My interest in virtual reality never really went away, but over the course of 2018, it definitely grew. This is most likely down to the fantastic drip feed of quality titles that lead to PlayStation VR having its best year yet -- WipEout Omega Collection got its free VR update, and we had several highly regarded titles release later on. I'd tried the technology before, but only in five-minute stints at shows like EGX. With a mounting pile of games I wanted to try, I could only hope and pray for a virtual reality Christmas.
As luck would have it, I was extremely fortunate to be gifted one of Sony's headsets, as well as a couple of games. Naturally, I wanted to get started as soon as possible, and after a bit of a fiddly setup, I was ready to jack into the Matrix. Once I strapped the block of plastic to my face, the first game I sampled was the marvellous Tetris Effect, a game I've been enjoying in two dimensions since it launched back in November. Much has been said about the game's transportive virtual reality experience, and it didn't disappoint. The visual effects surrounding the board have always been something to behold, but when you're immersed in them with PSVR and a decent pair of headphones, it's on another level entirely.

Having gotten my feet wet with a personal favourite, it was time to try something totally new. I decided to give Moss a try. Unlike Tetris Effect, this can only be played in PSVR, and it's easy to understand why. From the very first moment when you're sat in a gigantic cathedral looking down on the story book, it feels like you've stepped into another world, surrounded as you are by impressively detailed environments. Not only is Moss a great advocate for VR, it's also just a lovely puzzle platformer in its own right, involving you in the story and gameplay to great effect.
From the limited number games I've played in virtual reality, I think I have two standouts at the moment. These are the games I kept coming back to between Christmas and New Year, and games I'll absolutely be playing far into 2019. Beat Saber is the first, a game I knew I'd love the moment I laid eyes on it months ago. This simple rhythm action game is incredibly addictive despite a small playlist of songs. All you're doing is chopping virtual blocks with imaginary swords, but it makes you feel amazing, especially when you nail a complicated string of notes. It's even sparked a high score war between myself and a certain Push Square editor (which I'm currently winning), so I'll be playing for supremacy as well as for fun. Bring it, Barker.

However, my favourite PSVR game so far is Astro Bot Rescue Mission, which should come as no surprise. It's a gleeful, imaginative platformer that serves as the best example of a VR game done right. The levels are not only gorgeous, but designed to have the player physically searching high and low for those cute little robots, as well as other secrets. It's been said a lot already, but there's something extremely Nintendo about this game, and it's not just the polish and the presentation. It's the ingenious way the tech is used to involve the player in new ways. I'm late to the party, I know, but Astro Bot fully deserves the high praise. It's simply a joy.
Overall, I'm really impressed with PlayStation VR. Granted, I've had the luxury of experiencing some of its best titles from the off, but it's clear the technology has come pretty far in its short time on the market. In a way, I wish I'd been on the PSVR bandwagon since the start, but now seems to be a great time for the burgeoning platform. Not only do I have a few compatible games from the get-go, 2019 promises a fair few more promising VR experiences to come. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Blood & Truth, Dreams, and plenty of others are looking great, and I'm genuinely excited to see what the future holds for virtual reality.
Did you also get PlayStation VR for Christmas? What are your favourite VR experiences so far, and which games are you looking forward to in 2019? Immerse yourself in the comments below.
Comments 19
Sounds good. Unfortunately Santa didn't leave a PSVR unit on my doorstep and it's still quite expensive here, like the price of a PS4 Pro at $1200.00. I've been a good boy, dammit!!
Still, looking forward to what comes for PS4 and VR this year
The strong software lineup and low prices seem to have pushed quite a few people to take the plunge, and it's so good to see so many enjoying the experience.
My only immediate concern is that there isn't as much in the pipeline for 2019 as there was for 2018, but I'm hoping we're going to see some announcements over the next couple of months.
@get2sammyb I'm sure there will be more announcements. In 2018, Beat Saber and Tetris Effect were both announced and released for PSVR, so who knows what's coming.
Just started Astro Bot Rescue and gosh darn it, this is the game I always wanted for VR. Only played a couple of hours and it is the best gaming experience I have had on VR. No discomfort, no control problems but 100% immersive. I think @getsammy2b said it, but I agree. If this was Mario game, people would be losing their minds.
I got he VR Unit for Xmas and I am loving it! I was quite skeptical of it for a while as I thought the experience I received at demo units did not match what people described.
