Marvel’s Spider-Man is one of the most popular games of the year, selling millions of copies on the PlayStation 4 since its launch last month. It’s impressive, then, that at the time of typing, a whopping 10 per cent of the people who purchased the game have taken the time to unlock its Platinum Trophy. That’s a lot of people!
To be fair, the silvery-blue trinket is fairly straightforward to unlock – but you still have to effectively 100 per cent the game, completing all of its story, side-missions, and open world activities. Depending on your ability, it takes a good 25-30 hours to do everything, and when you consider that most gamers fail to finish the campaigns in the majority of titles, it becomes a whole lot more impressive.
For example, just 6.9 per cent of people got the Platinum Trophy in Horizon: Zero Dawn – and that’s been out for over 18 months now. Meanwhile, about 5.5 per cent of people have the top gong in inFAMOUS: Second Son, and just 0.8 per cent of people bothered to go all the way in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Some of these games are obviously harder than others, but it’s still an impressive feat.
We reckon Sony will be thrilled with this kind of retention. Great reviews are one thing, but if consumers aren’t actively taking their time to play the games through, then that’s a problem. Insomniac Games’ latest clearly has got people hooked, and we’d actually expect that Platinum percentage to rise as more people purchase and complete the game.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 57
well i nearly have it, just a few more to go
i might work on it later actually
I'll add to that number...soon!
Just got mine tonight and man was that ending powerful I cannot wait for the sequel
I'm one of those 10 per cent!Woohoo,go me!
Got it! As well as all the other games mentioned
That's pretty impressive, although the platinum is far from hard it can take some effort to unlock all the suits if you spend to many challenge tokens on gadget upgrades. I had to take multiple attempts at some of them in order to get the full amount of tokens needed.
I only need to go back and get the hunter trophy in HZD for the platinum but just so many games!
only 5.5 for second son? of all the titles mentioned second son is the easiest to platinum.
@beemo true but the 2nd playthrough is really fast
1st playthrough easy mode/ good karma/ do all sidequest/ other related trophies stuff
2nd playthrough just beat the game on hardest setting in evil karma
I really wanted to Platinum infamous SS, but for some reason when I completed the game as full hero it didn't count, which would mean two more playthrough to get it. Not really that interested.....
@Lekzie1 You know, I almost platinumed SS. Then I decided to I didn't want to do the good playthrough. I put more time into the game than most people who got the platinum though.
Picked this up yesterday. I did feel that the game began to drag a bit but that might have been down to me doing everything prior to finishing the story itself. DLC will be a new year purchase!!
I think that's because traversal is so much fun in this game, I'm about 40%+ in the game and I still have fun just going from place to place, searching for (demon) crime to tackle
Because it's easy to obtain and a blast to play
Got the 4 mentioned (plus Lost Legacy & God Of War) helps they all have pretty simple lists
@Neolit sounds like you want it easy smh. With having 75 platinums trophies I like having a challenge & putting in the work for my platinums. Everybody should not Get an participation award...
@Neolit how is trophy hunting breaking immersion?. I guess Nathan killing hundreds & hundreds of enemies without death isn't breaking immersion lol...
@Neolit I only have 8 platinum trophies and they tend to be on games which award trophies in a way that compliments how I'm already playing the game. Looking at the Spiderman trophies I suspect I'll be there or there abouts by the time I finish the story anyway so it'll be my next one. Looking at ND, I played both Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us to death yet already have a higher percentage on Spiderman despite just being half way through the story, perhaps the only real weakness in ND's game development.
I have 9 Platinum trophies, it’s not much, and Spider-Man is one of them.
The game is awesome and the trophy is not difficult, it’s really fun to achieve it too.
Now I’m waiting for the dlcs. I usually don’t buy dlcs, but Spidey is special.
I don't mind going for a platinum as long as it's not a terrible grind.
It's interesting how this site avoids mentioning resetera as their source even when it's obvious where they got it...
