Bloody Dynasty Warriors 9. What a bitter disappointment that turned out to be. Now that I've had time to reflect on Koei Tecmo's latest and my own review of the game (which you can read through here), I've come to the conclusion that I've had my heart broken by a video game, and I'm still coming to terms with it.
Now look, I'm not going to pretend that being disappointed with a game is a big deal, but Dynasty Warriors has been a staple of my gaming life since I was a clueless little kid. I have fond memories of spending hundreds of hours playing through Dynasty Warriors 3, 4, and 5, often in co-op with my brother. Such heady days.
As I got older, Dynasty Warriors became something of a comfort food, and when I started writing about video games professionally, I was given the opportunity to express my adoration for a largely misunderstood franchise. I've reviewed a whole bunch of Warriors titles for Push Square over the last several years -- mostly because no one else gives a sh*t -- and I've always tried my best to express what it is they do well.
There's the satisfaction of mowing down hundreds of enemies with just a few attacks, the spectacle of seeing whole armies flood the screen. There's even the act of taking historical figures and turning them into completely over-the-top demigods. Warriors games aren't for everyone, but those of you who have enjoyed even just one or two titles over the years will know where I'm coming from.
And then there's Dynasty Warriors 9. The game's much discussed move to an open world format had seemed iffy to me from the very start, but I was willing to give it a try. When the review code landed, I'll admit I was pretty excited. After all, Dynasty Warriors had been missing in action for a good few years, and I was more than ready to dive right back into ancient China and start smashing skulls once again.
My first couple of hours with Dynasty Warriors 9 left me bemused. I find that reviewing games is, for the most part, pretty straight forward. I can usually play a game for maybe two or three hours and have a reasonably clear idea of how much I'm going to like it. There are exceptions to that rule, of course, but this was a Dynasty Warriors game -- I knew what I was getting into as soon as it was announced.
Or at least, I thought I did. Like I say, that first session was like sneezing and farting at the same time -- you don't really want to go through it again, but you're still kind of curious as to what the hell just happened. In hindsight, it's clear that I was left dumbfounded by how terrible Dynasty Warriors 9 initially seemed. It looked like a PS3 game, the open world seemed like a totally unfinished tech demo for something much more, and they'd replaced every English character voice that'd I'd grown up with.
Needless to say, it took time for me to really wrap my head around what I was playing. As I sunk in a few more hours, things did start to click. I started to understand the structure a bit more, and, dare I say it, I started to enjoy myself. But it was this weird kind of enjoyment -- a feeling that I've never really come across when playing a game for review. Like I was almost forcing myself to have fun -- like I was obliged to have fun purely because I'm a fan of Dynasty Warriors.
Every franchise, big or small, has its supporters. Dynasty Warriors has always had a relatively limited but loyal fanbase outside of Japan, and it's these people who have taken it upon themselves to champion the series. I should know because I'm one of them, but Dynasty Warriors 9 wouldn't let me remain positive for long. Like I wrote in my review, it's a game of extreme ups and downs. I loved charging into battle with an entire army by my side, and I really enjoyed some of the smaller story moments and cutscenes. But for everything it gets right, Dynasty Warriors 9 gets something else completely wrong.
And I think that's the real gut punch. I was taking those moments of enjoyment and I was using them to cover up the game's many, many flaws. It got to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore -- the fanboy glasses finally came off when an enemy officer clipped through a wall and sent the frame rate down into the pits of hell. I distinctly remember muttering "nah, this is f*cking sh*te" under my breath.
Watching something that you really want to like fall apart before your very eyes is difficult. It's like sexting someone only for them to write "your" when it should be "you're". You know the jig's up, even though you want to keep going.
Has a game ever left you heart broken? Pour one out for Ramsey, and then tell us your own tales of woe in the comments section below.
Comments 43
"Like sexting with someone only for them to write your instead of you're."
What? 😶
I feel you. I'm just barely enjoying that game myself, but it just doesn't feel right. Now I can only hope the don't screw up the next Samurai Warriors in the same way.
@ellsworth004 Editor joke.
@ShogunRok yeah I realize it was a joke, just didn't get it lol. Sounds like a ocd thing.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I agree there Destiny 2 has been a sucker punch to put it mildly. I spent hundreds of hours in the 1st but can't even force myself to boot up the sequel after only 30 or so hours. It's almost of if they are physically unable to logically learn from feedback and mistakes of the past. Absolutely mind boggling.
