News - May, 2018

Thursday31st May 2018

  • Review Agony (PS4)

    To hell but not back

    When UK tabloid newspaper The Sun says your new title is "the most controversial game since Grand Theft Auto" you know you’re on for a winner. This potential for upset has been a double-edged sword for developer Mad Mind Studios, who’s been battling the censors and had to cut an undisclosed amount of content to secure an...

  • News You'll Be Able to Watch the 2018 World Cup Via Your PlayStation VR Headset

    Crashing out on penalties in virtual reality

    Hot off the heels of E3 2018 is the World Cup, and you'll be able to watch all 33 matches through your PlayStation VR headset as the BBC plans to trial the latest technology at the greatest footballing showcase on the planet. As the Los Angeles show floor begins to wind down, you'll be able to take your...

  • News Assassin's Creed Odyssey Leaked Via Collectible Keychain

    Direct sequel to Origins?

    A photograph of a keyring has outed Ubisoft's next Assassin's Creed entry. Picked up by Jeux-Video, the next game in the series will be named Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Judging by the trinket in the picture, it looks as though we'll be heading to ancient Rome or Greece in the next adventure. This lines up with how...

  • Report Fallout 76 Is Not a Traditional Single Player Role-Playing Game

    Online survival experience inspired by DayZ

    Fallout 76 was announced with a cracking trailer this week, prompting many to believe that a traditional post-apocalyptic campaign is on the way. That’s not true according to Kotaku, who spoke with a trio of unnamed Bethesda employees: it’s an online survival game inspired by the likes of DayZ and

  • Review Milanoir (PS4)

    Killing with style

    The boss tasked Piero with taking out a rivaling syndicate’s Lieutenant who goes by “Africana.” He’s told she frequents a brothel in a shadier sector of Milan, and he needs to go make sure she never makes it home. This is a normal Thursday night for him; Piero is used to dirty jobs, after all. If the pay is right, he'll...

  • Review Gorogoa (PS4)

    Goro-go and buy this game

    Have you ever played one of those games where it became immediately apparent that you had something special on your hands? Something so good that it may well fundamentally change the manner in which you play and think about games? Well this is Gorogoa. And it just so happens to be one of those games. Publisher Annapurna...

  • News Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Rated for PS4 in Korea

    Ain't no rest for the wicked

    The Korean Ratings Board has, once again, rated a PS4 game that has yet to be announced. This time, it's Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, presumably a remaster of the original game in Gearbox's popular shooter series. We already have Borderlands: The Handsome Collection on PS4, which includes Borderlands 2 and

  • News Sony's E3 2018 Press Conference Returns to Theatres

    Attend for freebies

    For the last few years, Sony has hosted a PlayStation E3 Experience event across the Americas and Canada that allows members of the public to watch its E3 press conference live in theatres. It's back once again for E3 2018, and Sony has just detailed what you can expect on the PlayStation Blog. Attendees will net a poster and...

Friday1st Jun 2018

  • Report Assassin's Creed Odyssey Will Have Dialogue Trees

    Set in Ancient Greece

    Assassin’s Creed Origins transformed Ubisoft’s famous franchise into a Witcher-esque role-playing game, and it seems leaked sequel Odyssey will go one step further, adding dialogue trees to the series for the first time. News comes courtesy of Kotaku, who spoke to several people familiar with the project. As expected, the...

  • News Neko Atsume PSVR Is So Cute It's Gone Viral

    All according to cat-kaku

    Cat collecting series Neko Atsume launched on PlayStation VR in Japan this week, and it’s so cute that it’s gone viral. One clip, captured using the PlayStation 4’s built-in Share button, has amassed almost 100,000 likes at the time of typing; the eleven second tweet shows a stick being waggled in a confuddled...

Thursday31st May 2018

Wednesday30th May 2018

Tuesday29th May 2018

Monday28th May 2018

Tuesday29th May 2018

  • News Nioh Slashes Through Two Million Sales Worldwide

    William the conqueror

    Koei Tecmo’s likeable Souls-esque samurai slasher Nioh has now cut through two million units worldwide across the PlayStation 4 and PC, the publisher has announced. The game was originally published by Sony, raising its profile significantly around the globe. Created by Team Ninja, the title was originally announced in 2005...

Monday28th May 2018

  • News Cody Becomes Mayor in Street Fighter V from 26th June

    The Mad Gear must pay

    Metro City has a new mayor, and it’s former jailbird Cody. The blonde bombshell will bring his biceps to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition from 26th June, as well as a selection of costumes honouring both former mayor Mike Haggar and the protagonist’s Final Fight days. You can check out the character in action in the...

