It’s the start of a new year and, we don’t know about you, but everything feels weird. It’s like, everything is different and yet still the same. The good news is that the weekend has arrived to rip you free from your existential crisis, so here are the games that we’re planning to play over the next couple of days.
Sammy Barker, Editor
As a veteran fan of the franchise, I feel I must point out that I’ve been on the Yakuza train since near the beginning, so the recent popularity of the series is making me feel like my favourite underground band just landed a chart-topping hit. Nevertheless, I’m already confident in saying Yakuza 0 is the best instalment yet – it’s the writing that’s the star this time, which is sharper than it’s ever been.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
I'm delving into the depths of Bitterblack Isle this weekend – the brilliant endgame dungeon of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. The plan is to clear it out before review season starts, but it's no walk in the park...
Stephen Tailby, TBD
I remembered to download Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition just before it was removed from PS Plus, so I'll probably make a start on that. I haven't played either of the Darksiders games, so I'm really curious to finally try one out for myself.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
After finally putting Yakuza 0 to bed, I’ll be starting to play NieR: Automata this weekend. So many people went on about how great it is during 2017 that I thought I better check it out myself. Despite having my gaming plate full, all of it will be put on hold at various points over the weekend so I can cheer on Obey Alliance in the finals of the SMITE World Championships.
Gabriella Petty, Reviewer
Finished up Deus Ex: Mankind Divided last night. Apart from a pesky bug that I encountered half way through the campaign, I had fun with it nonetheless. Up next is a game I’ve been meaning to play called Observer. I’ve made a habit of speed-running through a lot of games recently due to time constraints, but I’m planning on taking my time with this one.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After letting it collect dust for a couple months, I've finally jumped back into Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. I liked it when I played the first couple hours at launch, but life sorta got in the way for my going back to it. But now it's time.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
My partner and I are playing Final Fantasy XIV Online together right now: she on the PC, and me on the PS4. It’s the only numbered game in the series that I’ve never finished, so I’m making a concerted effort to get through the story, which I hear is excellent.
So that’s us out of gas, then, which means it’s over to you. What are you playing this weekend? You know the drill in the comments section below.
Comments 70
Zelda BOTW, maybe some Snes mini and Fez too.
Need to change my avatar, don't I?
Hoping to wrap up the criminally overlooked Prey this weekend, with a side order of Zelda: BotW to change things up.
If you like Arkane Studios other stuff you will love Prey, fantastic game, not quite up there with Dishonoured 1 and 2, but great nevertheless. The only real gripe is with the enemy design, but the world building, setting and story are all fab.
Patapon Remastered 👌🏾
Fortnite, Fifa 18 and Assassin's Creed!
I finished South Park and Wolfenstein this week and I enjoyed both of them a lot!
Maybe I try to play a little bit more Nier! Still in the desert area at the start
@kyleforrester87 No! Only tomorrow! Today is the last day of festivities in some countries ahah
i recently brought all the Resi ports on the PSN sale so i'll be playing those over the weekend
Got my first free weekend in ages off work, my wife’s on a course but my kids seem to be staying in. So I’ll be trying to get them to go out by creating loads of chores. Then get in some gaming I fancy some fast paced gaming so probably nex machina, dariusburt, cod WWII or something similar no preference to which yet just need some adrenaline
Will you really hop around all of those games over the weekend?
I find it really hard to have more that 2 games on the go at any one time personally. I usually try and have two very different titles on the go, if I am playing a RPG for example, I will balance it out with a shooter or platformer. I might add a third game for short bursts too if the mood grabs me, usually a racer like Wipeout or MarioKart8 Deluxe.
Still got a few levels of Captain Toad to do. I was hoping to finish it last weekend but had a nasty cold.
I started Super Mario Odyssey yesterday. It's delightful! I'm so glad they returned to the Mario 64/Sunshine style. Possessing things with the hat is a lovely feature.
Not playing anything on PlayStation platforms at the moment for the first time in ages but I might start Tales of Zestiria in the week ooh or better yet Nier Automata.
Sounds like a plan.....are they old enough for part time work? My youngest has a part time job at McDonald's so the stars often align so that it's just me and my dog, Jack, on a Saturday afternoon (My wife usually does a bit of shopping on a Saturday arvo).
Still playing wonderboy dragontrap on switch, stuck after getting the ring. On ps4 I'm playing momodora reverie under the moonlight and okami hd.