As far as Dynasty Warriors goes, I too remember being awed back in the day by the scale of the first few titles. My interest waned in the PS3 Era as they didn't really change much. Sucks to hear this new entry is a disappointment.
@ShogunRok maybe you should marry yakuza.and get a divorce from shenmue.and sammy marry taylor swift.and i will marry kd aubert.😳😂😔😱.word up son
After I bought only one game (DW8) I felt like I had played them all!
They do the same thing over and over it seems
First Mass Effect, now Dynasty Warriors.. its almost as if you have rubbish taste in games go play Nier, that'll cheer you up!!!
@kyleforrester87 FFS Kyle these games WERE good and now they're BAD. THAT'S THE POINT!
At least there's always DW3...
This is pretty much how I felt when FF13 came out. Having played almost every FF leading up to that point, the fanboy glasses came off around the 25 hour mark. This is part of the reason I have yet to play more than 20 minutes of FFXV, i'm worried I will be let down again, and I don't think my heart could handle another FF letdown.
Should never review a series you're emotionally attached to, its why I'd never review Leisure Suit Larry.
@RedMageLanakyn yeah same happened with me on 13. That realisation and the years in between to reflect are ultimately what let me enjoy FF15 for what it was, though.
I am so sorry, as a Warrior fan, that this game made you feel that way. I won't get it (another sad review was the one from Jim Sterling, another DW fan), as most of the lovers of the serie felt betrayed. And I had high hope for this game to be a nice "second youth" for the gendre....
Similar feelings I had while playing the last Mass Effect.... or Destiny 2
Yup, Nintendo's E3 2015. My rose tinted glasses were knocked clean off.
@ShogunRok unfortunately not all editors are so zealous about their grammar and proofreading 😞
cough yoursistersite’sneweditor cough cough
@ShogunRok “That first session was like sneezing and farting at the same time — you don't really want to go through it again, but you're still kind of curious as to what the hell just happened.”
😂 What an image!
@ShogunRok Samurai warriors has surpasssed it they don't even try with dynasty warriors anymore
@YummyHappyPills You are not the only one. I kept forcing myself to play and after about 30 hours I'm done. The game simply isn't fun. At all. Big boring open areas and combat that takes forever. Simple encounters should not be a chore.
When I first got the game I enjoyed it apart from the dull open world but the more i played the less I liked it too the point I've stopped playing. Will be trading it this weekend, as I can see the price dropping quickly.
I just hope No Nu Kuni 2 doesn't disappoint.
Think i will trade it for dragon ball a fighter z
Maybe when Dreams comes out someone could make a proper Dynasty Warriors game.
Its mentioned above but Mass Effect Andromeda.
I dont care what anyone else felt or even what I read. I was excited and couldnt wait.
One hour in it was like the time my ex told me she had found someone else. Except this time I didnt punch the air and shout hallelujah Im free to visit Thailand! I instead sat there on the couch upset.
@RedMageLanakyn I'm impressed you got 25 hours into XIII. As a fanatical fan of the franchise and day one purchaser, I was so excited for that game, and... I couldn't get more than ten hours in. Every moment I spent with that game broke my heart.
I experienced a... milder form of this feeling when playing Layton's Mystery Journey this year. It looks and sounds like Layton, but the puzzles suck, the characters lost their charm... I was in denial for a few weeks, but eventually I just had to admit to myself that it wasn't a good game. At least, not on the same level as the previous six Layton adventures.
I personally believe T/K don't give a flying **** about this franchise anymore this game seems rushed to me. The ideas rushed the gameplay nothing changed and graphics and polish rushed to hell.
Curious.... Does anyone whose played it think there's a chance that maybe they can add more content as they go via dlc, and patches, to help make it feel compete? The division launched in such a scrambled state, and even then I still enjoyed it. Today with the patches and dlc the game finally feels complete. Any hopes dw9 could do the same? I'm super bummed to read these reviews, was really crossing my fingers for this one
Lol. I have no interest in DW, much less reading an article about the worst one in the series. Yet, I had to read this for the brilliant one-liners. 😂
@clvr I peeked over there awhile ago after hearing they have a new editor, and while they definitely haven't learned to proofread yet, they have a far bigger problem to fix in their (lack of) source checking and constant clickbait.
@Ralizah If I remember correctly, I spent about 12 hours when it first released, took a break for about a month, and thought "eh, I'll give it another shot" and was done after another 12-13 hours. Definitely disappointing, though as others have mentioned above, the heartbreak I felt with Andromeda may never heal.
