Update: As expected, Rocksteady has confirmed the Batman Arkham Collection for release in Europe this coming September. There are currently no plans to launch the game in North America. Writing on Twitter, marketing game manager Gaz Deaves revealed that the package will bundle in Batman: Arkham Knight's promotional Earth 2 Dark Knight skin for PS4 owners for the first time outside of North America. It'll also be released as DLC worldwide early next year.
There are no plans for any PS4 Pro upgrades at this stage, and PS4 exclusive content like the Scarecrow Nightmare missions will remain playable on PlayStation platforms only.

Original Article: Looks like Amazon's leaked another release. Popping up on Amazon UK over the weekend, Batman Arkham Collection is available for pre-order now on PlayStation 4. We assume that there'll be some kind of official announcement this week.
The collection includes Rocksteady's three Batman games: Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, and Batman: Arkham Knight. It also packages in all post-launch content. It's out on the 6th September.
It's worth noting that Asylum and City are already available on PS4 as Batman: Return to Arkham, which is going pretty cheap now. Still, if you're after all three games and all of their DLC, it looks like Arkham Collection is going to be your best option.
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Are you interested in this new collection? Don the cape and try to look cool in the comments section below.
[source amazon.co.uk]
Comments 55
If they ever bothered with a Pro patch for Knight I'd play it again or give us the original versions of Asylum and City at 60fps and a res bump I'd be more than happy. Unfortunately two of the best PS3 games have ultimately got the poorest remasters
Seems a little pointless if I'm honest. I suppose for convenience it would be good but just feels like WB want easy money
Am I missing something? That collection came out last year, at least it did on the ps store. Was on sale a few weeks ago for £11.99
@Shigurui That was only the first two games. The third game was also in the sale for another £11.99. If you’d wanted all three it would’ve cost £23.98. Now you can get all 3 in a single purchase for £39.99. bargain!
I think I'll wait for the 60 fps remaster on ps5.
@Ryall - It was the Arkham Collection with all 3 games and DLC, I bought it.
Edit: Just checked my billing info, I paid £14.99 for it, not £11.99.
missing Origins and Blackgate
so it's not the Arkham collection then is, regardless of your thought's on those games (Origins was great by the way) you can't call this a collection if it's missing some of the games
still i was looking to boost my XB1 games by replacing some of my PS4 titles to save room on my PS4 so i might get it on that
@Shigurui I guess this is just a physical release it something that already existed as a download then.
@FullbringIchigo Origins and Blackgate were more spinoffs that's tried to cash in on the Arkham name, they don't even use the same voice actors or anything. It would be like saying where's Mario Kart in a Super Mario Bros Collection.
They should have remastered Origins.
@Tasuki not really, yes they was done by another team but they worked with Rocksteady, used the same game engine and they were created to be part of the series continuity hence why some events from Origins are even mentioned in Knight so they should be included, they ARE part of the Arkham series, they aint spin offs
the Mario Kart analogy doesn't apply here because that game was never part of the Super Mario Bros series, it's just a Mario themed Kart Racer
also why does the voices matter, Metal Gear Solid V uses different voices but it's still an MGS game
still this is WB so they will probably release the others as a separate collection or as DLC
@RogerRoger do you have a XBOX ONE because it's on the Backwards Compatibility program so it looks and plays better than on a PS3 or 360
not a true remaster but it's enhanced
These companies always seem to do these kinds of collections with omissions. Origins should absolutely be a part of this collection.
second time they are releasing a collection and yet they forgot to include arkham origins AGAIN heh... and before anyone says anything, NO it is not a bad game by any stretch and deserves to be included in this collection.
@FullbringIchigo if you have an Xbox One X I wouldn't recommend it, for some stupid reason they decided to make Asylum 45fps and its awful
@carlos82 i has a XB1s
Riddle me this. Why?
I wouldn't mind a Patch for the mid-generation hardware. I actually enjoyed Arkham Knight despite the 'negativity' it got. I know the game seemed to try and justify the inclusion of the Batmobile with a number of side activities, story missions and Riddler puzzles that had to be completed with that vehicle but the story and a lot of the rest of the game was great and the visuals were great too - I loved the way the city was used you show the impact the Joker still had on Batman.
I completed everything, hot the 100% ending and whilst there were some 'less than stellar parts, I actually enjoyed it overall...
They left out the best one again!
@BAMozzy i enjoyed the Batmobile, well apart from that ONE mission where you was underground and you had to avoid that giant drill
that was really annoying but i'm actually looking forward to going through the 4 games again on XB1 but starting with Origins via the BC program
@RogerRoger well you can use a PS4 controller on a P.C so that might help right
There's already a remastered Asylum/City collection, and Arkham Knight can found for dirt cheap. So I don't see the point in this.
Now, if it came with the portable Arkham game and Origins, it'd be a different story.
@RogerRoger Don't forget that you can play Steam games with a DS4. Best of both worlds, unless it's the trophies that you particularly care about.
DS4 only unlocks its full potential on Steam. You can even customize it so that you can use the controller's gyroscope to allow for full or limited motion aiming (depending on how you configure it). Also, you can turn that stupid lightbar off.