  • Review Moonlighter (PS4)

    Fame and fortune

    It's pretty difficult to be original these days, and in some ways, Moonlighter could be seen as rather derivative. Rogue-lite dungeon crawling, management sims, pixel art action RPGs -- we see these all the time nowadays, but this game's trick is smashing them all together. The result is a title you'll feel like you've played...

Sunday27th May 2018

  • News Sony Improving and Increasing First-Party Production

    Exclusives for everyone

    Sony’s first-party games are doing extraordinarily well both critically and commercially at the moment, and that’s convinced the company to double down on exclusives. Speaking as part of a recent investors relations day, president John Kodera said that the company is planning to enhance its exclusive output, and added...

  • Rumour Mega Man 11 Rocks Up on 3rd October

    According to Singapore store

    Mega Man 11 may release on 3rd October, if a listing on the Singapore version of the PlayStation Store is accurate. The game – which was surprise announced earlier in the year – aims to realise what Mighty No. 9 couldn’t, by bringing back classic side-scrolling gameplay with a fresh lick of paint. The blurb...

Monday28th May 2018

Saturday26th May 2018

Friday25th May 2018

Saturday26th May 2018

Friday25th May 2018

  • News New Weekend Deals Hit European PlayStation Store

    Assassin's Creed Origins! Wolfenstein II! The Witcher 3!

    Fancy something new for the weekend? Sony has just unleashed a handful of new discounts on some pretty big titles, but only for the next couple of days. The likes of Assassin's Creed Origins, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Destiny 2, and more have been reduced, and some of the savings are...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Battlefield V?

    Back to the beaches

    Last week we had our look at Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and earlier this week, we got our first glimpse of Battlefield V during an admittedly terrible live reveal event. If you missed it, you can find our coverage by clicking through here. As was heavily rumoured, Battlefield V throws players into World War II. We only got a...

  • News Sony Extends UEFA Champions League Sponsorship

    Les grandes équipes

    PlayStation hoardings have been a part of the UEFA Champions League since 1997, and they’re not going anywhere for another three years. Sony has announced that it’s extended its sponsorship of the elite European club competition, meaning that we’re probably going to see PlayStation 5 banners before the relationship needs...

  • News The Wolf Among Us 2 Delayed Into 2019

    Cry wolf

    Announced almost an entire year ago, The Wolf Among Us 2 won't be launching in the latter half of 2018, as developer Telltale had originally planned. Instead, the sequel is now set to release at some point in 2019. "This delay comes as the result of a few fundamental changes here at Telltale since we first announced the game last...

  • News Madden NFL 19 Enters the End Zone on 10th August

    Terrell Owens snatches Hall of Fame cover

    Madden NFL 19 will kickoff on 10th August on the PlayStation 4, with EA Sports promising an improvement on the “success of last season”. Six-time Pro Bowl wide receiver Terrell Owens will front the Hall of Fame Edition, which will retail for $79.99 in the United States, and will include early access (7th...

Thursday24th May 2018

Friday25th May 2018

  • News H1Z1: Battle Royale Is Blowing Up Big Time on PS4

    Are you surprised?

    With the likes of Fortnite exploding all around the world, the release of H1Z1: Battle Royale was always going to attract a decent pool of players on the PlayStation 4 – but a whopping 1.5 million gamers logging in within its first 24 hours is a figure worth paying attention to. Earlier in the week, it registered an eye-watering...

Thursday24th May 2018

Friday25th May 2018

Wednesday23rd May 2018

Thursday24th May 2018

Wednesday23rd May 2018

Tuesday22nd May 2018

Wednesday23rd May 2018

  • News April 2018 NPD: PS4 Breaks Records in Staggering Month

    God of War, MLB The Show 18 on fire

    God of War helped propel the PlayStation 4 to a sensational April 2018 in the United States, where the system set a new software sales record for the month since data tracking started all the way back in 1995. The console – which was unsurprisingly the top-selling system of the month – also registered the...

Tuesday22nd May 2018

Monday21st May 2018

Tuesday22nd May 2018

  • News Days Gone Pushing PS4 to Its Limits, Says Sony Bend

    Wants to be best in class

    Days Gone is undoubtedly a looker, but on a console with titles like God of War and Horizon: Zero Dawn, it’s perhaps not the prettiest product in the pipeline. Of course, there’s much more going on behind-the-scenes in Sony Bend’s open world apocalypse, and speaking as part of Game Informer’s month-long coverage,...

Monday21st May 2018

Tuesday22nd May 2018

Monday21st May 2018

  • News These Sonic the Hedgehog Sneakers Sure Do Exist

    Gotta go fast

    This is one press release we weren't expecting to receive today. SEGA has teamed up with PUMA to produce two Sonic the Hedgehog themed pairs of sneakers in the RS-0 range -- one based on the Blue Blur himself, and the other drawing inspiration from his arch nemesis. The blue pair features rings and Green Hill Zone details that wrap...

