That there are two versions of the PlayStation 5 came as a bit of a shock, and it’s something we haven’t really discussed yet. Unlike what’s being rumoured for Xbox – that is two disparate models, with a more affordable alternative to the Xbox Series X still to be announced – Sony’s essentially unveiled two identical models, although one lacks a disc drive.
Your options are as follows then: the bog-standard PS5 with a 4K UHD Blu-ray drive or the PS5 Digital Edition without. All of the internals, including the uber-fast SSD hard drive, remain identical. The Japanese giant’s yet to announce PS5 pricing information, although it’s practically guaranteed that the disc-less device will be at least $50 cheaper.
But which version are you planning to buy? Obviously, the PS5 Digital Edition makes backwards compatibility a little more awkward, unless you’ve been purchasing all of your PlayStation 4 software through the PS Store. It also limits your options in the future: you’ll be forced to buy your games digitally, even if you see a better deal in brick-and-mortar shops.
But there are benefits to the PS5 Digital Edition: it’s more aesthetically pleasing than its Blu-ray boasting contemporary for one – and there are very clear, obvious advantages to buying and owning games through the PS Store as opposed to having to piddle around with pesky physical discs. But which side of the fence are you currently sitting on? Let us know.
Comments 159
Physical.. Physical. I'm gonna get Physical. Haha
Might as well go the whole hog.
UHD Disc Drive version.
Depends on availability more than anything for me. I will likely end up with one of each. A standard PS5 for the living room (4k BluRays) and digital edition for the bedroom.
Physical for sure.
Honestly, I'm probably going to end up owning bath at some point. I plan on getting the physical at launch, but if digital is my only option, we'll see how things go.
Got to be the full fat version. It would be great to go all digital as disks are a pain but not sure I can justify the extra cost of new digital releases.
I don’t plan to buy one at all u TIL the inevitable wave of remaster/definitive experience editions have stopped and the PS5 Pro/Slim is released. Buying any XBox or PS on day one if release is just a waste of time now and forever more.
Year 3 is where it will hit its stride.
it'll be physical for me but I'm not jumping on the bandwagon day one, still have a plenty to play on PS4 and even though backwards compatibility is a plus I'm not rushing to buy a new console to play games for the console I already have, Spiderman MM is damn tempting though
Physical copies all the way. I love having steelbook versions of the big PS5 exclusives and other games, so an all-digital version of the PS5 doesn't interest me.
@Shinobi1Kenoby the 360 put me off picking up day one machines as much as I loved that little white box RROD soured me against it
I don't know yet, it depends.
Standard PS5, because i mostly care about physical copies than digital copies of course. And buy 4K blu rays of my favorite movies.
I also use ps4 for blu Ray movie player and occasionally borrow games from friends so having disc drive kinda necessary for me
I’ll be getting the standard version but not till there’s a black version. The white gives me ptsd from the Xbox 360 days
Physical - I would get an all digital edition, but since I am trading my PS4 Pro in towards a PS5, I would lose out on almost my entire library of PS4 games (that I will be housed on a 2TB External HDD).
The one that plays discs, no question for me.
"Let's get physical, physical!"
Im buying the disc version .the all digital version is horrible.i l💖ve my physical copies.enough say playa.word ☝ up son
Digital, digital, digital 😃
Digital for me, I only have 3 discs for ps4. UC: The Nathan Drake Collection, Uncharted 4 and Fallout 4. I figured I might as well go for the cheaper version even if it's only $50, that's almost another game or money to the Pulse 3D headset.
Depends on the price. If they go $100 cheaper I might opt for the digital only version. If it's only a $50 difference I don't see the point.
The standard edition for sure.
Standard edition
The money I save renting games at GameFly and trading games back to Amazon - pays for the console in the long run.
Also skip the insanity of games still listed for $59 Digital that are sitting at Amazon for $29 with free shipping 🙄
I want the digital at launch, and I want to get one with an UHD Blu-ray drive, possibly a special edition, for my fianceé. She loves her UHD Blu-rays.
I have no idea if my PS4's disc drive works since I never used it. It's an easy choice for me. Glad to get a lower price too. =)
I will NEVER buy a console without physical games. It doesn't matter how cheap they make it.