Oh, and shadow of the beast ps4, this game is pretty good
Finished Undertale, great game. Onto Pyre now, loving that as well.
I still have Captain Toad to play, its on my WiiU backlog.
I cannot recommend Nier Automata enough, utterly flipping brilliant game, easily the best music I have heard this year in a videogame.
Be warned, I don't think it gives the best 1st impression, it does have the trappings of a fairly old fashioned open word game but push on through and you will be rewarded, it really is as good as the pundits say.
Jammy so-and-so, enjoy your break squire!
I'm addicted to FIFA 18's story mode with Alex Hunter at the mo. Apart from Thierry Henry's 'acting', it's pretty good. I think PES still plays the better game, though.
going to finish nier automata routes b and c,maybe thursday i will already be back saving disney worlds playing kh final mix
PS4: Prey
PsVita: FFIV
No VR for me this weekend! Working & my PS4 is still recovering from the New Day's-day (?) massacre.
Prey finished downloading though, so I'll be on that. It's pretty good. I'm enjoying the freedom the gloo gun offers.
FFIV when I'm out.
Currently neck deep in Divinity OS2 with a couple of friends. Truly staggering amount of customization and ways to take on a fight. The writing and voice acting is top notch as well!
I'm at an anime convention this weekend. So I don't have time for much gaming.
I'll continue my quirky adventure in Undertale.
Despite the fandom being one of the worst things on the internet, I'm enjoying the game a lot more than I thought I would, which should come as no surprise since I'm a huge Earthbound fan.
I'm hoping to get some Persona 5 in this weekend, also trying to get some Overwatch in too.
@Enuo Nice. There's an anime convention in my town this weekend but sadly I have to work. Have fun.
As for what I will be playing (totally missed that today is Saturday), I will be playing the following.
Switch: Skyrim, Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Street Fighter V / SL Rally Evo. Short sessions whenever I can squeeze ‘m in because I won’t have a lot of game time.
I think I'll keep playing FFIX on PS4 and Mass Effect on PS3. This RPG high isn't dying.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered on PC (despite the ridiculously long enemy turns, this is still ridiculously fun, and is quickly becoming my favorite tactical RPG, full stop!) and Mighty Gunvolt Burst on Switch.
@kyleforrester87 Just keep the avatar and rock it ironically.
BTW, how are you liking Zelda?
I have been playing a lot recently:
SFV: raking in some FM before things change with Arcade Mode. I have now enough for 3 characters without touching online battles. @Shonenjump86 and @Feena were right, there were many ways to get FM. Thanks!
Yooka Laylee: I just expanded the 4th world. Either things changed or idc because it has been fun. Not Odyssey fun of course but close.
Binding of Isaac: beat the Chest for the first time. Now I can fight the angels.
Splatoon 2: ranked matches and League Battles with the Octobrush Nouveau.
Overcooked: got every single star in the main game, we are now wrapping up the DLC content. Boy is this game fun in co op.
@kyleforrester87 keep the Avatar!
Tonight Im playing Gran Turismo Sport. Those track mastery challenges are brilliant. Then tomorrow Im jumping onto Everybodys golf to see what thats like. Then finally cracking on with Odin Sphere at some point tomorrow and for the rest of the week.
Flying around and kicking Nevi with Kat in Gravity Rush 2. Pretty fun so far but it’s just starting to open up. Less than 2 weeks before the servers shut down. (I’m pretty triggered at Sony about that, actually)
And if I need a break from defying gravity, I guess I’ll try the supposed masterpiece Fez. @themcnoisy @kyleforrester87 Why do I feel like a kid at the dinner table whose parents are trying to convince him to eat his broccoli? 😝 You did me a solid in convincing me to play NieR so I owe it to myself to try. 😉
*and if the Christmas decorations are still up at the house, you’re allowed to have the holiday avatar. Still plenty of Christmas trees up.
Don't mention Nier Automata. I've been wanting to get a physical copy since everyone raves about how good it is, but it literally seems to be sold out in the UK. The only available copies are ridiculously overpriced ones. Disappointing.
As for my weekend, I'll be playing Tales of Berseria after finally managing to find a decently priced retail copy in a January sale. Really enjoying it so far. Much better than the disappointment that was Zestiria.
I recently bought Devil May Cry 4 and a Balzblue game that are on sale so I’ll make time for those. I’ll mainly be playing Nier Automata and South Park Fractured But Whole for PS4. For the Switch- Mario Rabbids, Resident Evil Revelations and a few Neo Geo games.