Tuesday22nd May 2018

Monday21st May 2018

Sunday20th May 2018

  • News Onrush PS4 Open Beta Extended by Two Days

    New tracks added too

    The open beta test for Onrush, the arcade racer with no proper races in it, has been stampeding along over the weekend, giving players the chance to get to grips with the game's unique brand of team-based vehicular action. If you're enjoying it, or if you've not yet had a chance to jump in, good news -- the beta has been...

  • News Best Buy Locks Up Popular Gamers Club Initiative

    No more deep discounts on new games

    All good things must come to an end, and for fans of Best Buy’s popular Gamers Club Unlocked, this particular news will be tough to swallow. Many enjoyed the annual subscription for the 20 per cent discounts it offered on brand new games, but it was clearly putting the company out of pocket, because it’s been...

Saturday19th May 2018

Friday18th May 2018

Saturday19th May 2018

Friday18th May 2018

  • News Dragon Ball FighterZ Party Battle Mode Explained

    Kicks off today

    Starting today and lasting until the 21st May, Dragon Ball FighterZ players can dive into the game's newly added Party Battle mode. In Party Battle, you'll team up with two other players in order to bring down a powerful opponent -- and in this case, you're going up against Frieza. Finding victory grants you premium Z coins as...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4?


    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 got blown wide open earlier this week thanks to the game's big reveal event. The show covered just about everything that's going to be in this year's release, from the usual competitive multiplayer to zombies and, of course, a battle royale mode. If you're not up to speed, you can read all about it by clicking through...

  • News Oh God, Devolver Digital's Doing Another E3 Press Conference

    There will be blood (probably)

    So, Devolver Digital's hosting another E3 "press conference" next month. Last year, the indie mega publisher streamed an insane presser parody, complete with psychotic CEOs and exploding heads. No, seriously. Anyway, the company's "big fancy press conference" kicks off on the 10th June at 20:00 Pacific. That's 04:00...

  • News No Man's Sky NEXT Update Introduces Multiplayer, Launches in July

    Lift off

    Earlier this week, the Xbox One box art for No Man's Sky gave us a huge clue that the NEXT update might include multiplayer. After appearing on Microsoft's Inside Xbox show, Sean Murray has confirmed that multiplayer is indeed heading to the procedurally generated universe when the update arrives on 24th July. Murray describes No Man's...

  • News Moody Action RPG Vampyr Goes Gold Ahead of Release Next Month

    Bloody great

    Hooray, Vampyr has gone gold! It feels like we've been writing about Dontnod Entertainment's project for an eternity (it's been more than three years, actually), but the action role-playing game is finally ready to sink its fangs into PlayStation 4 next month. Indeed, the title isn't far away at all, set to hit store shelves on the 5th...

  • News Yoshimitsu Has an Amazing Design in SoulCalibur VI

    Tekken's weird warrior confirmed

    Yoshimitsu is back to wreak havoc in SoulCalibur VI, the game's latest character trailer reveals. The weird but always wonderful warrior's once again taking a break from Tekken so that he can put his blades to slightly better use, and we must say, we're absolutely loving his fresh design. Are you a Yoshimitsu fan?...

  • News Sony Will Still Make Physical PS Vita Games in Japan

    Vita means life

    Earlier this week, it was reported that Sony will stop manufacturing PlayStation Vita game cartridges in the future. However, a new story originating from Japanese site GameSpark indicates that not all territories will be following suit -- SIE Japan will continue to produce physical games for the handheld. Translated by

  • News You've Got a Friend in Kingdom Hearts III

    New gameplay footage of anticipated RPG

    The embargo has lifted on hotly anticipated threequel Kingdom Hearts III, and a bunch of brand new PlayStation 4 gameplay footage has dropped as a result. You’ll find two direct feed clips in this article, showing Sora sprinting up a cliff-face with his Disney friends, before he battles the Heartless in a...

  • Indie Bin Fox n Forests, Hyper Sentinel, Reverie

    Also: Drunkn Bar Fight and ACCOUNTING+

    From the embers of the Push Square Podcast rises Indie Bin – a feature that draws attention to some of the smaller games in PlayStation's busy release schedule. Once the Indie Bin is full, we'll put it out for collection in these consolidated articles featuring several pint-sized reviews. The metric here...

Thursday17th May 2018

  • News PS4 Firmware Update 5.55 is Available to Download Now

    High five

    That's right, the time has come once again to update your PS4's system software. Firmware update 5.55 is now ready and waiting to be installed on your console, weighing in at around 460MB. The update "improves system performance", as you might have been expecting. We've not noticed any other additions since installing the patch, so it...

