On a random Tuesday evening, Sony has officially revealed the PlayStation 5 controller. It's named the DualSense, features a Create button instead of the PlayStation 4's share functionality, and has a built-in microphone which negates the need for a headset.
Sony confirms that the DualSense will support adaptive triggers while "the sense of touch" appears to play a key part in its design. Blending the colours of black and white together, the PS5 controller will sport a strong, rechargeable battery life while the L2 and R2 triggers have been slightly smoothed. It is also said to be fairly light despite the addition of new features. The light bar actually does make its return, this time positioned on the sides of the touch pad instead of the top. Interestingly, the four face buttons no longer have colours associated with them.
Immersion also plays a large part in the DualSense controller, aided by the implementation of haptic feedback. This is a feature which can emulate the tension of a bow pull in Horizon: Zero Dawn or the grittiness or driving a car through mud. This all adds up to "offering game creators the ability to explore how they can heighten that feeling of immersion through our new controller". Even the grips have seen some love, which we assume allows players to get a better feel for the DualSense during tense moments of gameplay.
On the PlayStation Blog, Jim Ryan states: "DualSense marks a radical departure from our previous controller offerings and captures just how strongly we feel about making a generational leap with PS5. The new controller, along with the many innovative features in PS5, will be transformative for games – continuing our mission at PlayStation to push the boundaries of play, now and in the future. To the PlayStation community, I truly want to thank you for sharing this exciting journey with us as we head toward PS5’s launch in Holiday 2020."
For more information, check out:
- PS5 Reaches Major Milestone As Devs Receive Final DualSense Controllers
- PS5 Will Get You Sharing with New Create Button on DualSense Controller
- PS5 Won't Require a Headset for Communication in Online Multiplayer
- PS5's DualSense Controller Explodes on Social Media
- PS5's DualSense Controller Will Have 'Strong' Battery Life
What do you think to the PS5 DualSense controller? Place your vote in our poll and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 224
It’s.... not April 1st anymore? 😉
... That's... uhh... something I guess? 😅
it looks good but i rather have it in black.
it's a bit to flashy in white.
It's a DS4 dressed as a stormtrooper.
Looks dope.
Can't wait to see the rest of the console. ❤️❤️
Kinda ugly but as long as it feels good to hold.
Looks glorious! Can't wait!!!
Looks so space age.
so if the controler is white with black accents perhaps the console will be aswell?
would be rather cool actually.
also i love how sony just drops these bomb shells out of nowhere unlike some others who announce their news beforehand.
just makes it more exiting and will grap the internet by storm every time.
I'm not a big fan of how rounded the top is, but this my only nitpick and it's minor lol. The blue LEDs going down the sides of the touchpad really dress it up.
When the ps4 dual shock controller has a 1 night stand with the standard xbox one controller,this is the result.
I hate it 😂 i mean at the end of the day it doesnt matter what controller looks like, but thats ugly. At least put the traditional coloured face buttons on it
@Chryssy75 You beat me to it! First thought I had was that it looks like a Storm Trooper, hahah.
Kinda dislike it and like it at the same time. The two tone is off putting.
Seriously hope it’s available in a colour other than white.
@jdv95 Yeah, you would have to figure that it matches the console so that will probably be white and black as well. Interesting choice.
I really hoped PS5 will look like a piece of premium electronic equipment rather than a toy and this is not really good prognostic.
The coronavirus delayed April Fool's Day along w/ TLoU2?
Nobody wants a white controller unless you are playing in an operating room.
They should have called it the DualRay since it look s just like a devil ray.

I like it, though I'd prefer it if the black bit was also white. It looks like it's had a replacement part in the wrong colour.
@Rob_230 It's not that clear from the thumbnail but the shapes are the traditional colours.
Edit: okay, what the hell. They're not the traditional colours. I swear they were when I looked at it before. 😅
imagine sony just droping game announcements like this.
"oh yeah here's a peek at HZD 2 out next year" the web would go wild.
@roe Pretty fitting for a boomerang-like controller that you throw the design away but it comes back later.
I always think a white pad looks so much more sexy
That would possibly explain why I made a 100 mile round trip to pick up my white Ps4 Pro.
I could have easily got a black one locally but just had to have it in white
It looks fantastic!!!