If the day comes when there's not a physical option, let's says PS6 or XB Series Y... Then i will just go to PC and probably pirate 90% of games.
A cheaper one when it comes with HZD 2, Spidey 2 and God Of War 2 bundle
Physical just for those 4K Blu-Rays. Can’t wait.
I’ll get the version with the disk drive. The last game I bought would’ve been £55 to unlock the full game digital. Buying a disk was only £12. Although I did have to sit through 65GB of patches before I could go back to playing it.
I'm undecided at the moment, waiting to see more specs on the 4k player before I commit. If I can still use the Shopto 'trick' of getting new games from the ps store for £49, then that is another tick for the all digital console.
Physical, no question. I could stomach going all digital on my games but I want to watch UHD BR!
Physical all the way. I rarely play my digital games (the ones I was forced to buy because there is no other option - Eg Beat Saber). I like having my library visible. I highly doubt I’d purchase any game if there is no physical release.
Even though I probably buy like 90% digital now, I'll still want the disk version for the occasional deal on physical games.
Physical, but not interested in the design, looking forward to some future designs/covers.
A lot depends on features for me. I'm still one of the fools hoping for PS-PS3 backwards compatibility from disc to be announced, which would definitely mean standard for me. You know what, probably just standard for me anyways. The few dollar savings up front really isn't worth taking away the option of using discs.
If there's not much difference in price I may as well get the physical one even if I'm never likely to use it
Physical version definitely. Not quite at the point where I want to go completely digital with my gaming! Still enjoy picking up a physical copy of a new game on release day Also, chances are I will watch a few Blu Rays on it now and again.
I assume there will be a 50€ to 80€ difference between physical and digital, which I find absolutely unfair to the consumer who chooses digital.
Considering you own a digital ps5 where Sony gets guaranteed revenue, since purchases can only be made via the ps store, second hand games are excluded by default and Sony's archaic refund policies. I could accept these cons if the console would be substantially cheaper and would perhaps even be sold at a loss.
This isn't a question about the cost of the disc drive hardware, but rather the cost of giving up consumer rights, and that far outweighs the cost of hardware in favour of Sony.
I'm definitely getting the PS5 one.
Physical, seen my games in a case shows that I own them I can sell them or lend then to a friend ect. Don't get trick into digital people it's not a good idea
Definitely digital. Never used the drive on my PS4 and I'll need to save all I can due to the cost of increasing storage. And the extra SSDs that will be compatible with the PS5 aren't going to be cheap.
I only buy physical games. I love having a physical collection, looking at the box art, and being able to easily trade with friends. Plus, they feel like they’re mine, and they can’t just disappear like that PT demo. Plus they install faster.
"PLAY HAS NO LIMITS" is a pretty cheeky slogan for a picture showing off a console version limited to digital-only, innit?
I guess they must've ran out of space to fit in "PLAY HAS SOME LIMITS IF YOU CHEAP OUT."
I actually fully intend to get them both
There's no way I'll ever get a digital only console. If I don't like a game I'd like to get a refund.
Well you never know hopefully 2021
We will get sack boy adventure, ratchet and clank and HZD 2. That’s not to bad for year one and made specifically for the PS5 only.
The standard for the option to play my PS4 games i have on a disc, and my library of movies on a disc. With that i could still opt to go digital with PS5 games if i want to. However now my physical copies seem only half physical with the games that have a ton of updates and patches after release. One game i have on a disc, COD WW2, is not even playable without a download.
Post release patches and updates can also be a good reason to have a physical copy. With physical there is the option to play unpatched.
The sexy white one.
The 4K UHD Blu-ray will save me $200. I have been holding off on buying one because the PS5 has one. I will also pick up the headphones to replace my aged gold headset. The charger is on my list also but it needs to be a contack charger not a port plug-in. My NYKO charger has spoiled me with its dongle touch charging.
I'm torn on this one. I have a library of 3D Blu-rays, so I need a drive capable of playing them. However, my 3D TV is only 1080p with no HDR. So if I decide to upgrade to 4K, for which I can not find a 3D option, then I may move my 3D TV and PS4 to the other room and upgrade to a 4K TV and go digital PS5 (as I've said before, I only bought two physical discs this generation, and one was so I could get an Aim controller).
