Game Informer's month long coverage of Insomniac's Spider-Man has begun, and it's started with a bang. The release date for the PS4 exclusive Spidey game has been revealed, and you'll be swinging through the streets of New York City come 7th September 2018. Check out the video above for some new footage, too.
This release date is a little later than many were anticipating, but it's nice to finally have confirmation either way. The open world superhero title follows April's God of War and May's Detroit: Become Human as another strong PS4 exclusive for 2018, and kicks off Sony's line up heading into the end of the year.
Are you excited to play Spider-Man in September? Swing down to the comments below.
Comments 70
Just a few days before my birthday. Happy birthday to me.
Oh man, Dragon Quest 11 or Spiderman for my birthday, now that's a tough choice...
I am leaning towards Spiderman because I haven't played a game in that series in a long time.
I'm beyond hyped ! This is why I'm a PS gamer , amazing exclusives .
Any other exclusives slated for the second half of the year or is that it?
Either way its official - itll be at E3...again. Again.
On the plus side this leads me on to believe something.
If a Sony first party game is announced, it will be released between 2 to 3 E3s later. That's actually not a bad idea to run things like that so long as they have consistent new things each year and are consistent with it.
Find that rhythm and keep it going kinda thing.
Still, I'm hyped. I still prefer Batman but this cant be worse than his last game, so bring it on Spidey.
I am cautiously optimistic on this one. Though I still want a Spiderman DLC where you play a window cleaner and you have to clear up all the webby goo from the windows.
Bit further away then I thought but I wonder if their announcing this now ahead of Infinity War and September is when the Blu Ray releases.
Can not wait! Game looks incredible!
Nice. I like a good Spidey game (TASM2 is actually decent).
I really should work on my backlog...
Wow, sooner than I thought it would be. I was thinking a November release.
Hell yes. Along with The Last of Us Pt. 2 this is by far my most anticipated PS4 title. Can't wait. It just looks like it brings every Spider-Man fantasy I had in my head from when I was a kid to life. Very tempted to order that tasty collector's edition, too.
Now the wait begins.
Which isn't that bad since it's only September.
Time to add this game to my collection of countdown timers!
Ughh September 7. i just hope it release in June or August
However will we cope seeing a cool upcoming game at E3 for the third time? Someone call the police!
In April, Yakuza 6 and God of War!
In September, Dragon Quest XI and Spider-Man!
My wallet is crying
@RogerRoger Ha ha thanks - yes, I saw Justice League this weekend and just had to add.
Buuuuh! Release it now
Going to be a long wait until sept...
Nice thats a good date.word up son
Noo I thought it will be released on july or august
@get2sammyb I'm hoping this will be in the highlight reel and something new and shiny will be given the spotlight. We're starting to move into the PS4's twilight years so I think these games represent the system's swansong lineup before the focus turns to PS5 late next year.
So this and Shadow of the Tomb Raider in September. That'll be almost as good as Yakuza 6 and God of War this month.
@Turismo4GT It'll probably just get a new trailer. If people can't cope with three minutes of an upcoming, blockbuster game then maybe they shouldn't be watching E3 pressers to begin with.
They're literally live commercials at the end of the day.
@wiiware yeah, Sony made weird decision on this game and Days Gone.. no exclusive game for August
@Kidfried Is Medievil confirmed for 2018? I dont recall that. Maybe it is.
KH3...we will see. I hope so but...Square.
I wouldnt call DQXI timed exclusivity at all. Its on PC and the Switch version is MIA everywhere. Thats just Square's circumstances until you can prove otherwise.
Now Conrete Genie, theres one I forgot! That looked good.
@DLB3 @get2sammyb Im not complaining about it showing up for a third time.
In fact...I think thats smart. Keep showing people the games are coming.
Keep showing new stuff about them, keep it in their minds until the big marketing push.
And if you do it regularly, like every E3, it creates a rhythm consumers can easily follow.
Its that or we forget it exists and then it shows up again which happens to many a game.
@get2sammyb Damn, September gonna eat my wallet for 4 games i getting in September
NBA 2k19
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Fifa 19
@get2sammyb fair enough. I am really looking forward to this game. Can't wait to see PushSquare's review.
@Kidfried maybe it release in August or October or November
Without meaning to start a uber-nerdy comic book lore debate, I always thought that the web stuff degraded and disintegrated over time....(although it's more than likely that I just imagined that's what happens!)
@get2sammyb Someone made a good point on Twitter. Both God of War and Spiderman were revealed at E3 2016, both now have 2018 release dates. Meanwhile Crackdown 3 was announced E3 2014, still no date.
Bit later than I hoped, but oh well.
July 29th, Dragon Quest XI
September 7th, Spider-Man
Note to self: Put aside £100.
@adf86 maybe Microsoft want save Crackdown 3 release date for their E3 conference to reveal it
Later than I predicted. Doesn’t matter, so many games to keep me occupied till then.
Just pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition.
@adf86 Yeah but that doesn't fit the agenda. Nor did it when Zelda was shown about a billion times.
It's almost like games are difficult to make.
@adf86 @PS4fan Crackdown 3 is a 2019 game and we all know it
@Kidfried Huh. That's awfully fast. Wonder why they didn't show anything, though isn't speculated to be a simple remaster?
here is picture i took screenshot from my PS4 Pro
@get2sammyb There's no agenda - simply an observation.
Look back to E3 2016, and how many people moaned all they had was a game they revealed in 2013.