  • News Shenmue III Looks Like It's Going to Need Every Minute of That Delay

    And probably more

    Shenmue III was delayed recently, and by the grace of the Phoenix Mirror it looks like it needs it. The title just doesn’t seem to be coming together at all: new footage (skip to 2:15 in the embedded video) shows an improvement to Shenhua’s character model, but protagonist Ryo Hazuki and the rest of the cast still look...

Friday18th May 2018

  • News Watch Deacon Take on the Horde in New Days Gone PS4 Gameplay

    Don't panic

    Sony debuted Days Gone at E3 2016 with an impressive gameplay demo that showed protagonist Deacon running for his life from a massive wave of Freakers. As part of Game Informer's ongoing coverage of the PS4 exclusive, a few of the staff took turns at attempting to take down a horde of 300 enemies. It's an entertaining watch, and it...

Thursday17th May 2018

Wednesday16th May 2018

  • Guide The Best 1080p & 4K Projectors for PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro

    Get the ultimate big-screen thrills

    We recently rounded up the best 4K TVs for your PS4 Pro and there were some amazing bargains, even on the larger sized screens. But if you find 65" just isn't cutting it for you, then you might want to consider picking up a projector instead. Then you can really fill up that spare wall of yours, just be sure to...

  • News The Witcher 3 Patch 1.62 Makes Further PS4 Pro Enhancements

    It never ends

    We're never going to stop writing about The Witcher 3, are we? In what is surely the game's final PlayStation 4 patch (we've said that at least twice now), developer CD Projekt Red has further enhanced the title's performance on PS4 Pro. According to the Polish studio, update 1.62 increases draw distance for foliage, making...

  • News Horizon Developer Guerrilla Games Recruiting for New Game

    A new Horizon

    Gee, wonder what this could be? Dutch developer Guerrilla Games has started a hiring spree, suggesting that its next project is decided and is about to enter full production. We wonder if it could be a sequel to the studio’s massively popular breakout hit, Horizon: Zero Dawn? The mind truly boggles. Perhaps a more interesting...

  • Rumour No Man's Sky's Xbox One Box Art Hints at Multiplayer

    Some Men's Sky

    One of the biggest complaints lobbied at No Man's Sky is that it doesn't have the multiplayer one of the game's programmers, Sean Murray, suggested it would. If the below box art for the recently announced Xbox One version is to be believed, however, the feature could well be on the horizon. A little while back, Murray announced...

  • News Sony to Cease Production of Physical PS Vita Games

    The end is near

    In a message to developers, Sony has stated that it plans to stop producing PS Vita game cartridges, according to a report from Kotaku. The company says that this will happen by the end of the fiscal year 2018, which translates to 31st March 2019.  Sony also stipulates that all requests for Vita product codes be presented by...

  • Poll Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Top 16 - Matches 115-116

    Ready? Fight!

    This is the thirtieth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the first week of our top 16 matches. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be. If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click...

  • News Japanese Sales Charts: PS4 Numbers Fall Following Seriously Slow Week

    God of War closes in on 100k

    There's really not much to write about when it comes to the latest Japanese sales charts. A total lack of new releases made for an incredibly slow week, with hardware sales dropping across the board (not counting the Xbox One X shifting an astonishing 15 units more than it did last time out). PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro...

  • News Shenmue III in Delay to 2019 Shocker

    Changed my mind

    Shenmue III was never coming out this year, but now publisher Deep Silver has confirmed. In an outstandingly brief statement, the firm said that the “extra time will be used to polish the quality of the game even further”. Considering the scant snippets of gameplay we’ve seen thus far have been barely polished at all, it’s...

  • News Battlefield V Reveal Will Be Livestreamed on 23rd May

    V for victory

    Battlefield V, the next instalment in the first-person franchise, will be revealed live on 23rd May. You’ll be able to tune in live from 13:00 PT, with comedian Trevor Noah taking on hosting duties. And that’s really the sum of what we know so far. Rumours recently suggested that Battlefield V may have a Battle Royale mode,...

  • News Slick Cyberpunk Bartending Sim VA-11 HALL-A Pours One Out on PS4

    Mix drinks and change lives

    Brilliant booze-‘em-up VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action will stagger to the PlayStation 4 in early 2019, following a PS Vita release late last year. For those out of the loop, the visual novel takes place in a dystopian future, where the drinks you mix will determine how the story progresses. It’s a superb...

  • News Metro Exodus Delayed into 2019

    But it'll be at E3

    THQ Nordic has stated in a financial report that Metro: Exodus, which was planned for a Q4 2018 release, will now be pushed back into Q1 2019. This is the latest in a string of major games moving away from this time period, presumably to avoid going up against Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2. The game's publisher, Deep Silver,...

