Well this was an obvious Friday poll, wasn't it? Out today on PlayStation 4, ANTHEM has been met with middling reviews and countless YouTube videos claiming that it's a steaming pile of sh*t. According to some, it's quite possible the worst video game ever made, but hey, we're... Kind of enjoying it so far. It seems okay.
But these polls aren't about us. Did you buy ANTHEM? Have you played much of it yet? What do you think of it? Vote in our polls, and then gives us an early verdict in the comments section below.
Comments 46
Played a good few hours, I think it's decent so far. A lot of people seem to think it gets worse quite quickly, though, so my opinion might change as I progress over the weekend.
Hopefully have a review for you lot next week.
Not for me, sadly. I've had a little look at some of the videos and stuff which have just reconfirmed that. I hope BioWare can improve on it, though, because reading a lot of the reviews it sounds like a bit of a disappointment so far.
Why did EA publish both Anthem and Apex Legends with days of each other? I know I’m not a very smart man, but it makes no sense to me.
I was going to mention the “I’ve got” in the polls, then I saw @get2sammyb use “I’ve had” in the comments.
In the spirit of Game of Thrones...shame!
I can’t comment about Anthem because I’m not interested in games focused on multiplayer, but do you guys think this will affect Bioware’s future? The reviews are not good and Mass Effect: Andromeda (that game I played) was a disappointment.
Better than most reviews are saying. Sure it has some minor mistakes but nothing that some patches can't fix.
I'll be curious to check back later with more votes but that's a large percentage not buying. I wonder how the sales are going.
I have no interest in the game, which is probably sad cause I love Mass Effect 1-3 and Dragon Age.
Enjoying it, stayed up til like 3 am playing. Really shines with a squad of people you know. Looking forward to really diving in over the weekend!
I'm tempted to Redbox it, but knowing how I am with these kind of games, I'd just get bored.
@Th3solution Until @jayrock2 pointed that out to me in that other article, I hadn't even realised that was the case. I'd love to know what the Bioware devs make of it all.
I'll wait until it's $5 or free, whichever comes first.
Haven't bought it but played a good few hours at a friend's house and he's finished the campaign. Mediocre is the word that comes to mind, arguably better than vanilla Destiny if I'm being generous but a long way away from where it should be. Poorly designed gameplay as enemies spawn in random spots and generally just stand there or head straight towards you and constantly having to go back to the town, meaning plenty of loading for the sake of loading. By all accounts the poor mid game 3 hour fetch quest has been fixed so we'll ignore that but those tombs are literally just to see a text box and there is one where a party of sorts is invaded but when you put your suit on that area literally doesn't exist in the game so you spawn in an empty field. One quest involves killing the exact same enemy 4 times in a row with varying health bar sizes and the loot is a bit rubbish, probably due to the monetisation of armour. Oh and the end game is a bit pathetic with very little to do and and you only have one map which looks the same everywhere you go. In game events aren't marked on the map so you're usually alone or if you die you'll respawn elsewhere and likely won't find it again.
On the positive side it looks quite pretty and flying is fun whilst the game let's you do it.
Basically regardless of what you may think of Destiny, either of them today are 10 times better than this
I bought Andromeda many months later after release for £6 and enjoyed it in parts. I'll probably do the same with Anthem.
I like the gameplay but there is simply too much downtime between missions and the loading screens whilst improved from the beta are still soul destroying.
I'm a HUGE Warframe fan so I don't feel the need to buy a retail game doing, what looks like, a similar thing without the 6 years of support.
However I am interested. After a few patches/updates and a price drop contingent on a bit of a Warframe content lull I'll probably pick it up.
I played the Open Demo and knew just from playing the Open Demo it would release as a unfinished game, and what I mean by that is buggy & the first 6 months updates is what it should have been at launch. Games as a service are basically a scam its basically releasing games in a unfinished state hence with apparently free content, but you pay for expansions. I do like Anthem but I will be buying it at a later date, when it resembles a polished game with more content.
@Cpt_Price Wouldn't recommend it, a lot of the missions are designed with multiple players in mind. Game doesn't feel like it should be played alone to be honest.
@Cpt_Price kinda reads like your taking a dig at another reviewer on this site who you’ve had issues with in the past? Could be wrong
20 hours in It's awesome The story get's kind of repetetive as you get further in but man when you get master craft items and legendary items it is so much fun to play.
It's the end of the beginning of the end.
This game was never going to be my jam so not going to pretend otherwise. I don’t have time for massive grinds. The only thing which would have got me interested was a good story which doesn’t seem to be the case. Which is a real shame.
