It's obvious that ANTHEM has both a content and loot problem, but it probably doesn't help matters when developer BioWare is removing cosmetic rewards from Stronghold chests itself. Elysian Caches were taken out of ANTHEM with today's 1.1.1 patch, with only a chance that they'll return at some point in the future.
The patch notes read:
- Fixed an error where Weapon and Components stat values were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed a problem where suit power level (rarity) was not correctly being calculated based on equipped items.
- Fixed an issue with Spanish audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
- Fixed an issue with French audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
- Fixed an issue causing a slight delay in Salvaging at End of Expedition
- Partially defeated encounters will no longer re-dispense loot from previously defeated creatures
This is then supported by the headline: "A reminder that Elysian Caches will be going away on May 7th, so if you have any keys left be sure to use them today!"
It's a bit of a bizarre decision, but apparently, this was always the plan after community manager Darokaz stated that they were only a temporary thing. This comes off the back of a delay to numerous key features such as the cataclysm, while matchmaking is supposedly falling apart thanks to a lack of players.
Are you still playing ANTHEM? How do you feel about this? Have a good moan in the comments below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 17
Too little too late?
I haaaaaaate limited time stuff like this. And it's hilarious that they have the nerve to add and then remove random loot chest cosmetics to an anemic mess like Anthem. Live services need to go the way of the dinosaurs.
Don't worry, they'll put it back. As micro transactions.
What's Anthem?
@Futureshark A catchy throwback tune by Good Charlotte.
This almost feels like they are trying to kill the game so they can move on.
BioWare used to be one of my favourite studios, but now I’ll not be considering any of their products unless it reviews incredibly well. What an absolute show they’ve become.
I've had it with AAA games... Live services primarily.
I've just ... Well, at least there are still plenty of other games to play, but Bioware used to be very dear to me.... Whatever.
I ain't crying for yesterday.
@Constable_What Expect there are a lot of great AAA games and service games that are handled much better like For Honor and R6: Siege.
For Honor is one of the most horrible examples of a live service there is! It's frickin' garbage. It's just an awful game most of the time.
Multiple season passes, microtransactions, AND an incompetent Dev team that constantly breaks the characters and leaves others like the Lawbringer in a state of borderline uselessness for months (he got a rework, but he's still so bad!)! 400ms and 500ms attacks make that game light spam the video game on console @ 30FPS.
But do they care? Nope! No separate balance patches on console, so that slow methodical game you bought at launch is no more. It's now whittle down an enemy with light spam and heavy feint into 400MS blinding Raider top light for the win!
Not to mention their trash UI that makes you wait literally 5 minutes every single time you exit a match. You spend more time in a menu than actually playing anything, especially since the Wu Lin we're put into the game! Haha
Yeah that's really handled well! Way to go Ubi! You did it.
Siege is no better, but at least it's not broken anymore, and the dev team listens to the community.
Seriously though, a full priced game at release, with hundreds of cosmetic microtransactions, limited time events (to capitalize on FOMO fear of missing out), a season pass at half the cost of the game at release with early access to chracters that take around 10 -15 hours to unlock is your definition of a well made live service?
I can go on and on about how Ubisoft is one of the more eggregious perpetuators of the live service "business model", but I'll stop there.
The only live service game that is legitimately well handled, or at least the only one I can think of, is Monster Hunter: World
@THEH4MM As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
Thanks for understanding
Was watching Battleship on tv yesterday and this alien suit reminded me of the Ranger suit from Anthem.haha
I still play. It's fun.
I get that some people may not think so.
It may be flawed but not liking something, anything, doesn't make it inherently bad.
Each to their own.
@Constable_What For Honor is a unique game that has been handled pretty well. It had a rocky launch, but it’s been much improved since then. It’s widely considered the best it’s ever been. You don’t need any of the DLC to access what’s in the game. You can but characters. I could buy a few of the new characters if I wanted to, it I’ve been mostly just playing Kensei, because I’ve been hooked on the game with just one characters to play as. Lawnbringer isn’t useless. He dangerous in the eight hands and a worthy opponent. I don’t suck either. I’m gold tier ranked and often on the top of the leaderboard and have played the game a lot. The has many good characters and most just need a good player. Some aren’t as good, it fighting games often have a few balancing issues, and For Honor practically forged a new genre this gen. It’s also not light attack spam. The majority of light characters like attacks can be blocked or been parked by a decent character. You might get a hit in, but you’re not getting a long chain in. It’s still a methodical thought out fighting system with feinting, gaurdbreaks, clever mix up, and taking the right opportunity lies to strike. Those are what win matches, not light attacks spams.
