Sony’s sending out an awesome Christmas theme to lucky PlayStation 4 owners, and it’s one that you’re going to want to wear throughout the holiday period. The brilliant Broadway-inspired background features a neon sign and some slick jazz lounge music – it’s really well done.

These are getting sent out via email, so you may want to dive into your inbox and check whether you got one. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to how these are rolling out, so maybe just cross your fingers and hope you got lucky.
Comments 23
I got mine, it is really quite nice.
I like it.
Looks neat. Might go get it
Urgh, jazz. Yuck! 🤮
I like the simplicity of it. Glad I received one,
@RogerRoger you may be in luck still if you don't receive the official email from Sony. Some people on other sites (PS Lifestyle, etc.) have been posting their codes for others to use.
I got the email code yesterday. It's pretty nice for free. I'll probably go back to Rime in the spring but I'll keep this one hanging around for a few months.
Flash sale also ends today for anyone who reads this and is still interested. I bought 10Foot Robot Golf last night but coudln't play it b/c I unplugged my PSVR USB cable for my GoT laden thumbdrive, about 3 months to rewatch 7 seasons, priorities.
PS5 needs more USB ports if Sony expects us to plug in huge external HDD and PSVR2 and a free cable to charge our controllers every 6 hours. Two is not enough. At least we are done with the Skylanders and Disney Infinity docks. Don't foresee anything like that being hooked up to our PS5.
@rjejr Whachu talkin' about, Willis?
PS5's DualShock 5 (or whatever it'll be called) better have at least double the battery life of the DualShock 4 or there will be riots in the streets.
@Turismo4GT Battery life in DS4 is so bad I actually bought a 2nd controller just b/c I got so sick of it dieing all the time. And I'm a really cheap person who doesn't like spending money on anything, but it was affecting my emotional well being. So now I pretty much always have 1 plugged in and ready to go when the battery dies, and I switch.
Hopefully they at least are smart enough to give us the option to turn off the light. Outside of PSVR I dotn' think that light ever gets used, it's a worthless wasteful battery drain. And the touchpad isn't used much either. Sure I use it as a big button, but almost never as a touchpad. Not sure if that is draining the battery at all but Sony probably spent so much money on the pad they cheaped out on the battery. More battery next time.
Got one, wouldn't have known to check without seeing this so thanks!
I'm sad I didn't get it. Looks quite nice.
I hope I get one, but generally when Sony sends out email offers I don't get one...I wish they would have just made this automatically free for Plus people.
Dammit Sony where's my email? All I got was one about Xmas Playstation jumpers!
Would've preferred a $10 voucher, or something actually useful.
It's so American, man.
I've not got an email either. Been with PS+ Since 2007. Took a month off recently due to the death of my father so if taking a month off is the reason I haven't got one I'm going to be mighty pissed off. Especially having looked at "my PS4 life" recently and having dedicated 11,000+ hours and 5800+ trophies in the last few years . Not happy to say the least.
hmm i might temporarily swap this out for the custom 2077 wallpaper iv had for the last 2 years D:
Thanks for the info I got mine and I really like it it has a nice style
I want it!!! But no email (yet?)☹
Australia prob misses out as usual 😔
Hey, I got one! The email was sent from Sony on Dec 15 at 4:15 pm (central standard time).
PS5 needs.....
4 to 6 USB 3.0 ports
Longer battery in the controller
1TB hard drive as standard
@rjejr The Pro has three (two front, one rear), so I'm sure the PS5 will at least match that.
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