PlayStation Now has received a permanent price drop, making the subscription service a much more tempting proposition -- at least as far as we're concerned. What started out as Sony's first foray into game streaming, PS Now has never truly taken off even though it's always been decent value, especially when taking full PlayStation 4 title downloads (which were added to the service last year) into consideration.
But Sony is clearly keen to get more people on board. The new pricing structure puts PS Now in the same bracket as the likes of Netflix, with a year-long subscription setting you back a reasonable $59.99/£49.99. For the sheer amount of PS4 and PS3 games that you're getting access to, that seems like a good deal, particularly if you're someone who doesn't buy many games to begin with.
What do you think, though? Are you tempted by PS Now, now that the price is lower? Are you perhaps already subscribed? Vote in our polls, and then give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Hopped on this as soon as the news broke lol.
I’m more tempted to dip into PlayStation Now rather than subscribe indefinitely.
I could get a month’s subscription and play some games I’m interested in and it could be good value. But it isn’t enough to keep me subbed.
If they merged it with PlayStation Plus, took away the two free games we get each month and instead just updated the growing list each month, gave all people access to all the games regardless of when they started subbing and allowed all games to be downloaded whilst subscribed - then it would be an absolute no-brainer.
In fact, I think that is the better option than the two separate choices that both feel “meh”.
I've been predicting this kind of overhaul for a while now so it's nice to see.
Sadly, the Internet connection in my room is terrible so I can't sign up until I find a way to fix it.
Zero latency or input lag maybe. Or if all titles had DL options (some do right?)
Now this prices are really tempting and great for a consumer but it's this really good for developers like on Xbone and their new games why would you pay 60 for Gear of War 5 when it's on game pass for 5 bucks
My main reason for not being interested in ps now is purely to do with the fact there's nothing on there i want to play.
It's still nowhere near as good as Microsoft's offering, mainly because I've already played the big PS4 exclusives and the lack of true backwards compatibility
It's very nice, but I have the 4 "new" games they put there.
When they start having games with 3-4 months, instead of years, I'll probably make the jump.
I might be tempted, but how does the rotation thing work?
If I download a PS4 game, can I still play it after it's rotated out, or do I lose access?
I Dont care.
They still need to upgrade their infrastructure for me to pay in. There is far too much latency still AND their 'network tests' are garbage and claim my connection isn't good enough half the time. I have a gigabit fiber to the house connection, all wired cat7/8 and setup for 10Gb (I know ps4 is only 1Gb, but just saying, my router/switch are 10Gb).
I'm tempted to subscribe and play some of the big first-party games I missed out on.
Only downloads, though. I don't want to stream my games.
@Bagshot crusty old games what are you 12 years old?
I want to see more PS3 games added personally. I do also wonder if this is the building blocks to what it will become on PS5.
The price is good but at this point, PS4 only gets about 3 new games per year I care about. I own everything I'm interested in and have no interest in renting.
It's a no brainer imo. For the price of a new game you get access to 800+! I've been lucky enough to try out quite a few of the streaming services from all the big companies and Now is by far the best!
@Oh_fiddlesticks yeah I can’t buy that excuse. There’s like 700 plus games on there from the PS3 and PS4 and if you can’t find any games out of all that I smell bull.
My issue with Now is of my own making. My back log is large enough due to frivolous purchases and PS plus, without adding to the problem.
Plus, most of the games i would want to play, i already own. Until that changes, i cant see myself jumping on.
Maybe next year when my second child arrives, and i wont have the money to buy games on release any more
Tried to play red dead on it before and it was unplayable. My broadband speed is 4 x faster than before so might give it a try if I ever get around to mgs 4
No, I've got zero interest in this PSNow garbage.
I know it’s a different service but the Apple Arcade and similar services with their keen pricing has probably played a part in this decision. Stadia and xcloud or whatever it’s called are on the horizon also so they need to stay competitive...
