Deciding when to pull the trigger on purchasing a PlayStation 5 will be an important factor for many. It's a verdict that represents a much weightier investment than simply buying a game, taking into account your financial situation and what stage of life you're at. Next-gen consoles are always pricey at launch, and so we want to know where your head is currently at when it comes to actually buying the PS5.
Are you ready for the next generation to start and just waiting for Sony to say when you can pre-order your own unit or are you more reserved? Will you wait for a couple of the bigger PS5 games to release before diving in so that you have a pool of great titles to play straight away? In today's Push Square poll, we want to know when you're currently thinking of picking up Sony's next console. Place your vote in our poll and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 139
Will Preorder as soon as Game UK put them up, Take me money.
I'll be pre-ordering PS5 once pre-orders opens. Don't ask.
Obviously at launch ahah no doubt about it
I'll wait until some new titles come out that I'm interested in.
Also, I'll wait until I can get one in nicer colours (starting with all black or perhaps a nice gunmetal)
I'll pre order a digital edition from Sony if I can, if not then elsewhere, if not then launch day from Argos is your best bet, click and collect.
@sanderson72 the shells are interchangeable as far as I know, you can just buy a cheap third party one down the line
already preordered on shopto
I'll probably wait a year or two, then maybe grab it when there's more games available.
Right now, planning on getting it at launch.
I'm ready to pre-order the instant the listing is live.
I'll look into getting a PS5 in a couple of years post-launch. As exciting and tempting as a new piece of kit is to get, I don't like to buy 1st run hardware. The possibility of manufacturing faults and bugs is just too high for me to sink my hard-earned money into something that may break down soon after purchase. Living in Barbados also gives me limited, and very expensive, options to have a busted system repaired under warranty should something go wrong. Hopefully my 2015-era PS4 will last until I decide to get a PS5.
Day one, hopefully.
@Turismo4GT my day one ps4 is still going strong. Ps5 will be day one as well.
In a few years for sure. Mostly for money reasons, but yes, a wide selection of games for adults is preferable to bugsnacks.
As soon as i am able..i waited for a couple of years to get a ps4 but this is really exciting so i'll be an early adopter.
The first second I can per-order it!
I will buy 1-2 games a month.
AstroBOT will be the first game I play.
When does it release?
I'm a college student, so I'll either push for it as a Christmas gift or save up and buy within a year of it launching. Currently have about 10 games on PS4 that I'm slowly working through with more that I'd like to buy. Although Spider-Man Miles Morales will be hard to resist at launch.
Launch day. Just like the PS4.
Got my interest registered with ShopTo.net in the UK. Waiting for the official moment when they can take my money.
You should take the im never buying a ps5 out hahaha.but ps5 will sell like crazy.cant wait to get mine.but a ps5 pro looks promising🤔.word up son
If I had the money, I'd buy it at launch. But that's not happening lol
Already have it preordered at Gamestop Ireland.
At launch if the console isn’t too expensive, I hope the price is $500 or lower.
I'll hold out until the horizon 2 comes out and then all bets are off haha.
If Sony announces a new socom at launch, all bets are off and I'll get it day one!
What's up brotha?? When you getting your PS5????
I'll pre-order.
Actually, getting rid of loading screens was my dream since 1998, when I played something not on cartridge for the first time.
So, I'll attend to the party ASAP.
Day one baby...that is if the world hasn’t gone into utter ***** by then
My body is ready, my wallet; not so much...
@LN78 I think that falls under “I could be convinced into buying a PS5 at launch, but I need to see more”.
I'd definitely consider getting one at launch, but I'm more likely to wait until Demon's Souls is out. I waited about a year for PS4 I think and can imagine doing that again.
As soon as I can but cant be sure I'll be able to grab one at launch obviously.
For PS4 I waited for a game I want (ISS). This time there re are plenty.I want.
Probably next year when there is a bundle with a couple of games. Hoping to pick up new sony 3d headphones too.
Well, Launch in my mind.
But In reality - am getting the impression this launch is only for the hardcore. I'll be the ones waiting while $1,000 units flood Ebay.
I am keeping me expectations of getting one at launch low.
Once/if it is confirmed that no PS5 Pro will be coming to market, I’ll get one. For now I’m going to wait.
