After years of waiting, you can now change your PlayStation Network ID whenever you like. What a crazy world we live in.
Sony introduced the functionality earlier this week, and we know a few people who have already taken advantage of it. Well, aside from our own Ant Dickens, whose very name is deemed inappropriate. Ant's a lost cause, but what about you? Have you changed your old PSN ID to something new and fresh? We simply need to know.
Whether you've replaced an embarrassing teenage nickname or you just wanted something with a bit more of an edge, vote in our polls, and then give us all the juicy details in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Not yet, waiting for horror stories to come out if at all before doing so. Problem is I play Disc Jam and MLB 16 and their on the critical list.
No, I haven't.
roe617 for life!
Not changing anything because like me...my username is perfect.
Nah, I am fine with my name. YeYa_3 rocks!
Why would I change my PSN name it’s dope
(Plus I "became legend" on Destiny, how will people recognise and bow down to me if I change my name?)
I haven’t changed my name per se, but a few years back I decided to create new profile, and leave my old behind (I only owned a couple of classic games on it).
Went to change mine to @get2sammyb but someone’s already taken it.
@Dodoo Had that problem on Twitter. Try @_get2sammyb instead.
Have I changed my PSN name?
Hell. No.
Turismo4GT fo' life!
Haven't changed it and I don't plan to. I like my username, which is probably why I use it everywhere
My PSN name is the same as my username, and I don't think I'll ever change from this username.
Here's the juicy details...No I haven't.
I've been gingerfrog fo years and don't plan on changing that
I changed mine at the very beginning of the beta and have had no issues on any of the games I play, though I don't play Baseball games or Littlebigplanet 3
nope I l💖ve my name.i name my psn name after the legendary tv show v the minie series final battle in 1983.best thing I ever saw on 📺 tv.word up son word
My PSN name doesn't need changed as I'm fine with it but it does feel a bit tempting to just to shut some people up. When you have it for so long, eventually ya get sick of hearing the same thing over and over again. They make the numbers into a dirty joke, calling the name poofy, etc. But at the same time, I've been using the name for so long, I don't really want to let go of it.
Nah I'm happy with my username, don't think I'll ever change it
Nope, I'm still the loveable crimsontadpoles
No, I will never change mine ive got it tattooed on my arm 😂
Nope, I was lucky enough to get a belmont username!
Made my username at 14, RagingHate.
I'm quite ok with it, I'd like to change it to AmuseiTheLizard though 😂
But I can't be bothered, not worth the risk of possibly losing game progress and such to me.
when you were born you were given a name so i used a name my nephew was given so brubeck it will stay for ever
@playstation1995 Excellent show!Loved every single mice gobbling episode lol The reboot was pretty naff though.
Yeah, I've changed mine. From ZukatoNokuchiku to BlueZuka, at your service.
Edit: Changed it to ZukaFaith.
I haven't yet not 100% at the moment it's plain old popavich but wanting to add my rank to it and go by my competitive name LT Popavich
Nope but I no longer recognise quite a few names on my friends list.
I've been considering it, but I'm waiting for any potential issues to come out before I do it, if I want to by the time everything clears.
@ApostateMage I hate that! You get used to who's who and then folks change it for no really good reason! It's so annoying! I remember when I was an xbox live member and I had a close group of friends who were also RL friends and were fairly local. They all decided to prefix their gamertags with TW and some altered their tags completely to incorporate this new TW bollocks. It was something to do with some 80s cult film but I wasn't joining in and it was the start of the end of my involvement with them online. Name changes, pah! Waste of time.
@Dan_ozzzy189 I'm not even joking but there's quite a few names with 'sniper' in them and even one with 'Stormzy'. These kids are getting deleted faster than a browser history after watching porn.
@ApostateMage SicksNip3erRzzzZ. Lol
I changed my name a year before PS4 was released on PS3. There was a trick, earn one trophy in any game and get them all trophies back. Any game you had platinum trophy you could not get its stats back. I had no platinum's. I skipped some games I did not care about. I am happy with my current PSN Name for life.
@Wazeddie22 haha I freaking l💖ve that tv show.v the final battle was the best thing I ever saw on tv.my first 😍 crush Juliet Parrish was so beautiful.my first time a show was scary.although it was a sci fi tv show.it had it's horror moments.word up son
@Wazeddie22 I didn't like the reboot.the original v from 1983.was the best.oh man.best show ever.word up son
I would if I could find a decent username that isn't already taken.
I want to change mine but gonna wait till all the kinks have been ironed out
Thats not going to happen. They wouldnt have released it this way if the problems were solvable (within financial reason).
I changed mine to XxPICKLE_ME_WALNUTSxX.
MinerWilly, will never change. After so many years now it'd be like switching football club allegiance.
I changed mine, and made it less gamerish.
BlUe_AcE11 to Blue-Album.
Everyone knows me as Blue, so I just went with that!
I am supergurr so no need to change it
Yes, I've changed mine. Not as soon as I could, though, I just had something better in mind. The one I often use was not available, and I ended up adding numbers to it originally, which I never really liked. Now I've picked up my second most used username, which thankfully was available. =)
I am and will always be Bavatar. Ive had this name since i first got a ps3. Ive started requesting full names of some of the main people I play with, I know their names personally but doing it through the ps4 makes it so if people change their psn's then its easier to know who im playing with.
Still don't know what I was waitin' for...
With all the already taken name ID's around the world, it's kind of pointless changing it to some other random name ID lol
@Dan_ozzzy189 As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please
Thanks for understanding
I love JoJo, so I decided to go with an album name! Haha
You can still be Blue_Album! Hahaha
Mista is awesome. Definitely my favorite so far in Golden Wind!
I'll be changing mine soon. My account name was created back when I was in middle school. My name wasn't offensive or bad or anything but I kind of want it changed to something I use more now.
@kyleforrester87 To be fair, everyone's a legend for supporting Bungie and (still) playing Destiny.
I changed mine. So far so good.
No issues in streetfighterV, tekken7, doa6, farcry new dawn, cod mw remastered.
Apparently light travels at over 180,000 miles every second, crazy.
I did and Rudy Manchego now rides on the PSN network. Though Swollen6748glands was tempting.
Changed mine to something more basic. Coming around to it.
Why change?
I will stay with my present PSN name, but it is nice to now have the option to change it.
I changed mine. It was "imisssnes" as in, I miss SNES (super nintendo) which I still stand by but I regret how often people called me "miss"
I was going to change my username, but someone has already taken the name I desired.
I want to just remove the random numbers from the end of my PSN username but can't because it's taken... by someone who hasn't even played any games. What nonsense.
My PSN name is perfect and will always be available without requiring a weird spelling. Probably because it doesn't mean anything and came out of my twisted mind, not from an existing media.
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