LawBreakers really didn't do well. That much is obvious, but what isn't is that it took so much of a toll on developer Cliff Bleszinski that he was vowed to never make another video game ever again.
A Twitter user reached out to the man himself yesterday requesting a refund for his purchase of LawBreakers. This was of course an unfair demand, but CliffyB responded with this:
Gamesindustry.biz reached out to the Boss Key co-founder, questioning whether his response should be taken seriously or not. Cliff simply responded with: "I'm done." That's not all there is to this story though, after a former developer that worked under Bleszinski stated his original response wasn't true, with the reality not being as rosy as he has made it out to be.
Whatever really happened, it's clear that Cliff Bleszinski at least tried to do right by his employees. Will you miss the presence of CliffyB in the video game industry? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 42
Is that a promise Cliff?
I honestly don't know — or care — whether CliffyB deserves sympathy or not, but the Internet can really take its toll at times. I think we'll probably see him make a return at some point, but sounds like he could definitely use a break.
Ladies and gentlemen I dub this the Death Stranding effect.
Ya cant sell people on something just by saying "Look who is making it" if the thing just doesn't look interesting.
This is the same guy who said that consoles were finished.
@knuckles-Fajita Except Death Stranding is interesting with a lot of people hyped for it.
@get2sammyb He gets no sympathy from the moment he advocated for the death of used games, which tells you how much of a priority he put consumer's interests. He even baited PlayStation fans when MS bought the Gears franchise cos of the rumours it was going multiplatform. So yeah he made his bed now he's going to have to lie in it.
@Knuckles-Fajita But Death Stranding looks absolutely incredible? Also, with the greatest of respect to Cliffy, Kojima is in a completely different stratosphere.
@AdamNovice Maybe. Even taking all of that into account, I can't begin to imagine how much crap he gets online.
Got to love a good temper tantrum on social media.
@get2sammyb No doubt a lot of the flak is uncalled for but when your a public figure and you present yourself as outspoken as he was, with a lot of unpopular opinions ( Xbox One's always online controversy should have been blamed on ISPs not MS apparently) then expect consequences.
@get2sammyb @AdamNovice
Alright, lets rename it "The Pokemon Let's Go effect".
@knuckles-Fajita Lol cool I'm fine with that
Law breakers was very trash. He'll be back, but his arrogance will always hold him back.
Thank God. And nothing of value was lost.
Probably gets a lot of gunk thrown his way but, like, he's a lightning rod for this stuff. Lots of his opinions were always pretty brazen and inflammatory, and he used to love to present himself as that sort of rebel game dev with the HOT OPINIONS THAT DIDN'T CARE WHAT /YOOOOOU/ THINK. I don't have that much sympathy for people like that?
I've always considered him the American Itagaki, in that way.
Can't trust a fella with a name that sounds like an 80's rapper or a mobile disco DJ.
Can't wait to see him on Shark Tank
thats what u get for pooing on consoles
@Lekzie1 As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So watch the language from now on.
Thanks for understanding
@Tasuki noted, sorry about the word I used,.
Like I always say "Never" is a long time.
That's the issue with everyone trying to cash in on the online/games as a service hype. People can only play so many games at the same time and everyone already wants players to spend hundreds of hours in their game with expensive expansions, DLC, MTX. The more they invest in one game, the less likely they're to move on to another. And in the end we get games like this, the games that failed to capture any audience and are basically a big waste of time and resources for the developers.
They should've made a good single player game, I would've bought it
well if he had ever made a decent game i might actually be bothered by this news
@hadlee73 Beans AND Potatoes

Thank God.
We don't need more generic shooters!
Have fun with your early retirement. I'm sure having a couple of million in the bank won't be a problem.
I've never cared much for this guy, his games didn't interest me that much and LawBreakers was just a clone. Now he quits like a crybaby cuz his game didn't succeed. Maybe you should go and think WHY it wasn't successful rather than blaming people for it?
I guess he wasn't much of a creator after all, if he really loved what he did, he wouldn't quit this easily.
I hope he never comes back, the industry doesn't need more crybabies to make more crappy online games.
@PS_Nation he's making scalebound for Microsoft 😱😂😀😇.haha.word up son
Only games of his I still play to this day is Gears and Unreal Tournament 2004.
Funny enough, I just played UT2k4 yesterday. I think I play it a few times a week.
But, ya know, I think the guy has enough money from his Gears days to not worry too much about his finances.
Despite enjoying Gears, it wasn't a one-man show. I couldn't care less about cliff then or now.
There is a part of me that thinks you shouldn't make promises you can't keep on a social platform and expect people not to react when you break promises and you certainly don't want to bite the hand that feeds you - something else Cliff has done on multiple occasions - also his 'greed' is renown - particularly around the used game market. I think he has insulted PC gamers, Xbox gamers, PS gamers and the console manufacturers too so is it any wonder why he is not popular.
There is a part of me too though that think people should think before they do react and not be so extreme either - death threats and wishing harm on them and family members is unacceptable of course.
Got far too big for his boots after the success of Gears of War.
Was a much more likeable character back in the UT days. Sad to see but his head went so far up his own back side. Its like he actually thought gears was a one man band job and he was the sole reason it done well.
@verynaughtyboy I'm the other way around. I don't really care about who's making it, but I do like what I've seen so far of Death Stranding.
@playstation1995 He will turn it into an “unique” online f2p game!
Word up.
Oh well, no loss. What I find funny is his reply to that guy's tweet.
"Maybe I used hyperbole. But I'd like to think I did the right thing."
Says a lot, really. He's okay with lying if it makes him feel good.
@Lekzie1 After years of pooing on PC gaming (despite making some of the PC's classics of the 90s), he scurries back to PC and starts pooing on the consoles. No surprise that people weren't interested anymore.
Cheer up, Cliff, it could be worse.
Goodbye JoJo!
The culling 2 failed worse than lawbreakers and radical heights. Xaviant honestly has me rooting for them because they owned their mistakes, refunded everyone, and decided to try to offer a better product by going back to work on the culling 1.
saying you paid months when in reality it was 3 weeks is a weassel thing to say! guess he thought no one would challenge his lies.
Can’t say I care. Dude ran his mouth a lot.
Always respected the guy, hell he worked on two of my all time faves with UT and Gears. He has not always said the right things and loved to rub people up the wrong way, but for me it was part of his charm. Lawbreakers was a great game that just didnt gel with some people. To call it a clone is just wrong, the traversal and GunSword play was awesome, But then again I was playing on PC. Word Up Son.
Thing is, if you're gonna choose to be a badman edgelord, people are gonna react badly to that. Own it and actually not give a **** rather than cry about it when people chuck it back at you.
Or try being friendly to people if you want them to be nice back to you.
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