It comes as no real surprise to hear, but most of Sony's first-party studios have now shifted their focus to the PS5. This is according to industry analyst Daniel Ahmad, also known as ZhugeEX. Ahmad's been a reliable source of inside information for years now, so we've got little reason to doubt his claims over on ResetEra.
"In general, most of the focus for Sony first-party is on PS5 right now," he writes, summarising the Japanese giant's plans for 2019. Again, it's not surprising to hear this. We have to imagine that developers like Guerrilla Games started thinking about next-gen as soon as Horizon: Zero Dawn shipped, while long-awaited titles such as The Last of Us: Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding have surely been considered for PS5.
Things get a little more complex, however, when Ahmad brings up "a couple of unannounced games (already existing IP) with PS4 in mind". Obviously this information isn't as solid as the above, but it certainly makes for an interesting detail. We'll have to wait and see on this one.
In any case, this definitely won't be the last time you read about the PS5 this year. Things are only going to get crazier from now, and you can expect the internet to implode if Sony lets something slip.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 50
Knack 3 (before @Octane gets in)...
Only makes sense really, it's not so crazy to think we might see Horizon 2 early in the PS5's life is it.
I said as much months ago in a comment elsewhere on here. Whether by design or coincidence, several first-party studios finished their previous projects at around the same time (give or take a few months), and with PS5 pretty much imminent it would make little sense for them to start on new PS4 titles.
Hopefully, PS5 will launch with a pretty stellar selection of first-party titles.
There is a big chance of the next exclusives being cross-gen.
@NintendoFan4Lyf given that the neXtBox will be backwards compatible outta the box I don't see how Sony can't include it as it now seems like a huge deal breaker for some (not me personally I'll be keeping my PS4 for as long as it goes)
@PS_Nation I've been thinking The Last Of Us II might be a cross gen release as a Day 1 PS5 game
@PS_Nation true.
although i do think that TLOU 2 will release at the end of this year meaning it will get a remastered version for ps5 just like the first game.
ghost and death stranding are cross gen titles i think.
Maybe it's time to sell my Pro & PSVR and just stop playing until PS5/PSVR2 . I've not played a minute in months anyway... I've like 20 AAA games (from MSGV to RDR2 to Witcher3) with less that a couple hours played. So maybe I can hope for backwards compatibility to just happen and play all those on PS5 : P (if I have the time, of course)
@RedMan33 Yeah, that would be huge for PS5 on the release date.
I'm still kinda expecting there to be a leak of the PS5's case design from an employee at Foxconn or whatever manufacturer builds Sony's consoles.
@RedMan33 HZD2 seems like a launch title for me. And a system seller. HZD is one of the great games I've played in my life.
@jdv95 I hope you’re right about the release date, lol, I would love to play this year.
Looks like The Last of Us 2 is coming before Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding, we have more details and info coming from Naughty Dog for their next game.
@MattSilverado I'd advise against it, enjoy the games you have today whenever you've got the time. Lately I haven't been able to game as much as I'd like due to being a freelance graphic designer (gotta go after work whenever it's available) but when I do get some game time I thoroughly enjoy it.
@PS_Nation yeah death stranding is most likely not releasing this year.
hideo said on twitter a couple days ago that the game is still a while off in responds to a question from a fan.
@MattSilverado or keep your console and play them on that. By the time PS5 rolls around the AAA games you have may not even work (depending on what games you have). And newer and flashier games will be vying for your attention.
I got into Ps4 at just the right time. My 360 and games were still worth a few quid so I sold that which bought the majority of my Ps4, Watchdogs and tlou remastered bundle at around 10 months after the Ps4 release. I am planning on doing the same this time around.
@NintendoFan4Lyf This is exactly what I'm hoping for. I don't mind buying a PS5 early just as long it can play PS4 games physically AND digitally.
@themcnoisy Yes, I've did the same back then, sold my 360 and got the PS4 on july 2014, and that's the same I was thinking to do for PS5, but I've a couple of things to pay... I don't know, maybe I'm losing interest in games after all. Sad to think about that, but 30 o 20 years ago I played whatever game came across, and now I was waiting for RDR2 and meh. GOW was a blast anyway... and the same I expect from TLOU2 . And games became are really expensive here in Argentina so, I don't know about the whole thing... thanks for the feedback.
@Turismo4GT thanks, I'm thinking all this because I don't have a spare minute to game anymore... but who knows down the road... I'm playing synths on a band and that sucks all my spare time, my daughter (single parent), and just thinking on play Witcher3 or RDR2 or that kind of games that requires hours and hours ... my current state is "I forgot all the controls/backstory/etc every time I kick back in a game again" , so that's why I ocassionally play Tetris effects only XD
Well duh. Of course they are.
@MattSilverado Same, RDR2 and W3 are too long for us to commit to. I hated my time with Red Dead. Play Spiderman instead it's really good!
Good luck with the band hopefully one day you headline Campo Argetino de Polo.