Then again, I may opt for the 4K drive for 4K movies...decisions, decisions.
@Dezzy70 Don't get me wrong I'm positive there will be a set of games that I want to play by the end of next year but I'd much rather get played what I want to play while I have my PS4, like I said I'm tempted by Spiderman MM I'm not saying I won't rush out and get one but I'm more than happy to wait at the moment
Digital! Since 99% of the games that I own are all digital. The only exception is is the Spiderman that came with the console.
I don't mind not being able to have physical extra's. Don't like hoarding discs and stuff. So digital 100% for the PS5!
I have had a disc stuck in my PS4 for 2 years now, so I basically invented the digital edition. It's the way forward
If I would have known the new consoles were gonna have cheaper disc-less variants a year ago I would have picked that version, but I only recently started collecting hard copy blu-ray's and videogames and I don't want to have to transition to digital only! Disc-less looks so much better though...
Digital. I can’t be arsed with discs, boxes, trade-ins or any of that gubbins anymore. Yes, I’ll be at the mercy of the PlayStation store, que sera sera.
I'm getting the standard PS5, unless there's $150 - $200 price difference between console. I rarely bought physical disc anymore but sometimes when I'm not too sure about some games, I buy the disc version and sold it if I don't like the game. If I like the game, I buy the digital version when it's discounted and sold the disc.
Yet again, still fail to see how anyone would buy the digital edition besides the possibility of being cheaper. It's such a dumb choice to make.
Literally 100% of my games are digital, so the digital version is tempting. That said I do own a few 4K Blu Rays that I haven’t even seen yet because I don’t have a player. I don’t see the point in spending $200+ on a player right now when the PS5 is right around the corner.
I’m excited to play PS5 games. I’m also excited to finally watch the Twin Peaks pilot and The Return’s Episode 8 in 4K, finally.
100% the disc drive version.
The only way I'd get the other one is if someone randomly gave it to me or I somehow won it in a competition.
Even then I'd probably sell it and and use the money towards the "proper" version
Physical for me I made the mistake of buying a PSP go and instantly regretted due to the store prices plus going in shops and seeing games reduced only adds to the frustration and you can trade physical in it’s a no brainier
@Shinobi1Kenoby if no one buys days one, there is no console in year 3.
I'm looking forward to the PS5. Can't wait to get my next gen on, Sony have pushed this gen as far as it will go with HZD, GoW, Detroit and Death Stranding. I'm going for the disc version for sure!
Will be the drive version for sure but i wont get it on launch. Be one of the first consoles im holding out on. Maybe even for the 2nd gen model.
Digital all the way, baby!
4K Blu-ray is worth it.
Disc version. Easy. I'll have the option of buying on disc or digital. I don't understand why anyone would buy the digital version just to save money. In the long term you'll be be spending more on digital content than you would on disc. You won't be able to trade or sell your games. Buy a game on day of release, finish it within a few weeks then take it to Cex and get most of your money back. The Last of Us Part 2 only cost me £9.
If it wasn’t for the fact I like to buy Collector’s Editions every now and then, I’d go all digital.
Always physical edition, but I may wait for the Pro update.
Physical, without a doubt. Have too many disc based games to just give up and I would quite like to sell on my ps4 Pro when the ps5 arrives.
I would go for the physical edition.
@themcnoisy well you buy the crap one then and all the crap games for the first three years. I’ll pick the better version up when it’s worth it in 2023.
@Redman35 every first version of most modern consoles are not worth touching based on hardware issues and the abhorrent lack of anything actually worth playing on it.
As it is said: "best Wi-Fi is LAN cable" than it is also: "best game is on disc".
Neither, waiting on a new color scheme for the system, then will go with the standard physical drive eventually.
Deffo getting a PS5...it just depends on the price
Very true, always confusing at the start of a new generation, especially this time round with backward compatibility and updates for certain games for next gen, I.e cyberpunk.
Do you play current or wait for the true next generation update.