Tuesday15th May 2018

Wednesday16th May 2018

Tuesday15th May 2018

Monday14th May 2018

  • Review Wizard of Legend (PS4)

    Wiz kid

    Don your robes, muster up some energy, and head out on an adventure with Wizard of Legend, a procedurally generated, roguelike dungeon crawler from Contingent99, a new two man indie developer based in LA. You play the game as a wizard who is participating in the annual Chaos Trials, with the aim of conquering them and becoming the Wizard of...

  • News RAGE 2 Is Open World, Being Made by Just Cause and Mad Max Developer

    Of course

    So RAGE 2 is officially official, and we're getting a gameplay trailer tomorrow. But before we get stuck into that, Bethesda's own listing for the game reveals a decent amount about the project. For starters, it looks like the developer is Avalanche Studios -- the folks behind the Just Cause series and Mad Max. For whatever reason,...

Tuesday15th May 2018

  • Soapbox PS Vita's Longevity Has Been Quite Remarkable

    Lust for life

    Stardew Valley is coming to the PlayStation Vita next week and it reminded me that Sony’s handheld still lives a relatively vibrant life over six years since its initial release. The likeable handheld has been the foot of all kinds of jibes since day one, and often it’s been the manufacturer itself delivering the punchlines – but...

Monday14th May 2018

Sunday13th May 2018

  • News Uncharted 2's Iconic Train Stage Explained

    Drake's on a train

    The more we see of Naughty Dog’s games, the more we realise they’re an optical illusion. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is no different, and this video showcasing the sequel’s iconic train level is eye-opening. It reveals how the set-piece works: by placing you on a gigantic loop. It then masks environmental changes with various...

Monday14th May 2018

Saturday12th May 2018

Friday11th May 2018

  • News Sony Won't Be Holding a Traditional Press Conference at E3 2018

    Update: Starting to sound more traditional than originally anticipated

    Sony has just announced its plans for next month's E3 showcase, and it doesn't seem like we'll be getting a traditional press conference from the platform holder. Instead, PlayStation is choosing to highlight four upcoming titles through livestreams on 11th June. Those four...

  • News There's a PSP Emulator Hidden in the PS4 Version of PaRappa the Rapper

    Remaster runs from UMD disc image

    PaRappa the Rapper’s relatively recent remaster is actually an emulated version of the PlayStation Portable release with new textures. Some amazing technical tomfoolery from hackers working with cracked PlayStation 4 consoles has revealed that the rhythm game is running on a UMD disc image, identical to the...

  • Review Destiny 2: Warmind (PS4)


    Destiny 2 is in a slightly better place than it was when the awkwardly average Curse of Osiris launched late last year, but that doesn't mean Warmind can be let off the hook. This second expansion is another lacking effort from a team that seems worryingly bereft of interesting ideas. Much like Osiris, Warmind marks another...

  • News Days Gone Won't Have An Easy Mode or Any Other Difficulty Options

    Welcome to the apocalypse

    During Game Informer's exclusive one hour demo of Days Gone, the publication asks whether the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive will feature any difficulty settings. As we all know, a lot of games these days offer easy modes for players who may just want to enjoy a story, or super hard modes that are designed to...

Saturday12th May 2018

  • News PS5 Won't Be at E3 2018, Sony Unsurprisingly Confirms

    No hardware announcements at show

    There will be no Sony hardware announcements at E3 2018, meaning you can put your anticipation for the PlayStation 5 back in its box. While it perhaps won’t come as a huge surprise, Shawn Layden confirmed the tidbit on today’s PlayStation Blogcast. It perhaps indicates that the organisation is aware next-gen...

Friday11th May 2018

  • Review Forgotton Anne (PS4)

    E for excellency

    The debut title from developer ThroughLine Games, Forgotton Anne, has been lighting up industry conventions and expos around the world for the past couple of years now, as it attempts to create an experience that goes way beyond the simplicities of a standard 2D platformer. Equipped with an animated art style that has the potential...

  • News Sony's E3 2018 Showcase to Include Third-Party, Indie Reveals That Will Make Your Heart Race

    Colour us confused

    Sony took its sweet time announcing its E3 2018 showcase, but it’s still managed to confuse absolutely everyone. A podcast featuring bigwig Shawn Layden seemed to suggest that there’d be no traditional press conference, but now a PlayStation Blog post has hinted that the event will be more familiar than originally expected.

Saturday12th May 2018

  • Soapbox Sony's Muddled E3 2018 Messaging a Matter of Expectation Management

    Stand and deliver

    Sony’s E3 2018 plans have become clearer, but its messaging overall has been muddled today. I was ready to read the company the riot act when Shawn Layden appeared on a podcast earlier, talking about a “different” kind of press conference. As it happens I’m glad I waited, because further clarifications from the company seem...

  • News Why Not Watch Another 40 Minutes of Days Gone?

