As is becoming an annual tradition here at Push Square Towers, we’ve corralled our core group of staff writers and prodded them until they’ve told us what their favourite five games of the year are. With such a strong assortment to select from, added force was required in some instances. We told Kell we'd take away his traditional Aussie BBQ if he didn't write this list.

Fifth Choice: Destiny 2
I actually hate that I have to put Destiny 2 on this list. It’s a feature-incomplete game with a bizarre endgame setup, and a frankly predatory loot box system. All of those things annoy and disgust me in equal measure. And yet, I had too much fun playing it with friends for it not to make the list. There’s something so tactile and visceral about the way Bungie games play, and this one is no exception. Jumping around and shooting aliens with comrades is a gleeful experience marred by a bevy of unethical business practices.

Fourth Choice: NieR: Automata
I have never played a Yoko Taro game before, but after stumbling my way through NieR: Automata I’m now happy to count myself as one of his fans. Like Hideo Kojima or David Lynch, Taro seems to operate on a separate plane of existence from the rest of us. The result is a game that is inexplicably better than the sum of its parts. Somehow the combination of shallow combat, a convoluted story, janky visuals, and bizarre difficulty spikes makes for one of the more compelling experiences this year.

Third Choice: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
As we noted in our review, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy feels like a compilation of the franchise’s greatest moments. It’s lean, it’s fast, and, like the serial films on which its foundation is built, it leaves you wanting more. This is in stark contrast to some of its progenitors, which quickly lose momentum in their final acts. It also features some genuinely interesting puzzles, a bunch of joyfully explosive set pieces, and dialogue that manages to be witty and heartfelt, often at the same time.

Second Choice: What Remains of Edith Finch
What Remains of Edith Finch is the smartest melding of game mechanics and narrative in recent memory. Indeed, several moments left me speechless at their sheer ingenuity. There’s also an alarming variety of different types of stories told in completely different ways, and its frankly flooring that the whole thing maintains any sense of internal logic. It’s hard to explain why this game is so inspired without giving away all its tricks, but needless to say, it comes highly recommended.