@Dezzy70 whenever I pick up CP2077 it'll be on PS4
@Shinobi1Kenoby what makes you think we will buy only one? I can enjoy the games for 3 years and then pick up the PS5 Pro / slim / awesome2000. The point still stands just like everything else in the world, if no one buys something at release the product fails.
Also I've bought a few consoles at launch and have never regretted it. I can't think of a single new console when the games have been worse than what I was previously playing. I've made bad choices at times, picking an eventual generational loser as my first console of a gen - The Gamecube stands out here. Although it's still great owning the newest console tech and Super Monkey Ball and Luigis Mansion were brilliant. I waited for the PS4 and playing on the previous gen just isnt the same.
Is there any rumors about a pro version!
If it's another jet I'll pass and get a series X instead.
Poll needs another option for both. Physical for the livingroom that we can watch movies on and digital for the wife.
@themcnoisy wow. You chose to slag off the GameCube? Sacrilege.
This all time classic LAUNCHED with Super Monkey Ball, Luigi’s Mansion and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Which is ridiculous to get 3 AAA titles at launch. The proceeding 12 months saw the release of Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and the Resident Evil Remake.
By this same point in time PS2 didn’t even have GTA III and XBox didn’t have the platform saving Splinter Cell.
You ever watch Tropic Thunder? Excellent nerd speech in there why the PS2 was so successful. And it is a massive fact.
I would not have dreamed of buying a console without a disk drive before covid. But since I've been in lockdown (and leading up to it) Ive purchased all my games online. I have playstion now and playstation plus so it's a no brainer for me to get the online version unless it literally only works when connected to the internet like Xbox planned with the one. That could be a deal breaker.
Both, plan is to get 1 of each at launch.
For trade ins/re-sell.
Sold on the last of us 2, only today, for £4 less than I paid for it.
Got around 26 hours of play for a loss of only 4 notes.
Worst I ever get is a tenner loss on any game. And for the hourage I get out of them that's fine with me.
Oh, and 4k blu ray, though that will be for absolute collectible films, like, oh I don't know, Porky's.
@Shinobi1Kenoby GameCube had amazing titles and deserved far better sales.
Only interested in Disc based consoles. Owned every console from the 70s and I don't like digital games purchases. I understand why they are here and why people like this option... Not me though. Console and cases... I like to physically own in my hands what I buy.
@themcnoisy I'll wait for the slim or pro. Anything that isn't that big and disgustingly shaped. I'll leave it to you to buy the first few batches. Also, the GameCube is, and was awesome.
I do like my steelcases so yeah, physical forever.
I’ll be getting the digital edition (unless the price difference is negligible or there’s no availability).
I don’t own a single physical PS4 game and I don’t own or even rent Blu-rays so paying more for a disc drive I will never use is a waste.
Since with physical games you still need to install the full game on the hard drive anyway I think that discs are actually a useless nuisance and went full digital with my PS4.
I almost never buy game on release day (except notable exceptions) so I buy most of my games when they’re on sale anyway.
For me, all of the above are enough reasons to buy the digital PS5 and save a bit of money.
The only disadvantage I see is not being able to trade in games I’m not interested in anymore.
@EquiinoxGII yeah boi! https://youtu.be/MvgWk979eGY
BOTH Only joking. The disc one is MINE + i reckon they will faze out the digital only version after a year I bet.
The look of the digital version is smarter but no way am I going to buy it.I love my steelbook and special editions of games too much.
Since I don't like the design I am going to wait for the slim model and see what that one looks like before I get a PS5.
One of each please. With drive for lounge and without for office.
@Shinobi1Kenoby Ok that is nice.
Standard. Even on the off chance I do decide to go mostly digital for my purchases, I like to give myself as many options as possible. Also not a big fan of the idea of an all-digital gaming future.
One of each, my boy wants the digital one
I make most purchases digitally since I’m buying 2 consoles but it’s still nice to have the option so I’m going with the physical iteration.
Disc on all the way.
Here where I live, buying digital is way more cheaper than physical. This generation I went full digital and don’t regret it. Tons of cheap games in my Xbox, PS4 and Switch.
