It's that time again, folks: January's PlayStation Plus lineup has been officially announced. As is becoming a common trend, the recent leak was correct. On PlayStation 4, subscribers are getting Batman: The Telltale Series (that's season one) and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Meanwhile, PlayStation 3 users get Sacred 3 and The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, while PS Vita players get Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness and Uncanny Valley. The latter of those games is cross-buy, by the way, meaning that you can also download and play it on PS4. Not bad.
Last but not least, StarBlood Arena will be available as a bonus title for those of you who own a PlayStation VR headset.
All in all, it seems like a solid start to 2018 for Sony's subscription-based service. What do you make of it? Nod approvingly in the comments section below.
Comments 53
That's a great start on PS Plus. I have these games and both are really great.
Nice. It's a decent offering. Hope the quality remains the same throughout the year.
I've been wanting Deus Ex: MD for a while now & I almost bought Psycho-Pass the last time it went on sale for the vita.
StarBlood Arena is a nice surprise! Keep the VR love coming .
I’m actually really looking forward to mankind divided. Not played any of the past releases but always felt it was a game I could get into. Not to fussed for the other games. But one game I’d like is chalked up as a good result for me. Along with a new vr game to add to my library if I every pick one up
I love the Telltale games so I'm excited to try the Batman series. Not a bad lineup
already have Mankind Divided, its a really good game
looking forward to batman though
The PS3 lineup gets worse and worse urrrgh! The Vita games seem cool
Wow! A month where I own none of the games. What a pleasant surprise! StarBlood Arena is a nice bonus as well!
Thats a good month of games even though i own and have played deus ex to death
Nice, good idea for Starblood Arena, might up the player count. I am well into this month's selection.
@AFCC They really need to just ditch the PS3 now.
Several games that I like and don't have, for a change. Great start, me thinks.
Mankind Divided is the most recent one, right? I have the Wii U one, I think it is called Human Revolution?
If correct, this is good news and I will get it.
All the VR bonus content is making me really think about picking up a VR head set. As I now have 2 (soon to be 3) vr games via Plus. I have the camera and ps move controllers already, if the headset by itself fell to £199, I'd make the jump.
I'm looking forward to Telltale Batman, I've heard it's one of their better games. I already have the very good Mankind Divided.
Good selection on both PS4 and Vita.
@get2sammyb I respectufully disagree. Unwritten Tales 2 is a very good point and click (and easy plat). And Sacred 3 is not bad. I do think Sony should be less Stingy and open the vault of exclusives. I would love to have a digital copy of TLOU on my PS3, for example.
@get2sammyb PS3 owners pay the sub so thats a little unfair. Grabbing a 10 year old game for the igc would be peanuts for Sony too.
This is one of THE best months. Batman isnt my cup of tea having already finished it but theres 3 games on 3 systems Im willing and happy to play. Great great month.
Mankind Divided was good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as HR. I'm not sure how much people who are not familiar with the series will enjoy it.
@themcnoisy But online gaming is free on PS3 so you're only paying for the games..and the games you get these days are not really worth it.
@get2sammyb First time I read your opinion about this I was like "no no no PS3 still has games"...but now, oh god I'm 100% with you
Great start to the new year, color me happy with this one.
PS3 notwithstanding, that has to be the best lineup since the launch of the console right?
this month seems good
@kyleforrester87 I dont have a ps3 yet its probably unethical to cut a service for paying customers and it would be interesting to see the numbers. So what are ps3 owners paying for the igc or a combination of services?
Maybe Sony use it for positive marketing.. 6 games on igc! Sounds better than 4.
Good selection this month! I'll add both Deus Ex and Batman to my library and hope that I get a chance to play them before my PS Plus subscription runs out in April. I really enjoyed Tales from The Borderlands some months back so I'll be giving Batman first spin.
@themcnoisy Well if they cut the service the only thing PS3 gamers lose out on is the free games and the discounts. Given you don't need it for online play it only really made sense to be a member back when it was launched because you got some of the best AAA games every month. Just seems like the catalogue has become exhausted now and it's better for PS3 owners to save some money and put it into the occasional game they want to buy and own. I mean, the quality is only going to continue to drop off.
@kyleforrester87 The problem with that is that people who have had the service since its start will lose their massive collection of igc games so no it shouldn't be dropped on PS3...