Very depressed at work, I needed that. Thank you Sony
Not a fan of the colour scheme..
Looks awesome imo, built-in mic is definitely a bonus and a no brainer! Might order black with white accents but otherwise I'm a fan of the design.
i'm thinking the controler will have different collor options.
perhaps multible controler and console collor options at launch?
Here's a good mockup of an all black one that looks even better!
@thefirst that's the case for every big dev tbh.
This looks NOT like the 'leaked prototype' drawings. This looks better. Very sci-fi'ish, I'd say. But still I like the Dualshock 4 more. We need to feel it with our hands to appreciate ergonomics.
I like this a lot. It's definitely a shock, but it'll really come down to how it feels, and how its feature set works in games and with the UX as a whole. Still, looks very futuristic and new. Echoing some of the above comments, I do wonder if the console itself will echo some of these designs.
@redd214 The black makes the blue LED strips stand out even more and it looks glorious.
This is atrocious!
@Tats I’m glad someone else thinks it’s ugly. I said it on twitter and everyone assumed I don’t have a PlayStation
Love it, 10/10 from me.
Can’t wait to rip it open to change the sticks within 3 months of purchase, either.
@roe At least the Square, Circle, Triangle, and Cross buttons are in colour on that one.
Honestly i kinda like it
Well, where is the actual console? Is this a new fashion? To show the controller first?
The tech inside it sounds so bad ass.
Looks like a sci-fi jet fighter. Now we need to see the Mothership!
@Deadlyblack yeah if given a choice I would absolutely go for all black but I think the 2 tone looks great as well!
Is that a USB-C port in the back I spy?
Thats a decent upgrade to the suiting DS4 I will enjoy using this controller.
Hmm...no sir, I don’t like it!
It looks ugly in white. I'd prefer it in black.
@Axlroselm Leave the best till last
It's alright, I'm not too keen on the colours. It looks like someone glued the white parts on to a black controller. I miss the coloured face buttons though.
Whoa, it looks futuristic. Very interested to see what those adaptive triggers feel like. Is white the default color this time?
I really like it, the only thing I don’t agree with is removing the colors from the buttons. I like the blue, pink, green, red for cross, square, triangle, circle.
I guess the more I look at it, the more I wish it was all one color, and with the unique colors back for the face buttons. Then it would be ace for me.
Does someone remember, how much time passed between they showed us the DS4 and the PS4?
"Share button is gone" That's funny because it looks like it's still there to me, they've just updated its functionality a bit. So the console will be white then with some black? It's hard to judge a controller without holding it. Inclusion of a built in microphone is a good idea though at least and better battery life, not sure about the triggers though, look a bit flat
It's different. But I kinda dig it.
Gonna say, not a fan of the touchpad being back and the lightbar somehow being more useless and battery draining.
But the downside for me is the shape. It looks like its too wide for me to hold and get my admittedly knackered right thumb to reach over for Square or the stick.
Have to wait until I hold one to be sure, but this seems to fall into the same trap the Xbox controllers have - I just cant hold the things with my injury.
@Axlroselm Kind of an old fashion, actually. They did the same with PS4.
Beautiful! Can we now expect the console to be white too?
Ew. Fugly.
Also, it took six controller revisions in to get concave R2/L2 buttons with the DS4, and they're great. And they just thought, nah, let's buff those bad-boys back out!
And no one seems to care!
I think this is one of those times where Microsoft's incremental iteration approach would've been better. They could fit everything they're talking about in to the DS4 shell I reckon.
@skaarj217 they showed the ds4 at the reveal event in February 2013 and we say the actual console at E3 in June that year
The button colours should have remained. Not a fan of the half white and black. Choose 1 colour and stick to it throughout
@hulkie I'm thinking it's a one-night stand with the white xbox 360 controller. Or the Portal gun. In both cases, retro.
I really hope there’s at least a single color variant day 1. Not a fan of the white/black.
WFT...The hype is killing me
The thing I'm worried about is that the light bars are on the face of the controller so it seems like they could shine in your face when gaming.
Also that they changed the triggers, I really hope they won't be uncomfortable triggers like they were on PS3.
If those two things don't turn out to be problems then I'd say it's perfect.
I like it, not a huge fan of it being white (looks like the console will be as well then??) and the colourless face buttons make me a little sad but I like how it looks some where between the Dual Shock and the Xbox pads
Ay, I tell you what, I like that I do.
is the link not working for anyone else?