Would love to say wait a couple of years, get all the games cheaper with a good back catalogue, but I'm just not that patient lol, did the same with ps4 managed a month before I crumbled lol. I will defo pre order once that becomes available to do so. Ps1 and 4 are the only ones that I didn't get day one, but even them I got after a couple of months of release, I'm just haven't got the will power when it comes to a new playstation, doing well with the Xbox though still haven't bought a single one hahaha.
Whenever Demons Souls is released.
I have to say I'm waiting a bit for the PS5. With both Sony and Microsoft light on first party exclusives for the first year I'm getting the Xbox first and the PS later. The graphics power, backwards compatibility and game pass push Xbox for the first year. Obviously Sony will have better games overall, but that's not a reason for me to buy at launch.
Also waiting for hopefully a smaller, lighter model. The current specs on the PS5 are beastly.
I'll probably wait well into the generation for exclusives to pile up and the price of the hardware to drop. I don't have a 4K TV, my backlog is huge, and new consoles usually lean heavily on indies and third party releases for a couple of years after launch anyway.
I will wait for a special edition? Not a option?
Well that my choice.!
I'll probably wait until a Horizon Forbidden West bundle is up for pre-order
None of the above, next Christmas regardless of how many games are out.
Obviously you can't cover all options in the poll.
I will get an xbox first maybe after 3 years I would consider a PS5
After Demons' Souls or Horizon comes out
Got a PS4 Pro Christmas 2016 and it felt like the perfect time to jump in. A nice little library had built up such as Metal Gear Solid V, Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4.
The poll is missing a PS5 Slim Option.
The pole is missing a anything but white option!
On a serious note. It looks like xbox will be my multi-plat platform this time round so I'll pick up the PS5 when the first exclusive I must have releases
@NYJetsfan123. Whats going on fam.hows everything.the virus is slowing in nyc.but Florida.texas and California is f🤔cking up.jets?trade your best safety.hows everything.yeah i might get a ps5 soon.but my backlog is a lot. A ps5 pro sounds good.word up son
Kind of depends on price for me I do want a PS5 when it’s released but if it’s too expensive I’ll probably wait out abit but just until my financial situation is better. I would buy it day 1 but the misses would probably kick off haha! Then again the only must have for me that’s only on PS5 at the min is Spider man: miles morales. So just waiting on a price and Sony to show it off first to make my decision if it’s just buy straight away or wait out.
I'll be pre ordering it as soon as possible, at the very least I'll get some enhancements to my PS4 games such as Cyberpunk. I'll get Spider-Man at launch if available and maybe I'll finally try a Souls game
Day one for PS5 and Xbox Series X.
If God wills, I'm getting it next year for 3 reasons.
1- I want to see how it stacks up against the XSX.
2- Launch-day PS4s were problematic, I'll have to wait until probable problems of the PS5 are fixed.
3- The middle part of the PS5 is prone to scratches just like the 1116 series PS4s' faceplates. Have to wait until they release a 1216 PS5 😜
I never buy consoles day one, like there to be plenty of content before jumping over, so I'll get a PS5 in a couple of years.
Only console I ever considered getting day one has been the Series X, simply because they are promising it will improve a big chunk of my XBox One library.
It depends wholly on whether AC Valhalla is a PS5 launch title or not. If I can buy the PS5 version the day the system comes out, then I totally want to do so. However, if the PS5 edition is pushed back a few months like some other titles are, then I'll just wait.
Day two for me. Actually no, year two
I'll wait until they release a more reliable hardware, the early ones tend to have some sort of problem... Hopefully I will have the money by then!
Most likely will be getting one at launch, or pretty close to it. Was going to wait about 6 months after launch but not convinced my PS4 is going to last that long.
I really don’t want a white one, so I’m not sure I’ll buy at launch.
In a year or 2 when there is big list of discount games. I have a pretty big PS4 backlog and the Switch to keep me busy until then.
yes can't wait to pre-order PS5 digital edition whenever pre-order open everywhere
@Dezzy70 Yeah I shall be doing the same. I asked them how much it would cost to pre order when it's ready and they said between "£50 - £100" so I would set that aside just in case. I remember it was £20 for the previous gen but I guess demand for PS5 will be quite high.