This poll is showing physical edition as a winner, but in the end, I believe digital will win by far.
I won't be buying a PS5 any time soon, there are still too many PS4 games I want to play. Backwards compatibility be damned, I don't relish the prospect of dropping £500/£600 on new hardware, just to play stuff I can play right now. I'm not quite ready for this generation to end.
I think digital is for those who don't play many games but for me there is no resale factor in digital so can't save money once you have finished a game and no chance of you saving any actual money if you buy many games, also if you pay 50 for a game to then find out it actually isn't all that cracked up to be you will be damned with a game that sits in the abyss of not being able to be resold to actually make the money back.
I buy digital if I know i don't want to sell the game or at least know the sales are cheap compared to shop bought but thats just an option if im only gonna save myself 50-100 id rather just have the disc version to give myself the choice of the sales and not being tied to one option.
Digital media is never owned. Unless you physically have a disk of something, you don't own anything.
Standard PS5 all the way.
I’ll be buying the full version to cover all bases. However, I’m going to be going all digital this generation. I’d say I’m mostly digital now but I still bought over 100 PS4 games physically which is about 25% of my PS4 games. Xbox One X, I own about 10 physical, which is about 5% of my Xbox games. Switch, 8 physical which is about 50% of my Switch games.
I’m getting too old to have piles of games cluttering up space. Digital is much easier for me. I’d also like to think over the next 5-10 years we will be able to access our games from anywhere (like Project xCloud) so I’m building my library for that.
About 33 percent of my games on ps3 were digital. In 7 years of the ps4 I’ve inserted zero point zero discs into the drive. Shocking I know but; it’s just so hassle free. The only thing that sucks is it takes about an hour and a half to download a 69gb game. I wonder if it’ll be faster on the ssd. Gonna roll the dice and go D I G I T A L!!!!
I'm getting the standard PS5 no matter what. Disc games drop down in price alot quicker than digital, and the prices tend to permanently plummet down to $20 eventually.
Standard, there will be a few ps4 games I have discs for that I'll want to play on ps5
The physical version, but mainly because I have a collection of PS4 games on disc that would become obsolete if I didn't get the disc version.
I could cut my losses (as most of my collection is digital) but, eh, don't think it's worth it. I have around 20 games on disc.
I need a 4K TV before I splash out on a PS5 but it'll be the one with a disc drive when I get one
I think the 4th option is not realistic.
I don't plan to buy the ps5 any time soon. im going to wait for that killer game to win me over, otherwise i'll wait for mid cycle. But I will buy the version with a disc.
So which choice do i choose?
Probably the digital version, but price difference will be key. £50 is the tipping point anything over that probably seals the deal.
I tend to play few big games on release. Obviously at launch this will be a bit different, but most of my purchases for the last 3-4 years have been digital in sales.
Again if the digital pricing is out of whack that could push me back to a typical physical machine, but I saw that TLoU2 was only £5 more than the disc version. So I'm hoping perhaps naively that the stupid price difference of digital > physical may be at a turning point.
Too early to tell completely, but the all digital approach is tempting.
Full fat disc version for me, I will pre order as soon as it's available! I just hope there enough about on launch day 🙄
Hmm if they come out at the same price but the digital has a significantly bigger hard drive to compensate I'm not sure what I'll do.
Digital only, baby. Not one physical game bought through out this generation.
I am quite a digital-only guy.
And seeing that it is by far not the choice of gamers, it is even better since I have a higher chance of getting one
I generally never sell games. It's annoying. I just keep adding to the library. Who knows, maybe my kids will play those games as well at some point.
Digital. My entire PS4 collection is digital so transitioning won’t be an issue for me. The only physical games I have left are the entire Silent Hill collection... unfortunately that also means I have a collection of every PlayStation console 😝
@PorkYoself I'd hope that if you buy one, you can connect in your bedroom via an app, like PSTV or the Android app.
Must be Physical disc reading.
#letsgophysical 🤟
Physical, without a doubt. I'm a collector and my physical game collection looks awesome on display. I'll get disc versions of absolutely every game I can. I only buy digital if it's the only format, or it's an older game that has a massive discount. Eg, I recently bought hitman 2 gold edition digitally for £15.
