Originally, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy was supposed to have released at the end of September, but Activision made the call to delay the remake to mid-November. Judging by this latest trailer, the game is looking even better for the extra time. Maybe it's just the nostalgia getting to us, but Spyro's reimagined PSone adventures look and sound excellent here.
In just a few weeks, the little purple dragon will finally be back, and we're pretty excited to play the three original games once again. Toys for Bob has done some amazing work with the Reignited Trilogy -- if it plays as good as it looks, we should be in for a treat.
Are you looking forward to Spyro: Reignited Trilogy? Torch some innocent sheep in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 22
I hope to see it release complete on the disc. 😜
Sadly, we do not live with internet robust enough to support large downloads or streaming. It's not because my family doesn't want it, we simply either choose dial up or low grade DSL. I went with the DSL and while I can get to web sites like Push Square with little wait, I cannot stream at all. When I heard Spyro, the most eagerly awaited title in my house thanks to my daughter, was to be 2/3rds downloaded the tears flowed. Then after I wiped my eyes, I had to break it to the kids. Would we pay for a third of the game on disk? Then I heard of the delay and we're all hoping for good news.
Have they actually put all 3 games on the disc yet?
I'm waiting to find out if all 3 games are on disc before I buy, shame my enthusiasm has been so dampened by this issue
I’ve never actually played Spyro outside of a demo of 1. I’m not sure when, but I’ll definitely get this.
The game's less than a month away and still no confirmation regarding all three games being on the disc? I'm guessing two of them will be downloads.
Trilogy not integral on disc = no buy.
who cares if its on the disc or not just let me at it I also smell a BBQ
I think someone misunderstood the concept of a launch trailer.
Unfortunately it won't be PS4 Pro enhanced or support HDR...
They killed my interest in this game with having to download 2 out of the three games.
I can't wait for this, looks great
Looks like my childhood...with better graphics 😀 Sad though as this was a day one hardcopy preorder for me, until I found out about only first game being on disc! Now it is a digital purchase, but not until it's reduced a little on a deal of the week or whatever, as I'm not paying over a fiver more for digital on day one when I was really looking forward to seeing the hardcopy on my shelf! So disappointing!
wow this looks amazing
@orionreplay Where do you live that you don't have access to high speed broadband internet? Most countries should support it by now.
@MistressTonberry @RoyalGuard @Useyourname @WanderingBullet @TheIronChimp @Anjanath_Fang @RainbowGazelle @Flaming_Kaiser There has been no official confirmation about the Trilogy now being complete on Disc.
Hopefully the delay was to make sure all 3 games can be played on the disc.
@jFug Why does it matter if the Trilogy is PS4 Pro enhanced/HDR?
Games will still look amazing on a Pro.
@KidBoruto Because honestly HDR is a game changer. Games look so much better with HDR support. I just got a 4K HDR TV earlier this year and I don't know if I could go back after seeing games on it.
@jFug I honestly don't see the 4K/HDR difference but good to know.
@KidBoruto I followed a job to a rural town in the Northeast US. The particular house I chose for the views, is unfortunately also on the very edge of the DSL stretch, so we get the barest minimum speed. The folks in town get a local branded cable internet, which has not made its way to us even only minutes out of town. My nearest neighbor uses Hughes Net for their family internet, but then continually pay out the nose for a connection that still doesn't allow them to stream and if it spits rain, they lose the signal. So I chose to stay with the DSL. I picked the house. I just didn't think about the internet into the house when I did.
@orionreplay Ouch, sorry to hear that. I hope you can find a better house or that they will eventually cover you guys.
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