Before I pre order for day 1 I would like to know:
Will cloud saves work from PS4 to PS5?
Which PS4 games can I play on PS5?
What is the launch line up (or as close to complete as possible) ?
Some further details on the hardware and the UI
Price - Should be £500 or under ( Otherwise I might wait for a price drop)
@johnny30 I went to that site it's a pre-register not a pre-order all you're doing by giving them a penny is telling them that you want info or notification when is goes to pre-order yeah actually pre ordering anything
@d0a01xz yeah but it is a preregistration for a preorder. So will automatically go to preorder once sony have confirmed the price unless you cancel it
If I'm able to hit a jackpot, then I'll preorder.
I was thinking sometime between launch and Christmas, but it depends what happens with my job and the whole Covid malarkey
Pretty much ready to preorder as long as the price isn't astronomical.
Interested to find out more about launch games but I think I'm sold whatever happens
At launch. Will pre-order as soon as I can, as with every system since PS2.
@AlisonPentouseus I’ve still got my launch PS4... what issues are you taking about?
@Gremio108 The comments on here imply most people haven't been affected it seems. I'm holding fire until all this is over as you never knew w what will happen tomorrow at the minute. Got enough to keep me busy for a lifetime if I go back to my PS1 backlog. Koudelka has been calling my name for about 20 years now.
I'll wait for the Slim (presuming there will be a slim) and hope games will be plenty and maybe a Playstation Hits range. Basically I'll pick one up in about 3 years. I have a backlog with this current gen that can get me there, no problem. It's going to be good.
No interest in getting it at launch, I never get consoles at launch. I have a zillion games to play on my ps4 pro, and I still love it. I'm not ocd or anything about getting new consoles asap
@MarcG420 Many launch ps4s had power supply issues. Google "launch ps4 blue light of death".
Getting both models day one. Never had a problem with my launch PS4 and have pretty much got a new one every year of the generation so not concerned with issues personally.
@AlisonPentouseus I don’t think I’d say “many” seeing as how I’ve never even heard of it before. Also, all the information that comes up about it is YEARS after...
Depends when and if I go back to work. I did plan on buying day one but 4 months Furlough is making me think twice.
@playstation1995 For me its a money thing ill wait a year or it has too have Legend of Dragoon as a launch title. 😆
But seriously i want a new TV as well so thats a lot of cash.
Seriously the game is awsome.
@Ralizah Thats a issue for me too if i get a new 4K TV it has too be a nice one too.
I'll be pre-ordering the disk edition ASAP, but that's mostly because my only current-gen system is PC, so I'll be looking forward to trying some of the ps4 back-catalogue, hoping to borrow some disks from my brother-in-law, especially for EA stuff like Fallen Order, because I refuse y install their spyware Origin crap on my PC
If Cyberpunk runs likes garbage on the base PS4 it may force my hand. Otherwise probably next year sometime.
I'll be waiting for Ratchet and Clank and Horizon Forbidden West. Hopefully next year
Tomorrow. Getting it tomorrow.
I chose Christmas but my likely scenario is release day + 3 months - so whatever that equates to is when I get one.
Why 3 months? I think that's enough time for people to discover any major defects in the hardware.
I plan to do the same thing with the Series X.
I mean...hopefully when the damn thing launches.
As soon as it's up I'll pre-order it
Day 1 if Possible!
At this moment there have been no games announced that I want. Although I did enjoy a few games on the PS4, it did let me down a bit with the sort of games I like, not to mention several build quality issues.
I’m not going to rush into anything at the moment, especially while I still have so much to play on the Switch.
Hi there fellow gamers. I´ll pre-order mine as soon it´s available in my country. Fortunately I do have the money saved for it and two games, possibly three if I stretch my wallet enough 😜
But I do need to know wich launch games are gonna be there for the system. Spiderman Miles Morales is a good choice, but it better not be the only one. I need my Demons Souls Remake day one Sony.
Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all
As much as I’d like to buy a PS5 day one, I have a large backlog on PS4 and despite the backwards compatibility, I’m not sure I want to commit so early on. I didn’t pick up a PS4 until mid-2015, as I was still going through a large PS3 backlog and just didn’t see anything I was desperate to play.
