PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the former Battle Royale sensation that’s had its lunch eaten by Fortnite, is finally finished on the Xbox One – and that’s prompted fresh speculation about a PlayStation 4 port. Stoking the flames further is that in Microsoft’s announcement trailer, Bluehole employees are seen gathered around a desk with a PS4 Pro standing proudly upon it.
Does it mean much in isolation? Not at all, as it may just be a console for staff to use for research or out of hours entertainment. However, the Xbox One box art for the finished version of the military shooter includes the ‘Console Launch Exclusive’ label, suggesting that the game will eventually release elsewhere.

We know that one of the reasons PUBG was exclusive to Microsoft’s machine in the first place is because Sony doesn’t have an Early Access programme on its platform, so now that the title’s finished, it should be free to launch on the PS4 next. We wouldn’t be surprised to see this arrive before the end of the year, which would be around about 12 months after the original Xbox One launch.
Of course the bigger question is whether there’s even a market for it anymore. While the game continues to pull in respectable numbers, it’s been lapped by Fortnite’s popularity several times now, while H1Z1 has also started to command an audience on the PS4 as well. There’s also Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 to consider, which will be entering the Battle Royale arena in a couple of months.
[source youtube.com, via theverge.com, resetera.com]
Comments 26
Far too late!
How does the old saying go? Oh yeah...
You snooze, you lose.
So if it launches in the same state as the XB1 version, it should be playable by Christmas 2020. Awesome.
Not to be rude, but the pubg lot sound like a bunch of incompetent clowns.
Actually, that was pretty rude. Oops.
The way it's stood up, perfectly placed wasn't an accident. Well done PlayerUnknown because here we are talking about pubg still!
If the framerate would be any better on PS4 than the xbox version I played last year I'd definitely be into it!
Cool for those that want it. My kids play the crap out of fortnite so I don't think it'll make a dent here, but I know people have been waiting for it so good for them!
I thought it was dead.
After trying Fortnite and H1Z1, I'm no longer interested, too little, too late
I would try it at least, but I doubt I'd invest any time into it. But my biggest thought would be how this impacts the whole Microsoft acquisition. I'm assuming it was something they agreed would still release on ps4 even after acquisition.
They’re probably just playing God of War 😏.
Think they missed the boat with PUBG on PS4. Once BO4 , BFV & potentially RDR2 battle royals are out I can’t imagine there being any more room for another ‘big player’.
to be fair people had stopped caring about the game when it launched on the XB1 so i doubt ANYONE cares at all now
@Fight_Teza_Fight You‘re right playa! They definitely played the game of the gen, God of War on the PS4. Word up, son!
once Battlefield and black opps release pubg will be finished! everyone that streams it on twitch are desperate for a replacment
Does anyone even care anymore? PUBG is now essentially the MySpace of video games.
I always thought PUBG was about a gangster who drinks in the boozer.
Pubg lost so much momentum by making the game exclusive to one console for a year, while fortnite released on all console and mobile.
If it’s released in a playable bug free „final“ form then why not ? PUBG still is of interest - i Own an xbox one x but skipped on the game so far because of the gameplay videos I’ve seen on Xbox - and they all looked terrible , laggy , buggy even after several updates. I doubt that PUBG (or any other battle royal game) will ever come close to Fortnites success but Black Ops 4 and Battlefield 5 also will feature a battle royal mode - PUBG has even more competition now and if it doesn’t deliver on all fronts now then it will become irrelevant Soon - many missed opportunities, the time exclusivity didn’t help either. Maybe releasing it on PS4 will be one of the big final attempts to bring it back to fame ? We will see
The exclusivity with MS probably helped Fortnite more in a weird way pushed the game more into the limelight. Think it would still sell on PS4 but nothing like the numbers they could of got if they released it last year
I still play PUBG from time to time, it’s definitely better than Fortnite imo, it’s more realistic, more satisfying to hunt and hide from other players while the safe zone shrinks, for e.g if I’m in a house looking to stock up with weapons and health packs then suddenly hear another player running outside, I stand still and then start sneaking to prepare for them to come into the room I’m in, if I make too much noise I’d lose the element of surprise and they could throw smoke/flash grenades and come in guns blazing.
Just that one situation builds up enough tension that if you come out on top you feel relieved and happy while looting the dead guy’s hard earned gear he’s spent an ages gathering. All that from just killing 1 person out of 99 other players on the map, you don’t ever get that feeling on Fortnite, well I didn’t anyway. It’s also got vehicles and none of that building rubbish on Fortnite. PUBG is the best battle royale game out there imo. Hopefully there’s a demo/trial when it comes to PS4 so others can try it out for themselves.
Just as the PS3 and Xbox One are case studies on how NOT to launch a console, PUBG is a case study on how NOT to handle a competing offering. I don’t believe Fortnite would have gained as much steam as it did if it weren’t for Bluehole threatening litigation and the lack of PlayStation support for PUBG.
@tomassi No you're thinking of Halo and Gears of War lol
@MaccaMUFC Same reason why I like playing H1Z1. It feels way more intense. I got excited when I saw Fartnites 50 vs. 50. But one guy in my squad was too busy chopping trees to fight and when the rest of us got to the front line, majority of the people were too busy trying to build the worlds tallest stair case! No thanks, next time I sit down to play something I will be uninstalling that game.
dont forget RD2 BR
@Boxmonkey I'm not so sure about that. People always keep saying the game is dying but it is still topping the active players on Steam and doing very well. With the inflow of PlayStation players the game is bound to make some headlines again. Due to it's popularity I feel at some point they can make the game F2P as well and following similar finance model to Fortnite, though it'd be trickier due to the realistic art style.
@SonuvLiberty They had battle royale modes? Not an Xbox guy so no idea.
To those saying
No one cares for PUBG anymore
It’s still among the Top 10 most played games on Twitch TV (prob more likely on PC than Xbox but)
I’ll say this tho it’s still gonna be a broken bloody mess on PS4 not because of the PS4’s power... but if the Xbox One X and even some high end PCs can’t keep the game at the very least on a steady 30fps
What makes you think the PS4 & the PS4 Pro will?
This game prob will be optimized poorly yet again which is irritating... Man just think people WILL spend $30 on this game when you have H1Z1 & Fortnite which both (prob at least with H1Z1) run better and uh actually just work...
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