If you’ve been unfortunate enough to watch British television over the past ten years, you’ll be familiar with the Go Compare guy – a chubby dude with a fake moustache who performs opera in a variety of weird and wonderful scenarios, informing unwitting consumers about its insurance evaluation website. This new PlayStation 4 Pro ad is basically that.
While the manufacturer may not want consumers to go compare with competing premium consoles, this is actually the first time (to our knowledge) that the platform holder has promoted the supercharged system as a standalone entity. There have been various trailers, and the system’s featured in multiple game ads, but it’s never taken the spotlight quite like this.

It’s probably a sign that Sony feels more comfortable talking up the advantages of the refreshed hardware now that consumers appear to have wrapped their heads around how this whole “mid-gen upgrade” thing works. Terrible ad, though.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 20
It's too late for me to push that play button. The last thing I need is someone like that GoCompare guy in my head when I'm trying to sleep. 😂
To this day, I absolutely refuse to even visit the GoCompare website, even when my insurance is due for renewal. The adverts are so irritating, I actually don't want to support them in any way. Pretty sure advertising isn't supposed to have that effect.
@Jake3103 Not going to lie, I quite liked the bridesmaids one. It's just absolute nonsense.
@get2sammyb Why oh why did I click on that link? Sammy, you’re ruining me. 🤣
@Jake3103 Insure your shih tzu! FANTASTIC!
I avoid Go Compare like the plague due to that annoying advert, so I'm not even going to watch that PS4 Pro advert. Why didn't they copy the meerkat one instead?
@get2sammyb As an American who has never heard of that company or its ads, thank you for showing me this.
I find opera generally irritating, but this is nowhere near as bad as the Go Compare ads.
@Tingle_The_Great One of the reasons I brought it up. You’re welcome! 😂
Yeah, never seen a Go Compare ad, but this ad is brilliant! Love it.
I saw a PS4 Pro commercial a week ago in my country (Croatia). I have never heard of this guy/commercial but thank you for letting me know about this
Pro Compare!
I think my favourite adverts for comparison websites are the Skeletor moneysupermarket ones, great fun.
But gocompare is the site I always use as I've found it to be the most useful.
The worst was confused.com - rubbish.
Oh man I hate those ads.
This world, that is so filled with evil and hate, is still capable of good. It is not beyond redemption.
The ad was a bit rubbish but I must say, Far Cry 5 is looking good.
Next thing they'll use Meerkats to advertise the PS4.
Hideous ad, really.
Doesn't make me wanna get a Pro.
I have no idea who the Go Compare guy is, but that ad was brilliant, I enjoyed it a lot! No clue why the comment section is full of hate - it was funny, made its point and the guy surely can sing. Any ad is MUCH better with this kind of music rather than modern pop/pop-rock anyway
"im in your house" to the tune of figaro....me chuckle long time..
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