There will be the inevitable Slim or maybe even a Pro PS5 and perhaps that will be the best time to pick up the machine. It looks like we may see cross-gen releases for at least a year, so with free upgrades there seems less incentive to pick up the console at launch. Even with a reasonable RRP, I can’t justify the price to play a handful of new releases, when I have so many great games waiting to play on the PS4.
As someone who likes to keep hold of all their Sony consoles, it also seems a bit of a shame that the PS5 will actually make its predecessor redundant.
I am chomping at the bit.......... Come on Sony, stop teasing
I want to pre-order it, but it depends on the price, which Sony is not willing to share for some weird reason.
I wish I knew the price by now, at least I could save for it.
I’d buy one now if I had a chance
Going to wait until i clear my backlog. By then there should be a good amount of games that interest me
Unless I hear something to change my mind, I am likely to wait until Horizon 2 comes out. At the moment, that is the only title that I want to play at/close to launch and the rest, I can wait for - maybe by then, we will have a black PS5 and not that white monstrosity... LOL
I can't afford to upgrade both my XB1X and PS4 Pro around the same time so I have to make a choice on which to pick first and unless something changes between now and the release window, its looking like I will wait a while on the Playstation
When it's back in black.
I’ll probably wait until next year, after a few games have dropped. It’s not that I’m not eager to get my hands on one, it’s just that I’d like to finish off a reasonable chunk of my PS4 backlog before delving into a new console.
I still haven't even upgraded from PS1 yet...
When they remove the always on mic from the controller.
Got money sitting here ready for it to go live so first day for me
Fall 2021 is the earliest for me. That's when hopefully games of interest start coming out for it. As of now, Sony hasn't shown me anything, to make a PS5 worth a Day 1 purchase.
I would be interested on launch. But it depends on 2 things. What my money is actually gonna look like and if theres gonna be any launch titles worth getting. From what i have seen so far, there are very few launch titles, and for me they are meh. Unless GT7 winds up being a launch title.
A grand is gonna be a hard pill to swallow right now, especially if there isnt anything even worth getting. I say a grand est for console+extra controller+couple years of psplus+theoretically a couple games anyway+my 10% sales tax.
I'll be doing what I did when I bought my PS4, I will be waiting just over a year then I'll be buying the first bundle I see plus some good games for it
A year or two once my PS4 backlog has a significant dent and the PS5 games are more plentiful, and they have dropped on game sale cycles.
I'd also like to get a more streamlined version with a smaller chassis and some energy improvements. That could be 2-3 years in the pipe before we see that though.
I'll buy a PS5 when I have the extra cash to buy one just got to keep saving up for it when you are on a fixed income it's hard to drop 500$ on a non essential item don't get me wrong as soon as I had the 400$ for PS4 I bought one I pre order the division and infamous second son before I ever had a PS4 because it was only 60$ as soon as rachet and clank goes up for pre order I will probably have a collector edition of that before I have a PS5
Where was the option of, whenever i can afford it...covid 19 has been crappy to the wallet.
Will be one of the only consoles ever ive not purchased on launch or very soon after. More than content with thr ps4 and imo there wasnt enough shlown what this puppy will be running day 1. I can wait until next year or even the enviable slim.
I'll buy when they change the design!! Ugh so hideous and truly embarrassing. Mark Cerny is terrible at console design, the worst. Sony used to be known for sleek, professional, impressive looking products. God and Sony I miss Ken Kutaragi
Day 1. I pre registered months ago. I also have done the same for Series X but I am losing interest in MS machine as the games they are shoeing so far are not capturing my attention like Sonys.... on top of that I hate digital games and services and MS is pushing this more than ever with Gamepass. I like to own my games.
only once a black sku becomes available and it falls to a $450CAD price point. i'm looking at a year or two after launch. still, it is difficult to answer this question without knowing the price point and when optional colours will be available.
@Enigk Exactly, I'm not going to shell out until I'm 100% certain it won't come back to bite me further down the line
I'll wait for either a discount or a bundle
Even without a definite launch price as much as I'd like to go Day 1 I think the price will be out of reach come November. Went for - I'll buy a PS5 next year when a few games have come out
I'm just waiting to pre-order mine, hope I can get one at launch, it all depends on launch stock availability.