@Rob_230 that's exactly my problem too except the 2nd child arrived in February. It takes 3 months minimum to finish a game and I too have the huge backlog and all these ps+ titles I rarely even begin.
It's still too expensive for what it offers.
I enjoy collecting games as well as playing them. If I have enjoy the game i’ll keep it even if I’m highly unlikely to to replay it. This applies to a lesser extent to digital ownership as well. I like owning things and knowing that I’ll be able to go back to them. My enjoyment isn’t just about being able to play a game now for the cheapest price.
No, I've got zero interest in PS Now (or ever for that matter).
@Hengist what would be a more appropriate price in your opinion
No, I'll buy new games I want to play rather than wait for it to be on psnow.
Also the service is not available on my country and it need credit card data to verify user origin.
No interest at all as I severely dislike subscriptions-based models.
Almost every decent PS4 game that PS+ has had goes on Now, why pay twice for the same games? The 'blockbusters' they announced I own them all already. As for the PS3 stuff on there I still own a PS3 and have all the games I need on it. I'm good.
It lets me try to play God of War in 1 week for free so that's a challenge!
I woukd possibly consider it if they brought some ps12 gsmes like koudela and the shadow hearts games. Legend of dragoon grandia etc
@nessisonett - I got GoW day one and platted it in a week without any guides, with all the guides out now it's a 3 day plat tops.
With the price drop, I'm pretty tempted to get it.
At least I can try the 7 day free trial first.
@redd214 In my opinion the annual price of £50 is fine but the monthly price of £9 is too expensive. I think they should’ve matched game pass at £8 a month.
I abandoned network television for on-demand internet video, and I just might do the same to PS+ for PSNow once my subscription lapses. Giving an entire month's PS+ offerings a miss feels terrible, while I'm sure to find something, possibly a surprising nugget, among Now's growing list.
@dark_knightmare2 Well Its true, a lot of those "700 games" are either not the genres i enjoy/old ps3 games i don't really want to play/ games that are just not great in general/ games i already own and have completed.
I mean there may be a few hidden away that i might like which i didn't see while browsing, but not enough for me to warrant getting a subscription for.
The only reason I'd ever consider PS Now would be to play Sly Cooper on my PS4 if I didn't feel like hooking up my PS3, or if it was bundled with a PS+ subscription. With that said my PS3 is always hooked up and I have the Sly Collection so I'll pass once again.
I really don't have much time to game these days so I already have a huge backlog thanks to PS+. It's really great deal now but it's just not for me.
Well I think they talked me into it, I mean a year is a long time to get access to a huge library of games. What if they do away with Plus on PS5 and replace it with PS Now?
Can you download all the games or just some? I am in the Asia region and we don't have it. But I have some money left in my old USA account that I could use for this. I never wanted to try it as I figured streaming would be terrible from here. But if it's download now, them I'm in.
Also can anybody confirm if a USA cc is required to use it and not just wallet funds?
Can you insert option: "It's not available in my country or I would"
I was interested in it to play some of the older racing games but peripherals like a steering wheel do not work with PS now which is mind boggling really.
Sony haven't even introduced this to Australia, so my view on it all is "nehhh"
Love to know Sony's reasoning.
It is tempting and the library is great, I just have no idea where yo get the time to play any of these games. The time invest ment for playing a game is a lot higher than for watching a movie, therefore a broad library of games is more important for movies than games!
I just wish it was available in my country :/
This is not available in my country, or I would definitely dip into it.
The discussions on allowing PS Now merge/add to the PS Plus subscription is not viable. Sony would received huge backlash if they do so as PS Now is not available in many countries currently.
This is almost what PSplus was before..
People now days say "free games on ps Plus", but Hey, they're not free. You're paying for them.. But since ps plus is required to play online, people's view on ps plus has changed to simply paying to play online with the games as a "free" extra..