Its horrible looking.. But I like the upgraded features, shames theres no additional back triggers, like their excellent addon for the DS4 controllers
Of course the typical haters at pushsquare out in full force. I think it's looks great myself. Love the two tones. Playstation controllers were due for a bit of a redesign.
Thats gonna get a very off white after a few years use. Doesnt bode well...
sorry but white is ALWAYS a bad idea for a controller. it will discolour over time and get dirty from all the sweat and grime. stupid call on sony's part. that said, the shape is nice. if sony only offers this colour scheme with the console i will be very disappointed... i will need to wait for a solid colour before i make a purchase.
even more concerning, though... is this a sign of what is to come with the console? will it also have a split colour scheme to match? lol
It's got a portal look about it.
@jdv95 yep, not working for me. I guess the blog is overloaded with traffic.
@Tats ''Kinda ugly but as long as it feels good to hold.''

Looks awesome, very futuristic.
Take the mic out and make it all black.
@Rob_230 strange since the US version is working fine.
I love it.
Guess this means the PS5 is white and black?
I like that a lot.
I think it looks good, id rather have something non white though, im SOOOO glad they got rid of the smaller concave triggers, my middle fingers naturally rested on the upwards point of the trigger and was SO uncomfortable, this is great!!
I AM worried about the lights being on the front, i do all of my gaming at night so am i going to have these bright blue LEDs shinning right at me?!? Noooo
Looks sweet. I hope they ditch L3/R3 - I hate ‘em
I like it, I'd think colours will vary when its on sale.
A name change and new shell just for the addition of enhanced haptic feedback? But I guess given the longstanding DualShock name, Sony has always been enamored with the haptic feedback part.
I also think the trapezoid shape of the touchpad may be annoying for ps4 games expecting it to be rectangular.
Yeah I like it. Thumb sticks in the right place. Only gripe is sticks should be convexed like on PS1/PS2/PS3 not a fan of the concaved sticks on PS4. But hey KontrolFreeks to the rescue
It would be nice if when it was on the buttons were back-lit in the traditional colours would look great not sure about the trigger shape though.
It's looks very futuristic but in a very good way.
I'm thinking 2 shades of grey or brown for my second one. Im not into bright colours
@KratosMD you nailed it ; )
This is absolutely awful. What the hell is Sony thinking. Seriously concerned what the console is gonna look like now.
Well there is some positive movement. Excellent looking controller
@get2sammyb This article is serious right?
What is this thing? I could be wrong, but it looks oddly bulky, it has a terrible color scheme, the buttons needs some color. This looks like an April fool's joke. Maybe it'll feel better than it looks, but it looks terrible with those colors. Gosh, I hate looking it. I mean, I'll overlook it's potential bulkyness (since I could be very wrong) if they fix how bad it looks.
Geez, how bad is the info drops this gen? What's happening with this new management. They're terrible at it.
Have I woken up in the year 4020?!?! It looks F-IN SEXY AS...(well you know) Looks very Futuristic Hopefully the PS5 will look Futuristic to but I don't care what it looks like I just WANT IT
Wish there was the choice “Not too keen, Sony still can’t design d-pads anymore”.
As I suspected, not a screen in sight! I really don’t know why anyone thought it would have an OLED or LCD screen in it... really people? That would make it heavier, much more complicated and a HELL of a lot more expensive! And more breakable. I like the new design.
@FX102A looks like the Vita D-pad, which is superb.
That is very sexy. Miaow!
@Jaz007 would you shut up please? I'm trying to enjoy this sexy, sleek piece of art.
The PS button I'd actually shaped like the PS logo. 10/10
@Abdessgal FFS. American huh?
That looks TERRIBLE. It looks like they looked at the other controllers (Switch and XBOX) and then looked at the DS4 and they said: "Let's just add those"
Very, very nice....I’m in.
Finally a bulkier controller. I have been waiting a long time for this. Looks sexy. Cannot wait for the PS5 NOW!!
I want a black one
I really really like the look of it. I hope the console is a similar style. However, for the folks that don't like it I'm sure they'll be doing a black one too. Black never goes out of fashion. Champagne gold, and silver hi-fi and av gear came and went with just a few staying with that look. Black will always be popular for many reasons. They can't NOT release a black console and controller!