@ReanSchwarzer7 Yes that is a consideration, but I guess if they are happy to keep paying £5 a month (or whatever it is now) to keep a bunch of games that they probably don't play anymore on their virtual shelf they should be free to. That said, they are just rentals, you never owned them going in and it should have always been the expected eventuality when the service one day expires - which it will. Still, maybe Sony will "work something out" with that.
@viciousarcanum It's got to be up there, for sure.
My opinion hasn't changed since the 'leak' that these were the PS4 games this month. I am interested in Deus Ex as its one of those games I never got round to picking up. I don't enjoy the TellTale games and, even though Batman is my 'favourite' superhero, I doubt I will play this - might add it to my download list.
I will add the VR game, like I did with previous VR games although I really have little interest in buying a VR headset in the near future.
@themcnoisy @kyleforrester87 I don't know how many PS3 owners pay for PS+ - especially if they don't own a PS4. I can see those people that own both gens getting value and use out of PS+ but for those with just a PS3, I think it would be difficult to justify buying a subscription. The benefits are minimal - extra discounts in store and the free games. If they have been subscribing for years, maintaining a PS+ subscription may feel necessary as they stand to lose access to a LOT of games they may have downloaded.
I think most PS3 owners own a PS4 and therefore the PS+ is primarily purchased for PS4. The PS3 games are an 'extra' bonus.
Its inevitable that the PS3 will lose its 'online' status. Sony will at some point turn off the PS3 servers and, along with that, the IGC games will no longer be accessible or playable. The games, like they are on PS4, are not yours - they are playable on the condition that you have a valid PS+ subscription AND an Online account. If either of these conditions are not met, then the games are not playable. They were never 'indefinite' and, if you look at their status online, they have an 'expiry date'. That date corresponds with the end of your PS+ subscription and can be extended by adding more time to your PS+.
PS+ wasn't overly popular on PS3 - not considering the number of PS3 gamers. In the past 4 years, its membership has significantly grown but even then it seems 1 in 2 don't subscribe. Its probably up to around 30m by now as May 2017 had around 26.4m.
No doubt if/when Sony do turn off the PS3 or decide to stop offering PS3 games, those with PS3's only can decide to cancel their PS+ subscription - thus getting any money owed back but in either case, their IGC library will go. Sony should give notification and so you have time to finish up any games and/or seek to buy any you wish to 'keep' beyond that point. It will happen with PS4 too at some point - but IF Sony's next console(s) offer BC, then maybe they will stay 'alive' on future consoles - similar to the BC on XB1. The majority of '360' games I have 'ready to download' on XB1 were games I got through GwG. I haven't really played any of my 360 disc based games on that.
I am sure Sony would have stated that the games are conditional under the terms of their service and that if the conditions can't be met - either by you cancelling your subscription or not being connected to online, then the games cease to be playable.
And the PS3 lineup is yet again terrible.
The PS4 and Vita lineup looks great, though.
@AFCC I really want to try Sacred 3 i loved Sacred 1 on the PC.
Another great line up,have played both Telltales Batman and Deus Ex Mankind Divided and loved them both!
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 is one game I was interested in on the PS3 but to be honest I can't be bothered to use that console for now..
I'm happy they are still giving away VR games too!
I play a lot of Telltale games. For some reason I like them. They are a nice break between long epic RPGs, and huge open world titles. Batman is probably about the 4th or 5th best of the TT games I played (TWAU, TWD, and TotB are prime) which is definitely worth playing. The second season is supposedly even better.
Deus Ex looks worth a try for me.
And as far as PS3 support, I vote to shut down the PS3 servers if it will keep the Gravity Rush 2 servers online
Book of Unwritten Tales 2 seems to be quite popular. Didn't review brilliantly on here but very well thought of on Steam, worth considering?
@BAMozzy or maybe the ps3 subscription could be set to stay open for a nominal sum (say £10 a year) to play all the games you have downloaded on the system but the igc stops.
It will be interesting when it does happen.
They should drop the PS3... HOWEVER Sony should also have it setup where any games that we do have in the IGC that we have access to should be on sale (a worth while sale, not the crappy ones that we have had. In all honesty, I have no idea what the current prices are for most of the bigger named titles) for those who want to keep those games permanently. While there are not many, there are a few that I would like to keep.
This way, they can shut down the service and we would not lose anything we wanted to keep. While they are at it, make it the same for the entire account across all three systems. Same for the Vita and PS4. Have a chance where we can permanently buy the games that are already in our lists.
