Atlus isn't hanging around: it wants to know if people are eager for Persona 6. Obviously, the sequel seems inevitable at this point, but it's still interesting to see the company mention it in its latest Japanese survey. Said survey goes over many of Atlus' properties, asking fans about platforms, spin-offs, and even remakes.
Strictly on the Persona side of things, the lengthy survey puts forward ideas for potential spin-offs, such as online role-playing games, strategy role-playing games, more fighting games, and, er, shooters. We just want more Persona, to be honest.
Anyway, it's an interesting survey, and one that's bound to spark a lot of speculation. What do you want from Persona as a franchise? Get creative in the comments section below.
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 20
Don't come with spin-offs! Do Persona 6
give us a PS4 collection of the first 4 games, that would be nice
Lol I like how they didn’t say anything bout Shin Megami Tensei the main series I wouldn’t be surprised if some PlayStation fans wouldn’t mind or would want SMT back on PlayStation while Nintendo fans (or fanboys whatever you’d like to call it) would like Persona on well Nintendo...
Female protagonist.
@FullbringIchigo I think P1/2 should get remakes first tbh
Start on it right away.
No spin-offs. No fighting. No shooting. No online.
Persona 6.
@Derpie1 Good point **** **** for not getting it on PS4.
@Derpie1 probably would be a good idea to remake them first actually
@Derpie1 yeah, it would be a sweet deal. Especially since Persona 5 pretty much has no chance of a Vita port and Sony has no plans for a Vita successor. After all four (technically, even five) previous "mainline" Personae have gone portable at some point, it would be a waste. I mean, there IS remote play as a compromise, but nonetheless. Meanwhile, I don't see why SMT flagships wouldn't do nicely on a platform whose audience has never been strangers to dark, edgy and philosophical experiences. Or did Atlus find Nocturne sales so underwhelming back in the day?
I just want the game and persona 4 golden remake on ps4.
It's hilarious to read "please no spinoffs" comments about Persona series, frankly. Tall about historical irony! Meanwhile, why not? More stuff like Devil Survivor, more stuff like Raidou Kuzunoha (and maybe more localisations of the past games? Nah, if Capcom doesn't see a point in bringing Great Ace Attorney over...), more crossovers like Persona Q or Tokyo Mirage Sessions? One could even negotiate a neat roster for a possible Project X Zone 3 since Sega has been involved before anyway. And while these last examples are on Nintendo hardware, I wonder if it has ever occurred to Sony that they could try some crossovers with their own large portfolio, too.
I want it all.
@YummyHappyPills Persona 3, 4 and 5 on Switch would be good to be fair cause 5 isn't on Vita.
Honestly, I don't mind spin-offs, but I think they should reel them back a bit so we don't wait another 8 years for P6. And yes, I'm talking about spin-offs within the Persona sub-series for those who feel like being cheekily specific.
It's unlikely, but I would like to see P1 and 2 get remakes outside of the PSP. I'd personally also want a some ultimate edition of 3 with the content of FES and P3P on PS4.
as much as i have enjoyed persona 3, 4 and 5, i have had more than my fill. the franchise is becoming stale in my opinion and has failed to evolve much at all. in fact, i would say persona 5 is a more polished version of persona 4, but failed to deliver any new ideas to really shake up the gameplay or progression systems. how many times can one spend 100+ hours doing similar tasks before it all becomes too familiar and fatigue sets in? i hate to say this and i do not mean to offend anyone... but many of those who swear by persona in its current form (and are happy to replay a given persona game 3 times or more) and want yet another re-hashed persona game that does not change the formula likely has a serious case of OCD and will never get enough of it anyways. the developers should not listen to these types of "fans" because they are a minority. "normal" gamers like to experience new ideas and concepts from time to time.
i am looking forward to persona teams NEW IP, "project re fantasy". a new setting, mechanics and change of pace is exactly what atlus needs right now, not another re-hashed persona game.
so NO, i am NOT eager for another persona game. the series has been a blast and at one time was an original, engaging and fresh ip... but it no longer has the legs to carry forward. before atlus greenlights another sequel, they need to take it to the drawing table and reinvent the series in some meaningful ways. i would be fine to see persona 6 released in 5-7 years.
For now, just P4 for PS4, please. Then, more.
@YummyHappyPills Can't wait for Shin Megami Tensei on PS4, it will be amazing to play this game on PS4. ^^
I’d be most interested in Persona 6, rather than a dance game, or fighter, or ... shooter. I vote for the color theme to be green. Or Purple. And have it take place in the West. Maybe this time a Japanese foreign exchange student moving to Europe or America and discovering his Persona there.
@nessisonett That's not going to happen, but Shin Megami Tensei is definitely coming to PS4.
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