Tbh I was hoping the right thumbstick would be swapped for some kind of touch pad dish, so you could aim more like a mouse though.
I don't like shiny lights in my face when I'm trying to play a game either.
Overall though it's a big thumbs up from me.
Nice - The tech geek in me is very happy
If the console is as sexy as this - our family room will need some upgrades to keep up 😅
And no built in backbuttons... The only real "evolution" i wanted.
I don't really like it but I might get around to liking it after a while.
It's sad that the face button colors are gone, I don't like how everything from game logos to hardware is so sterile and minimalist today. One of the reason I love Switch's Joy-Cons.
Other than that, it doesn't sound nearly as revolutionary as people touted it to be. I mean, haptic feedback is nice, but is it revolutionary or even new? When Nintendo announced HD Rumble people dismissed as just another gimmick, and, while nice and immersive, it's certainly not a game changer.
Let's hope it's comfortable to hold.
Edit: also hope gyro aiming finally becomes a standard option for all games that include aiming, after two gens of not using the built-in gyroscopes.
@KALofKRYPTON Looks more like the PS1 to PS3 era d-pad with the equivalent of 4 separate buttons rather than one complete piece above the skin. PS4’s was a minor improvement but now it’s reverted.
Vita has an astounding d-pad as it is all a single piece above the console’s outer shell.
This controller ain’t got the Vita’s d-pad. It was included in the PS4’s prototype controller. The Sony sought feedback from PS3 players (i.e the imbecilic ones) who convinced them to go back to the divided up d-pad (probably to allow for use as 4 extra buttons).
Ive literally had no problems whatsoever with any controller on the 3 consoles except for the n64 controller and joy cons. Must be a ninty thing
This looks as good as the rest. But I don't like the color, but I'm sure all black will be a thing
I love it, for those who don’t like it look at it a couple more times it’s a grower!!
I’ve always liked the clear vita buttons and this has them which is great.
I remember Sony knew they had the triggers all wrong and changed them for the ds4. I’m sure these will be fine they wouldn’t drop the ball after the feedback from gamers and developers.
Love the way the touchpad looks like it’s floating from the back. Still pretty useless though, I can’t help thinking there’s more to this touchpad than we know!!
10/10 Sony nice one.
Also I guess psvr isn’t gonna be totally back compat with ps5? How’s camera tracking going to work with that controller?
@solocapers They already said it is. So I'm sure they've thought of that.
I like it. Would probably switch the white and black but overall it's good.
The new features are cool and I'm happy they're sticking to the traditional d-pad, analog stick layout but I wish the overall design was closer to past Dualshocks and less Xbox/Switch Pro controller. Also think I'd prefer the black and white shading flip-flopped or just make it entirely black. But both those are minor 'issues,' looking forward to using this controller whenever the time comes.
THIS CONTROLLER ALONE IS A BLOW TO XBOX SX. Bulkier and USB C as well brilliant àbsolutely nice.
Yuk!!! What are most of you people thinking!?
I like some of the tech IN it, but it's ugly, yet again like other consoles another step towards replicating the Xbox style of controller, what happened to diversity? Not everyone wants a clunky lump.
Plus worst of all it probably means the console will look as bad too.
holy moly, this looks insanely good
I'll get use to it... while it will be in one color (not this xbox dual color) what bothers me more, is that thickness of grips. I've used to hold my dual shock 3 and sisha hoose quite good, but dual shock 4 and sisha hoose was a bit problem, bud used to it too while it is really uncomfortable. This dualsense looks 3-4 mm thicker especially around buttons and dpad. Dualshock 4 is a lot unconfy for pressing central button (fortunately almost no games uses its touch mechanics) and it looks like dualsense with its thickness makes my thumbs unreachable central button even without sisha hoose. Don't know... must have it in my hand and try it, but it looks bad for me.
I saw White color scheme from PS5 controller.
Next, the console design.
The tone on social media has changed completely too. Sony know how to keep them waiting.
Crap looks more like an Xbox controller old design worked perfect
Love it!I think going by this the console is going to look pretty pretty pretty cool.
That's one of the ugliest controllers i've ever seen.
It's sick and if you don't like it you're getting banned.
