PlayStation 4 exclusives might be about to make the jump to PC, but now the Sony platform has gone and nabbed a game previously only available on Nintendo Switch. Little Town Hero, from Pokémon developer Game Freak, is heading to PS4 on 23rd April in Japan. A western launch is yet to be announced, but we're sure it won't be too far behind.
Physical and digital releases will accompany the game on the PlayStation platform, as reported by Gematsu. And while Little Town Hero received a thoroughly mixed critical reception, our friends over at Nintendo Life seemed to enjoy the affair. "It's far from essential, but if you love CCG-style combat and can't stomach another 100-hour RPG, there's much to like in Little Town Hero" the site explained, accompanied by a 7/10 rating.
We'll be interested in checking the game out if it releases in European and US territories, extremely cluttered UI and all, but does it take your fancy? Save your village in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 31
Was not interested in the game on Switch, still not interested for it on PS4.
Still nice thats it’s coming to atleast 1 platform more. Power to the people who want to play this game.
Nintendo Life must be awfully generous with their scores if they gave this piece of crap an 8.
Gamefreak are one of the most overrated developers, you can't even deny it, almost anyone could do a better job with Pokemon than they do.
Nintendo life gave this a 7 still generous tho looks like a phone game
@DonJorginho agreed. Had they not struck gold with Pokemon, they'd have gone bankrupt ages ago. It's impressive how little they've done to improve the franchise and how incredibly popular it still is.
Ni no Kuni showed us the potential Pokemon has.
Y'all can keep this one, as far as I'm concerned.
GF should thank its lucky stars it's behind the Pokemon license. They can continue to churn out mediocre RPGs that sell ridiculous numbers.
@naruball It is due to the cults of fans within the Pokemon community who live and die by Gamefreak for no reason other than nostalgia.
Nintendo would be smart to take the license away from GF and hand it over to Level-5 who I think would do an amazing job with Pokemon and perhaps a new IP for Nintendo aswell.
Hell even Temtem is showing more promise than Sword and Shield and that is an indie title for heavens sakes!
@DonJorginho Nintendo have very little to do with Pokemon. They don't even publish it in Japan, meaning that in the franchise's country of origin, it's neither developed or published by Nintendo. The most they have to do with it is that they're a minority shareholder in The Pokemon Company. Nintendo is the sole trademark owner in other countries but all it'd take is the majority shareholders (one of which is Game Freak) to join up to take that away from them as well.
@Matroska Ah that is sad news then, hopefully The Pokemon Company do something about it as GF are going to run it into the ground at this rate.
@DonJorginho Temtem looks terrible, both in terms of the monster designs and in terms of the weird non-single-player focus. People bitter about modern Pokemon may temporarily try to boost it to 'stick it to' GF and TPC, but nobody is going to stick by that game.
Hardcore fans have been complaining about Pokemon since the mid 00s and it has never impacted sales or the success of the brand as a whole. We recently saw that in Japan with how wildly successful Sw/Sh have been so far.
@Ralizah I never explicitly said Temtem looked good, I just said that it is showing more promise than Sw/Sh which it does imo.
Being bitter and wanting the best for a game franchise are two very different things, I agree that there are a minority who want to see GF suffer and are stupidly thinking that Temtem ,this small indie game will take over, but the majority just want to see GF actually put any effort into developing games and not lying to it's dedicated fanbase.
And like I said to someone else, people will blindly buy Pokemon due to nostalgia and the fact it is the only Pokemon game out there, just like how games like FIFA do every year as despite their gargantuan flaws, they offer nostalgia, popularity and the fact that you can't get either experience anywhere else more or less.
I myself am not a hardcore fan of the series, I used to play them avidly on the GBA with my older sister, then played them when I had a DS and tried a few more occasionally when I was bored and wanted to see how the series had evolved on newer gen but the laziness of Sw/Sh was clear for any non-biased person to see.
@Mince exactly where in my comment does it say it’s bad I’m simply saying it looks like a phone game which to me is not appealing especially if I’m playing the game on a PS4 on the switch in handheld it looks acceptable so good trolling yourself sir 👌🏻
@Gs69 You're being generous by saying it looks like a phone game, I was going to say Java Flash Browser game.
@DonJorginho 😂 I agree
If Game Freak wants more money then port Pokémon to PS4 as mediocre as it is I know that a lot of people will buy it
@Gs69 This is the same studio who's idea of a "truly next gen Pokemon title" was just adding a few low res trees in an empty field so it is easy to see why they look so bad haha!
@Mince maybe I worded it wrong I have dead cells on switch and it looks and plays amazing so yeah I take your point 👍🏻
You know my avatar is Strider right ? One of Capcoms most famous games
@DonJorginho I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the new Pokémon games not tried them myself but they sell like hot cakes but they look like they could have easily been made for the 3ds
Speaking of Nintendo exclusives coming to PS4 I think it's time for Octopath Traveler to hit the Sony's system. It's already on Steam so there's a possibility, c'mon square enix!
@DonJorginho Nah, Nintendo has no reason to do it when it's still selling so well. They could ask a different studio to make a spin off, though, like GF did with the mobile version that became such a phenomenon.
@Mince ha 😂 just reread your comment you mean the game has an eastern look to it my bad thought you meant my avatar
I probably won’t get this game, but I will say that I think Gamefreak is kind of unfairly hated on recently. Been playing Pokémon since gen 1, and honestly sword/shield are a blast. Wild areas are a cool twist, and I’ve enjoyed battling with friends on a proper home console.
Just seems kind of jaded And silly to be so mad about video games, tbh. Just play what you want and have a good time.
Wouldn't even play this disaster for free. There's plenty of better jrpgs to be playing than this.
@flummerfelt well said. It does seem to be cool to hate on Game Freak these day’s...
Cool for those that want to play it, but it wasn't a game I was ever tempted to get on the Switch.
The last game I played by Game Freak that wasn't Pokémon was Tembo The Badass Elephant, and that was an utter crock of horse
ish. Don't have high hopes for this one.
This game is not worth your time on any platform.
@flummerfelt who's mad exactly? Feel free to let us know.
The point several of us made is that Pokemon hasn't changed enough over the decades. God of War (ps4) showed us how you keep a franchise fresh. I'm glad God of War fans did not eat up anything that SM released and we ended up with such an incredible experience. Similarly, Pokemon could have been so much more, had it been handled differently.
now lets get animal crossing on the playstation!
Forgot about this one.
Knock yourselves out PS fans
Why is this site still pushing unconfirmed rumor that PlayStation exclusives coming to pc.
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