This is the thirty-first week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have two matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close this Friday, on the 25th May.

Match 117: Nathan Drake vs. Sephiroth
Nathan Drake
Series: Uncharted
First PlayStation appearance: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, 2007 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: John Marston, Kanji Tatsumi, Leon S. Kennedy
Series: Final Fantasy
First PlayStation appearance: Final Fantasy VII, 1997 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Chloe Frazer, Abe, Nariko
Vote for your favourite character! (220 votes)
- Nathan Drake
- Sephiroth
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 118: Ellie vs. Crash Bandicoot
Series: The Last of Us
First PlayStation appearance: The Last of Us, 2013 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Toro Inoue, B. J. Blazkowicz, Neo Cortex
Crash Bandicoot
Series: Crash Bandicoot
First PlayStation appearance: Crash Bandicoot, 1996 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Mitsurugi, Cole MacGrath, Dante
Vote for your favourite character! (221 votes)
- Ellie
- Crash Bandicoot
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 49
Just a heads up as the article says, voting for these matches closes early, on Friday this week.
This is because I'm buggering off on holiday next week and this weekend is the Champions League final, so you're getting nothing out of me.
So make sure you vote now!
Nate Drake has to win This! He's my only hope of beating the God Kratos and taking the crown!!
This time I choose Crash Bandicoot
Crash over Ellie?! You people are are all mad. Mad I tell you!
The next one will be the most difficult for me.
Sonic was my entire childhood and Metal Gear was the rest of my entire life, I don't think I can vote on that one.
Sephiroth (or Superioth as I used to call him as a young kid, along with Phonetix Dawns) and Crash (which I've always been able to pronounce, fortunately).
I still and always will call Gil "Jill", though.
Kat is in the top 8, how cool is that!
This week I voted Nathan Drake and Crash. Both were easy choices for me. Nate is charm personified and Crash is an old-school PS icon.
Ultimate Naughty Dog Character Tournament.
@ShogunRok Let's go LIVERPOOL
Sephiroth & Crash!
Looks like Nathan is going to avenge Chloe
Man that crash/ellie was a hard choice... Went with Ellie and now its 50/50.
Oh and as much as Sephiroth is an awesome villian that played a large roll in my teen years. I had to go with Drake
I went with Drake and Ellie.
This was one of the easier ones for me; I can't stand Crash and Ellie is a better character than Sephiroth.
I must be the only person who dislikes Drake. His music sucks man.
Drake loves to sneak up from behind and snap necks. Sadly I can see that working on Sephiroth, wouldn't be the first time someone gave him a surprise beat down when his back was turned.
My vote is Sephiroth though, all while shouting, "He's behind youuuu!" Punch & Judy style.
People can keep hating Nate, but that’s not going to stop him winning this thing!
Sic Parvis Magna.
Nate and Crash.
Why Crash?
Because he's Crash, man.
Nate and Crash
Nate and Ellie for me.
Nate and Ellie.
Crash and Sephiroth were my two choices.
I know I'll have to bid farewell to Crash, but I'm glad he's going down swinging. I've prepared a poem for this moment:
As you wash up ashore
From the castle's top floor
You run through the jungle
Trying to avoid any bungle
From piles of explosive crates
To crossing bridges we hate
Be it for a lady or gem
You survive all of them
Escaping boulders and dinosaurs
While riding motorcycles and boars
I thank you Crash Bandicoot
As your legacy stands afoot
For introducing a nation
To the world of PlayStation
@DerMeister ....... awful

Nate and Ellie. 😁
ellie deserves all the love, she's 1st party mascot ffs!
Mmmmm, Ellie vs. Crash hurt my soul!
Ellie is fighting back!
Ellie ahead of Crash ? People are a lot younger than I expected !
If Crash looses I'm going to forking riot.
Maybe we should just crown Naughty Dog the winner.
Come on Ellie, shank the hell out of that rodent thing.
I prefer Ellie over orange Sonic.
Omg noooooo spehy if gonna lose . Please people plz!!!!!!!
@VRDart I think that's the most relatable statement I have ever read
Perhaps the hardest week for me yet....
Sephiroth V.S Nathan Drake- I will forever hold FF7 as my top 3 games ever but I had to go with Drake, you can't beat the charm and charisma.
Ellie V.S Crash- Easy actually, I grew up playing Crash but never was a die hard fan but I was and am still a diehard fan of the last of us so Ellie for me.
Go Go Crash !!!! There is still time
@themcnoisy 🤣🤣 took me a moment, but hell yeah, I concur!
On topic: these last few rounds are naturally getting more and more tough to choose.
There was once a dude called Crash
And everyone played it on mass
Spyros for kids
Sonics got skids
And Marios a tw@+ with a Tasche.
@themcnoisy How I wish you had some class
Go Ellie!!!!!!
@ShogunRok "Votes for these matches close this Friday, on the 1st June."
This Friday is the 25th, but you could have had four polls to keep it to schedule and closed them on the 1st of June. Unless I've been asleep for a week! Enjoy your holiday too (holiday mode initiated)!
Anyway, this is fun and it looks like a tight race between Ellie and Crash. It seems that Nathan has managed to tuck his shirt in nicely this round.
@Bliquid I mean the people who voted ! Crash is a Playstation icon, he has been in multiple games over the years and his character is unique. Ellie is just some kid from one game, from an era where Crash wasn't there anymore. I think people who voted Ellie are too young to realize the impact Crash Bandicoot had on video games in general.
Seph & ellie. EASY
Nathan Drake and Ellie, without a doubt.
Had to go with Nate and Ellie, although Crash nearly won it for me tough decision
Nate and Crash... Come on guys it should be so simple.
@Gravity_Bear Wow, good spot — I don't even know how I've managed that!
@ShogunRok You may have been too excited for your weekend activity and holiday!
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