First Choice: Night in the Woods
There are a bunch of reasons Night in the Woods is my game of the year, but I think the most pertinent is how much it spoke to me and my situation. As I completed my final year of Uni, I began to see more and more of myself in its main character Mae – the anxiety, the uncertainty, the need for everything to stay the way it has always been. It perfectly captured those feelings, and helped me work through them in positive ways. I owe it a lot.
Game of the Year is off and running, and what better way to start than with some deep Kell cuts? Do you share anything in common with our token Aussie’s faves? Tell us if you think he’s got the perfect blend in the comments section below.
Comments 25
Excellent write up. I've actually only played one of the games on this list, Uncharted TLL. But I am very keen (even more so now) to play Night in the Woods and NieR: Automata.
Still on the fence with What Remains of Edith Finch as I've not yet enjoyed a Walking Simulator, I assume this is one of those. Might have to look into it at some point as it gets a lot of praise. I'm doing my best to stay well away from games with predatory loot box systems so Destiny gets a hard pass from me.
Great choices - Night in the Woords is my top not played game of 2017. I am hoping it might go on sale after Christmas and I'll get a chance to give it a go. What Remains of Edith Finch was one of my top picks of the year - I felt it overcame the limitations of a 'walking' sim by experimenting cleverly with mechanics while telling a satisfying story.
Great list, Kell! I haven't played most of these - I've been meaning to play Edith Finch and Night in the Woods for sure, but sadly didn't get around to them. Really looking forward to playing them eventually.
Destiny certainly is one of those games that feels light on content and, where Destiny 2 is concerned, dumbed down and with more 'micro-transaction' based loot. Of course that loot can be obtained without any extra expenditure - but chances are you will miss out - if getting every ship, sparrow, shader, ornament, emote etc is important to you.
Despite the lack of content and how more basic Destiny 2 feels, you look at the amount of hours you have spent on the game and that lack of content doesn't seem to tally up - you've played more hours than Witcher 3 (and its DLC) and H:ZD combined - it doesn't seem to add up - especially as I don't play crucible... Maybe because you have 3 Guardians - effectively playing through the game 3 times. The game-play is certainly solid and smooth.
I still think a lot of peoples issue with Destiny is that they are expecting something more akin to the 'traditional' FPS - like Halo, CoD etc. That epic campaign that you play through Solo, with a main character and supporting cast to deliver a complete story with a satisfying end. Then maybe spend the rest of the time in a 'separate' MP and/or 'co-op' (like Zombies in CoD for example). What they don't get is that the Story is more of an 'introduction' to the world, the end game etc and that those missions are meant to be 'replayed' over and over again - in D1 these were 'daily' missions, like 1-3 person strikes and in D2, these are now Ikora's challenges. You wouldn't want a 'long' mission with a lot of dialogue/cut scenes over and over and over again. Unlike other FPS games - everything is connected and you don't have a 'main' lead character (like Master Chief) - your Guardian is the same Guardian in MP, Story, co-op etc.
I too put Destiny in my top games as I can't ignore the fact that it keeps me entertained for hundreds of hours. Other games may have stronger Story and/or MP but Destiny must do something right to keep me coming back over and over again, week after week. So much so, I still haven't started some games I bought 2months ago and finished others (like Assassins Creed - but I have put 100hrs into that already...). Therefore I understand why its included.
I think I’ll like Night in the Woods TBH.
I've almost picked up night in the woods a few times. Just wish I knew more about it. Is it a platformer?
Night in the Woods, Edith Finch and Nier are very high up my must-play list. Hopefully Santa brings me PSN vouchers for Christmas!
I really want to play Night in the Woods and What Remains of Edith Finch, maybe they will be available on PSN sales?
Didn't know about Night in the Woods, might have to check it out. Nier and Edith are great picks.
I haven't played any of these games yet but I have had a strong interest in A Night In the Woods for a while,heard so many good things about it.I'm hoping either IGC or a sale.
Thank you! I love these lists and always discover a new game or two; here comes Night in the Woods!
I still haven't played Night in the Woods yet. But I will.
And that's a promise. From me, to you.
Everytime Persona 5 is left off a top 5 or 10 list of 2017, my heart crumbles a little bit. It's a great list otherwise.
I thought Tarrant was the indie apologist?
Anyway, I just remembered I wanted to check out Night in the Woods. I'll sadly have to wait on it.
Night in the woods ABSOLUTELY!!!! I am IN LOVE with it!
From the very moment pushsquare first mentioned it, it seemed special and when it FINALLY released it just went far and above my expectations!
Really hit me in the feels.
And my god people?!?! GO PLAY NIGHT IN THE WOODS!
Nice mix of games. Not sure those top 2 are ones that I could get into but interesting to see some different choices.
You’re killing me by adding another game to my wanted list. NieR was my GOTY and Uncharted LL was my #2. WRoEF is sitting on my PS4 hard drive waiting to be played. So apparently Night in the Woods needs to be on there too. (I’ll pass on Destiny 2)
Night in the woods is never, ever, EVER!! On sale?? They reduce 1000 games and it's still £18.99! Dying to play it tho..
@CFDennett Yep, I know what you mean. Too expensive for me too, looking at their Twitter though, it sounds like they will put it on sale eventually.
@LieutenantFatman Edith Finch has SUPER varied gameplay for a walking sim - it really stretches the genre in some interesting ways. Maybe wait for a sale if they're not usually your thing, though.
@NathanUC I didn't get a chance to play Persona 5 this year, which is devestating because I /LOVED/ Persona 4 Golden on vita.
@ellsworth004 It's kinda like an adventure/text adventure. There's a lot of choosing dialogue options, and some light puzzles and platforming. It's quite varied in gameplay styles actually - you're doing wildly different stuff all the time. There are some rythm sections, and a bit of (very shallow) combat here and there. It's mostly about the story, though.
@get2sammyb I think you would too, actually. It feels a lot like an angsty 80s teen movie.
I'm sure it's worth the money but I seem to buy a full price game every month at the moment, sometimes more. I like to throw in indies here and there (I've bought nex machine and undertale recently) but when it wasn't in the November indie sale I was sure it would be a plus game. Now I'm gonna buy inside cos it's only £7 so another month without night in the woods!
@CFDennett Aye, that's fair. If I see it in a 2018 psn sale I'll leave a comment!
Ha ha, cool.
I can't believe I've yet to play Nier: Automata! Next good sale, it will be mine!
@SkanetWasTaken Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely consider grabbing it when it goes on sale.
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