Physical can get digital games...enough said
Yes I think people going digital tend to need a lot of storage. With discs it's a lot easier to delete and reinstall games when needed. It's faster too.
Just insert the disc you havent played for ages and Bam. Sometimes only a few minutes.
So storage is yet another reason why physical is cheaper in the end.
@Dodoo haha! It looks like most got the joke.
I'll probably go physical just so that I don't have to re-buy my disc-based PS4 games. That way I can sell my PS4 and 4k blu ray player to take a bit off the PS5 cost. But I'd definitely be open to digital-only and will probably think about it if the price is right. If I'm buying a game day one I tend to get physical but other than that it's all digital and the majority of my PS4 library is definitely bought that way. Either way, probably won't be buying one until Demon's Souls is out at the very earliest.
@EquiinoxGII @Dodoo I've been saving up for the PS5 for two years now. I'm going for the whole kit and caboodle, camera, VR. Probably most of the launch games as they look damn fine. Oh and one of those new 49" 4k OLED TVs too.
@Muttt - i got TLoU2 brand new on disc for £15 less than the psn price. if i had finished it and wanted to sell it on now, i could probably get back all of what i paid for it.
if it's £100 cheaper I'll go digital, at launch you ain't going to get any cheap games anyway, not for at least a 12 months
I like the options of physical and digital, but prefer physical incase I don't like it and sell it on. Digital doesn't offer the freedom to own what I purchase and to sell it on. Plus I love the love put into the artwork on the cases and discs.
@bbq_boy Same here. esp the box artwork and extras.
It also means we can slot in our PS4 disks (hopefully there'll be enough compatible ones)
I wonder, if we bought a physical version of a PS4 Game then buy the digital only PS5 what happens with games that Sony say can be transferred over for free?
Next gen will be the first time I'll pass on PS. Probably cop the Series X instead.
Even though 99% of my games are digital i’m still getting the one with the disc drive, from time to time i still buy physical games.
@Lionheart5 what made you decide this?
On PS3, nearly 90% of my games were physical. For PS4 only about 20% have been physical. I'll still buy a disc drive as I love the occasional collector's edition. But by ps6, I can see myself being fully digital...
I hate launch delays because of logistics problem (I'm looking at you, TLOU2), so I support digital with my wallet.
You have to use a disc? That’s like a babies toy!
.. physical all the way, just for the flexiblity of an all-round media device (TV,TV,TV) I wish they'd gone down the route of the Xbox and allow your satellite/cable to pump through it (TV,TV,TV) as long as it plays nice with my Sony Atmos bar, I'll be happy...
... I wonder if they'll do a MEGA PACK - inc. the camera, media controller and 2 controllers... always get 2 controllers at launch... one charging and one ready to go! xD
The one with the drive. Partly because of my physical PS4 games, but mostly because the price of physical is significantly lower than the store.
I've got some bad news for you about that "ownership" thing. You don't technically own that game on the disc either. You are licensing (renting) it. Sure, you can still play it by never connecting to the internet again should the license be revoked. But that means no updates or online play possibly as well. There are always trade offs - and of course the sample size of game licenses being taken away from consumers is incredibly small (and likely will remain that way). So in effect, yeah you "own" that disc - but not the game itself anymore so than anyone who purchases digital does.
@LordAinsley my wife is also a gamer and enjoys playing while laying down. So she usually plays in the bedroom.
Physical all the way. I just prefer owning my entertainment. Call me old fashioned, but i just love owning a physical library of games, films, comics etc etc.
@PorkYoself it's nice just to have the choice
I'm seriously thinking on investing my money on a new pc instead, and it's not about power. Sony customer service is not great, they completely neglect their legacy consoles even when they still sells their games on PS Store, most multiplataform games are way cheaper on Steam (at least here in Brazil) and some games aren't available in my region (The Long Dark and Filthy Lucre, for example).
I loved most of their exclusive on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita but I think it's not enough for me anymore.
