There are three universal laws in life: you’ll pay taxes, you’ll die, and you’ll love at least one Streets of Rage game. The old SEGA Mega Drive beat-‘em-ups are cult classics: they had style, swagger, and seriously filthy synthgrime soundtracks. The upcoming Streets of Rage 4 has a very different artstyle to its predecessors, but it looks slick all the same.
In fact, we’re really enjoying this Gamescom 2019 gameplay, which centres on an Asian-flavoured stage and features newcomer Cherry Hunter in a series of co-operative gauntlets. Our biggest complaint is the audio mix, which is frankly horrific – everything else looks spot-on. Let’s hope the combat remains fresh throughout the whole campaign, as these kind of games can feel repetitive these days.
Comments 24
The audio mix isn’t even close to horrific to be honest :s
Game looks very good, but the genre is kind of a dead horse.. if you can play this online multiplayer i’ll get it for sure, to play with a friend.
(I mean i’ll get it anyway, coz SoR4, but I will get it...more..if it has online multiplayer)
What's wrong with the audio?
Still hate Cherry's design. She feels like a self-insert. Why not bring back Skate as an adult?
sega genesis best games ever.word up son
@Ralizah I just think the guitar is lame. It’s ok for her to play guitar but it looks a bit try-hard to have her bring it to a street fight!
Nothing lamer than a guy in his early 40s on roller blades, though
C'mon, guys — the audio mix is really bad. The sound effects drown out the music completely, and they've not been mixed in properly at all.
Seeing as audio is a big part of Streets of Rage, I'd like to assume they know they have a long way to go in this department.
I was just about to comment that I hate the music, but great to see that mentioned above. I think Streets of Rage 1 and 2 nailed it. They had such a cool vibe. I hated the music in 3 though it just didn't fit. Hopefully they can sort it out for 4 before release as everything else looks spot on. The music is such a massive part of what makes the games so guuurd.
@get2sammyb I agree that the music is a bit too loud against the sound effects, but I thought that might just be for the trailer. I except you can adjust the volume independently in the settings anyway. But as for the actual tracks, they aren't horrific by any stretch..
Sounds effects is off, but I like what I see. I know people are not too high on the artwork for this game but I’m completely fine with it. I like how the bad guys keep their same look from the old games, Big Ben and those bird named kick boxers. Definitely looking forward to this. Battletoads on the other hand 😬
Ill probably want to play it. I still enjoy to play through the original, most nostalgic for me. I would have preferred a 'Sonic Mania' approach to the graphics, and Id like to see actual Adam back as a playable character.
Sound is awful it really is the attacks drowned out the music the tunes don't sound right to me like they don't match the setting. Axel sound like he did in SoR2 ?? How isn't he like 40+ in this game not sure about the Cherry character seriously would have preferred Skate or Max back instead. I hope they work on the audio issues until then ill put this on hold
@Nakatomi_Uk I don’t think the series has aged in real time, buddy.
Last year when this game was announced ,I wasn't crazy about how the game looked. Now its growing on me,reminds me of comix zone graphics.
any Words on price or release date?
I'm 100% getting this.
@Dange I will leave this here for you to change your mind.
The soundtrack to SOR3 was ahead of its time.
Beatnik On The Ship still remains the best track in series for me.
It's coming along nicely. I'm just so happy that we are finally getting more streets of rage.
Side-scroll brawlers were my favorite genre when I was a kid, back in the 80s. And Streets of Rage was amongst my fave titles.
Definitely getting this - just as I am really, REALLY excited about Aeon Must Die!
Hopefully it has maniac mode.. That's was superb for a good session..
Sound ain't too bad.. Needs better levelling but could be a lot worse.. Liking the new style and how they have kept the aesthetic of the enemies also..
Reminds me more of SOR2 for some reason overall.. Cannot wait
I am soo looking forward to this game!
Streets of Rage 1-3 were some of my most played games on the Mega Drive with 2 in particular earning its place in my list of favourite all time games.
My friends and I slogged away for hours trying to beat it on hardest difficulty and with five of us playing a two player game, we had a challenge to all be able to beat it whilst teamed up with different people so we all got in on the action.
We even managed to hook up the TV to the stereo system and blasted out the music while playing and it was awesome!
My little village probably wondered what was going on with all the music intertwined with “Grand Upper” and “Yuhuha” sound effects blasting out from my friends attic all summer long.
The “du du du du doo doo doo doo doo doo du du du da da da da da da” tune is so ingrained in my brain, I even had it as my ring tone on my Nokia back in the day.
Personally, I will buy this game and play it couch co-op with my older brother and will no doubt love it, however, I hope they can improve the sound mixing and music quality. As Sammy said, the music was an integral part of the experience.
Given Lizardcube said on twitter they're aiming for a 2020 release they should have time to polish up those concerns.
Given the relative lack of side scroller beat-em-ups, looking forward to this!😆
I still don't really like the new character, but to be fair I didn't like Skate that much either. On the other hand, seeing an older Skate would have been cool. Feels like a lost opportunity. DLC perhaps? Seems like they'll do anything to avoid bringing Adam back as a playable character, but that's par the course for SoR games. Almost to the point of being a running joke.
That aside, yeah this audio is awful. I want to hear the music!
Street of Rage is my favorite childhood series that I still play sometimes to this day! That being said I REFUSE to buy it until they mention the status of Skate being a playable character! Ridiculous to always swap out the black character!
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