 90 -110 FPS in the fields, forest, and sparsely populated areas, and then a more unpredictable around 30 - 70 FPS in urban areas.
I do have a pretty egregious bug that happens where the game does not remember my keybinds and gameplay settings, so that's really annoying. I can't really think of any other bug I experienced... I get latency issues sometimes. That's a mixed bag really!
I've had a pretty good experience, I think. Frustrating sometimes, but overall I find it enjoyable here and again! Of course I do wish they'd push the game out of early access; they've sold millions of copies of the game! They have the capital! I feel like it's almost there, but I just wish they'd stop mentioning new features, modes, and maps that haven't been released yet and just work on optimisation and bugs for now. They absolutely want to keep the hype going, and I can see why, but for frick's sake just polish the base game and add on later. Peoples' interest isn't going to last forever!
How is your experience in PUBG?
@LieutenantFatman I mean, they made the biggest game in the world right now...
@KirbyTheVampire youtube popularity mostly I would say! But for people like Pewdiepie to stream daily for a while then it means it's a hook somewhere! I don't play it a lot despite having bought it but I do feel the rush of those 1v1 battles when the end is near
@Constable_What Its a good game, I totally get why people are all over it. But Ive gone passed the point of enjoying unfinished games with relatively pants graphics. I struggle to play online unless I know someone playing the game too. In pubg case it was my oldest son who didnt play it much either. But with all early access games guinea pigging early doors it didnt leave me with an overwhelming urge to finish work and stick it on. Like Horizon, Rocket League or Yakuza zero. I havent played H1z1 so I cant comment on that one.
I could care less about pubg not on PS4, we got fortnite anyways
@get2sammyb Doesn't mean it's a good game though, right?
@LieutenantFatman It's a pretty good game. Some might say overrated, but it certainly isn't a bad game.
That's all subjective though, isn't it?
@themcnoisy Yeah, I understand that. That can be incredibly disheartening for sure. They definitely should have finished the game on PC before even announcing a release for other platforms.
They got greedy. There's already outrage on the PC front, and they're paying attention to it, but the game is so damn popular that it hardly makes a difference.
It's a good game, but Bluepoint have gotten a little too big for their britches.
very true, can't please everyone
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