@DG42Velka Anything's possible, but it'd take a lot of tweaking and reworking to make DW9 into a good game. It's definitely rushed and feels unfinished at times, but many of its problems exist on a fundamental level. As much as I'd want to see DW9 get the support it needs, I'm just not sure Koei Tecmo will bother, especially if the game doesn't sell well.
Mega Man Legends 3. That's the kind of heartbreak that just won't go away. Even if Capcom revisits it in the future, it won't erase the bad feelings that whole debacle created.
Metal Gear Solid V is this game for me, because i always expect a great narrative, instead they delivered a weak story and forgettable characters. I also didn't like how they handled Ground Zeroes, it was a glorified expensive demo. Of course that's my opinion only, i understand that many people here love the game.
@ShogunRok Yeah I feel the same man. I grew up playing Dw 3, 4 and 5 with my best friend. Life goes on and now we barely talk (only stories about job and our "almost" wives").
And to me warriors is always a relaxing experience, but I really enjoy the series also.
But to me SW3 aside the Samurai focused games always bested the Chinese equivalents. So I hope that SW5 rocks so hard that I won't even remember China.
That said, thanks for all the Warriors reviews, please never stop.
@RedMageLanakyn I already found Mass Effect 2/3 to be incredibly disappointing in comparison to the original, so my expectations were at rock bottom for Andromeda.
@Rockman55 That's how I feel about Silent Hills.
Lets hope for DW 9 XL-we are sorry-edition!
The open world setting, with some tweaks, could fit the Empire spin off...
Not sure I have a gaming analogy but I felt the same punch in the pop culture goolies when I saw The Last Jedi. It is tough when something you love just doesn't cut the mustard.
That said, I enjoy sneezing and farting at the same time. That is some good time management - and people say men can't multi-task. Tsk.
@arnoldlayne83 I suppose it could, kind of. But it'll still need a large number of gameplay tweaks to make it work properly. Ugh, it's terrible that we're looking to future games just days after DW9 has released — just shows how crappy the situation is.
agree whole 100 %
@RedMageLanakyn oh you’re absolutely right! I didn’t wanna sound like proffreading is their biggest problem, as they have them in spades.
I’m sorry to say this as I’ve been part of that (and this) community for almost 4 years, and I’ve seen it go downhill in that time.
It had become bad before Dom got appointed, but certainly he’s not helping. He’s also way less receptive than Tom, as he rarely replies to the comments, though to his credit I’ll say he changed stuff people were complaining about in very little time (e.g.: not showing charts in the charts articles).
So yeah, I have mixed feelings about NL right now, and I’m not exactly optimistic.
What you feel now is exactly what I felt about Mass Effect 2: you had a formula you thought was awesome and that really worked for you, then a sequel comes along that derails everything; improving certain aspects but also replacing the things you loved with things you didn't want.
@Ralizah My dislike for ME 2-3 is one of the reasons I enjoyed Andromeda. To me it felt much closer to the original game than ME 2/3 did. That's how I managed to tolerate the numerous technical flaws Andromeda had.
I just hope they don't go back to making another Mass Effect 2-style game for the next one, that they instead work on improving the heritage or formula of what the first game offered.
@Bonbonetti ...interesting. What would you say made it feel more like the original to you?
I really liked the more open environments, focus on RPG elements, weapon customization, and focus on exploration.
@Ralizah Yeah, I did not expect to like Andromeda at all, I had more or less given up on the entire franchise. I borrowed a disc my brother had, and somehow it hit a note with me.
'I really liked the more open environments, focus on RPG elements, weapon customization, and focus on exploration.'.
That is exactly what I liked about the first game as well. I would also add that the combat felt more tactical in the first game than in any of the sequels, including Andromeda. I remember having to really think about which squadmates to bring with me and how to place them in each combat map. I never thought about that in any of the sequels, the AI simply managed themselves.
What Andromeda did better than Mass Effect 2-3, was the big open environments, a much stronger focus on exploration, and more extensive and interesting weapons' customization. Andromeda did not surpass the first game in these areas, but for me it was better than what ME 2-3 offered.
After the disappointment of the storylines and characters in ME 2-3, I was positively surprised by what Andromeda had. It was clean slate more or less, and I really liked the premise of it. The first game had an epic space opera feel to it, something that vanished in the sequels. Andromeda felt like a return to that.
There are plenty of things Andromeda did wrong, most notably the technical issues, but to me it did most other things better than ME 2-3. That's probably the bottomline for me: it's not that I think Andromeda is a stellar 10/10 game, which I consider the first game to be, instead it's that it would have been a better sequel than ME 2.
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