EA finally revealed more about the enigma that is the upcoming shooter MMO ANTHEM during this year's press conference at E3 2018. We now know that it's a shared-world shooter like Destiny 2, that it features a single player story to follow, and that there's a bunch of usual BioWare trimmings like classes, statistics, and stuff like that.
In this guide, we're going to tell you everything that we know about ANTHEM, including what it is, the release date and platforms, and how it plays. We'll update this as we learn more so keep checking back, and use the comments section for outrageous speculation.
ANTHEM - What It Is
ANTHEM is an online shared-world shooter by BioWare, the developer of Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect: Andromeda. It plays in a very similar manner to Destiny – you'll pick up missions in a hub world and head on out into the world to explore various different regions.
You can take up to three friends along for the ride, and there are four different classes of character in total. The class system is tied to the type of Javelin exosuit you wear, and you can level up both your character and Javelin.
Multiplayer options include exploring the world, performing missions together, and taking on dungeon or raid-style missions known as Strongholds. You can't explore each other's hub world together, though you can access a shared hub to make changes to your character while performing missions.

ANTHEM has a loot system that's quite similar to Diablo III's. You'll find new weapons and gear that will have an individual level and tier (epic, legendary, rare etc). There won't be loot boxes, but you will be able to purchase cosmetic upgrades with real cash.
You can also find various Javelin modifications and cosmetic options while exploring the world.
ANTHEM - Release Date & Platforms
ANTHEM was supposed to launch in autumn this year, but has been pushed back to February 22, 2019. It will launch on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
ANTHEM - Gameplay
BioWare describes ANTHEM as a 'shared-world shooter', and the closest example of that we have right now is Destiny 2. There's a wide open, seamless world to explore and you can do so with up to three friends.
There is a class system, but it's tied into the type of Javelin you choose to wear. These are fancy exosuits that would make even Iron Man pause to appreciate them. So far, there are four confirmed Javelin classes: Ranger, Colossus, Interceptor, and Storm. We're not clear on how they all play together, or how they differ. You can customise your Javelin with upgrades and cosmetics that you'll find as you explore the world.

That exploration largely takes place throughout a variety of missions, and you'll find both story and side missions in the world of ANTHEM. The side missions are generally tougher than story missions, and you can repeat them for extra rewards.
When you break it down into the three different types of missions, it really does sound remarkably similar to Destiny. You can freely wander the world and complete tiny missions for rewards, take on story missions, or beat strongholds - instanced areas that provide a greater challenge.
ANTHEM features a typical levelling system. Earn enough XP, and you gain a level, at which point you'll grow in power. You have two separate aspects to level – your character level and your Javelin level, but it's not clear at this point exactly how each of them works. Presumably, your character level dictates the abilities you can unlock, while Javelin level dictates the upgrades you can slot in your Javelin. That's just conjecture though.
You can play all of the content with players of any level, and lower level players will be scaled up so there isn't a massive power gap between the players in a group. This allows you to always play together no matter what it is you want to do.
In terms of content, you can do anything in ANTHEM with other players, be it story missions, exploring, or raiding strongholds. We're not sure at this time if there'll be any PvP though, or what it will entail.

Where it differs from Destiny though, is that the hub world will not feature other players. It's called Fort Tarsis, and it's where you'll do all of your equipment modifications, story progression, and various other activities.
There is a shared hub known as the 'Strider' though, that you can access while exploring the world to customise your gear. You and your party can both access this together, though we're not clear how or when you can do so.
Finally, it's worth mentioning that ANTHEM will be online only, so you won't be able to play it without an internet connection. You can play by yourself though, if you so choose.
Breathe a sigh of relief – there are no loot boxes in ANTHEM. You will be able to purchase items using your own money, but they will only ever be cosmetic in nature. By that we mean you might look nicer, but you won't have a gameplay advantage.
As you explore the world, you'll pick up a bunch of different loot. Weapons will have a level and a tier – the typical epic, legendary, and rare tiers most likely. That's all we know about the system at this point though.

ANTHEM - Setting
ANTHEM takes place on a fictional, artificial planet that was created by God-like figures known as Shapers. These guys used a powerful piece of ancient technology called the 'Anthem of Creation' to create the planet, but were clearly interrupted while working on it because they suddenly vanished, leaving all of their tools strewn about.
These tools will serve a gameplay purpose in ANTHEM, allowing you to cause widespread change to the planet and its ecosystem at any moment. We're not clear on how exactly that will all work, but it sounds awesome.
ANTHEM - Story
You play as a surviver who lives on this fictional planet. Known as a freelancer, it's your job to survive on the planet by salvaging what you can of the ancient technology littered about. You'll use that to build yourself Iron Man-style armour known as 'Javelins'.
Meanwhile, an opposing faction called the 'Dominion' is trying to locate the lost Shaper technology for some unknown and almost certainly evil reasons. You'll want to put a stop to them while you're at it.
ANTHEM - PS4 Pro Enhancements
BioWare has not announced anything regarding PS4 Pro Enhancements just yet. However, the recent Mass Effect: Andromeda did feature PS4 Pro upgrades, so we can hold out up that BioWare will give us something fancy to look forward to.