I'll be watching PS Ex this year live that's for sure hopefully PS5 will be announced but I'll get it a year after launch got so much backlog it's stupid
Good to know.
Wait.... Everyone knows that by now , don't they? With ps5 rumors every where since last year.
@PS_Nation Sony just have to look how well Zelda has done for the Switch, I think TLOU2 could have the same impact personally although making it a PS5 exclusive would be a reason to jump early
@MattSilverado in Aloy they have a character they can have as the new face of PlayStation, much like Drake was for PS3
@NintendoFan4Lyf I think it will be backwards compatible but I still don't see Sony ditching the PS4 instantly like Nintendo & Microsoft have with consoles
@RedMan33 just thinking about the bigger/better machines in HZD2 ... and everything else Guerilla can squeeze out of PS5 even as a launch title.
@MattSilverado I know, I didn't expect HZD to be as amazing as it was with Guerilla making Killzone for so long, hopes are high for the sequel
Makes sense. I plan to get a PS5 day one and eventhough it's unlikely, it sure would be great to have Horizon 2 as a game to look forward to that same day.
the next God Of War on PS5 will be mental along with so many other cool games cannot wait!! I think the PS4 will be around for a while yet as well it is that good of a console.
I wouldn't have minded a few more big PS4 games, but this makes sense from a business point of view.
Always exciting time when next gen rumors start bubbling up. Really can't wait to see what Sony and Microsoft have in store for us!
I just hope their games are more gameplay focused because this third-person over the shoulder narrative driven crap is getting old. The third party exclusives & like two or three first party games is what kept me.
backward compatibility. Is a most. Or I will wait 3 years before I buy a ps5.. Finish that backlog
If it doesn't have 100% BC, they can keep it.
Surely it's finally time for the Syphon Filter remake Or Tomba(i). Or Legacy of Kain.
@Rudy_Manchego Well done young Padawan.
that makes sense and it's probably one of the reasons they decided to skip E3, they have nothing to show
hmm.. bend, media molecule, naughty dog, pixel opus, san diego, and sucker punch are all currently on PS4 games. that doesn't exactly leave a lot.. guerrilla, japan studio, santa monica, and that new studio that's being formed, and maybe polyphony working on GT7 for PS5. likely it has some close associated third-party studios like insomniac or from software prepped for PS5. as for the "a couple of unannounced games (already existing IP) with PS4 in mind", if that is even true, can't think of anything obvious, maybe ratchet & clank (but not a sony studio).
if you're thinking x86 architecture means backwards compatibility is a shoe-in, don't. the latest AMD processors are massively different from the jaguar in PS4. i'm still not sure whether to expect PS5 to have backwards compatibility or not, it's certainly not impossible, but it's not going to be trivial either.. wasn't there a patent a while back from sony for some kind of middleware product that suggested simulating instruction sets?. one way or another, if it happens, i think it's going to be a bit of a compromise. i don't think inserting a PS4 disc and expecting to work immediately is very likely - i don't think that's very likely for XB2 either for that matter.
god of war 2.horizon 2.spiderman 2.resistance 4.syphon filter remake confirmed.word up son
@Nakatomi_Uk my backlog is crazy right now.too many ps3 ps4 ps1 and ps2 games for me.man dark souls 3 is awesome.word up son
@nookie_egg syphon filter.you are a true gamer my friend for mentioning syphon filter.syphon filter was my favorite ps1 games ever.a remake will be legendary.word up son
@playstation1995 hell yes. If I can taser a dude on the roof until he combust and falls off in glorious HD, I will be a happy bunny
@nookie_egg hahaha. remember head shot also.gabe Logan was a legendary character.man image see him with ps4 or ps5 graphics😁😜😇.it will happen eventually.probably after days gone.word up son
@Octane I learnt from the best!
In other news, water is wet.
Great news, as much as I love my PS4, hoping we get less games for it over time so I can finally start catching up on my backlog.
@NintendoFan4Lyf exactly this and as for backwards compatibility hopefully they go the X route and use it's power to go beyond what the pro versions are capable of. As that thing can do wonders for games that aren't patched for it, even more so 360 games. So many games these days use dynamic resolutions already so it should look and perform better anyway
@NintendoFan4Lyf yeah the X does a fantastic job with its anisotropic filtering, which is the biggest benefit and it gives access to half of its 6 tflop gpu even without a patch plus all of its memory bandwith and CPU advantages. Where as the Pro only used it's increased CPU clock speed in boost mode if I remember rightly.
That's all I hope really, that they take advantage of the hardware and there's certainly a few recent games which would benefit but I doubt either new console will ever run FFXV smoothly 😂
I've just thought, in this age of micro consoles how about a PS5 which could play old PS1 discs? 🤔
@themcnoisy Agreed, Spider-man is a blast. I wish I didn't bother with the DLC though, it's just more of the same. I felt a bit cheated having bought the collectors edition in the hope that the 3 DLC chapters would move the story into new and different directions. Sadly, they don't.
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