ANTHEM just can't catch a break, can it? If it's not causing players to demand refunds or going down for emergency maintenance, it's now crashing and/or completely bricking PS4 consoles.
As previously reported, Sony has issued refunds to a number of people after ANTHEM caused their system to shut off completely, and a select few players have been left with a completely broken console after the ordeal.
Indeed, multiple users have gotten in touch with Kotaku, with the website itself stating: "We’ve also gotten tips from players affected by the issue, including at least one who says that ANTHEM bricked their PS4 as well."
BioWare has reached out to players by way of the EA Help Twitter account, asking for further details on the problems that some users are having:
Have you had trouble playing ANTHEM? Don't break your PS4 in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via kotaku.com]
Comments 34
I had my PS4 completely shut down during the demo, but not during the full game. Genuinely thought my PS4 had died, though — had to wait a few minutes before it would turn back on.
Haven't had this happen. Although I do hate it cause it has potential to be a great game. I am completely enjoying it.
I had my PC crash after installing the Anthem patch and the new FEb22nd Nvidia drivers. And Windows would not boot up again. Ended up needing to re-install Windows. So not only a PS4 thing.
That said - I did not stop playing and never happened again. I did stick with Feb8th drivers (Nvidia is also a hot mess with Anthem)
I have fun with ANTHEM. Hopefully it can all get fixed.
Not my kind of game but I hope this clears up for those trying to enjoy ANTHEM!!!
Bioware and EA should be hounded out of the gaming industry. Totally unforgivable. How will they be punished? Will we forgive and forget? Follow the blue checkmark brigade to find out.
@Agramonte Yikes! Guess I won’t update my drivers just yet. Actually, I’ll just put off playing my copy of Anthem for a while altogether and finish Metro Exodus first...
Game is also maxing out high end CPUs on PC as well, this game is poorly, poorly built. I wouldn't doubt the game is causing PS4s and probably X1s to overheat excessively if it can do some serious taxing to gaming PCs.
Hey its E.A that forced bioware into this happened to a lot of good companies before bioware.
Imagine playing Anthem with all signs this game would be garbage.
I thought the beta was last month.
I feel sorry for all these PS4s that are dying and the last thing they'll ever see is Anthem. It couldn't have crashed while a beautiful landscape from Red Dead Redemption 2 was on screen, or a massive, radical explosion in Uncharted. Or a sweet shot of Kratos' beard. The last thing it sees is an Anthem loading screen. It's like if you came home and found your wife in bed with a used car salesman, and then you had a heart attack.
That Fiesta... you sold me... was a piece of sh.... urgh
Genuine question... For those whose consoles have went to the great CEX in the sky because of this, whats the protocol for refunds etc Can Bioware or EA be held responsible/ forced to refund the player?
Had it hard crash on me weirdly it hard crashed when I tried to close the application. Did have me worried it had bricked my PS4 had to pull plug out of back in the end. One of the many reasons I sold it in the end.
To think this the same BioWare that made Mass Effect, I honestly feel bad for them. I really hope they get back up.
I'm rather thankful now that I was put off the game because the beta was utter naff.
The demo is poorly optimized and so is the full game, it's pushes my Nvidia Titan to the max and I had to custom speed the fan to make it cooler. For a game that's 6 years in the making it seems to have a serious bug in the frostbite engine if it's doing that. And I have also seen footage of it pushing CPUs as well GPUs to the max and read about having to reinstall Windows OS
I enjoyed what I played last weekend and planned on playing again over the next two days, but I'm not touching it until they fix the issue.
Well, why did people buy Anthem anyway, everyone said it was rubbish. Do people not learn?!!
This may be a dumb question but, if it makes one PS4 brick, how come it doesn't make ALL PS4's brick? I mean, the game is the same for everyone, and PS4's are the same for everyone. Where is the variable?
@tomassi - there's loads of variables, how long you've been playing, the precise actions you were doing, what loadout you have, what the other players were doing, where exactly you are in the map, etc. etc. a friend of mine had the console completely shutdown three times in a row, weirdly it was always when trying to close the application whilst in fort tarsis. not sure if he's bothered to risk it since, since it always requires both of the hard drives to go through a data repair cycle.
@leucocyte Ahh, that makes sense. So it WAS a dumb question!
Ha ha ha ha ha games industry suffers more losses, I still say it’s because us story based game players aren’t important anymore, they’re more interested in quick cash than making perfect games, plus they are all focusing more on online games such as battle royales, remember vinyl records demise? Then CDs then DVDs and Blu Rays all disappeared or almost disappeared but gaming is heading into the same direction. They have passed their peak and the focus has shifted to more digital arena, online. Plus because of the decrease not as much being invested, departments being ordered to cut costs boost profits, hence the payment schemes in nearly every game available. Nuff said. It’s a worrying trend for us die hard fans being 💩 on atm. Grrrrrrr
I continue to be glad that I never even bothered with this game.
I've had this issue with the demos quite a lot. I've reported it to them, they ignored me and now it's happening to the full game. It was horrible seeing my console shut down like that every time i quit the game.
Back in the demo days the solution was to delete the app and re-download it again. I didn't play much after doing that as I was afraid of it happening again.
@gmxs my ps4 seized up and shut down once and I had to restart y pressing the power button on the front of the machine. But this was far from 'bricking' the ps4. Afaik the bricking is a myth. Plus I didn't lose any of the loot gained just before.
@tomassi the bricking sounds like a fake overreaction.
@nathanSF the MOMO equivalant on PS4?
Well, all this palava has prompted me to buy a 4TB external drive, something I'd been mulling over for a couple of months. So no anthem until the drive arrives tomorrow and I've backed up the 2TB SSD I stuck in the machine a couple of years back.
Pathetic. BioWare is now on the same level as Bethesda for me.
Loved Metro... I could not put it down. I never use photo mode (last time was in ZeroDawn) but I have like 30 from this game.
And for the first time playing METRO - I got the "good" ending 👍
Not bioware its E.A this crap.
If this game was offline it work well.
I hope this works out in the long run as I want the next dragon age
I think EA is still butthurt that Sony doesn't allow them EA Acces on Ps4 so they trying to destroy ps4 consoles.
@ShogunRok same here
Goodbye Bioware, we all know EA isn't gonna take the blame for forcing this game out the door too early LOL:D
Tbh I'm not gonna miss Bioware, it isn't even the same Bioware that created the first 2 ME games or Dragon Age, most of the devs that gave those games the quality they have are long gone.
Bioware is now like Square Enix, the devs who made their games great now work elsewhere, like how the creator of the FF series left to work at Mistwalker studio to create one of the best RPGs on the wii, the Last Story.
I'm pretty sure we'll see true spiritual successors to the ME games come from veterans who left Bioware in order to create the games they want without EA's greedy meddling.
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