Update: Matt Stott, a senior artist at Codemasters, has revealed that we're looking at the design of a PS5 devkit. In fact, the developer revealed on Twitter that his team already has some "in the office". It's hardly a surprise to learn that the hardware is in the wild if the console is scheduled to launch next year, but it's good to get some kind of confirmation.
This is apparently the PlayStation 5’s devkit design – either that or it’s an elaborate fake. The above artwork matches several other images uncovered on a Brazilian website, although the jury’s obviously still out on their authenticity. Sony engineer Yasuhiro Ootori is listed as the designer, although his name is spelled wrong, which is a big red flag.
Assuming this does turn out to be legit, it’s worth remembering that the consumer product is unlikely to look anything like this. For example, the PlayStation 4 devkit is much bulkier than the retail device; it looks more like an old-school VCR than the sleek tiered parallelogram available in stores. One thing worth mentioning is that there’s lots of ventilation, which would tally with rumours about the next-gen system being absurdly powerful.
[source nl.letsgodigital.org, via gru.inpi.gov.br, resetera.com, twitter.com]
Comments 64
A lot of room to breathe there. Looks like they’d be able to separate Heat conducting elements to each side of the console, but then they’d need a cooling technique for each side as well. Dual fans for more noise! Maybe it converts into a drone...
Could well be, not that it really matters I suppose, we know they are out there in one form or another. Does seem a bit overly designed though, why not make it just a big box like the PS4 one?
Getting Mega Drive on steroid vibes from it.
Looks like a futuristic air purifier.
ohoh the V could be 5 right? i'm so smart
@kyleforrester87 sega genesis does what nintendont.😶.word up son
@playstation1995 Genewhatnow?
@lacerz I suppose drawing air through the middle and then out of the top sides is better than blasting it all out the back, and the inevitable wall it's pushed up against.
It looks like it is from the wrong century. Another wannabee designer who whipped up an ugly model without any knowledge of how a console works.
I would love it if the actual ps5 looked like this! Looks a bit like a pc engine come spacey jockey ship or a miniature of a futuristic building or complex
@kyleforrester87 I really hope the ps5 has better ventilation. Because yes, my PS4 is pretty much up against a wall and sounds like a jet engine and feels like an oven.
Since it has a big V shape, will a voice say "V has come to" whenever we power it on?
I do like the idea of a lot of ventilation and fans. I built my PC with a massive fan on the side to keep air regulating throughout the entire case. Sure it's loud, but it's a white noise that I'm so used to now.
I'd be very surprised if this was anything remotely truthful, however, looks like it could stand up on its side as well.. So if a fake, they have made a good effort..
Looks like some sorta alien engine thingy. Seems legit, I’ve seen those Razer mouse ma- sorry, ‘gaming surfaces’.
I like it, I'll still make love to it... wait... what?
That looks like an unused ship design from Destiny 2.
First thing I thought of when I saw that monstrosity was the pistols from Mass Effect. Dunno why.
V? As in...MGS V?
It looks like my small Fan heater I have got Tell you the truth even if it looked like a pile of Poo I would still buy it
Remember people like with everything in life...it’s what’s inside that counts so hopefully someone would be able to find out the exact details of this beast to stop us speculating because honestly with all this stuff we’ve heard it’s starting to seem too good to be true.
The PS5 is built by reptilian space aliens and you have to feed it mice to power it.
I'd love to see that design to become real. One concern is about that V cut - will it amplify famous jet sound and blast it straight in your face? 😅 But if it will be quite - I love that design. Of course it will be flatter and all those front ports/sensors will be masked. Hope it will glow as well 😍
V for Virgins who have much time on their hands release ridiculous mock up which looks like something Microsoft would release.
Looks kind of.......yonic.
No way this is the dev kit. I would expect something more like a boxy pc case. The custom exterior would be costly for no practical reason.
It reminds me of a female hip so I guess someone was going for that sex toy look.
There is not a single chance out of a million that this is real. Why would Sony waste production resources on making the silly shaped devkit? Every PS devkit prior were all simple boxes, straight forward boxes.
This is the silliest design hox I have seen in long time. Imagine if it was real, and the final console design would have this weird shape as well.. oh boy, who would want such console to have in their home? It looks like something from the past, something from deep 70's
@lacerz this looks rather like a projector than a drone if you ask me.
How is his name spelt wrong? Ootori? Ohtori? They're both acceptable romanisations. Or is his name completely different?
I'm Brazilian and the site is real and legit.