Can't live in a bubble - every side gets annoyed with this. But unlike Nintendo and MS, Sony has a rhythm and if they honestly stick to this regular showing of stuff, just keep it present instead of letting it vanish for years then pop up again, I'll be happy.
But you seem to be ignoring my latter comments on the matter, after shadow-replying to the first one, but I guess that just fits the agenda. shrug
@get2sammyb I've always said it comes to E3, the console companies should show what's coming over the next 2 to 3 years instead of 6 to 12 months cos you need to show people your willingness to support your product for several years.
@PS4fan Oh yeah it's highly probable, it was more me saying how hypocritical people can be for giving out at Sony for showing the same game at E3 multiple times when other companies do the same.
September 7th is still summer, not fall. Fall starts on September 22nd this year. Just saying
I will buy this game for sure (huge Spider-Man fan), but my backlog of games is so big right now that I'll wait for a price drop or a "complete" edition with all the DLC.
@adf86 Hypocritical. Speaking of hypocrits, you site admin has goes at people for baiting and such, and being passive aggressive, forgetting that we are simply people too. Yet that's against the rules
Either way, so long as they dont FFXV it, or KH3 it, you know, show a game that never comes, then we are all good.
It's strange. I hated E3 2016 because for every company it was a retread in a fair few ways, for instance Zelda and most of MS, were games we knew were coming, but Sony avoided it the most because it was games we saw only comparatively recently.
I wonder if the tolerance for it really differs game dependant. I know in the Nintendo sphere people were sick of XC2 being shown off despite having just shy of a year between reveal and release. Same with Super Mario Odyssey. By the end they just wanted the thing to come out and for Nintendo to shut up and release it. A "We know already" kinda situation.
I think Sony has gotten off pretty lightly. It was only E3 2017 that kinda got that flak, but it was really PGW and PSX that sealed it for people.
No one company is safe from the "Its coming we swear" problem.
But no company is as bad as Square Enix
We're getting way off topic now. Can we just talk about Spider-Man and not E3 and Xbox and Nintendo and everything else that isn't Spider-Man? Jeez, people. JEEZ!
@ShogunRok I was bothered you didn't write this article so you could complain about it coming later than summer. 😆 I also can't recall what game does come out September 4tf, DQXI maybe? Whatever it was I feel like I wanted it more than this. 😀
A little later than preferred but oh well. It’ll be a great early birthday present.
@YummyHappyPills Im still behind a massive backlog. 😥
And to be fair the people who complain the most dont pull their wallet anyway. 🤣
Well i cant wait to play the Spiderman it looks fantastic. It makes happy to have a PS4 the PS5 has no hurry. 😁
Day before my birthday so fantastic. 3 days before Uni starts so not so fantastic.
@Flaming_Kaiser Spider-Man does look neat. Very Arkham, I hope its more like City and less...Knight.
And yeah, the complainers just complain.
This'll go on the backlog for me too (Spyro rumours and all that for September), just like Bloodborne.
i already pre-ordered 5 games now
Detroit Become Human
God of War
Jurassic World Evolution
but i didn't pre-order RDR 2 yet. i am wondering why Sony not let me pre-order it yet
Please, no delays.
A bit later than I was guessing, but can't complain.
By the time it releases, I would have had this pre-ordered for well 15 months...
I'm so excited for this game,the last Spider-Man game i played was Spider-Man 2 for the Ps2.I've a feeling it may be even better
Shame it's coming out about the same time as Dragon Quest XI because no doubt I'll be buried in that game but I'm just happy the games coming out this year at all.
@DLB3 I was expecting it to be in July tbh but it's good there spreading the big exclusives out a little this year
Spider-Man is day one, can't wait.
Talking about September, Tomb Raider will have a though competition against Spider-Man and Dragon Quest, can't forget that Fallout 4 almost took all the hype when the last TR was released.
Anyway, I'm way more excited for Spider-Man. ^^
@CountFunkula78 Don't worry, your comic book knowledge is totally right, I believe in the comics they do dissolve. Buy hey, this is the videogame universe and I want some goo cleaning mini games
Game looks like it should be amazing, but that box art is terrible
Man Xbox Fans Sodium is quite high today with these news announcements.
Not that excited for Sony's exclusive lineup this year, but I like how well spaced out it is.
Have you tried Viscera Cleanup Detail?
nice to get a date will be grabbing this day one
Is this released with the PS5...? Oh wait, that’s rumours and another aricle. But yes, this is amazing news! 😊
@CountFunkula78 Just googled it - I don't have a PC but that is exactly the vibe I was looking for!
Probably not worth buying a PC just to play it, but system requirements are very low so will run on almost anything. Seems like a good call for a VR port as well.
On Topic - Super excited for this game, such a great character and so many interesting villains from the comics. My spider sense is tingling!
Always loved the 90s Spiderman cartoon on Fox Kids, hope this is as great as the hype suggests, does look promising.
Darn, was hoping it would be sooner, rather get Dragon Quest and Tomb Raider
Excited ain’t the word I’m hype knowing that spider man comes out in my work vacation and a week later shadow of tomb raider.
@KratosMD Yeah, I was afraid of this. Those games are probably my most anticipated ones. Certainly TR, Spidey, and Red Dead are. I’m having an anxiety attack about having all of them that close together.
Hooray! That's sooner than I expected!
Please stop going all American on us ! It's Autumn. You'll be saying ass instead of arse next. Colo(u)r me unimpressed
Later than I expected, but still early enough for the game to have decent BF 2018 sales hopefully.
Thanks for sharing the release date, so glad it has a real window now.
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