Star Wars Episode I: Racer PS4 PlayStation 4

We've been rather enjoying this spate of retro Star Wars video game revivals, and the next is another treat to look forward to. Star Wars Episode I: Racer is something of a cult hit, a sci-fi racing title that's surprisingly good in spite of the Marmite source material. It's coming to PlayStation for the first time ever very soon indeed -- in fact, we now have a release date.

The beloved pod racing game is heading to PS4 on 12th May 2020, just under a month's time from now. The news comes from an interview with James Vicari, a producer on the rerelease, in which he speaks very fondly of the movie TIE-in (get it?). "I think its legacy is a very specific feeling of joy," he says. "When we announced it within the company, it was crazy how many faces lit up. Once we had it up and running, people from every department kept dropping in to check it out. If you’ve played it, you know. There’s just something about being in one of the coolest scenes from a Star Wars movie."

An understated announcement, then, but we're sure this will tickle the nostalgia bones of many when it arrives next month. Will you be checking out Star Wars Episode I: Racer on PS4, perhaps for the first time? Zoom down to the comments below.