What I found out is that the demo units I tried were not set up correctly for me. They throw the head set on, place the headphones on and throw a controller at you.
Now I have it, I spend a good 10 minutes setting everything up and found that the headset is best for me with the head band quite high up.
So far my favorite experience has got to be feeling like a giant in Astro Bots. So surreal!
@Rudy_Manchego There's absolutely no question that if Astro Bot had Nintendo on the box it would be being crowned as the greatest gaming innovation in decades.
@get2sammyb I'll go one further and suggest that when Nintendo do do VR or AR, they will do a very similar game and all will hail it as original. As a title, I think this is the one that feels like the best match for VR. It just feels right. It has unseated Beat Saber and Super Hot VR as my fave PSVR game.
Man, Astro Bot is sitting right on top of my VR wishlist. I'm waiting for it to go on sale before buying it.
A Mage’s Tale trailer for the PSVR dropped recently, so it will be releasing soon hopefully.
Yes Astro Bot is on another level it's amazing:) even Nintendo must love this.
I was lucky enough to be able to buy myself the psvr on boxing day and its been an amazing past week!! I got the astro bot/moss bundle so boom 2 of the best games right off the bat!! Both play wonderfully and are just adorable to boot.
I splurged and bought a bunch of vr games from the psnholiday sale while i had the chance. My favorites thus far are astro bot, moss, skyrim, re7, pixel ripped 1989, wipeout vr, dirt vr, rec room, and probably a few more im forgetting.
I’ve only had my PSVR about a month but am so far loving it. Astro Bot completely deserves all the praise it’s been getting as it’s amazing. It’s original, innovative and huge amounts of fun. I’m also playing Tetris effect which is also great. I have Moss but haven’t played that yet (waiting till I finish Astro Bot).
Astrobot is completely amazing. I tried it once before when it first came out and was impressed... But not to the point I have been since Christmas. Moss is great, and I enjoy Gran Turismo in VR. It will be well worth the $200 paid for it.
Dude, how I want to play Astro Bot. I mean, there are so many PSVR games that I'm interested already, but Astro Bot looks really special and I'm a huge fan of 3D platformers.
Many are saying that is the best 3D platformer released recently.
@PS_Nation Hope you do get to experience PS VR soon, i am totally blown away by it, it really is an amazing feeling to feel like you're in the game world, i'm really excited to see how it evolves from here.
It's pretty amazing that a game like Astrobot is so polished and ambitious when the medium is still so young.
One thing i love is that genres that have fallen out of fashion like puzzle games and on-rails shooters are being given a new lease of life through VR, i'd love to see what it could do for some other niche genres now like real-time strategy games, i'd pretty much like every genre to be dabbled with in VR just to see what could be done with them, i'm sure as sales continue to grow we will see that happening more and more, exciting times ahead !
@Turismo4GT $1200? Jeez man! I'd move. That's nearly triple the price of my monthly house payment. I paid quite a bit for my PSVR back in November 2016, but in spite of having to buy the headset, move controllers, and camera separately, it totalled just $630 (USD).
Locally, now, PSVR bundles average around $350 (USD).
I've recently been sold on PSVR, so am almost definitely gonna be coming here to find the best deal on a bundle when Black Friday week rolls around again...better get saving soon for it I guess! Astrobot, Moss, and Tetris Effect will likely be at the top of my list, along with Blood and Truth, provided it turns out to be as good as the hype.
Got mine in October. I wasn't even interested in VR but the price was too good to skip. PSVR has impressed the hell out of me so far. Astrobot is probably my favorite 3d platformer since Mario Galaxy. Had me wondering if Sony had poached some of Nintendo's finest. I only hope that Sony makes this thing compatible with PS5 and not screw it up like MS did Kinect
I've had my PSVR for some months now - and I still have a lot of fun with it.
Besides the "big games" that I own (Tetris Effect, Moss and Astro Bot Rescue Mission), I still "immerse" myself into some of the experiences (<------ not necessarily games) and, in my opinion, "hidden gems", that have been released for the PSVR, like Apollo 11, Titanic VR, Rush VR, Electronauts, Just In Time Inc., Ultrawings, and the Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One : VR Mission, just to name some of them.
What the future holds? At the moment, I'm just hyped for Ace Combat 7 to be released (The WHOLE game - not only the VR part!! ;D ).
But I'm sure that there will be more to come in 2019.
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