Also, the games in the PS now library, atm, are old. And most of them are already in my library since they got out on plus or I already bought them (at the time or now, since they are old, they are cheap..)
So it maybe something good for someone that hasn't plus for a long time, and it's "starting to play", but for me and most players that play regularly or have ps plus for a long time, it's not worth it..
Edit: I just saw that the "playing online" is included.. So the only difference now between ps plus and ps now is the online storage.. If they add that to the ps now, I wouldn't mind to play a litle more for the all package..
Edit2: Ok, so I just saw that the saves are stored online. So, that makes it even more interesting.. just as I said, if they add the storage online part, I would subscribe in a heartbeat.
If it contained a MUCH bigger selection of PS2 games, I'd consider it.
As it stands, I have a PS3 (not that it's even plugged in any more) and a PS4 Pro and see no reason to subscribe.
Na. My internet is still too cack to play any PS Now games for more than 5 minutes before it disconnects.
I don't want to pay again to play games I already own. My PS2 and PS3 collections are pretty big. If I had been a Xbox player I would just need to put in the disk, download update and play away. So any price is to much for me.
@redd214 Based upon what it offers, the price should be zero (although, even if it was zero, I doubt that I'd personally have any inclination to use it). Perhaps Sony could include it with PS+, in-order to give the illusion that paying for PS+, in-order to play online, is good value? PS+ offers nothing else. Their PS+ sales are pathetic, with prices still more expensive than buying the game from Amazon, and the free monthly games have become a running joke. So basically, you're paying Sony just to play online. This is why I only play multiplayer on PC these days, as it costs nothing, and besides the lower cost of games, I get the added bonus of not feeling ripped off.
*Edit: Reading this back to myself, I realised that I went into 'rant' mode. Apologies for that.
Wow only 6% of us are subscribed? That's surprising...
Anyway I LOVE the service and I actually liked the way the games were added before...to me the BIG big games don't have the same value cause let's be honest, if you're a real fan you've played Uncharted 4 and God of War a long time ago. But anyway this will probably have more people subscribing.
I want to be honest I mainly subscribed cause I wanted to play the Lego Star Wars saga LOL but I played old games like Wet, Asura's Wrath etc and I love that I can play things I couldn't back in the day.
Also, there's some really awesome ps4 games to download and some silly ones (Farm Simulator lol) that I wanted to try.
Right now I found out that I actually like Vampyr, I will be trying to finish that!
@JoeBlogs I didn't mean to criticize people that say "free games". Well, actually I did, but in a way that lots and lots of people address to the games as free and really don't care about the quality of the games.. They just have ps+ to play online. And that's fine, but supposedly they are also paying for the games.
I don't know If I'm beeing very clear but I wasn't trying to really attack anyone. Just reminding that plus is also about games. But feel free to get offended by something like this.....
And to be true, in the ps3 days, you didn't need to pay to play online. So I think it was clear that you were paying for the games..
If tomorrow we had to pay just to play online, no "games" included, most of the people would pay (maybe not the amount we pay for plus, but a little less, I really think that we would).
In terms of services, both are now very similar (aside from the promotions with ps+, that most of the time are not good enough).
So apart from the online storage, psnow is looking better..
@DigiTM Perhaps Sony have realised that Australians have too much common sense, and it wouldn't be profitable for them?
@Hengist glad you got that off your chest
@redd214 Thanks, it had been niggling away at me. I feel much better now.
The two free games could be ditched for me there usually rubbish anyway. Bring the price down to subscribe to £40pa n you have a very interesting proposition. That extra 9.99 for me is a tad to far. Also downloading games is always more expensive when you can goto a shop n pick up the actual game for less. Ps now has lost its appeal to me by putting the price up a couple of years back. Not a happy gamer!
The price drop is nice but I prefer owning my games on discs.
Seems good value, but the last thing I need is an even bigger backlog. Just don't need more games.
Tried PS now for the first time this week. I really like it, no lag for me. Will get a years worth.
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