@FullbringIchigo Ok maybe I was wrong using Mario Kart (sorry I just got up and didn't have my coffee yet 😂😂).
They are more like the Terminator franchise now. There is Terminator, T2, and coming next year Dark Fate which are a trilogy together. All the others Rise of the Machines, Salvation, Genesys are side stories kinda like fanfics as stated by James Cameron
That's now the Arkham games are. You have Asylum, City and Knight which are the Trilogy and Origins and Blackgate are spinoffs or like fanfics
@Shigurui I was about the post the same thing... I guess this is for people who want it Physical.
Batman: Arkham Collection - PSN - Released Nov 27, 2018
"Batman: Arkham Collection brings you the definitive versions of Rocksteady's Arkham Trilogy games, including all post-launch content, in one complete collection"
Port Origins or go away Warner Bros.
@ZeroAbbadon Watch the language.
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Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
Huh what's the leak about this? I knew about this 2-3 weeks ago. Thought it was already public knowledge.....
The frame rate on the return to Arkham collection was vomit inducing. I played through it as the only way I could experience Arkham Asylum, but the cluster headache made me hate what is generally agreed to be a fantastic game.
When are we getting a pro patch for Knight?
I've never played origins but with all the love I'm hearing and the fact im a fan of the series may have to boot my 360 up and give it a go
Shame that these "re-masters" actually looked worse than the PS3 originals. The original Arkham Asylum is still my favourite of the lot but I really don't need to go back ot it anymore.
@Tasuki for Blackgate i can see that analogy working but not for Origins, Origins was a prequel and was always touted as such but it does stand alone from the story of these 3 games though as Asylum, City and Knight share an overarching narrative but it should still be included if they are calling it a "Collection" as that suggests it collects all the Arkham games which still includes Origins, it's still an Arkham game after all
if anything they should have called it a Trilogy not a collection
This hardly qualifies for news
I never played Origins so that would have been the motivating factor in me purchasing this otherwise it is a waste of money. Why would we pay money to play inferior versions to the ps3/360 versions of Asylum and City? Again if they included Origins and Blackgate this would be a amazing collection and a day one purchase.
It's hardly surprising about the PS4 exclusive content for what is literally just Arkham Knight slapped together with the first 2 in a lazy cash grab
So the Earth 2 suit will be available to all in the future, wonder how much WB want for that?
Wow is origins that good that it justifies everyone kicking off because it's not included.
@QualityGeezer yes
on a side note i guess there is no point buying the XB1 version if it's missing a load of content, i guess i'll stick to the PS3 and PS4 versions
The only positive that I can see to this is that maybe Rocksteady is launching the collection in preparation for revealing a new Batman game.
@QualityGeezer no it's not and I don't see why so many think it should be included in what's been advertised as Rocksteady's trilogy and has no bearing on its story
@Bluetrain7 that would be nice but where can they go after Knights ending
unless they do The Battle of the Cowl story
Origins is pretty decent. Batman is a little rough around the edges as he's just starting out and much younger than the later Batman. A few bosses are quite interesting too. I really liked it.
Nice to see so much love for Origins, i totally agree that it is fantastic , in fact i think it's miles better than Arkham Knight, i even quite enjoyed Blackgate so a collection of all five games would be an essential purchase for me.
Asylum is still my favourite but doubt I’ll double dip as I’ve got too much new stuff to play and too little time!
Am I right in saying that all the Arkham games have had ps exclusive content at some point? Maybe they will be releasing the next game as a (timed) ps exclusive after all as rumours suggested.
@nookie_egg i know Asylum had the Joker combat maps and Knight had the Scarecrow pack, can't remember if City had anything although the WiiU version of City had some exclusive extras
I've wanted to try these so I'll probably wait for this rather than getting Return to Arkham.
@FullbringIchigo Wii U version of City was a pretty decent offering. All dlc on disc, Catwoman dlc fully integrated like the PC version and some cool features with the GamePad and the addition of the shock gloves. Miles better than the "remastered" version. But then, so are the original versions.
Origins snubbed again. In my opinion better than Arkham Knight.
@FullbringIchigo I agree Batman Arkham Origins is underrated it is not the best of the original Arkham trilogy but good game in its own right.
My first thought was why is this even a thing since the games have been out for like ever on PS4 anyway but then I haven't played any of the DLC for any of the games so as long as it's a good price I might oh it's £39.99 okay
@MaseSco i loved the gamepad additions in the WiiU version, i started playing it again recently actually and it's so much fun, the voices of people on the radio come out of the gamepad speakers not the TV, the Remote Controlled Batarang is controlled from the gamepad screen, the hacking and even the mini map being always available on the second screen made it feel like an actual bat gadget
plus it all happens in real time to so it doesn't pause the game which is a nice addition
and it makes selecting gadgets easier too

@LaytonPuzzle27 yeah it still deserves a re-release with this collection
maybe if enough people ask for it they will release it as DLC
@FullbringIchigo I totally agree. Such great little additions. I also like how they created extra suits for characters to incorporate the GamePad onto their gauntlets. I still need to finish it though, then do the New Game Plus. Not sure I'll do NG+ on Origins unless I unlock a couple extra suits, namely the Dark Knight one.
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