Im getting a feeling EA kinda knew this game was not ready and wasnt going to get good reviews and thats why EA suddenly released Apex now as well. Without Apex EA would have crashed hard with just Anthem. So Apex holds them over till Anthem has time to finish up.
I used to love Bioware, but everything I've seen and played from demos, had their best teams on this for 6 years, and this was the best they could come with? They're done
I cashed in my 14 day trial of Xbox game pass to play Crackdown 3 over this, until the few daft friends I have that bought this get tired of it, and are ready to move onto Division 2.
95 percent of the time playing the load screen.
i plan on buying it but will wait for new content or price drop - the concept is good just needs some polish
I went in with low expectations and am having a surprising amount of fun playing it. I like the gameplay and playing with others.
Definitely play on hard mode though, it was way too easy on normal.
This game is rough... There is a good game here, but right now it is ****ing garbage. The loading screens are awful, the enemies sometimes pop in out of nowhere, and I got a really annoying bug that makes it so I can't leave the Launch Bay...
There are so many little things that make the experience such a chore, a slog, an infuriating exercise in testing your patience...
But playing with a friend and supporting each other and killing baddies is fun. I'm glad I only spent $7 to play for the weekend.
I’m really liking it and I told my brother why I think it’s so polarizing. If you went in looking for a fun story with a nice bunch of cutscenes,characters you can talk to and maybe grow attached to,fun combat that has you flying around like Iron man and a codex like mass effect or dragon age that gives you tons of information on the lore,characters,places etc you’ll like it which is what I was looking for so I’m enjoying it tons. If you didn’t care about story or characters and you just wanted unique and outrageous loot like destiny and a robust endgame you’ll be disappointed at launch. When anthem was leading up to release I was afraid the cooperative focus and loot would take priority over what BioWare is known for or worse both would be half assed but it ended up being the exact opposite and I couldn’t be happier. There’s been tons of cutscenes and story already,well written characters to have conversations like BioWare is known for and fun combat and you can tell the co-op and loot was the afterthought most likely because EA insisted it be there
I'd like to wait till it hits $20 and then see about getting some friends in on it.
I'll get it on sale a really good sale because I expect some other version to come out in a years time, Anthem Double Deluxe version or something right now I'm getting back in to Andromeda, Watch dogs and Spiderman first 2 are back log games
@ShogunRok really I feel the exact opposite so far. The main story feels like it’s meant to be played solo and I’ve had no trouble doing that and sidequests so far.
I'm liking it so far but only got to play a few hours. I really plan on diving in this weekend after work.
So far I'm absolutely loving it. I've seen some reviews say it gets more repetitive and boring as it goes on, so I'm kinda keeping my expectations in check until I get further. However, I've spent God knows how many hours playing my Diablo 3 Crusader without ever changing out her skills so repetition has never really been an issue for me.
I just hope that it manages to hold a playerbase for the future. If I carry on enjoying it as much as I am now I can see myself coming back to it a lot but for that it needs to succeed at least to some degree, as a service game.
How cool would this be with with a big optional offline storymode with a optional online coöp. 😁
Game more stable today. Im getting more gear that is helping me combo which is the way combat is supposed to go. Seems that people I play with, don't understand that. Guns support your skills, not the other way around
@Flaming_Kaiser no. It's a co op game. Why are so many people against co op. I love co op.
fell asleep waiting for it to load
@Cutmastavictory You can a optional coöp game which you can also play online with people aka MHW.
@Flaming_Kaiser but in mhw, co OP doesn't take a back seat, and you're right, you can choose to solo that great game. Outside of strong holds of this game, you can play it solo as an option... seems fair.
@Cutmastavictory Who said coöp should take a backseat scaling difficulty is away around it. Optional doesnt make it obselete.
Im failing to see your point. You want to be able to play single player... which you can.... and you're not happy about that?
I don't know what people were expecting, or all the hate for this game, but I find myself seriously engaged when I play it. I love trying out the new powers and skills and discovering new types of combos. The control is tight, and you will never be swearing because you control is off a bit. The world is gorgeous and has a lot of interesting structures all over the place. Animation and acting is perfect. It has long load times, but that will be addressed I am sure. The world does seem to need a reason to explore other than sight seeing, like solvable mysteries, that reward you with gear, or hidden areas with boss's and chests.
@PS_Nation possible after all they closed down the studio that made Andromeda after it bombed and they took 6 years to make this mess too
Easy pass. It'll be free in months I'm sure just like destiny 2 was
Really enjoying it and had no issues with errors or crashes since Saturday. Matchmaking clean and moment to moment gameplay is excellent. Load screens not great, but that's about the only negative thing I can say about it. Not sure what people's expectations were, but this delivers on everything that was promised.
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