    Freaker frenzy

    We’ve established at this point that Sony Bend really doesn’t give a hoot about maintaining long established AAA game promotion standards, so here’s another 40 minutes of Days Gone footage for you. If you missed yesterday’s video, then you can also catch the opening hour from the game through here. Like, all of it. This is...

Friday11th May 2018

Saturday12th May 2018

  • News Dutch Commentator Says Champions League Will Be in FIFA 19

    They are the champions

    Our immediate thought when Konami announced that it had lost the UEFA Champions League license is how EA will almost certainly play the famous club competition’s anthem at some point during its E3 2018 press conference – and Dutch commentator Evert ten Napel has just put the odds of that happening sky high. Speaking as...

Friday11th May 2018

  • News Sony Insists It's Not Profiting from Overwatch Charity Skin

    You got me begging you for Mercy

    Sony’s said that it’s not profiting from sales of an Overwatch charity skin. Earlier this week, the web managed to infuriate itself when a product description for a new Mercy skin designed to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation noted that £10.12 of the £12.99 sale price would be donated to the...

Thursday10th May 2018

Friday11th May 2018

Thursday10th May 2018

Friday11th May 2018

Thursday10th May 2018

  • News Warriors Orochi 4 Will Have No Guest Characters


    Well, colour us surprised. Earlier in the week, news broke that upcoming hack and slasher Warriors Orochi 4 will have a playable roster consisting of a whopping 170 characters -- but according to new information, none of those characters will be guests from other Koei Tecmo franchises. This means that unlike previous Orochi titles, characters...

  • News Death's Gambit Slashes Its Way to PS4 in August

    Check out the new trailer

    Death's Gambit has been a long time coming. We first heard about it a good couple of years ago, and it's always looked like an impressive 2D action game. The brand new trailer embedded above is nicely animated, and features some slick hack and slashing sequences. The big news, however, is that we finally have a concrete...

Friday11th May 2018

  • News Bethesda Continues to Tease RAGE Sequel

    Paint the town pink

    That rumoured RAGE sequel is looking more and more likely by the day, as Bethesda has dropped another hint that a follow-up to the first-person shooter is on the way. Hot on the heels of a Wal-Mart leak, the publisher resurrected the franchise’s dormant social media page. Today it’s shared a

Thursday10th May 2018

Wednesday9th May 2018

Thursday10th May 2018

  • News Sony Bend Doubles Down on Days Gone Release Window

    Look for it early next year

    Days Gone will release in early 2019, according to developer Sony Bend. The title was originally due out later this year, but was delayed – presumably due to its close proximity to Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption 2. Speaking as part of a quick-fire

Wednesday9th May 2018

  • Rumour Code Vein Release Date Could Be Set for July

    Bloody heck

    Well, well, well, what do we have here? The release date for Bandai Namco's "anime Souls" title Code Vein may have leaked, if Finnish PR company 3H Distribution Oy is to be believed. A recent press email had Code Vein listed for a July 2018 launch, meaning that the game may not be far off at all. The middle of the summer seems like a...

  • News Sony Accused of Taking Cut from Charity Overwatch Skin

    VAT's not going to go down well

    Sony is underfire for purportedly taking a cut from an Overwatch skin being sold on the PlayStation Store to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The Mercy outfit is available for £12.99 in the UK, but the product description states that only £10.12 will go to the charity, as that’s what Blizzard...

  • News Capcom Looking to Release Two 'Major' Games By April 2019

    But what could they be?

    According to the company's latest financial report, Capcom has plans to release not one, but two "major" titles before the end of this fiscal year. That's by the 31st March, 2019, for those out of the loop. Of course, this news has already led to plenty of speculation across the 'net. With E3 2018 fast approaching, it...

  • News God of War Patch 1.20 Adds Photo Mode on PS4

    Here it is

    God of War's promised photo mode will be added via the game's latest update, which is available to download today on PlayStation 4. Patch 1.20 lets you pause the action at any time and snap some stylish shots. Photo mode comes complete with filters, borders, and even character toggles so you can remove models. It all sounds suitably...

  • PlayStation Store Sales Charts God of War Rules Supreme

    Word up, boy

    It perhaps won’t come as a surprise in the wake of its staggering launch sales that God of War was the best-selling game on the PlayStation Store for the month of April. Kratos’ latest topped in both Europe and North America, beating out Far Cry 5 in both territories. Fellow exclusive MLB The Show 18 finished third in North America,...

  • News Soviet Shooter Atomic Heart Has the Best Trailer You'll See Today

    Show the Motherland what you got

    While it doesn’t happen very often anymore, we love it when a game announcement comes out of nowhere and rustles our jimmies. Atomic Heart had the Push Square Slack chat aflutter earlier this evening, as we fawned over Mundfish’s BioShock-esque first-person shooter. Due out in 2018 on the PlayStation 4, the...

