This is the twenty-eighth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the final week of the top 16. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have four matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 9th May.

Match 109: Solid Snake vs. Corvo Attano
Solid Snake
Series: Metal Gear
First PlayStation appearance: Metal Gear Solid, 1998 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Big Boss, Pac-Man
Corvo Attano
Series: Dishonored
First PlayStation appearance: Dishonored, 2012 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Tombi, Nathan Hale
Vote for your favourite character! (206 votes)
- Solid Snake
- Corvo Attano
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Match 110: Yennefer of Vengerberg vs. Sonic the Hedgehog
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Series: The Witcher
First PlayStation appearance: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 2015 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Cayde-6, Monokuma
Sonic the Hedgehog
Series: Sonic
First PlayStation appearance: Sonic Heroes, 2003 (PlayStation 2)
Characters beaten: Yangus, Alucard
Vote for your favourite character! (215 votes)
- Yennefer of Vengerberg
- Sonic the Hedgehog
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 111: Trevor Philips vs. Sackboy
Trevor Philips
Series: Grand Theft Auto
First PlayStation appearance: Grand Theft Auto V, 2013 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Iota, Bub and Bob
Series: LittleBigPlanet
First PlayStation appearance: LittleBigPlanet, 2008 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Rean Schwarzer, Wander
Vote for your favourite character! (211 votes)
- Trevor Philips
- Sackboy
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 112: Geralt of Rivia vs. Spyro the Dragon
Geralt of Rivia
Series: The Witcher
First PlayStation appearance: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 2015 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Colonel Radec, Squall Leonhart
Spyro the Dragon
Series: Spyro the Dragon, Skylanders
First PlayStation appearance: Spyro the Dragon, 1998 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Sir Galahad, Kazuma Kiryu
Vote for your favourite character! (210 votes)
- Geralt of Rivia
- Spyro the Dragon
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 47
Female dogs!
Snake, Sonic, Sackboy, Geralt.
Corvo (I know Corvo wont win but i refuse to vote Solid Snake hes dead to me)
Believe in Sonic!
How is Geralt losing?! I can't accept that!
All my picks are winning, yessss!
Who needs the SS when you've got the SSSS.
Man, the irony if Yennefer wins and Geralt loses.
Spiro? Seriously.....
Trevor would rape Sackboy.
Question for the pushsquare staff what happens if theres a tie at the end of the week ?
@ShadowWarrior Why is Solid Snake dead to you?
If Sonic and Spyro win I'm going to IGN.
Konmai ruined the series after 4. #F**k Konmai.
@ShadowWarrior We've never had it happen yet, but if it did, we'd look back at previous results for each character and whoever had the best average win percentage would go through.
Thanks for the quick answer i always wondered since u guys started and before i joined the site
Spyro is just another bread and butter Witcher Contract for Geralt...
I opened up to post a comment that I’ve picked against the grain, only to see we have the same choices. I feel like the part in train spotting where sick boy gives up heroine just to make Renton look like his efforts mean nothing.
Wow. A lot of love for the Witcher series. I guess voters don’t understand the significance of Sonic and Spyro on gaming.
Spyro better win. When a character's first 2 games don't even appear on PS consoles and has only been in 1 game on said systems they should never beat a character who has probably been in a dozen PS games. The Witcher 3 is great, greater than any Spyro game, but Spyro is the greater PS character. That being said Yen beats Sonic because Sonic has been dead as long as there have been PS systems for him to appear on.
@lacerz won't vote on seniority and nostalgia. Of course they're significant, but as things stand now, you've got to be careful getting a sonic game (the new one looks sweet though).
Snake, Sonic, Sackboy and Spiro. I didn't hesitate and would do it again!!
I am voting for the S crew. S as in Sony, guys!
Word up, Sony
Dang, 50/50 for Spyro and Yennifer.
52/48 for Geralt and Spro. I’ve never seen such close battles after this many votes.
But seriously who is still voting for sackboy
It's like children vs adults this week once you get past Snake and Corvo.
Solid Sonic Sack Dragon, ... heh, which is what the ladies called me in school.
@Kai_ Me for a start, Sackboy's an iconic PlayStation character and Trevor is really just a rent a psycho.
@adf86 Agreed. Plus I really enjoyed being part of the LBP community and seeing the incredible creations people made.
@ShadowWarrior Solid Snake wasnt in any after 4 though so hes......Solid
@Bigkopman Thanks for that really unneeded imagery.
@lacerz Spyro was more of a clone/rip off than influential. As for Sonic, I personally don’t like Sonic games, but even if I did, Sonic is annoying as heck; I suspect many others feel the same way.
@adf86 Me too, I don't know why some people here really hate Sony characters. Sackboy is really charismatic and LittleBigPlanet is a classic.
@LieutenantFatman This seems exactly wrong. This whole round is 20 somethings vs 30 and 40 somethings. If you've been with Sony since the beginning you are going to vote for the "kid" characters. If you started in the PS3/4 Era you are going to vote for the "adult" characters here.
Everyone who didn't vote for Spyro is dead to me.
Spyro forever !! Other than that, Snake, Trevor and Yennefer.
I would say taste comes into it too. I loved PSone but I've backed Witcher 3 characters all the way here. I feel the characters really raised the bar for what can be done in video games and would be very deserving of winning here. The story telling is truly incredible.
Yennefer of Vengerberg
@LieutenantFatman I can't really argue with anything you said, we just have different criteria for voting. Which is what makes its whole tournament fun.
When this is all over can you start it up again? I never want to see it end.
@legalstep Agreed. What reason am I gonna have to get out of bed on Wednesdays when this pole ends? Real life doesn't count.
@Giygas_95 @legalstep It's been a big success so far so we'll likely bring it back. Once it's over I'll probably make a forum thread about ideas for the (potential) next tournament. Make sure you stop by and let me know what you want as a community and when we should do it.
@ShogunRok How about instead of a contest of PlayStation characters, the next pole is actual games? Showdowns like Uncharted 4 vs The Last if Us would be interesting. Granted you'd need to throw in a lot of non-Playstation exclusive games too probably. Only problem I can see is that newer games like God of War would probably almost always beat out older games like say Gex.
As for when, I would probably say wait a few weeks or a month or two to give everyone time to cool down from this one and also build up hype for the next one.
Edit: I could also see maybe doing smaller, shorter poles like maybe ranking just PlayStation Exclusive games or maybe ranking people's favorite Sony E3 press conferences. Just a thought.
I went with the hedgehog
lets give some love to sony's 1st party character, sackboy ftw!
@ApostateMage lol!
Man, i absolutely love this idea and the fact that you guys are actually being consistent and loyal to it. This week was another tough one for me.....
1. Solid Snake is an easy and quick pick over Corvo.
2. I chose Yennefer over Sonic (although I still love Sonic)
3. Sackboy cuz I hate GTA5 & Trevor is nobody special.
4. Geralt of Rivia was my pick and this was the hardest one for me cuz I loved and still love Spyro. he reminds me of great nostalgic memories but Geralt's journey in W3 won me over for many many reasons I wont list here. Geralt is forever a legendary bad ass in my eyes.
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