Sony’s “not-so traditional” E3 2018 press conference is beginning to sound more and more like a traditional E3 2018 press conference. PlayStation Blog’s Sid Shuman has been fielding questions in response to today’s muddled announcement, and has confirmed that the company’s showcase will take place in front of a live audience, as it does every year.
While a venue is yet to be announced, many believed that the company was planning a Nintendo Direct-esque livestream; that’s not the case. It still doesn’t rule out this presentation from being akin to last year’s disappointing PlayStation Experience, where developers were invited on stage in a Comic-Con panel-like fashion – but at least we now know it’ll be live.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 21
Reverse psychology.
So basically a Sony Direct in a cinema. Makes sense to me now.
@MrGawain With Sid on a couch and a live audience!
On the day Sony announces it’s ‘not so traditional’ E3 press conference which will feature a ‘deep dive’ into 4 PlayStation exclusive, PlayStation Access (PlayStation UK) is doing a feature on PlayStation exclusives that show off the PS4...
Coincidence? I think not.
Sony knows where it’s bread is buttered & I can see them placing the focus on their Worldwide Studios moving forward.
I’m starting to get excited!
Now everyone is excited again! This is some weird Psycho Mantis shizz!
Anyway, I hope all your healines will be gif phrases from now on
And there you have it Lol todays rage fit was good.
All I got out of it is that the presentation will be more focused this year on a handful of exclusives to PS4. In other words - if you came here looking for big time 3rd party reveals... this is not the show you're looking for.
EDIT: After reading the other article about 3rd parties and indies being there... Count me confused also
New boss Kodera catching his bearings for his first turn in charge of the big PlayStation E3 Stage.
So it's a conference then???
@Octane Ok...ygolohcysp (sounds like something from the Cthulhu mythos 🤣)
Seriously though, you could well be correct.
Right, this is how I understand it. Before the showcase Sony will show the big 4 then afterwards their will be a more traditional conference regarding everything else minus 1st party games.
My thinking is Sony want to show off their biggest games with a bit of a lengthy showing but feel they don't want to drag the pace of the show down. How they will present it though is up for debate. It might be how they did things at PSX and while I was fine with it most don't seem to be interested in what the devs actually say.
Going forward I'm expecting games like Dreams, Concrete Genie and Medievil Remaster to be the focus at Paris or hopefully PSX.
@DLB3 Good point, didn't think of it like that. I also think Push Square jumped the gun and put out an article giving the impression that Sony were only showing 4 games and that's it before knowing all the details. Which led to the ridiculous overreactions from certain individuals in the comments, whereas other gaming sites waited till Sony actually announced their E3 plans.
Hope they show medievil remastered.word up son
I think first they will show the gameplay and then they invite the developer to sit down and talk about it(I mean like PSX ). it`s logical because E3 means commercial tips for games and Sony wants to just focus on 4(maybe 5! FromSoftware is here haha) first party games and show rest of them at PSX.
@Kidfried @adf86 I agree we were probably a little quick, but at the same time the way Sony rolled this information out was awful. There was at least an hour between the podcast going live and the PlayStation Blog post, and then it took a further three hours for them to clarify the live audience thing.
I'm still not entirely sure what to expect if I'm being honest. Is it going to be like PSX last year with people on a couch? It's very hazy.
@PS_Nation It’s a Showcase / PC. https://twitter.com/sidshuman/status/994975244740739072
@playstation1995 You mean Medievil PSP in an emulator on your PS4 $40 please Edition?
Are you expecting people on a couch? Sony's E3 2018 seems to be a fail before it even happens. Think I will wait till after the showing to make that call.
@get2sammyb Oh I agree the messaging was a bit messy and I don't want you thinking that I was questioning the site's professionalism. I guess that's the downside to running a PlayStation website when your a fan of the brand yourself, you get emotionally invested both good and bad.
"J-Law okay.gif" haha
So, I take it everything is good then.
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