Watch Dogs Legion will be out in full force during this weekend's Ubisoft Forward event, and following that, select media sites will be publishing hands on impressions after playing the game over the past week or so. However, because of that, a couple of in-game screenshots have been leaked onto the internet and you can get a quick look at what to expect from Ubisoft's third Watch Dogs iteration below.
The images don't really give much away, but we do get a good look at a menu where it looks like you'll be selecting your playable character from. You can scroll through various operatives, get a good look at potential recruits, and work out what weapons and gadgets protagonists will come equipped with. There'll also be perks such as Rally Cry and Tough Drunk and spy gadgets and vehicles. Pretty cool, right?
For more information on when you can tune in for an official look at Watch Dogs Legion, check out our full Ubisoft Forward guide that'll answer all your questions. Can you glean any interesting details from these screenshots? If you do, post them in the comments below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 25
Football Hooligan and Spy sound like fun character types! I'm looking forward to seeing more of this.
Yup...that's WatchDogs
It's gonna be interesting to see how this works without an established protagonist.
@ApostateMage I'm assuming you the player are the protagonist and there'll be some kind of story that will force you to use people all over the map to fulfill missions, almost like changing armors or weapons on an RPG according to the mission.
It'll be an interesting game to follow up on for sure; it'll be either groundbreaking or a cautionary tale, one way or another is an admirable risk
There's more leaks in the gaming industry than in Rapture these days
Looking forward to this game. I like the premise, the setting and hopefully it will be fun to play.
Wow Ubisoft is leaking like a sieve these days. I hope this is better than wd2, which I didn't really like.
The bottom left image there is not leaked. It was from the UbiForward Line Up trailer. https://imgur.com/a/jf0Zmi2
looks like they got rid of them stats on operatives.. its just perks now no %
I wasn't too hot on the original, but the sequel was fantastic. Really looking forward to this.
I'm kind of interested but mainly because it's my home town. Been years since I've been impressed by a ubi game but I keep on buy, trying and getting bored. We will see...
Legion looks amazing and generally looking forward to seeing more! But the whole watch dogs series is just a game I can't seem to get into for some reason.
For anyone in the US, Watch Dog Legions is currently at $40 (33% off) on Amazon! May as well lock in a preorder at that price, won't be charged until it ships!!!
@jamberino93 probably because the storylines are a bit wishy washy. At least they try to be different from the other franchise's they have.
@darksoul77 Yeah I agree, the division 1 was meh but I think they took the mistakes and learn't from them and made the Division 2 better. I liked the DLC as well was a very good play through.
Sad that I'm a huge warch dogs fan, but have close to no interest in this. Playing as a gang of NPCs with what's probably a throw away story has zero appeal.
It's "Brexit BAD" the game.
@redd214 I'd be tempted but still haven't played 1 or 2, and my massive backlog of 200+ PS4 games keeps grabbing my attention away from them.
@KidBoruto yeah I'm trying to burn thru as much of my backlog as possible too in the next 4 or so months. And being a Ubisoft game it'll be half off a few months after release anyways so no rush lol!
@redd214 I still have to work 40 hour weeks but thankfully I get three days off, better than two lol.
I really hope this is nothing like Assassins Creed Valhalla, Origins & Odyssey, & the latest Ghost Recon. Ubisoft really know how to turn their franchises away from what they were, into some generic, soul less RPG POS.
I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2. I just hope the driving physics have improved & the drones worry me. Feels like a lazy way of adding ***** enemies without having to develop decent AI....cough, cough...Ghost Recon
@ReikoMortis watchdogs 2 was trash. Cheesy trash at that
Yeah...I just can't get hyped for this game. I really enjoyed the general atmosphere of the first, and the second was my first plat. But this just hasn't got anything enticing for me, and I think the setting is bad.
Everything from Ubisoft “leaks”. Always at the perfect time too!
@ApostateMage I dunno man. I don't think it's gonna do very well at all.
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