While you won't be able to sculpt protagonist Eivor's face in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you do have quite a lot of control over his or her appearance. At least, when compared to the main characters of previous Assassin's Creed games.
We already knew that you'll be able to get tattoos and apply war paint to your mug, but in a recent Washington Post livestream -- well worth a watch if you're interested in Valhalla -- director Ashraf Ismail confirms that you'll also have the option of tweaking Eivor's hair. You'll apparently have access to a number of different hair styles as well as beard styles, but the latter only applies if you're playing as male Eivor.
Put all of this together, and you've got the most customisable protagonist in the entirety of Assassin's Creed. What's more, the equipment customisation system from Assassin's Creed Odyssey is also making a return in some form, meaning that you'll be able to alter the look of your weapons and armour to create eye-catching outfits.
Do you enjoy having more customisation options for your character? Braid your beard in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 16
The game has romance but no genital area customization? Outrageous.
Just want valhalla feel fresh after playing some hrs.... Not like Odyssey which have the same repeat side quests
Aww, only beards for male Eivor? There goes my plans of playing as a Conchita Wurst lookalike.
I hope you can change some stuff in game. Sometimes you want a breath of fresh air after 15 hours.
Im glad the armour and weapon transmog sounds like its coming back, it was one of the great things about Odyssey
@Vegetto Conan Exiles lets it all hang out .
I couldnt care less about tattoos but sounds good. I'll check it out later on cheers.
I never do facial markings outside of facial hair...but for this? I will be making an exception. War paint all day.
Bald, bearded and inked to death for my female Eivor.
Genital customisation or GTFO
As long as the beard goes down to the crotch I'm set.
I'm actually pretty excited about this one. Loved Origins, but didn't really like Odyssey too much so I never fully bought it (played 15 hours tho). Doesn't seem like most people like RPG AC but I've been wanting AC to go RPG since Black Flag.
As I said before.
1. Run game
2. Open Customisation
3. Equip Altair or Ezio outfit
4. Shave and cut hair
5. Sell axes, buy hidden blades
6. Start to enjoy game.
I wonder how many of the looks are locked behind a paywall like Origins and Odyssey..
I'll just make mine look like the utter gorgebomb Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings and be done with it.
Sounds like this will be the first AC I'm gonna buy since Black Flag.
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