@Lekzie1 Wasn't the game a PS+ title at some point too? If so, I guess plenty of people would have downloaded it as a freebie and then not played it as much as those who paid for it. Maybe.
Got mine within a week of launch. It was really easy but boy were those criminal activity missions a grind at the end. It's good to play a game where difficulty doesn't come in to the platinum. Those ones are just a cheap trophey in my eyes. Cough,tomb raider, cough cough.
Only got 3 platinums in total and got them all withing 3 weeks of each other. Shenmue 1 and 2 then spider man. Thought i was on a roll until i looked at tomb raider list.
@DLB3 that's some good going mate. GOW must have took some time mate. Didn't that one have a difficulty trophey too?
If a game is fun enough to not make getting a platinum trophy feel like a chore, then that is a sign of a well crafted game, indeed. I'll put this on my radar for later.
I think the main reason people have it is that it is a reasonable trophy to get. Not play through the game 3 times etc. I enjoyed every minute getting the trophy too cause that swinging is damn fine.
@DLB3 ahh right. I thought GOW had a difficulty one. Yeah it's a huge game but a good one to plat. Are there any missable ones or can they all be mopped up after completion? Yeah spidey was fairly easy really, just needed time putting in to it. Shenmue was a pain as I missed a few in the first game. Luckily I made a load of save points so just had to find the one closest to trophey I missed, load it up and grind a little.
Its a really fun platinum trophy
I like games like this that has no missable trophies. Best thing about it is the collectibles are marked on the map. Pretty straight forward to Platinum even without using a guide.
Hands up if you got the platinum for those games mentioned hand up
@Neolit I got Platinum on Uncharted 4 and would have for The Last of Us if it wasn't for damn online trophies. And yes I did find some trophies in U4 annoying like the dolphins bit or swing and throw a grenade or something. But nothing beats the absolutely absurd "Get 5 headshots in 5 seconds" of Mafia 3, the only trophy that stopped me from earning the Plat.
The type of gamers who leaves lots of games unfinished are interesting. I know gamers who love to talk about games than actually playing them.
A lot of people including me have platinum on Bloodborne too btw, about 5% thereabout. It was fun finding all the bosses and f****in them up. I'm 91% on Fallout 4 but I love it too much I don't wanna rush the Plat, same with Dishonored 2. Got 7 plats so far, no Telltale plats though lol.
I have the Spider-Man platinum. And I agree that Naughty Dog's track record of trophy lists across the Uncharted games and The Last Of Us is atrocious. Just terrible. I've accepted now that when I play a Naughty Dog game I don't bother looking at the trophy list because there's just no point.
@Neolit Yep same with Battlefield 1, I'm only left with online trophies to Platinum but I don't wanna download 18GB worth of update just to go online, plus the game is pretty boring.
@Neolit some platinums are for those who likes to go the extra mile and or likes a good challenge. Just because you can't achieve said platinum ( or you do not have enough time or patience to) doesn't mean developers should accommodate to your mindset. It's their product & they can implement whatever challenge they like...
@Neolit And here I thought 100 percenting games was part of a gamers genetic code lol, I have no clue why you are comparing that to your "assumed" accomplishments of my real life...
This might be my first platinum trophy, I still have a ways to go, but I'm really enjoying the game.
@TheArt To he fair, Battlefield 1 is primary a online MP game. MP has always been first in the series but and SP second. It makes sense for it to have online trophies. They should be updated though as they decline or get shut off.
I agree with @Neolit. Spider-Man has the perfect set of trophies, you obtain everything by just playing everything the game has to offer; you get it by having fun enjoying the game.
Other games should learn from this one. Final Fantasy XV also had a rather nice list, I got the platinum by enjoying the game without much effort beyond doing everything it had to offer.
Naughty Dog is quite terrible with its list. So is Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed (which includes multiplayer trophies & maximize level in multiplayer trophies - the horror).
