Watch Dogs Legion was originally scheduled to release on the 6th March 2020. Kind of weird to think about, isn't it? But even before this whole coronavirus thing began, Ubisoft delayed Legion and a number of other titles that it still has in the works, including Gods & Monsters and Rainbow Six: Quarantine. At the time, Ubisoft didn't give new release dates to any of these games -- it simply said that they'd launch beyond April 2020.
Now here we are staring May in the face, and we're yet to hear much more on the release of Watch Dogs Legion. However, VGC reports that Legion is currently planned as a PlayStation 5 launch title. It's set to "debut" alongside next-gen consoles, suggesting that there won't be a current-gen version releasing before then.
If true, it's an unsurprising development, but it has interesting implications. For starters, it would probably mean that the next Assassin's Creed title -- which we know is coming -- won't be on PS5 at launch, reason being that Ubisoft won't want to release two of its heavy hitters on the same day. The same is true of something like the aforementioned Gods & Monsters.
It's worth noting that Watch Dogs Legion has been confirmed as a cross-gen title for a while. As far back as E3 2019, developers have been calling Legion a game made for "PlayStation platforms". Then, in October last year, Ubisoft said Legion would utilise PS5's features in "extremely interesting" ways.
Of course, the big question that hangs over the industry right now is whether the PS5 and the Xbox Series X will actually stick to their holiday 2020 launch windows. Only time will tell.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 23
Quick reminder that VGC is a very reliable source — this rumour definitely has weight to it.
These were always going to be cross gen, surely. Even if they came out on PS4 before PS5 had launched, and then they came out later along side the console launch. It’ll be the same for a bunch of games I reckon, more than PS3 > PS4 for which there was plenty.
Unless this hard drive technology really is the game changer some are suggesting, in which case it might not just be a case of cranking down the graphics to get a game running on both systems.
That would make sense and honestly I’ve been properly looking forward to it, not enough games are set in the UK and it’s always a novelty.
Remember when the original Watch Dogs was meant to be a launch title for PS4?
Hmm so either AC Will be current gen only for the time being or it Will skip 2020.
Just hoping for it to be the former than tbh.
Not too hyped about this title to be honest. The best part about Watch Dogs 2 was Marcus, his crew, and their friendship. Not saying I was expecting him back, but when the my favorite part of the last game was the protagonist(s) and their development, and the selling point for this game is "NO PROTAGONIST", I'm firmly in the "Wait and See" camp.
@ShogunRok did I strike a nerve last time? Lol jk 😛
Anyway, how ominous does Rainbow Six: Quarantine sound now? 😧
Damn,id much rather have a new Assassins Creed or Gods and Monsters.Loved the first Watch Dogs but the second,despite having slightly better gameplay the cast of characters were atrocious and was glad when it was over but the new game does nothing for me.It sounds clever but looks stupid.we shall see.
@Wazeddie22 we could still get an AC this year just on ps4.
i don't think they will go 2 years without a new AC. it's their flagship franshise and ubisoft like to bring out their major games every 2 years.
maybe it will get a ps5 version a couple months after the console released.
could be wrong ofcourse.
When the game was delayed I had a hunch it was going to be pushed back as a multi gen release.
Curious to see the differences between the PS4 and PS5 versions.
@ShogunRok I'd imagine most gamers would assume that this would happen anyway, it makes perfect sense to launch on both and I'd be surprised if they were the only AAA developer with such plans.
Still have yet to play the first 2. I have the season passes and everything. Will make my way through them by the time this is out.
@carlos82 Agreed, but I think some of us were maybe expecting it to launch on PS4 first. This report suggests that it'll be released alongside the PS5, like Ass Creed Black Flag was.
@ShogunRok are you implying that black flag did not release on last gen first? because
black flag came out at the end of october for ps3 and xbox 360 while the ps4 released mid november in the US with the ps4 version of black flag.
if i understood your comment wrong you can ofcourse correct me.
@jdv95 Hey you're right, there was a gap of a few weeks. In hindsight, that's pretty weird!
@ShogunRok tbh i also expect some games to release on ps4 first and when the ps5 releases those games will release alongside it.
watch dogs is out ofcourse,but i think that the new AC will release on current gen around october (delays not counted) with a next gen version a couple months after the ps5 comes out (if they don't want watch dogs to be overshadowed).
or the new AC is actually a current gen only game. which would be suprising as everyone thinks it will be a cross gen game.
I was really looking forward to this, not only is it set in my home town but the premises of permi death for characters and playing to achieve a larger goal appealed to me over playing another super powered hero who save the day single handedly. But I just have so little faith in Unisoft these days. From selling xp boosters to improve AC to the bland shop front of Ghost Recon. I don't have any anticipation for any of their releases anymore. If it's any good, great but I'm not putting any stock in it.
@Ron22 Agreed on the Dedsec crew being a likeable bunch. I remember everybody hating Wrench but I thought he was pretty cool.
I remember when I bought assassins creed black flag and cod ghosts on ps4 before the ps4 console itself came out, I dont mind if they do these things coz its not such a hit on the same day plus i would like to have a few titles to play and not just a couple to start building my library.
@jdv95 Yep,you could be right.Id love a new Assassins Creed game this year but then if it arrives early on the Ps4 id still probably end up waiting for the Ps5 version..although it really all depends on how the whole ps4/ps5 compatibility will work anyway..buy it for Ps4 and end up finish playing it on Ps5..
I thought this was confirmed months ago
Hmm see I'm more for God's and Monsters than AC. They just can't keep the whole modern crud out. Do a modern one and get it over with it won't sell but whatever just stop throwing modern pitstops in my romp through AC already.
I don't see both Assassins Creed & watchdogs Legion releasing as Launch titles for PS5...
Assassin's creed is more likley as a lauch title than Watch Dogs Legion
Most people, and that's if they even buy the console at launch because times are tough right now and a good portion i don't see dropping 500+ bucks on a new gaming console plus 2 70 or 80 buck games...
So Ubisoft will take a massive gut punch in sales of one or the other..
If i was sony i would delay the PS5 launch to March , when hopefully by then everything will return to normal
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