Around one year ago, Sony introduced the option to change your PlayStation Network username, and with that option came the potential for hilarity. Well, maybe not hilarity, but some of the names we found were at least mildly amusing. You see, changing your PSN ID lets you click through a bunch of recommended usernames. Naturally, we wanted to see how stupid they could get, so we wrote down the best ones that we could find.
It's a pretty simple system that puts two words together along with numbers. One word's an adjective, and the other's a noun. As such, you can get some pretty good combinations if you're willing to sit and refresh the page thousands of times like we did for the sake of this undeniably dumb article.
Anyway, below is a list of the best ones we found on our first run. Feel free to take one for yourself.
- balding-hades278
- callous-cloud855
- unkind960bunny
- agreeable_debt368
- deceptive_cake651
- stupendous474car
- regular_car942
- malicious884soup
- jaded_writer960
- enormous_bee492
- hulking050grape
- worried003fly
- redundant266hobby
- unkind_football637
- sinister120brick
- gigantic129brick
- sponge_almighty911
- sickly-atreus499
- uncanny690sandwich
- vengeful772dinosaur
- tearful834kratos
- gaudy-kratos202
- malicious998door
- immortal525lunch
- fearful089octopus
- fierce290poodle
- righteous_wax655
- immortal322spider
- powerful-foot801
- handsome_unit191
- omnipotent362yam
And now, one year later, we're back with an all-important update. Once again, we fired up PlayStation's name-changing functionality and refreshed the recommended section approximately 12 million times. As you can see, the format has changed a bit -- you still get two words, but only one number, and it's always at the end.
The good news is that the system still spews out some mildly entertaining names, so we've once again written down our best finds.
- tiptop_banana7
- yeasty-pleasure6
- cobwebby_surfer2
- atomic-nugget2
- defiant_moth4
- likeable_asthma6
- pocket-potato2
- extreme_poetess6
- juicy_arachnid7
- cunning-snail4
- unbroken_pup8
- cosmic_tea3
- chilly_refugee4
- political_mutiny3
- runny_unicorn0
- girlish-foot3
- uncut-sausage4
- lethal-poodle4
- homely-widow2
- positive_slang8
- itchy_embryo6
- unequal_smell2
- micro-mutt6
- floppy_spirit7
Comments 60
Just claimed jaded_writer960, so strike it off the list.
uncanny690sandwich is my favourite
I really really want to see an actual worried fly.
I see you knew I was coming...
Also - redundant266hobby
Part of me wants to claim redundant266hobby. But at the same time, I am fine as is so... maybe if I need an alternate account?
My favorite I saw on Twitter was insect_lavish159 😂
Does the underscore mean insectlavish159 is already taken? 🤔
Slow news day uh?
Man, what a stupendous car
@Its_badW0lf Sorry but we made a deal that whoever comments "slow news day" first is getting permanently banned.
@ShogunRok I've added a "uh" though :3
Immortal Lunch is the best thing I've ever seen a computer randomly generate!
I kind of like unkind bunny..
@Its_badW0lf Hmmm, we'll let you off.
Come on, Fierce Poodle FTW!!!
@ShogunRok You can change my name to any one of those as punishment, I deserve it.
sinister120brick formally the being known as its_badW0lf
@Its_badW0lf A username that good surely can't be a punishment!
I totally misread gigantic129brick and was about to complain to Sony for breaching their own terms of service.
Jack, with your face like a redundant hobby, like a fearful octopus.......
You're trying to get out of the bathroom, but something blocks your path. No matter how hard you pull, you can't get it out of the way. With no other exits, you're stuck in there with no other options than to ponder the questions of life.
What was this evil fiend that trapped you, you ask? Well it was the cursed creature known as the malicious998door.
@NintendoFan4Lyf name of my sextape...
Omnipotent yam y'all! They're everywhere!
@Cacky_Raphael Absolutely perfect.
I dunno, I kinda want that "malicious884soup" name
This is why I come to Push Square
I swear my father looks like a balding Hades, he made some malicious soup the other day, with deceptive cake as desert, quite the immortal luch I mist say. Made me feel sponge almighty 💪
I already got ⬆️
Ugh. This whole idea of everyone having unique PSN names needs to die. If me and 100 other users want to go by the handle "TwitWaffle420" then so be it.
@ShogunRok pretty much works with anything on that list too.
'hulking050grape' looks like that operation has given us our first superhero
Immortal Lunch is like the best garage band name ever.
deceptive_cake651 is my favourite.
Deceptive cake lol. I got the nickname cake a loooong time ago and that needs to be my alternate. When that Rihanna song came out i had to hide in a bunker
Haha Enormous Bee!! I luv it!!
Hey HEY, that's spoilers!
So who would win a fight between stupendous474car and regular_car942?
Nothing beats 2007 era Xbox Live style usernames.
xXLazorL0Rd69Xx xxXURMumNmyBedXxx and xXNarutoMahsta6699Xx
What! Immortal_lunch would be a great ID.
Yeasty Pleasure!!!
I'll past thanks.
I'm a little surprised uncut-sausage4 has been allowed to stand. Then again, it'll probably go over the heads of youngsters.
itchy_embryo6 😂
This is the content we deserved
I believe these are all references to Pokemon
uncut-sausage4! , sounds like he got that from yeasty-pleasure6 😂
Mine Crustyjockstrap had it since ps3 launch as i could not bring my ps2 name
@nitram2k11 that's wise.
thank god my psn is: HellOfaHunter 😄
Ahhh I should have thought of this.
One day I'll meet the original atomic-nugget senpai 🥺
I still remember one of the psn names from Kinda Funny 'worst psn name' section of the shows, animetitlover. I think the user is banned on psn after the shows
@eshtebala 😂😂😂😂😂
By the way, I absolutely love malicious884soup,
sponge_almighty911, uncanny690sandwich and pocket-potato2!
Agreeable cake is also pretty good 😂
Well reading this site never becomes a redundant_hobby because there are no jaded_writers here. On a side note, an immortal_lunch sounds very bad for your digestive system, but I'll take a cosmic_tea.
Floppy spirit has some very adult connotations- xD
@Jayofmaya You just won the internet for the day. Congratulations- xD
For 10yrs i had the name "AIDSorHIV" until i finally ditched it.
When I was making an account for something I seen this one that I had to go with 😂😂 it is tipped_letuce
@Deadlyblack I_understood_that_reference.jpg
I still dont understand what the article is about tbh haha
@DahassialPressX Ahh, great! Though I had no idea as I haven't logged back in until today. My moment is over
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