Ubisoft certainly isn't happy about a mobile game called Area F2. The French publisher calls it a "near carbon copy" of its incredibly popular team-based shooter, Rainbow Six Siege. As such, the company's looking to sue Google and Apple for continuing to sell Area F2 on their digital storefronts, despite requests to remove it.
"Virtually every aspect of AF2 is copied from R6S, from the operator selection screen to the final scoring screen, and everything in between," says Ubisoft. At the time of writing, Area F2 developer Alibaba, Google, and Apple have all remained silent on the matter, but we assume that the threat of a lawsuit will escalate the situation.
It's a pretty crazy story. Unashamed clones of existing games are often removed from storefronts as soon as the property holder demands it -- but for whatever reason, Area F2 has stuck around, forcing Ubisoft to take further action. Perhaps Google and Apple simply don't think that the mobile title is infringing on Ubisoft's shooter.
What do you make of this? Bust down the nearest wall in the comments section below.
[source bloomberg.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 30
Nothing to do with greed
Developer Alibaba 😅 named after a legendary thief.
There's a lot of, and I don't mean to offend, junk in the game category on mobile app stores.
I've no doubt they copied it but I've seen lots of games with very similar mechanics, it's just a military shooter so at what point is that the property of Ubisoft and how different does a game have to be? At the end of the day isn't Rainbow Six just generic soldiers shooting each other in generic buildings?
Clone games are usually made by small companies, Alibaba is the amazon of China, Apple and Google are probably scared of them.
Doesnt bode well for ubisoft's continued support for google stadia presumably. And google realllly need ubi to stick around
If its a straight copy then it should be removed but if its just similar then leave it alone. However if they have managed to get the exact same game running on a phone then maybe ubisoft should give the devs a job
Any company or person has a right to protect their IP if others are copying it and profiteering from it. To call Ubisoft greedy from this is completely missing the point. More so when the likes of Apple and Google fail to comply in taking a shameless clone of a original game from the stores
@carlos82 Guess you've never played it.
F2 is R6 but just that everything is named differently.
The same maps, the same ops, with the same gameplay.
It's honestly a good game to play and I thought Ubi made it but guess not from this articale.
It's a carbon copy and am sure it'll be taken down which is a shame for it being good.
I wonder if Ubi will make a mobile port of R6?
No, nothing to do with greedy. Its copyright. They have a right!
Shameless copying of successful concepts has always very much been around in gaming. If you're making an unlicensed carbon copy then it's more like counterfeit.
Ubi has every right to sue over copyright.
@azoreseuropa @BusyOlf thank you both for pointing out, because a lot of people still don't seem to grasp how copyrights work.
@gamiller1978 I’m guessing you’re right and Apple/google don’t want to annoy alibaba who likely sell their products in large volume to Chinese customers.
@TheInfantFinite I don't know. I mean, in cases like this, it's justified depending how much did they plagiarized. It's not rare to find games with similar gameplay but when it comes to downright copying their assets and whatnot, then that's a big issue. Just look at some of the notorious chinese knockoffs. Thankfully, chinese companies are somewhat doing much better when it comes to dealing with knockoffs.
This is exactly like Rainbow 6.
France, America and China all involved.
Does anyone actually care?
I've tried F2. It's boring af. Atleast Ubi could confirm a mobile port before going after them.
@azoreseuropa Okay?... Then don't play them, simple as that.
I was just saying that it's actually pretty good for a mobile game. I play when I was at school on a luanch break or when not at the house.
But you do you man, no one is forcing you to play it.
@TheInfantFinite Ummm how is protecting one of their IPs greedy??
Futaba do be developing rip-off games on the app store doe 😳
I'm no fan of ubisoft, but considering they are suing the evil empires Google and Apple - all I can say for Ubisoft is, you go girl.
Every 60 seconds a minute passes. If the storefronts are ignoring the takedown requests, it's most likely because they aren't convinced those are warranted. If the copyright infringement dispute hits the "yes" - "nah" - "yes!" - "nah" phase, at some point there are few negotiation options left apart from dragging a third party arbiter (a court) into the fray, which is done with lawsuits.
Time will tell, but Westworld Mobile did go down in the end.
@Dodoo um, guys, you're discussing Apple and Google worrying about customers in a country where they barely have a market to begin with? I dare suspect what Chinese still use their products (discreetly or otherwise) already have more motivation to do so than a spat with a local amazon can seriously affect.
@No_Cartridge no I haven't played it so don't know how similar it is, what I was talking about wasn't necessarily this game but how different games in general need to be. These military shooters by design are using what are essentially real world objects and many share mechanics and hud elements to a degree. Using your HZD example, I'd suggest that game has a lot more artistic design that is unique to that game than Rainbow Six but also shares many gameplay mechanics with other games.
For the record I don't support anyone copying anybody else's games and if it is that similar then by all means they should get it taken down and I don't see any criticism of Ubisoft bar that one comment which was deleted
@carlos82 Your argument is wrong if you copy the game with a name change its wrong generic or not. And i find the operators quite original looking.
@Flaming_Kaiser at no point have I said anyone should copy a game, I just explained my point poorly
If they didn’t copy actual art, code, or IPs, they have no case. Tons of indies have faced the same issue over the last decade and a half. Sometimes the cloner is a big studio like Zynga that decided to clone a game that refuse to sell.
Good for Ubisoft, they asked Apple and a google several times to remove the game, that let’s not forget both companies are making money from with any purchases as the game is on their stores, and they refused. So it goes to court where they can explain their actions to a judge, and Ubisoft will have to prove its a carbon copy of their game. It’s Ubisoft’s IP, it’s their right to defend it. Apple does exactly the same with its iPhone and iPad design and even its logo having sued rather a lot of people over the years.
Shouldn't they be suing the developer instead? Apple and Google are just the stores...
I guess that they're trying to do is to stop the game being sold outside China, since the developer is a Chinese company so there's not much they can do. I don't see any other reason why they should sue Apple and Google instead.
League of Legends vs DOTA. Farcry vs GTA vs Just Cause. COD vs Battlefield. The mechanics and worlds are similar in all these games. Didn't Ubisoft kinda copy Halo with their FPS Nova? How similar are Chrome vs Edge vs Firefox. If area F2 is 100% clone yeah bring in the law, else stop being hypocrites/moaning cos possibly Ubisoft are copying mechanics, game eras and ideas from other games too?
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