@sinalefa, glad you are getting FM. I’ll also make a little time for Street Fighter V.
Just finished prey - absolutely loved it. Just picked up a lot of games for Christmas. First up is Gravity Rush Remastered finally and it’s very different! I like it so far 😄
I bought Ghost Recon Wildlands for dirt cheap at Redbox, so I'll play that along with some BoTW and maybe Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (I absolutely hate how the main character looks and sounds, so I've been very tepid in regards to my playtime with it.).
@Ralizah @Th3solution @themcnoisy The tree didn't come down today as planned in the end so I guess I'll deal with it (and make a decision on the avatar) tomorrow :')
As for BOTW - I honestly don't know how I feel about it! I wasn't immediately hooked on it, like I was with (say) Nier and Xenoblade 2. So that in itself is telling. But I'm maybe 40-50 hours in and it's certainly got its claws in me. I'm apprehensive because of the number of open world games I've played in the past, and just becoming burnt out on them. So I guess my overall feeling toward BOTW since I started it has been.. suspicion, oddly.
BUT, I am enjoying it at this moment, and I intend to keep playing. So we'll see!
Well the PSVR is not an option this weekend,had a bad cold this week and I'm putting it down to my headset being shared around over Christmas...I really should of washed it before I put it back on..
Anyway..I platinumed the excellent Hitman Go and just have one trophy left to Platinum Lara Croft Go which I'll do tonight...a great game but way too short!
I'll also be playing the fantastic Evil Within 2...just started chapter 4 and ten hours In and just been told there are 17 chapters?woohoo!
I am a Satuma will also get a look in this weekend on the Switch..great game
Not quite nearly 16 & 13 though so not long. Sounds like a dream for you, but it still feels a long time coming for me. Enjoy your day
@Deadlyblack I heard bad things about Undertale fans so played it without reading anything at all about it. So glad I did. Amazing game.
I'm working this weekend so won't be on at all sadly.
Gonna play some more GTA 4, I'm getting pretty far into the game now. Also could do with playing more Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, I really enjoyed it last time I played but I haven't touched it in a while.
Must be a horror fest for me no wonder cant sleep. Just thought of this as im typing.
Friday the 13th the game, the evil within 2, paranormal activity vr, and doom vfr. Goodtimes!
Shadow of the Beast, I will start to play it.
Maybe another game as well, like Resident Evil 7.
@RoyalGuard Great choice with Evil Within 2 What's Paranormal Activity VR like?Haven't seen anything on that one at all.Is it a proper lengthy VR game or just a short VR 'experience'?
@Wazeddie22 havent yet finished it just played about half an hour of it. It was only about 15$ so im expecting 4-5 hours. But the game is DARK and SCARY in vr for sure.
@RoyalGuard Well if it's at least a few hours long I'd be happy with that.Sounds good,I might actually spend my Christmas PSN money on it..then again I haven't gone back to Resi VII since playing that in
Battlefront II believe it or not. I originally Pre-ordered after thinking the Beta was great.....
I then had flashbacks to buying the first one and it dropping to half price within a month.....
Then the ensuing hate and revelation of how money grubbing EA were, are and always will Be came about and saw cancelling my PSN pre-order.
Two months later and it sounds like the bugs have been fixed, EA relented and have opened the game up more, then a new sealed copy on Ebay at only £28 saw me thinking, “go on then” especially after watching the Last Jedi saw my 3 decade old fandom for Star Wars reignited a little.
One evening in.... doesn’t seem too bad if I’m honest. Now there’s a glowing review. Not a single bug yet so far anyway.
@Wazeddie22 To me the lil bit i played was scary. Set your expectations for the controls they take getting used to but you can play with DS4. Makes it alot better imo.
My vacation is almost over as I start school up again on Monday. I managed to play a lot over break and pick up some new games recently. Yesterday I managed to snag my local Gamestop’s only copy of Nier: Automata on sale for $30. When I’m not studying for my upcoming exam I’ll be playing through that and possibly mixing in some Telltale’s Batman, DMC, and Darksiders 2.
I've got a busy couple of weeks so I'm not going to start something new just yet. If I can get near the PS4 I'll carry on playing my shiny new copy of GTA V, I'm enjoying the story much more second time around.
However, I got my wife The Sims 4 for Christmas.
She's hooked.