Thursday10th May 2018

Wednesday9th May 2018

Thursday10th May 2018

  • News RAGE Twitter Account Resurrected Amid Sequel Rumours


    RAGE 2 is… Real? The title, listed as part of a Wal-Mart Canada leak earlier today, was shrugged off by many as mistake – but if it was, why has Bethesda’s just resurrected the first-person shooter’s dormant Twitter account? The publisher may very well be goofing around, as evidenced by its not-so gentle ribbing of the aforementioned...

Wednesday9th May 2018

  • News Onrush's Open Beta Collides with PS4 Next Week

    A different kind of rush

    The jury’s still very much out on Onrush, the next game from the DriveClub team. While many had expected a MotorStorm-esque experience, the reality is that the “racer” is doing something different – and you’ll be able to discover exactly what that is courtesy of an open beta scheduled to release next week...

Tuesday8th May 2018

  • Review AO International Tennis (PS4)

    Double fault

    No, it isn’t Adults Only tennis – although AO International Tennis probably wouldn’t be quite so dry if it had followed in BMX XXX’s footsteps and allowed you to play as Rafa Nadal in his pants. The name instead stands for the Australian Open, and some of you will recall it launching alongside the Grand Slam in Oceanic...

Wednesday9th May 2018

  • News Days Gone Will Take Over 30 Hours to Survive

    "It's not the zombie game you think"

    Days Gone is starting to sound like a very meaty open world game, and Sony Bend has hinted that it will take you over 30 hours to beat. Speaking with Game Informer magazine as part of a month of coverage, creative director John Garvin addressed the stench of scepticism that has surrounded the project since its...

Tuesday8th May 2018

  • Review 2MD VR Football (PS4)

    Brady bunch

    While we appreciated VRFC’s goofy attempt at bringing five-a-side football to PlayStation VR, it never really felt like the right fit for virtual reality given the limitations of the technology thus far. American football – as Europeans will eagerly point out – makes much more sense given that, y’know, it’s mostly played with...

  • News This SOCOM Website Counting Down to E3 2018 Is Fake

    SOCOM is dead

    Here's an E3 rumour we bet you weren't expecting to read about. A curious website regarding SOCOM has cropped up, and it's counting down to what is likely to be Sony's E3 2018 press conference. That's all fine and well, but there are one or two things we're not so sure about. Firstly, the webpage has the phrase "SOCOM IS DEAD"...

  • Review Tacoma (PS4)

    AR you alive?

    As both a critical and commercial success, Gone Home, the debut title from indie developer Fullbright, is rightfully seen as one of the seeds from which so called walking simulators grew. With this genre off-shoot proving very attractive to smaller developers – mainly due to being focused in scope – it came as no surprise that in...

  • Review CoolPaintrVR (PS4)

    Art attack

    Tilt Brush was one of the early virtual reality highlights, allowing you to “paint” within a three-dimensional canvas. CoolPaintrVR aims to bring a similar experience to PlayStation VR, and while it is limited by Sony’s technology, it’s still a decent option if you’re looking for something artistic on the PlayStation 4. This is...

  • News The Pinball Arcade Loses Williams, Bally Licenses on 30th June

    Game over

    While developer FarSight has mishandled parts of The Pinball Arcade, we always appreciated the attempt at creating an expanding platform filled with realistic-simulations of authentic pinball tables. However, the title’s about to be gutted on 30th June, as the studio has lost its license to all Williams and Bally tables. For an...

  • News Days Gone Takes the Broken Road to Game Informer Cover Story

    Revving up some interest

    What the heck is going on? So far this year Game Informer’s had God of War and Spider-Man cover stories, and now it’s following them both up with another PlayStation 4 exclusive, Days Gone. The publication travelled to Sony Bend’s secluded studio in Oregon to go hands-on with the mysterious post-apocalyptic game, and...

Wednesday9th May 2018

Tuesday8th May 2018

  • News Square Enix Announces E3 2018 Showcase

    Dare to dream

    Square Enix will be throwing its hat into the E3 ring this year, as the publisher has announced that it'll be hosting a "showcase" on the 11th June. Going by the announcement's wording, it sounds like it'll be a Nintendo Direct-esque affair, with the company stating that a "video presentation" is on the cards. Said presentation will...

  • News Onrush's Trophy List Looks Like an Easy Platinum

    Precious twisted metal

    The trophy list for Codemasters' upcoming arcade racer, Onrush, has been revealed, and it looks like a pretty straightforward set. Consisting of 33 trophies, it goes from the very simple "Use boost for the first time" to "Reach player Level 30", and doesn't really get any more complicated than that. While this game's main...