I like trophy hunting, but absolutely hate it if it's a list that does not respect your time or has online trophies.
My worst in memory was mortal kombat 9 requiring to play 24h with each character.... WTF?
@RenanKJ I agree with ffxv, though the fishing took me way longer than it had any right to.
i have the uncharted 4 (didn't find any of the trophies particularly immersion breaking) and H:ZD platinums. the queen valkyrie trophy is the only i'm missing from GoW but it got too frustrating so i abandoned it. i only got about 20% or so on infamous : second son. just couldn't stand delsin, and the smoke/neon powers weren't nearly as much fun as cole's in the first two games, so never got close to finishing it. i haven't picked up spiderman for a similar reason - i just don't like spiderman as a character, and he might annoy me enough in the game that i'll not get close to finishing it. i might play it later on when it's cheap.
@Jaz007 Yea but the SP trophies are more than the MP's like 95% to 5% respectively so that definitely favours SP trophy hunters.
It was a really fun trophy to get. It felt like they were rewarding you for exploring the world. I still haven't gotten the Uncharted 4 platinum because I'm stuck in the second last chapter on crushing difficulty with low ammo.
It was pretty easy, felt like you could get there naturally by just playing through the game. Same happens with AC games before Origins
It's my first Platinum in 8 years of my PlayStation gaming too..
Thank to all Spider-man trophies being straightforward.
Never bother with the trophies as there are always some tedious Trophy in AAA games.
Soon to be added to this list.
I'm 1 trophy away from 'Being Greater'
I'm one of the 10% too, but the addition of the final two categories of street crimes really did my head in, and if I wasn't so diligent with my save files then I wouldn't have been able to unlock the spidey-suit trophy, as the game stopped awarding me challenge tokens after I completed the campaign! No idea why. I love that recent Sony first party games like S-M, GoW, and HorizonZD have had relatively easy platinums - presumably it's what's driving the high plat rate on this game, along with the fact that the gameplay is so fun. Uncharted 4 has such a low plat rate because it has difficulty related trophies and some MP ones too, which many likely don't bother with - I know I didn't!
@Lekzie1 Yes, but it requires playing through the game twice and many people won't do that.
I'm amazed how many people have gotten the various trophies (Platinum or otherwise) for this game. I mean, unlocking all suits is no piece of cake, considering the challenge tokens required. And stopping every crime in every district takes a while.
@Jaz007 I did not want to do the bad playtrough. 😁 😋
God of War series has overall good trophy lists except Ascension. 1 online trophy and it was only to complete the tutorial but to play it you had to buy a 20$ season pass. 20$ to get a trophy... The only trophy that I needed to get the platinum, even though the game was the weakest in the series as a fan I had to go for the plat.
"and when you consider that most gamers fail to finish the campaigns in the majority of titles, it becomes a whole lot more impressive."
You’re looking at it all wrong. I always finish the campaign, but I don’t always platinum because a lot of the trophies in most games are stupid. Example, in The Fractured But Whole, one of the trophies requires you use every toilet in the game and master them. And to that I say no, that’s stupid, I’m not going to do it. But with Spider-Man, the majority of the trophies are things you would do in the game anyway. I wasn’t trying to hunt down trophies in Spider-Man, I just wanted to 100% the game. Once I did, I then (and only then) took a look at the trophy list to see what they were, and to my surprise the only one I was missing was Hug It Out, because I never used the tripwire gadget. So took care of that quickly and got platinum.
@Donald_M why not? then whats the use of use ng+ then? besides its takes the same length to platinum both games.
@Lekzie1 I don't know what to tell you man, based on trophy information most gamers don't even complete a game the first time, let alone go for a second playthrough. There are plenty of gamers who do go for platinums or multiple playthroughs, but you can't really judge the general habits of people who play games based on the attitudes on the relatively small percentage that hangs out on sites like this one.
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