I've created a monster.
I wish I could say Monster Hunter World.
GT6 before the servers shut down. PAC-MAN arcade, Mario 3d world on Wii u. Finally finished RE7 and really enjoyed it.
Finished RE7 and Not a hero today. Started Dishonored 2. Prey and Metro Redux waiting. Maybe too much first person stuff
Been playing Nier: Automata the past week. Loving the soundtrack and gameplay, though I'm having some trouble getting invested into the characters, which is usually a big thing for me.
I'm excited to see more of the game, and hopefully I'll be done with it before Monster Hunter World comes out.
@PS_Nation @wiiware Shadow of the Beast! I really enjoyed that game. Don't understand why it got as much hate as it did. Glad to see more people give it a go.
@Gatatog Finding a popular JRPG post-launch is a nightmare in the UK. Could not find a new copy of Yakuza 0 anywhere- 6 weeks after launch. Could not afford it at the time as NieR and Horizon released just before it. Amazon put me on a month long waiting list, before they cancelled my order on the last day... Took me 3 months to get a new copy of Yakuza 0.
Since then I've sworn to myself to always buy JRPGs I'm interested in, at launch.
Hope you have better luck finding a copy of NieR.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Switch. Game certainly has problems with clunky menus for example and is a bit too "anime" for my tastes, but I'm enjoying it well enough. The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in quite some while though, freaking Mor Ardain map theme, hits all the right notes for me.
I dusted off my PS3 and found a gem I bought on sale years ago and ignored. Playing through Borderlands 1 GOTY edition. I'll finish my second playthrough this weekend and move onto Gravity Rush 2 before they shut down servers and grab as many dusty tokens possible. Then, 5-6 years later, I'll get to Borderlands 2 in the Handsome Collection.
Hopefully getting last trophy in assassin's Creed origins for Platinum. After that im gonna start Okami, from what little I've played so far it seems pretty good.
completed Uncharted Lost Legacy yesterday. This game is really so much better then Rise of The Tomb Raider which i played earlier in the year.
Started bloodborne recently and now I'm hooked so probably quite a bit of that. Who knew getting my butt handed to me over and over could be so fun!
Switch - Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2
3DS - Metroid: Samus Returns
@Fight_Teza_Fight Yeah, the design, the lore and the music is really good, I bought it when its discounted a couple of days ago but if I know the game is this good I would bought it day one
pc: half life 2 and dragon age origins . can`t wait to play DA.
PS4: Dishonored , after playing the first one i`ll play 2 and dlc.
ps3: I have many games but not much time for it. but i guess i`ll play MGS : peace walker
AC origins and Gravity Rush 2. Damn Sony why are you killing the servers? How much money does that save?
I finally beat Uncharted 4 recently...planning to either resume Ratchet & Clank or start Uncharted: The Lost Legacy soon.
Zelda Breath of the wild and Pes 2018. I've just finished the story in Zelda so I'm in that horrible don't know what to play next stage.
I played salt&sanctuary on vita and Doom multiplayer on switch
@JohnnyShoulder Xenoblade Chronicles 2
So I finally got the Platinum for assassin's Creed origins. So I was looking for something a little different to play. Been playing okami and that game is great, but also picked up gravity Rush in the latest sale. That game has really surprised me, it's a very good game. Looking forward to playing through it and GR2. But first im gonna try to finish okami, beautiful game.
@legalstep Don’t even get me started about the GR2 servers. Good game though.
@ToddlerNaruto Both excellent choices. Since you just finished Thiefs End, maybe take a short break from the series and do R&C. You’ll probably appreciate LL much better that way. Unless you are the kind of person who would enjoy playing the UC’s back to back to compare the evolution of the series.
@Th3solution I tried playing Lost Legacy next and got bored, decided to try out Kingdom Hearts 2.8 instead.
I'm playing Dream Drop as Sora now, just found Rhyme at the Colosseum in Traverse Town.
Still trying to see if I can put up with the errand-running in Witcher 3 and see it to completion. Not looking good. I've put in maybe 30-35 hours and haven't had a ton of fun. 90% of the game is running to and fro and watching cutscenes; Novigrad in particular was awful. I'll give Skellige a chance but will drop the game permanently if things don't improve quickly.
Otherwise, playing Mario Odyssey and loving it.
@kyleforrester87 good shout it looks really good but feeling a bit open worlded out at the mo so may jump in at a later date.
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