This is the thirty-second week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the final week of top 16 matches. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have two matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 6th June.

Match 119: Solid Snake vs. Sonic the Hedgehog
Solid Snake
Series: Metal Gear
First PlayStation appearance: Metal Gear Solid, 1998 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Big Boss, Pac-Man, Corvo Attano
Sonic the Hedgehog
Series: Sonic
First PlayStation appearance: Sonic Heroes, 2003 (PlayStation 2)
Characters beaten: Yangus, Alucard, Yennefer of Vengerberg
Vote for your favourite character! (213 votes)
- Solid Snake
- Sonic the Hedgehog
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 120: Sackboy vs. Geralt of Rivia
Series: LittleBigPlanet
First PlayStation appearance: LittleBigPlanet, 2008 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Rean Schwarzer, Wander, Trevor Philips
Geralt of Rivia
Series: The Witcher
First PlayStation appearance: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 2015 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Colonel Radec, Squall Leonhart, Spyro the Dragon
Vote for your favourite character! (208 votes)
- Sackboy
- Geralt of Rivia
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 50
sonic lolz
Voted Sonic and Sackboy.
@Acquiescence You are very wrong.
sackBOI winning is the biggest surprise of the year for me!
How anyone would vote Sackboy over Geralt is beyond me
@Kai_ Geralt is a better character but he has nothing to do with the Playstation brand. In a poll called "The Ultimate Playstation Character" I have to give it to Sackboy.
I went with Sonic and Sackboy
@Kai_ 1st party character deserve to win this poll.
Snake and Sackboy for me.
Let's finally purge sonic after he got rid of Alucard and Yennefer. It's time to go.
Snake and Sackboy all the way.
Sorry Sonic, time's up. You were my childhood, but if we're picking PS icons well... Get in that locker.
Are farking kidding me. Delete your life if u voted sack boy
Sonic and sackboy for me. Both iconic characters
Hey, I absolutely love LBP, probably spent about 300 hours on it. But Geralt has surely got to win this, he's one of coolest characters in video game history.
Surely being cute can only get you so far? What am I talking about, this is the Internet..
It’s too bad this poll started before Boy and Head became potentials.
Snake and Sack.
I voted for Sonic, but I only like classic Sonic, not modern Sonic.
This site always post two different matches everytime and everytime I always find exactly one character that I like (meaning that I only vote for one of the matches)
@b1ackjack_ps feelin' your pain
Solid Snake and Geralt for me. Pretty easy choice.
Snake vs Sonic gives me flashbacks to Smash Bros. Brawl.
Picked Snake.
Sorry Sonic, you're a good lad.
Give it one for Yennefer, Snake.
Geralt had won this tournament from the start in my eyes.
Snake and Geralt. No time for kiddy characters
Snake and Geralt! Both have far more character and personality because both are derived from actual story and character development.
Dang, I think Sonic finally met his match. Sonic might have to get his revenge on Snake on Smash Bros Brawl lol
Snake and Sackboy.
@ApostateMage He is going to lose for sure mate. Everyone left is more a Playstaition Icon than him. 😁 😂🤣😉
@Flaming_Kaiser I know, I know. Not many of those have had games and TV series made from them though (originally a book character was our Geralt)
@Neolit Insane isnt it hé should have destroyed Geralt. 😁 😋
@ApostateMage But you have choose what you like. Crash Bandicoot is nothing to me but he is cool. Look if we had Dart from the Legend of Dragoon that would be epic. 😁
I did not expect Sackboy vs Geralt to be so close.
@Mikethemosher Delete your life?
I think you misspelled file.
I picked Sonic and Sackboy. Sonic as I have just bought the megadrive collection for PS4 and Sackboy as his textures are boss!
@Oscartes "Ultimate Playstation Character" doesn't mean most Playstation brand or Playstation exclusive only or else those characters wouldn't be in the tourney. It's the Ultimate Playstation Character... which is a character that happens to be on the Playstation. You can interpret however you want, to be sure, but there are no rules regarding Playstation branding... you could also say which character sold more Playstations, and sure wasn't Sackboy...
I would pay good money to see Geralt rip Sackboy apart.
Snake & Geralt, it'll be a good match.
Never played any games with Sack Boy or Snake so went Geralt and Sonic, but man considering Geralt is neck and neck with Sack Boy, those games (whatever the ef they are called) must be better than they look... way, way better.
I understand why people would not pick sonic but Sackboy he is like the mascot of PlayStation so I voted sonic and Sackboy
@starhops In what does Geralt say Playstaition its a nice character. But come on with Snake i at least say the history Geralt nothing.
@starhops On the one hand, you are right. On the other, Cristiano Ronaldo (cover guy from FIFA 18) probably sold more Playstations than any other
@Oscartes if only people hadn't voted out wander
@Kai_ Again with this? Sackboy is a great PlayStation character, he is really charismatic.
@Kai_ Wander AND Big Boss...
@Oscartes Why's he gotta be so handsome AND good?!
@Flaming_Kaiser Huh?
Voted Sonic and Sackboy cuz I feel they're the more fleshed out characters..
Snake and Geralt.
Easy choice.
Sackboy vs a guy who's first few games didn't appear on PS systems, and we aren't choosing Sackboy?
Don't care for any of these characters.
@Oscartes Agreed!
Why no one vote for sanic?
So happy to see both of my votes are winning. Solid Snake & Geralt!! Although, if it were Snake V.S Geralt, that would be all too hard a decision to make. Prolly Snake!
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