How do you feel about ANTHEM? Will it claw you Destiny 2 players in? Are you interested is a BioWare fanatic? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 12
Those that have played it say its more 'Monster Hunter' than Destiny in the way its 'structured'. Obviously there is a big difference in the game-play thanks to the vastly different movement and combat. It seems though that you go to 'your' Hub to pick up missions etc and then go out into the world where you can play solo (although it will be more 'challenging') or have friends drop in. The 'class' system is built around Javelins - each with their own upgrades and special abilities but, unlike Destiny, you are not locked to one Javelin. You can swap Javelins at your Hub or at 'mobile bases' (that giant At-At type thing we saw at E3) - not sure if you can change specs on the fly - like go from a mortar to a chain-gun for example or whether you would also need to go to a Hub to spec out your Javelin. This does make it less repetitive too as you won't need to do the story multiple times with different classes to have that variety.
Its obvious why this gets compared to Destiny - being a Scifi shooter in an 'online shared world'. No doubt there are some similarities. I like the fact that there is no competitive MP which could really affect the weapons and balancing of the game. You don't want to have to play in certain Javelins or use certain weapons just to be competitive and it can mean that special abilities, certain weapons etc can feel 'powerful' in PvE. You know that ability to target multiple enemies and destroy them all in one salvo would be a nightmare in PvE - also 'exotic' weapons can feel 'special' too - not just the same as all others in its class.
I am 'ok' with Cosmetic only Micro-transactions - especially as they are selling the actual cosmetics - not a RNG change at getting what you want. I would prefer these to be 'in the game', unlocked by some challenge or as a reward but if micro-transactions are 'necessary', this is the most acceptable method of implementation. I am NOT forced to buy but IF I wanted something, I can buy it directly.
There are a few tweaks that I hope get made before release - the damage numbers and 'combo' are far too large and obtrusive so I hope these get toned down or the option to remove. I know this crops up a lot in open world games, Days Gone too has had this discussion.
Overall, I think it 'looks' a lot of fun and the world looks interesting. Much more wildlife than Destiny and more interesting environment too - helped by the fact you can fly and go underwater. Its definitely still on my 'wanted' list and a number of concerns I have had in recent months have been alleviated by the new info and by those that have had a chance to play that 'demo'.
ugh... I just don't care for all of the Destiny-ness of it.
Jetpacks though...
Day one purchase
I enjoyed the first Destiny and i played it stictly solo so I'll give this a chance. The story sounds utter dross, though.
There's bound to be an open beta soon.
Looking forward to giving this a go. The kicker is that the only way to access the beta/demo is to preorder.
@ApostateMage What do you mean. Many refreshes have been spent developing the world of anthem.
@Shellcore HAHAHAHA...yeah, the terms and names and lore seem pretty generic and dumb so far. That's probably just the pessimist in me.
Honestly, I'm none of what I've heard about this game excites me at all (as a resentful Bioware fan of 9 years). This is actually a good thing for this game because that means my expectations are reeeeally low, so there's a good chance I'll probably enjoy this game, lol.
Day one purchase for me What else is coming out in that same period? Days Gone, Metro Exodus....what else...
@Shellcore Ha! I think BioWare used one for their protagonist's titles too.
This looks like it might be structured to have some fun with friends who drop on or you can go running through missions solo. I am more intrigued now than before... I was never a fan of Destiny (too much a rip-off of Warframe which I played a lot) but this looks different. I like Bioware, and the combat so far seems okay. But there have been so many great games with really good combat, so I'm hoping this one hold up. I like playing online with friends, so I'm hoping this one fits that need. Monster Hunter World really has been fun, but it also has a mindless grind to it and RNG of the RNG goddess which is annoying haha!
If the grind isn't awful and the missions are fun solo or with friends, I will look to getting this one. Feb 2019? Aren't there a few other games coming out then?
Sounds good to me! It would be a laugh if they can manage to stick it to Bungie and make this a real Destiny killer; that will take the smirk off of Luke Smith's face
Lost me at "online" required. Sucks.... wanted to play this..
Destiny is already going into the 5th year now, which is half of its life time. And it feels like nothing really progressed in that game. The most important thing with Anthem will be to have a full experience at the start and add high quality content on the go that feels like the game is progressing.
It should just start basically as Destiny 1 with all the add ons, especially TTK. Just with a more coherent story. And then continue from there.
optimistically hyped, between this and div2 HOPEFULLY one of them can get it right
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