Hol up... If that's the blu Ray slot, this thing is going to be absolutely massive!
In an alternative timeline, this is the Nintendo Super Virtual Boy 128.
@Giygas_95 no, no, no, it’s V as in sly cooper 5!
Why put all that effort and cost into a Dev kit? I feel the Dev kit is just another bulky black box. I would be happy is Sony put a 120mm fan with a grill & removable dust screen on the top or bottom. You could see when to clean it. That thing looks like it would restrict more air than move it.
Glad the retail one is nothing like that. Looks like a reject from the Buck Rogers set.
Looks like a rejected plan for Apple Park.
@Vegetto But are you?
@rjejr since my two cats seem to have made friends with the mice in the basement, I'd be up for that!
Well, I suppose I'd be V for 5 but it's somewhat ugly and where the heck is the disc drive?
Looks like a washing up drying rack.
It's the guts that count though.I hope the final ps5 has a big fan and plenty of air holes and is quiet.
@Scollurio Cats and mice, living in harmony, conspiring against us.
@rjejr Haha yeah. Something like that I imagine to be the case. Maybe throw in some alien reptile-overlords into the mix.... but you know what, I think "everything's just a conspiracy" might be a conspiracy! Inceptiracy!
I get router vibes from it 😅
@themcnoisy Welp, looks like Sony are bigger virgins than you thought.
If final retail console will look anywhere near this, I will be hiding it in behind the desk... I cannot believe this is real.
V for Knack 3 of course.
Let's keep in mind dev kits look vastly different then the finished product. For example look at the PS one dev kit that surfaced a few years ago to the finished product.
I so hope the final product looks like this! That would be a breath of fresh air for Sony to do something different. Besides Nintendo we pretty much just get black boxes. Have some fun with it. They're promoting the PS5 to be the "future" right? This looks pretty futuristic. Also I'd love to see it pi$$ people off cuz you know there would be "boycotts" if people aren't 100% satisfied since that's the world we live in now.
The design looks like a spaceship from star trek 😃
I seen this and had to make an account just to clarify, this is not what the dev kit looks like at all.... It looks good and is designer compared to other fakes I've seen, and I hope the system comes out with just as beautiful of looks as it's predecessor...
It would be nice to return to an era where electronics had more visual variety than black or white cube/rectangles.
I get that that is basically the most practical design, but... like everything is that. I miss the days when companies put more flavor into the design.
Even modern cars are all just basically lozenge shaped boxes on wheels with different variations on trim and chrome...
I'm a bit sceptical tbh
The dev who 'confirmed' it's a dev kit would be in serious trouble and his Twitter is like a gaming news agency with all those tweets. Weird.
@Heavyarms55 Don't forget architecture. Where I love they're pulling up countless flat-blocks and they all look the same, with differing colors in balconies... but that's about it. Awful. In 20 years, when all the shiny paint has turned into "street-dust-gray" it will look like in Bulgaria 1980s. Classy.
Long as all the confirmed stories & the praises stick 'till the release version I'm good.
That's a LOT of air vents in there, thing poor thing must run super hot (SUPER.HOT.SUPER.HOT.SUPER.HOT).
The link to the account doesn't work either deleted tweet or account im calling bs on this whole story.
Lots of comments. The PS5 won't look anything like this horrid monstrosity. That slot is a disc slot, so judgung by that scale, it musy be gigantic. Sony keeps their actual console looks a secret until the reveal at E3 or whenever they do it. Like they would patent its design publically a year or so before they show it off to consumers. (rolling eyes)
This tacky eyesore is just a misdirection.
@TadGhostal - "except for Nintendo, everyone has black boxes". I recall the black Gamecube. The Black Wii, the Black Wii U... maybe you mean the SNES, N64 and Switch. Those ones weren't black boxes.
This machine looks like it could take on the Death Star.
Is it just me, or does it look like it could possibly include a projector of some kind?
Hmm looks like a someone tried making an Xbox Halloween costume and it went a bit awry.
@Scollurio Yeah, I have been seeing a lot of buildings that are little more than grey or black boxes.
I think it's good to have more affordable housing but you can still have some more visual variety. Could at least throw some different colors into the mix.
@Party_Cannon Agreed, and the Switch is also a black box, albeit with a screen on it.
Unlikely this is real. Why would Sony waste money on exterior design of a development machine?
Also it’s the ugliest console design I think I’ve ever seen.
Looks awful. I hope it doesn't look like this
@themcnoisy Microsoft would never release something as ugly as this
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