I really want Spider-Man, glad it comes with Astro pre-installed too.
I can't wait to hear what this rumoured 1st party secret launch game could be (assuming the rumours are real).
I will buy it the day before it comes out
@Carl-G So That's like yesterday
Day one for me, just waiting to be able to pre order then fingers crossed they have stock!
Hoping to get one with a pre order if I can. Don't have a PS4 pro just a slim so planning to play cyberpunk on it (hopefully with day 1 ps5 upgrade)
That salty 1% still reeling from Halo Infinite.
@GAMER-GlRL Thanks for that. I think I'd heard that they were going to be replaceable at some point.
I'll be waiting until the release models have been out for a while and the initial gremlins have been dealt with! (And, if like with my initial PS4 and the Pro, the price drops by about £50!)
@Dezzy70 shopto have them up - though obviously no pricing info yet
I know its COMPLETELY unimportant.
But, I absolutely hate the design of it and I hate the colour.
I know it will sit under my tv, I (mostly) will not look at the system while playing it of course.
I am going to wait for a proper redesign of the PS5, that may be a few years away. But then there may be a good few 1st party games released that would interest me to pick it up.
Keep it Black, make it slim, or super slim and flat, then I'm sold. Its so superficial, I know.
I feel, like I might go with Xbox next gen. And if the rumors are true that a low budget version (Series S) comes at launch for €200 to €250 (hopefully with a disc drive), I'll go with Xbox. 3rd party tend to get much cheaper on Xbox pretty fast, so, its possibly a good way to start next Gen, save a few quid.
Power isnt everything for me. I still play all my consoles going back to the NES, so....
Anybody else feel the same?
I've voted that I'll be getting one at launch, but that's if my motorbike stops having issues like it has been just lately. 😂
@readyletsgo i agreed with everything you said up until "xbox" came up lol... but yea, the colour and bulk of the ps5 bothers me enough to wait for a black slim model as well
@readyletsgo it is not superficial of you. The pleasing visual aesthetics of displaying a new console seems to be completely lost on Sonys part
@Porco Haha I know I know. I generally get all the consoles each gen.
This gen, I'm feeling different.
@SillyGamingIndus Very true. I have my Silver Gamecube with GBA Player under my tv, only because its so cool looking. I never use it. Thats my Wii Us job
Now I see new pics (reviewtechusa vid on youtube) have leaked showing that the panels are removable, so you could attach different colours. May work for lots of people and nice little easy money maker for Sony, but its still the design I dont like, so I'll wait for the revision.
Will all depend on how well it plays, and upgrades, PS4 titles. If it's a big improvement it's an early buy. Otherwise I'll wait a year or two.
I'm ready to pre order!
If I buy one, I will wait untill just before xmas 2021, when they usually drop the price, and there will be more and cheaper games available.
After my 7th playthtough of Cyberpunk 2077.
Just saw an article stating that this PS5 gen may only last 5 years. I already plan on waiting a minimum of 1 year, possibly longer but with this news, I may skip it completely and just aim for the PS6 Day 1 and play PS5 games on that instead. Will see how game launches work out and decide as it goes.
+1 me for "Whenever there's a black chassis" and/or "Anything but stark white".
Day one baby, buying everything in the reveal video!
in all honesty might be the first time i buy a warranty though! Hope there not rushing!
@sanderson72 you could always get a skin for it from dbrand.
I learned a long time ago not to buy a new console on day one. I will be waiting a few months to see if there are any hardware issues or software bugs. I also want to wait on some of the game reviews before I buy a (probably) $500+ console.
Waiting for a year or two. They will update the console and fix small problems which are inevitable in a freshly launched machine. People have been playing on the console and reported problems with it for over a year. And then when the uplifted and updated console comes out, thats when I buy it.
I've never got a Playstation day 1, so hoping to this time. I have money saved. Won't be grabbing any of the fancy accessories like the 3D sound headset etc, a console + the one dualsense + a few games will do me for launch window.
I will wait for a redesign PS5 slim or PS5 Pro.
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