ANTHEM, the new Destiny-esque co-operative game from Mass Effect developer BioWare, is shaping up to be one of the biggest games of E3 2018 – even though there are question marks over its ability to deliver something new and original. And in less than a week’s time, you’ll be learning a lot more about the title at EA’s press conference. So what can you expect?
Writing on its website, the publisher has stressed that you’re going to get new gameplay and trailers, as well as an in-depth look at how combat works in addition to some developer insight. What’s more, the company also plans to release some concept and production art. In order to get you in the mood, it’s already revealed a trio of new screenshots, including the title’s box art.
Are you looking forward to this one, or is it all just a bit too bland for your tastes? Rocket pack your way into the comments section below.
[source ea.com]
Comments 24
I want to be really excited for this but EA have left a very bitter taste in my mouth from Battlefront 2!
I must admit, I am still looking forward to this. The game-play, the setting and the overall concept had a LOT of appeal last year and despite some 'set-backs' - most notably EA's handling of games like Battlefront 2, there was still enough in the first reveal that really intrigued me and has kept me interested in the title. It may not be as high up my wanted list as it debuted but it hasn't dropped down enough that I have lost interest altogether.
I am looking forward to seeing more...
I just think it looks so unimaginative personally. I guess we don't have many Iron Man-esque jetpack style games, but the character designs look so similar to Destiny, and I'm bored of these "lush" sci-fi backdrops.
Things that are guaranteed to be part of Anthem's lore: there'll be an "Ark" of some sort; there'll be an enemy type called "Chimera"; there'll be some sort of push and pull between "the Light" and "the Dark".
You can throw as many dollars at the project as you like, but it'd be nice if they'd actually had a new idea.
I mean, this is artwork from a few other games. It's literally the same thing:
Pic 2 looks an awful lot like the metal devils from Horizon.
Speaking of Destiny, Bungie is apparently working on a new title.
I hope the the single player story is good, bioware is rpg company so I have hope.
Hmmm I like how you jetpack in to the map from the central city.
I just hope there's some kind of big verses mode where all the players jetpack in to a big map, and have to scrounge for weapons and gear quick. Some kind of 100 person single elimination mode.
My only concern is that people will camp and the action will be too spread out. Maybe they could have some kind of encrouching threat that forces players to move to some kind of center to keep the dwindling down player count focusing on killing each other.
Well call it... Capture the flag.
ANTHEM: All New Trick to Haul in EA Money
@get2sammyb Hah, for a moment I literally thought you were posting Anthem screens to show the 'unimaginative' look of the game, then I read they're actually from different games..!
It might actually be interesting, you never know! I expect it will sell well regardless.
If Activision/Bungie hasn't been able to steer the course back on track in 5+ years with Destiny, I have very little hope for EA/Bioware coming up with something better.
I hate to say it, but, generic or not, if Anthem can give Destiny players back all the things that Bungie took out of D2, then it will have a ready made audience of about 3 million straight off the bat. If it can improve further on that, then I reckon EA are probably on to a winner.
I’m looking forward to this, if only because it’s third person, unlike destiny. Why am I spending this money and wasting time to level up and collect items and gear I’m only going to see 10% of the time while playing?
Yes I want to look cool. But not just for other folks to see. I wanna see my cool looking helmet in action too.
I want this to be good, hell, it's probably the closest thing to an iron man simulator we'll ever have.
In all honesty, it genuinely could be a great game, it's been in development for 6+ years, the gameplay looks fun and it's visually stunning and that's a good mixture for a game like this. Although, i will wait until after launch to see if it turns out to be a good game, f*** preordering.
I am hoping this goes lootbox crazy so we can throw big juicy fat tomatoes as EA. Get in the stocks you scum.
I want this game to be good, but I'm not that hyped.
@wiiware Wait there's single player? I thought Anthem was confirmed to be online only.
I honestly can see this game being cut up to shreds and the base game having nothing in it, I expect someone will have done everything within a month of its launch why do I say that...???. Because it's just EAs answer to a destiny clone but 3rd person instead it will have loot boxes it will MTs and as I said won't have much at launch.
It's all cool thinking I'm gonna be Iron Man but that's nothing new because you really don't change anything apart fron suit colours like Destiny and it's armor (con) drops
@ToddlerNaruto Anthem is like destiny, so I think there'll be always online single player "mmo-lite" for it, I hope it's better than destiny 2 story.
@ToddlerNaruto Casey Hudson said you can play it by yourself if you want.
If they get the characters, story and relationships right, this could be a good thing. After all, those elements are what set Uncharted above all the others.
@smelly_jr @wiiware Oh so it'll be like single player Destiny meh.
Definitely not interested then, hard pass.
Painfully generic. If it was set in the Mass Effect universe, that would be a different story, and personally I think that's the direction they should have gone in, rather than Andromeda. Use the spin that "You've played Shepard's story, now it's YOUR story", etc. But now we have Destiny/Titanfall/Jungle Book. I'd love them to prove me wrong but it's hard to get excited about it right now.
still looks very service orientated, and destiny'ish. plus killzone 3 already did jetpacks, and guerrilla's shooting mechanics are miles better than bioware's.
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