@Wavey84 I endlessly resented the XBox for the death of the Dreamcast. 3 consoles was fine, as soon as there were 4, one was going to suffer. The XBox was garbage and sold nothing in terms of hardware since it’s launch. Until Splinter Cell came out and that was a death knell that just saw Dreamcast fall even further. Awesome hens were right in the wings too, we were literally minutes away from getting Half Life on Dreamcast when they pulled the plug.
The Dreamcast was so much more advanced than every other console. It brought online gaming for the first time on a global scale and for free. It did everything and looked awesome doing it. Shame too many chavs wanted GranTurismo and poor quality gore games on PS2 to care.
I remember working in game and promoting Dreamcast over PS2 as they paid too price for a PS2, with FIFA 2001 and fantavision .... and a dvd remote. We were bundling a Dreamcast with a DVD player, Shenmue, MSR, Jet Set Radio, Soul Calibur and Marvel Vs Capcom for less than the price of a PS2 with one appalling game and people still weren’t interested. It was insane to watch.
The only PS4 discs I own came with the PlayStation bundle I purchased, so digital then. Will wait for the slim price drop version.
@Wavey84 the PS2 and PS4 were garbage. The PS2 was like a PS1.5 and the PS4 was more like a PS3.5.
The market is becoming too hardware focused and now following mobile phone market. Encouraging an upgrade when one isn’t needed. Sales driving next generation as opposed to technology advancements offering next generation gaming.
The NES to SNES was an unbelievable leap in hardware capability.
SNES to N64 was a HUGE leap that first gave the world true navigable 3D worlds
N64/PS1 to GameCube/PS2 again was a good leap but less groundbreaking
PS2 to PS3 was next gen and was Sony’s high point, bringing with it everything that makes console gaming what it is today.
PS3 to PS4 was pointless, added nothing and was purely about money rather than adding to the experience and offering next generation technology.
PS3 to PS5 is a single generational step. PS4 was just a reboot, it was just Sony rinsing everyone again while offering you sod all, over what you already had.
A few things to consider...
1. I'll prob wait 6/12 months after launch. Still feel burnt after buying PS3 at launch. Didn't for PS4 and the experience was much better.
2. My intention is to buy the physical, just in case. I tend to own most things digital and games are no different but I wouldn't like not having the option.
3. I'll buy digital if the price difference is £100+. But strongly doubt it will.
I'm getting the one with a disc drive just so I can play some of my ps4 games. I perferr digtal but I also want to support Sony as I think there selling it at a loss
@GamingFan4Lyf u won't lose anything ps5 is backwards compatible with over 4000 plus ps4 games that's disc and digital
@Zombie9ers The official price by amazone says its 500 euro for the disc version and 400 euro for the digtal. Sony prices dollars and euro the same
Physical, but the fact that this gen made me install everything off the discs I had, anyway, made me try digital more. Ps Plus also helped, a lot xD
Digital for me. I said I never would, but I don't buy games on release, I wait until they're on sale.
I'll use the money I save towards a larger capacity drive down the line (currently have a 3tb drive in my PS4 and I have instant access to so many games its crazy).
@Falkirk4life I am aware - but if I bought an all-digital edition and have a bunch of physical PS4 games, I'd lose out on those games because I would have no way to play them (unless I stupidly paid for the same game twice).
I'd love a 25th Anniversary Edition in an original Playstation gray color scheme.
I plan to get both 😎
When you buy digital! You are buying a license not the actual game.
Sorry to piss on your parade Mrwhoopwhoop but.
Typically, and I can't stress that word enough, what you get in layman's terms is a license to use the software on the disc for personal use in the privacy of your own home and a guarantee that the hardware disc is free from defects in workmanship. You do not receive any copyright rights over the content, nor does the license permit you to duplicate or redistribute the content (well, it does to some extent, usually for backup and for actually installing and running the software)
Full fat. The semi skimmed version is not for me!
Option 5
Im buying BOTH
Has it been confirmed by Sony that both models have the same tech inside obviously minus the drive?
@nathanSF it's just fab Sony is providing us that option. I think if they went all digital I'd probably wait a couple of years before diving in next gen. I'm having a clear out and it's great to sell a dozen or so games to make some money back. Haha suck on that subscription digital only models!
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