@RenanKJ Like Stormtrooper and Apple had sex and this is the result... I like it, for those who don't like white buttons there would be completely black... probably.
@beavis64 yeah why not let's go all futuristic I like it would give it a nice twist
Wow.that came out of nowhere.thank god the light bar is still there.its 😎 cool.word up son
@Nyne11Tyme. I agree. Word up son
@beavis64 look at it closely... you can see it with bare eyes yes there are only 2 pictures, but it is obvious.
At first I didn't like it, but the more I see it the more i likey. I always put skins on my controllers anyway, so doesn't bother me that much about the colour scheme. I would be a bit miffed if the console shares the same colours though, and if it's the V shape (and yes I know its only a dev kit). The name though, DualSense, ergh, sounds like a brand of condoms.
@makina I was thinking the same thing! I like the look of it for sure, and the new features sound great, but... where are the back buttons?!! I’ve fallen in love with the backbutton attachment for Dualshock 4, has very quickly become essential to me... What gives Sony???
@get2sammyb i think of Portal when i look at it for some reason
@Nickolaidas if the console is 2 tone i will lose my mind lol
@eumenes No, I won’t shut up? I don’t like the color shame or lack of colors on the face buttons.
As the majority, i'm not fan of the two-tone. I would prefer a black or white and i'm not willing to pay extra money just for the colour.
Anyway, i can live with it.
As for the features, unfortuantelly we didn't see the back buttons(L4+L5) and the desirable mini screen. We stuck again with this space-eater, useless touchpad! At my 5-6 years on ps4 i dont recall any moment i have used it. Anyway.
At least, the adaptive feedback looks very intresting.
Overall, i'm ok with it. Not excited, just a little bit dissapointed.
Despite claims, a lot of people basically tend to want more of the same, so not surprised this has ruffled some feathers! You’ll get used to it
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I love your answer!! Can only imagine the look on ur face when you wrote that!
At first it seemed odd to me since I'm used to them always sticking with the same design but it honestly looks pretty good.
Love what they did with the light bar.
@Axlroselm This honestly makes me think that they're still working on the console design. I may be wrong but normally, you'd see the console reveal first or with the new controller.
It's ok. Looks comfortable, all the right buttons, the haptic feedback will likely be awesome. The rest? Meh.
Don't care about the mic, and never cared about the share button, probably won't care about it being create instead now, but those are great for people who like that.
White? Ugh. Terrible. It was bad for Wii and it's bad here. There'll be a better color option later though. And here's hoping turning off the lightbar is an option because trading the reflection in my TV for having it shine at my face is not an improvement. Looks like the same analog sticks too. Oh well.
Loving the futuristic vibe. Like it wouldn't look out of place on the bridge of the Star Trek reboot movies Enterprise! Can't wait to see the console now and figure it'll have a similar curved/rounded two tone design.
I hate it. That is my extremely visceral first though. It is ugly as f***. UgLY
Glad they kept the excellent dpad design, looks pretty nice overall, would’ve been better with some rear buttons/paddles though to eliminate the need to use L3/R3, causes pain clicking sticks.
I really really like it. Ever since seeing a white Sega Saturn I've loved white consoles, they just look so futuristic & cool (rocking a white Pro currently). The PS4 controller looks like some kind of steampunk Frankenstein device compared to this haha
It also looks very comfortable to me, can't wait to get my hands on it!
Looks too big for smaller hands
My concern is chat. If the mic is on the controller the audio is gonna feedback. Then chat is gonna be an echo nightmare unless they are planning on doing some audio filtering which will increase load on the ps5
seems most people don't like the colour scheme of the ps5 controller, myself included. i threw together my own varient which is inspired by the ps4 20th anniversary edition. i think it is an improvement over the super contrasty white and black version
I like it! A lot!
This thing is sick as f**k! Very bold move from Sony, after the standard Dualshock design being such a mainstay over the generations. I'm glad that they're taking risks and trying to innovate. Looks very futuristic. It was definitely a shock initially though!
I love it, looks really sleek and I dig the colours.
The only thing that I don't like is the built in microphone, I kinda have a paranoia of mics inside my place always on, also it will probably bump up the price of the controllers to 70€.
Am I the few people who like this design? It looks clean and slick.
People saying it looks like an xbox controller need to go to specsavers.