I'm in Plat V, and it's all light spam, because that's what wins you games. Even on PC, which I also own, it's incredibly difficult to counter, but it's doable on the Wu Lin, but rarely on Raider do I see any top tier players consistently parry that feint top light, and they get hit by it a lot, because it comes out of nowhere and isn't telegraphed at all. The fact that Raider can very well indefinitely put you into an almost completely blind state for the majority of a match and STILL dodge into guard break wall splat is frickin BS. He was weak before his sped up attacks and new feints are ridiculous.
Each round lasts around 20 seconds unless you're unlocking or playing Shinobi like an absolute pansy... As you do with Shinobi because of his ranged openers.
Lawbringer is useless. He's not at all a great duelist. At all, and his heavy feints into light are very inconsistent. He gets outclassed by every other Hero, by a huge margin.
400ms attacks are borderline impossible to react to unless you can preempt it by watching where their guard is. If that's what you had to look out for then that'd be manageable, but with Raider, and I think some of the Wu Lin (I haven't played too much of them, and also their animations telegraph what they're going to do fairly reasonably) you can heavy or unblockable feint into a 400ms light.
The window on the unblockable for the overhead light is ridiculously huge! Try it for yourself!
And! If you don't want to hit an overhead you can feint into guard break if they try to dodge. Guaranteed GB. Bye bye stamina.
Light spam and feint spam wins you fights more often than not, and mixing into other moves can help bridge the gap.
However, light spam has been an issue for the game since launch. It's very frustrating to go up against, and Ubisoft doesn't want to do anything about it.
Trying to parry will leave you open against someone that knows how to exploit the game's systems, and I really only try to do it consistently against someone out of stamina that tries to parry themselves.
That's talking balancing. Which, admittedly, I'm pretty salty that my main guy still frickin sucks in my ELO.
And also you're wrong about not needing DLC to access what's in the game, you need the Wu Lin expansion to play Arcade Mode that has its own set of rewards, and unless you grind you need to buy the Season Pass to unlock characters.
The game was $60 at launch.
It has multiple season passes.
It has an expansion pass that gates off content.
It has a crapton of MTX.
The emotes and junk are all advertised on the main menu.
You used to be able to play Heroes without buying them; you just couldn't salvage any gear for them.
Guess what? You can only play the new heroes (BP and Sakura) in training mode now... That's incredibly scummy to remove that.
Yes. The game is a new and interesting idea, but that doesn't excuse the borderline scam business practices this game employs.
I had a lot of fun with it, but Ubisoft is jumping the shark with their greed.
C'mon I understand having something for reoccurring monetization, but all the things? Really?...
@nathanSF I'd say what makes the game bad it's not that people just decided they don't like it, the game itself is bad.
From the standpoint of a live service game it is an absolute failure, it has barely any content, is unable to deliver on its own roadmap, once you're done with the story the endgame is basically repeating one or two strongholds or missions ad infinitum for loot that will just make the same missions faster.
Not to mention bugs and poor design choices and not having the underlying structure to turn this game around into what it should have been.
You're allowed to like what you like, heck I still maintain that Destiny 1 vanilla was pretty much perfect as was and most people hated it, but I have no illusions on the issues it had, but it is one thing to like a bad game and another completely different thing to insist the game is great as is when it's blindingly obvious that is not the case.
People payed good money for the promises this game made, and objectively they have been screwed over at every single turn, to pretend all of that is fine is to say that shipping unfinished games with no actual plan to deliver on the features and expectations is a good business model - if you went to a restaurant and asked for a burger and some chips and they delivered a hot dog and delayed the chips indefinitely, you would have an issue with it, I don't see how one product should be treated any differently to the other.
@Tasuki Sorry, just a little miffed with how this game had turned out given I had high hopes for it
I’ll be less angry old man 👍
I don't disagree with much of what you say: the lack of content, broken roadmap, broken/halfarsed launch.
But the bugs are few and far between, the gameplay has been tweaked and improved.
Bastion is a lot busier now and more fun than a few weeks back.
It's still far from what we were sold but I prefer the overall experience over Destiny - which for all its cinematics and hollow pomp and nonsensical lore is simply another shooter/looter. Plus Destiny was pretty buggy when it launched.
Sure Anthem is not all we expected when we handed over the money but it's a better now than it was at launch.
I don't want to defend it, I'm often on the side of most critics but they all seem to leave out the core basic fact. Some people, myself included still find it fun to play.
I prefer it to Destiny which I have played through both 1 and 2 and all the expansions - except Forsaken. I ditched it when they killed off Cayde 6 and threw in the annual pass.
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