While they haven’t been anywhere near as bad as the Internet would lead you to believe, the first two episodes of State of Play have attracted significant criticism from the most sceptical corners of the gaming industry. The first episode attracted ire for its PlayStation VR focus, and while the second instalment was better, it couldn’t compete with even a dismal Nintendo Direct.
The company appears to have taken the criticism to heart, as it plans a revised format for next week’s latest State of Play. It also appears to be taking the 20 minute broadcast very seriously, as executives have been hyping it up on Twitter.
Here is Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, for example:
And the extremely affable Asad Qizilbash:
Meanwhile, fascinatingly, Quentin Cobb – who’s leading an unannounced Sony team in San Diego, which is strongly rumoured to be working on an all-new Uncharted adventure – also shared some GIF hype on popular forum ResetEra.
Of course, it doesn’t really mean anything at all – it could just be executives trying to drum up enthusiasm for their organisation’s latest advertorial. But this does feel different to previous State of Plays, which were largely understated affairs. We know The Last of Us: Part II is going to feature in some form – but what else could make the billing?
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, resetera.com]
Comments 29
Hope it's good, we'll see if that's true next week.
perhaps some info on both TLOU and ghost of tsushima?
maybe even a release date for TLOU and gameplay for ghost?
that would make a brilliant state of play.
on a sidenote:i don't know i i feel about a brand new studio making the next uncharted game instead of naughty dog. i'm afraid they might not get it right.
I've heard from a very reliable source that we'll get a PS5 release date of 25/09/19 (or 09/25/19 if you're being difficult) and it will come in standard, pro, slim, lite and mint choc chip flavours.
Tlou 2, ghost of tsushima, and ape escape 4, lets go
Don't fall into the hype trap, followed by the inevitable disappointment and internet moaning cycle. Keep expectations low and enjoy the presentation. Saying that, Ghost of Tsushima update please!
I'd like to see more of Ellie shivving some fools and necking women.
Life of black tiger 2 reveal incoming.
Interesting. Can't wait.
DemonsSouls remake baby, c'mon Sony pull ur finger out..
PS5, PSVR2, Bloodborne 2 and release dates for everything else please. Bet you I'm right.
Syphon filter.demon soul remake.word up son
Sniper Elite VR.
On the realistic side of things-possibly a release date/window for The Last of Us 2 next year,& I'll be covering my hands over my eyes the more previews there are!
Unrealistic expectations? After the Fawlty Towers storefront antics of the EU/AU psn store this week which has seen two Arcade Archives titles miss launch 3 weeks in a row, Castle Crashers Remastered needing to be resubmitted, & at least one of two other indies missing their launches on the EU storefront (getting launched everywhere else), Sony say they are firing the clowns there!
And instead they'll piggyback the EU storefront to the US one which does seem to manage launching games as advertised most of the time!
Maybe we've been had, Sony isn't talking about next gen plans but they didn't say anything about a Vita 2. A revitalization of the platform perhaps...and it's called The RiVita!!
Dark Cloud 3 I'll never stop wanting it
the TloU media event is in the same day. So they're going to show a trailer here, maybe a release date and then say to watch the media outlets for the next weeks for hands-on impressions.
The last of us 2 is definitely gonna be shown .a release date trailer.and a ghost of tshushima gameplay and release date.and a syphon filter remake .and sunset overdrive for ps4.word up son
i really hope that the san diego team is working on something new, and not an uncharted game.
@leucocyte I agree but think Sony isn't ready to let it go. At the very least I hope it's like Lost Legacy and based on different characters, let Nate retire on a high.
All I ever hope for out of these (and a Nintendo Direct) is one new thing. I swear, I'll scream if all they talk about is TLOU 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and/or Death Stranding. Or really spend any more than 30 seconds on any of them.
End with a ps5 teaser with a date psx or something
I enjoyed the other two, tbh.
Can someone explain where all this hate towards PlayStation is coming from? A lot of the Eurogamer team seem have a big bias for Nintendo, I've stopped visiting it because it's become irritating. I am a PlayStation "fanboy", but I don't go out my way to knock any other platforms.
Just show Uncharted and this'll be a 10/10 from me. LoU2 is just extra icing on an already delicious cake. 😍😄
@BearsEatBeets - without drake, it isn't really uncharted for me, and spin-offs feel a bit like milking it really. i don't want sony to become ubisoft. uncharted 4 has sold 16m+ though, by far the highest in the franchise, so it is a dilemma in commercial terms.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what Sony's got up their sleeve. Besides LoU2, I hope we get a look at Ghost of Tsushima, WiLD, and a Demons Souls remake or Bluepoint level remaster.
They set the bar really low they can only get better
@DarthAmmii Nostalgia Is a Big Part Of It And In Most People's Minds Nintendo Can Do No Wrong
UK time for the event?
@DarthAmmii Yep, if you look at most of their staff/editorial staffers they seem to be entirely comprised of XB/PC &/or Ninty fanboy/girls...not a lot of playstation love.
Last year's E3 show sniping pieces & editorial very much highlighted that!
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