Built in mic means its always going to be listening and spying on you. Now I wont be getting a PS5 for sure.
Hmm. I’m trying not to overreact.
It looks pretty cool. Futuristic. Clean. ...In an Apple sort of way. I’m good with that. I like Apple products.
The size though. It does seem a bit on the hefty side. My small and delicate hands need something of an appropriate fit.
I rather have it black, but I’m fine with it.
Didn’t like it when Microsoft tried to force a microphone into my living room. Don’t like it now either. DualShock 4 controllers still work on the PS5, they claimed, no? If so I will likely be using my PS4 controllers on this thing.
@Powerpellet Paranoid.
@Th3solution I'm sure they'll come up with a small, delicate controller.
That colour is nice 😃
I nod off for a few hours then wake up to find Sony unveiling my weapon of choice next gen. The colours remind me of PSVR.
The tech sounds interesting and thank God they are using USB-C cables.
But I'm really not big on the color. I'd prefer all white or all black. Hopefully they'll have other options.
@InsertUsername Naive
@InsertUsername Nah, my hands are delicate, but the controller must be sturdy and strong and ready to withstand being thrown to the ground while playing Elden Ring and Bloodborne 2.
Reminds me of Excalibur from Warframe.
I take it the console will have similar colors too?
@Powerpellet It's called being level-headed. You should try it.
@Th3solution Lol. Well, then I guess a controller built for rage fits.
@rjejr I get all of my controllers in white if I'm able to, consoles as well. I know many people that do the same. In fact, more people get custom colors than stick with the matte black that comes standard on most controllers/consoles, so you're in the minority.
@makina after having played with a controller that had paddles, and getting other people's reactions with paddles, there aren't a lot of people who want that gimmicky trash. Sure there's a market for it, but most gamers want quality and not a tacked on, overly expensive Frankenstein.
Would love mine to be in black though. But white is still pretty cool.
@GoblinKing86 "In fact, more people get custom colors than stick with the matte black"
You're going to have to give me a link to get me to believe that. Sure, we all buy 2nd, 3rd, 4th controllers in other controllers, I like red myself, but I don't know anybody who jettisons their black controller to use another color.
Otherwise my opinion is more people use the black one the console comes with, and you're in the minority.
Unfortunately there appears to be no way of taking the controller apart without destroying something. Based on the patents there won't be any screws.
Source: https://www.ps5playstation5.com/images/dualshock5-comparison.jpg
@Porco Sony should definitely use your scheme.
I was shocked at first when I saw this last night but now having looked at it again I really quite like the new design and can't wait to hold one for myself. Much prefer white to black controllers personally so I'm happy with the colour scheme. Most importantly though I love the new features like built in mics and haptic feedback. I was fully expecting a DualShock4.5 so very happy to see something a little more adventurous.
Prb said in the 190 comments above mine but is no one at Sony thinking about hand grime and how it’s going to look several months down the line?
It’s going to look like soiled underwear.
Please have a black option.
Now imagine all the xbox gamers who see this looking like an xbox controller and pretend they will see a difference on screen because of 2 more TFlops 😀 haha
@Xiaolin great points Xiaolin. I’d like to think they’ve thought of this, but you never know.
@djlard the hand grips on DualShock have always been horrid for me and ergonomically not good for my hand size. Always liked the larger Xbox controllers.
@Porco that was my first thought... how nasty is this going to look after a year of my mitts all over it. And I tend to keep my hands clean. I can only imagine how gross some controllers are going to look.
@MasterEMFG it depends... DS3 had more conformable grips than DS4, for me.
@Porcho good job, but now it looks more uglier
More I see it, more uglier it is... what a letdown...
It sounds much better than it looks. I’m glad they moved the light bar to the sides, as it hopefully won’t refleckt back of the TV like on the PS4.
@MasterEMFG After the ridiculous sh*t show that has been the PS4 OS for the past 6 years I will give them no credit ahead of time. We still don't have a consistent game to game people met list, can't view basic store information from a game on the dashboard, have a direct store page path from game info, have proper control over installed dlc, still can't limit current downloads to just one at a time, party chat is still plagued with Nat issues, system crashes caused by the store and other basic functions are frequent even on the PRO, and still can't gift anything on PSN. These among a whole host of other ongoing issues with PSN and the PS4 give me ZERO faith Sony know what they are doing.