@themcnoisy The big issue is the way the conditional licences work. They need an active PS+ Subscription and active online access to verify that you are entitled to play those games. It would be difficult to allow people to continue playing those games WHEN they decide to turn off the online servers to PS3.
If they decide to drop PS3 IGC games, It would be interesting to see how many people have a PS3 only and would want to keep playing the IGC games that had been offered. The majority I think would also be on PS4 and would still require a PS+ subscription for PS4 online access. I don't think it makes sense for PS3 only gamers to subscribe.
I agree with @SilentS - Sony should offer a way of buying 'permanent' licenses for those games they offered but even still, a lot of games will lose their 'value' if/when online components are switched off. How much is Killzone 2 and 3 worth now when they are both due to lose a big part of their content (Unless you can play via LAN).
Would PS3 owners be willing to pay £10 a year just to keep playing a few games that could cost a couple of quid to buy outright and knowing that PS3 is coming to its end online. Its over 11yrs old and discontinued by Sony. The PS2 had an extremely long run - only discontinued in 2013 and the last 'online' server closed last year. The PS3 is living on borrowed time now and its only a matter of time before its online servers are switched off entirely.
PS+ games have always had a expiry date and have always depended on certain conditions to remain playable. People have never owned a 'permanent' licence to play and it must have been known that eventually those games would no longer be playable. It would probably make more sense for people to buy the games they want to keep permanently and could cost less than paying £10 a year for the next 2 or 3 years that online functionality remains. You can still play those games online without PS+ - unless Sony have turned those servers off. The PS3 isn't getting many (if any) new releases, has been officially discontinued and online support isn't going to go on indefinitely. The OG Xbox lost its 'online' support in 2010 - 5yrs after the 360 came out. Historically - not that we have many generations to consider - online support has ended within 3-5yrs of it being discontinued. When that does happen to PS3, the IGC games cannot check if you have a valid PS+ account and therefore will cease to work. How Sony handle that, we will have to see but the games were never 'yours' and you only ever had conditional access.
The banham game is worth a try.
God damnit, I already finished Batman a few months ago! I genuinely think it's a great title, though. Never played a Deus Ex so this month is pretty cool for me (the less said about Starblood Arena the better, but credit to Sony for adding more games since we're paying more).
I already have both PS4 titles. But I’m excited with the Vita game, for some time I’ve been wanted to buy the Psycho-Pass game, I loved the anime...
@DASchenk every time I see your avi it makes me assume you're @shogunrok in a cheerful mood.
Not bad!
@Johnnycide Lmao @DASchenk's is the original (minus the crazy eyes). The character I have is based on him somewhat.
i was just thinking of buying the TellTale Batman game
guess i can save my money now then ^_^
Stoked about Psycho-Pass!
And BoUT2 is a really nice p&c game - but also available on PS4.
@Flaming_Kaiser I saw a trailer and I was no impressed! But maybe I'm wrong
@get2sammyb I actually disagree (no offence) about ditching PS3 free games. The reason being that I know a few younger gamers who only have PS3’s and with the massive catalog of games available Sony should be giving away AAA’s each month, even if they offered them in times past.
Sony has nothing to lose and those kids will be lifelong PlayStation fans as a result of Sony’s generosity.
Not to mention the fact that since they are still paying for PS+, they deserve much better than what they are being given.
Excellent line-up as far as I'm concerned.
I've purchased my PS4 in August so I have a lot of catching up to do and this gen has an enourmous catalogue of great games. With limited time and money a lot of games get the 'maybe someday' stamp (which they don't always deserve). I consider the line-up good when there is 1 game I've disgraced with the stamp on offering.
This month's offering however managed to include 4 of them!
I'm at work now and struggling not to yell 'cowabunga' and pretend I'm on a surfboard.
@AFCC I loved Sacred 1 massive world, how skills worked i even loved it with the the sometimes broken campaing if they fixed it i would buy it in a heartbeat. Maybe Sacred 3 will be fun.
@Flaming_Kaiser Never played it! Maybe I'll try this one !
A lot of adventure games this month - Telltale Batman, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Psycho-Pass... A Deus Ex is also neat, seemingly another action-adventure with RPG elements and large areas (open world or large mission levels like Dishonored?), so checking it out as usual. The "sweet fruit out of reach" award of mine goes to Sacred 3 and the most anticipated entry is probably Uncanny Valley. What I've looked up about the gameplay so far seems quite promising!
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