  • News Warriors Orochi 4 Will Feature 170 Playable Characters

    Go big or go home

    The first real Warriors Orochi 4 details have hit the web thanks to Famitsu, with the publication revealing that the upcoming hack and slasher will boast 170 playable characters. For those who don't know, the Orochi series has always prided itself on having gigantic character rosters, but this is a new record. As you'd expect, the...

  • News Tennis World Tour Pits McEnroe Against Agassi

    You cannot be serious?!

    We’re sure it’s a complete coincidence that Bigben Interactive has released this new Tennis World Tour gameplay footage on the same day as AO International Tennis’ worldwide launch. The video shows legends John McEnroe and Andre Agassi going head-to-head, although we’re hoping that the encoding is to blame for the...

  • News Shipments and Digital Sales for Monster Hunter: World Edge Towards 8 Million


    Sales for Monster Hunter: World may have slowed down recently, but Capcom has updated the official figure to 7.9 million -- a further 400,000 copies since March. This news comes alongside the publisher's financials for the last fiscal year, and it shows a company in good health. Net sales were up year on year by 8.4%, and profits were...

  • Rumour Cyberpunk 2077 Will Get an Hour-Long Presentation at E3 2018

    For press, at least

    So, it's starting to sound like Cyberpunk 2077 will be at E3 2018 in a big way. At this point the game is all but confirmed to be there, and the general assumption is that it'll appear at one of the big press conferences. It's very likely that the title's re-reveal will end up being our first proper look at CD Projekt Red's...

Monday7th May 2018

Tuesday8th May 2018

  • Review Trailblazers (PS4)

    Go-faster stripes

    These days, arcade racers are few and far between, so it's refreshing to see one as bright-eyed and original as Trailblazers launching on PS4. Supergonk's unique racing game has looked promising from the start, with a core mechanic that separates it from its stablemates. With an emphasis on cooperation, and a surprising amount of...

  • News UK Sales Charts: God of War Fights Off Funky Kong for Third No. 1

    Donkey doo

    God of War has enjoyed a third week at the summit of the UK sales charts, after fending off Nintendo Switch re-release Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Sales of Kratos’ latest dropped 56 per cent week-over-week, but it still moved more than enough physical units to maintain its position atop the British best sellers list...

Monday7th May 2018

Sunday6th May 2018

  • Review Super Mega Baseball 2 (PS4)

    Metal slug

    You’ve got to give Super Mega Baseball 2 a lot of credit: it manages to find a home on the PlayStation 4 where so many others fail. Stepping up to bat against Sony’s own MLB The Show must be an intimidating prospect, but this likeable arcade outing swings for the fences – and ultimately loads its bases. If you like your sports games...

Saturday5th May 2018

Friday4th May 2018

Saturday5th May 2018

Friday4th May 2018

  • News Owlboy Gets a Swanky Limited Edition on PS4

    Boy oh boy

    D-Pad Studio's wonderful platformer, Owlboy, is already available digitally on PS4, but publisher Soedesco has stepped in to bring the game to retail. At the end of this month, a regular boxed version will be up for purchase, but just announced is a neat limited edition for super fans of Otus' grand adventure. The limited edition, which...

Thursday3rd May 2018

Friday4th May 2018

Thursday3rd May 2018

  • News First Red Dead Redemption Gang Gameplay Details Revealed

    One of the boys

    If you've been keeping up with Red Dead Redemption 2 since its reveal, then you'll likely already know that main playable character Arthur Morgan is a part of Dutch's notorious outlaw gang. However, according to an exclusive IGN preview, it sounds like said gang will actually play a significant role in how the game will play. "As we...

  • Review City of Brass (PS4)

    In need of a second coating

    The roguelike genre has become a staple of today’s video game industry, with the likes of Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, and The Binding of Isaac being defining releases that helped to legitimise the phenomenon. One more feature that links the three together is the fact that they’re all 2D, a perspective that the genre...

Friday4th May 2018

  • News Destiny 2's Fall Expansion Will Be Revealed at E3 2018

    Featuring a mode that's new to the FPS genre

    In news that won't surprise many, Destiny 2's brand new fall expansion is set to take the stage at E3 2018 for an unveiling. Announced during an Activision Blizzard Q&A, the newest piece of DLC is set to ship with a mode that has never been seen before in the FPS genre. Destiny's The Taken...

Thursday3rd May 2018

Wednesday2nd May 2018

Thursday3rd May 2018

Wednesday2nd May 2018

Thursday3rd May 2018

  • Feature Best PS4 Music of April 2018

    God of music

    Coming off March’s comparatively weak offerings for game music, April starts kicking things into overdrive. The charge is lead by a certain God that everyone can’t get off of their minds, as well as a smattering of other interesting titles. Let’s dive in! Owlboy: D-Pad studio’s long-incubating, gorgeous adventure title...

Wednesday2nd May 2018

Tuesday1st May 2018