@Porco Not bad.
I'm not convinced that it is white/black. When you look at high res pictures the bottom half color is distinctly different from the trigger color which is obviously black. I think they are using a dark blue there.
I love how Xbox's reply was a gif of it's capture button. A feature Playstation came up with 7 years ago lol
@jdv95 like this mockup myself: https://twitter.com/isaparrot/status/1247626615871463427/photo
@Jaz007 maybe theyll light up when you turn on that sleek sexy mofo.
@Xiaolin I've also said the PS4 OS has been a cluster £&# because nearly everything you said I've hated about it. The games don't have a direct store page you have to scroll down when highlighing a game in the menu. Then but x and x and x no one button direct link to it's store page to get DLC, chat is a joke they improved with party chat but it still crap.
After nearly every firmware update to so called improve system performance I found it's made it worse, I think the menu used to much ram as I found scrolling would be slow
I love it!! Looks so futuristic and I used to have the white ps4 so I would love to see the console be white with blue lights as well. I'm hyped now
I quite like it. Black would be my choice of colour but im not going to grumble about a colour. Im also glad they have ditched the coloured buttons and gone for the more adult looking PSP style buttons. Im assuming that the light bars will once again be dimmable and the mic can be deactivated?
I cant wait to see all the hate and "im cancelling my pre order" when the console has a white strip through it or a white top to it.
@Nakatomi_Uk I am pretty sure the OS/store/dashboard has a significant memory leak and Sony is too cheap to hire competent programmers to solve it as even on the Pro which has more ram the OS runs like sh*t.
Eh.... I'm not liking the multi coloured look, makes it looks like a cheap third party controller.
Also, not a fan of the L1 and R1 buttons, they look far too chunky. We'll have to wait and see though. It's one thing to see a picture, another to hold it in your hands.
I really like it... all depends on how it feels
Welp, DS4 is no longer Sony's most complimentingly Nintendoesque controller. "Departures" aside, D....ualSense (on the flipside, I guess abbreviating it is gonna be more awkward😄) seems like pretty much everything that was in DS4 (assuming the light bar manages to work the same with games like Tearaway) plus the Switch's haptic feedback and its own "adaptive triggers". And it looks pretty neat, too! Even if I end up barely using it like DS4 itself (for the reasons I believe I need not reiterate again), I like what I see here.
@Kidfunkadelic83 maybe they should make a red'n'blue palette DualSense, just to troll this kind of people.😆
It's pretty ugly innit
This controller shocked me when I first saw it. My first reaction was wow that is a change. I think the color blinded me for a few seconds.
Did not take me long to enjoy to change as a positive. I got a going forward in a Star Ship or UFO control panel vibe. Within 10 minutes I was Loving it.
PS: its a good idea to really clean your controller every month or two. Even a Black controller gets dirty!.
@Porco That looks awful.
Hype is starting to build.
It looks futuristic and I love it. Especially the dual colors! I'm excited!
Give it to me in black and we are fine.
PS5 settings - Controller settings - Haptic feedback - turn off
@Porco oooooh it looks much better. Basically anything replacing the white would be better.
Given I've been a grumpy contrarian around here due to being a Nintendo fan, let me be positive for once: this controller looks amazing.
I love everything about its design.
As long as it comes in black only, then I guess it's fine.
Yeah, I'm not sure. Maybe it'll grow over time
Much prefer the fan mock-up black one or @Porco's classic grey one.
I do hope the LED lights can be switched off, playing in darker environments with the current LED light beaming back in my telly has been quite annoying.
I'm digging the white, to be honest. Looks really cool. I imagine there will be other colours available somewhere down the line.
@kcchiefsfan81 that’s what she said
Love the DS4 hate the xbox controller hopefully this is still comfortable in my hand. Does anyone else think the buttons dont have colour because they light up with colour? The symbols look translucent.
I’m loving the dual sense design. I’ve been thinking, maybe Sony designed it as two colours to show people that it’s an entirely new console? Like with the Xbox Series X, the controller looks the same as the one x. Dunno, but going with the two colours means the Ps5 will be also. I know people will complain about the white colour degrading. But I’ve had the Xbox one s for a while now & the controller is still as white as Rodney😂👍🏻
I cant get my head as flat as yours.
