THQ Nordic has stated in a financial report that Metro: Exodus, which was planned for a Q4 2018 release, will now be pushed back into Q1 2019. This is the latest in a string of major games moving away from this time period, presumably to avoid going up against Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2.
The game's publisher, Deep Silver, has released a statement, describing the reasoning behind the delay.
The development of Metro Exodus is progressing well; we are all really excited by what we are seeing. We have been constantly reviewing the games progress to ensure that we deliver a product that gamers and fans of the Metro series want and deserve, as well as keeping an eye on announcements from our competitor products. We want everyone to be able to experience what is the most ambitious Metro game to date at its absolute best and therefore we have taken the decision to move the release date to Q1 2019.
We know that this will be disappointing news for fans that had hoped to play the game this year, but also know that you will appreciate the results that this additional development time and new release date will bring. We would also like to take this opportunity to confirm that at E3 in June we will be revealing some brand new gameplay from a never before seen game environment for you to enjoy.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, we look forward to sharing more with you in June.
Are you disappointed by this news? Were you looking forward to playing Metro Exodus at the end of this year? Face off against a zombie bear in the comments below.
Comments 13
I love red dead of my favorite games ever.but metro exodus wasnt delay because of red dead redemption 2.come on son .delays happen all the time.anyway cant wait for the reveal at e3.word up son
I had actually forgotten about Metro, but if I had remembered it, I would have probably bet on it being delayed out of 2018.
It could only have been late 2018 and that is just waaaay too busy. I think it makes sense as an early 2019 release.
@playstation1995 I gotta agree with you here. Metro would have been the first game in 4 years not to be delayed, but somehow it's RDR2's fault.
Are these the same guys - Nordic THQ - doing Darksiders 3? B/c that's still listed on here as 2018 but I can't remember the last time I heard anything about that game. Last year at E3 maybe? Really doesn't feel like a 2018 game to me. Unless they delayed Metro into 2019 to focus on D3 for holiday 2018.
Though I'm sure once we hear D3 is delayed into 2019 that will be b/c of RDR2 as well.
I was really looking forward to this - still am. 2018 was looking great (a little less so now) but 2019 is looking Epic!!!
As for going up against RDR2, this was 'expected' before that game released - as in Q3 so I doubt that was the case...
@rjejr yeah they say darksiders is a 2018 game.who knows.but delays happens all the time.word up son
@playstation1995 @rjejr Did you read the press release?
"We have been constantly reviewing the games progress to ensure that we deliver a product that gamers and fans of the Metro series want and deserve, as well as keeping an eye on announcements from our competitor products."
@get2sammyb You mean the press release the article linked too? Now why would we go and do something like that?
Well having read said press release in said linked to article all I have to say is, running it through my BS translator, it says - "We can't get this game done on time, let's use RDR2 as an excuse to delay it so we look smart, not incompetent". So I stick to my original post.
@rjejr No, the press release that is literally in the body of the article. And my BS translator says: "We can't compete with Red Dead so we may as well spend an extra few months polishing what we've got." Maybe we're using different software.
(I love Ariana more than you can ever know.)
@get2sammyb that doesn't mean nothing.they wasn't a date for metro.the game could of come in September or get delays all the time. days gone got delayed because the game is still pre alpha not because of red dead.word up son word
@get2sammyb Oh that press release.
And we definitely use different software, to start with yours has way more vowels.
I'm going to take that last part as a yes, but if not, it's worth a watch. Or 3 in your case. I may not know, but I have some idea.
I’m gutted this happened i love the metro series and it was one of my most anticipated games this year even more than red dead 2
I've never played this series but sucks for the fans.
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