@Cyrus29 My Dreamcast controllers are as yellow as the sun though
@jdv95 me too
You can soak the casing in hydrogen peroxide which will restore the colour . Don't think I have to state the obvious that the controller must be disassembled before inserting into any liquid but for the sake of it I'll just mention that so no one can mess up their controller.
i'm hoping for various color schemes at launch..
@Trowzy10 That would awesome! Let's hope they do light up with colour.
I'm so in love with this new design. I want it SO MUCH RIGHT NOW !!
It looks so futuristic ! That's the kind of design I like, something to make us dream about next-gen. About THE FUTURE !!
@ShaiHulud you can switch light off. press ps button and there it is. the first thing i've done was switching light bar off and muted controller speaker.
@djlard This day is getting better and better! I had another tip from @Mintie this morning stating you can dial the brightness back, but turning it completely off is even better
@Agent47 That sounds like quite a bit of work but with this virus going on, I might just have a look at doing that!
Yuck, this current era of design is so BORING! Minimalist, drab crap everywhere.
SO, What if the outer casing, ie the white bits, are just cases that can be changed for different colours, including the touch pad??? I remember seeing a recent patent showing the pad being interchangeable??
I just hope the console isn't white, unless you could also change the colour of the casing, as its just gunna look dog s*** inbetween all the BLACK items ive got in my entertainment center. Black is a timeless colour and doesn't age where as white equipment comes and goes over time.
I would seriously have to consider putting off my purchase if the console is not all black. The controller im not to worried about being black and white, like the PSVR, but the console has to be all black for me?
Language please - Quintumply
It'll probably be okay, but I've always really liked the PS controller design over the generations and have liked how they have stuck with it, so it's a little saddening to see it change.
@ShaiHulud you welcome. ☺️ I was digging more than 2 hours in settings, just to find out, that controller settings are linked to your profile. So it doesn't matter which DS4 you'll grab (if you have more like me and leave at least one charging) I've dimmed lightbar and turn off speaker on my profile, and turn off speaker and rumble on my wife's profile.
Love it! This bold new direction is making me sick for the console unveal. Makes me wanna play mass effect though
I love Sony. I love PlayStation. But I absolutely hate that controller.
My guess is that the microphone needed for 3D audio to work over regular speakers. The PS5 will play test sounds that are received by the controller's mic and that data is used to configure the 3D position settings for where you are sitting. This is better than using a generic 3D audio template and forcing you to move to a particular sweet spot.
@bpomber you know how there's a little gap on the touch pad for the light to shine through? It may be just a little brighter than that. It will only be there for the PSVR 1 because all old PS4 and PSVR 1 games use the light bar. The newest PSVR 2 will use cameras and you know one of the biggest things Sony is popular for? Cameras! The newest PSVR 2 will have 2 cameras on the front and the PS MOVE controllers will have no light bubble as all of the patents don't have anything for lights but does have places for cameras. Could be that the "dualsense" has something like smartphones, they have gyros and they're tiny enough to fit in a smartphone so why not use them in something bigger like a controller where you could put a few more for greater sensibility? I also don't think they were using a camera mounted on the TV anymore either since it wouldn't be needed. You would only need to use the PSVR 1 and camera with move controllers from PS4 so you could play the old titles on PS5 as they have said that all would be backwards compatible.
It looks like an apple device. maybe in black it looks better. tbh I don't really care about the looks that much, as long as it's functions well. I'm still not sure what haptic feedback means? A sort of feedback function on the trigger buttons itself?
I may have missed this skimming the comments but how will this controller work with PSVR?
@Xiaolin I’ve been able to manually pause downloads so there’s not more than one at a time. But a que feature would be nice
Aside from that I’d like a gift feature as well so I can force some of my friends to have a game. Haha
You’re totally right about the OS and store being a mess. One of the things I miss about having an Xbox this last gen.
it’s often slow, not easy to find and wishlist things, no intuitive announcement option that something you’ve wishlisted is on sale, the categorizing and order of stuff is a complete mess, half the time searching for things I have to scroll through a bunch of irrelevant pay to play garbage.
I don’t get it. Seems to me one of the easiest things they could revamp to look and navigate smoother.
As far as the random NAT issue. Haven’t had one for a good while but man those are annoying especially when it’s so random. However had them on live as well. Internet being the internet
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