![EA Sports UFC 4 PS4 PlayStation 4 1](https://images.pushsquare.com/69d20c3530456/ea-sports-ufc-4-ps4-playstation-4-1.900x.jpg)
The time is moving faster than ever before, but here’s the positive: we’re one week closer to the PlayStation 5. Sony may be reluctant to date its new device, but we can be sure whenever it comes out, we’re getting closer every single day. Logic.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’m trying to wrap my head around some of the finer details of EA Sports UFC 4 before I bring you a review, so excuse me while I sit and watch the grappling tutorials for the umpteenth time.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
Cat Quest II recently got a huge update, so believe or not, I'm actually going back for a second playthrough. The Platinum Trophy is doable, but it'll take some serious grinding.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I’m part way through Ghost of Tsushima, and I’d really like to continue Jin’s vengeful journey. However, I’m hopelessly addicted to a little game called Fall Guys, and it’s very possible I’ll just be failing hard at that all weekend instead. Either way, I’ll be having a great time.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
We've hit another quiet patch in the release calendar, at least as far as my tastes are concerned, so I'll be continuing my Persona 5 Royal playthrough. There will also probably be a bit of time for Fall Guys, too.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I'd been in a bit of a lull for playing games lately, to be honest, what with playoff hockey being on at all hours of the day, but I have a couple of games I'm whipping up reviews on right now. And I want to try Hyper Scape out at least one more time. I didn't particularly like it the first time I tried it, but it feels like there's at least something in there worth spending time with. We'll see, though.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I’m fighting through the pain barrier in the Souls-like Mortal Shell this weekend in time for Monday’s review. If you can pull me away from that, I may also get a few laps around Circuit de Catalunya in F1 2020.
This is what’s keeping us busy this weekend, but what about the rest of you? Pick your poison in the comments section, and let us know.
Comments 77
This weekend, I have been mostly eating... Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons.
GoT it's so enjoyable, I've mostly been taking photos. Just clearing up side stuff before I do the final task for act 2, also still playing a plague Tale which is great as well!
Still playing ghost, still on chapter 1. On the bright side, I nearly finished all of the first island quest and sidequest 😃
I really want gameplay counter for this game, I already spend about 50+ hours playing (and nearly finishing) just the first island, I wonder how much time I needs to platinum it.
@LN78 I don't really watch sports of any kind, but O'Sullivan's interview last week was hilarious!
act 3 of ghost.
what a swansong of a generation.
The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 2 & DOOM 64 on PS4 is the agenda for the weekend.
Made quite a dent in Cold Steel 2 yesterday. It feels quite different to the first in tone and how it's structured but I'm enjoying it all the same.
DOOM 64's really quite enjoyable as well even if I'm using that quicksave function a bit too regularly.
Have a good weekend everyone & stay safe!
More Ghost of Tsushima, but also made a start on Ori & the Blind Forest. Both are very very good!
I fell off Control first time around but have decided to give it another chance so that will be where I spend my time for the most part. I may start Xenoblade Chronicles on Switch too,, just to mix things up a little.
Things are hotting up in Nioh 2. I think I'm near the end...?
Hopefully finally playing the avengers beta at some point when I get time... My PS4 controller decided to break on me last week When I got into the beta so thought I’d give it a spin on my laptop and now the controller support is playing up haha.
GOT, this game has me hooked, and I'm having great fun throwing smoke bombs and jumping on people. In my head I have evolved Jin to Batman. I have also recently downloaded Cat Quest 2 as I loved the first.
Blastphamous and cuphead .word to god.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
Another weekend of PS3 backlog for me. Got the platinum for Kingdoms of Amalur this morning and now I'm playing IO Interactive's classic, Mini Ninjas! Why this never got a sequel is beyond me, such a fun game.
My 'main' game at present is Shadow of the Tomb Raider, started it earlier this week. It's like 'Rise' but in a beautiful jungle setting so basically it's really good.
I'm also into BioShock Infinite (started a playthrough before TR) and, like many of you I suspect, will find time for a few rounds of Fall Guys. I enjoy playing it for maybe 30 mins tops before switching it off. Still haven't won a show but I'm getting closer!
Have fun y'all!
Its easy to forget just how awesome the PS3 was, it really is a fantastic console. Congrats on the Platinum, that's a good effort, are you going to do it again for the remaster? 😁
I have been looking at giving The Puppeteer another playthrough personally and really want to give Tokyo Jungle a look as it was a game I always fancied but never got around to playing.
Have an awesome weekend.
Red Dead Redemption 2. I've finally finished the story, so it's time to do some of the remaining side quests and explore the blank areas of the map before I'm done with the game.
Also going to continue with Yuppie Psycho, Bravely Second, and Bioshock 1.
@crimsontadpoles Just out of interest what are your overall thoughts on RDR2?
As you can see from my avatar I'm a bit of a fan!
For me, I’m still trying to fend off the Mongol Empire, whilst taking time to write haiku and strip down anytime I see a natural hot springs.
I finished the Last of us Part 2 late last night, and it was phenomenal. Loved every second of it, and I won't be able to stop thinking about its story for months. Because of that, I'm not really in the mood to play any games, so will either read or watch television and just let this game sink in!
Ghost of Tsushima and the Marvel Avengers beta. I hope the latter gets me hyped for that game because I want to be.
Dug into Steamworld Dig yesterday.... Must say I really dig it so far..didn't cost me 2 much dough either, dawg!
I very nearly jumped back into TLOU2 to add those new trophies to my Platinum but have decided to show restraint and earn them on PS5, just on the off chance the game gets an update for PS5.
Excited to hear its tough, I loved grounded mode in the first game. Have a tip top weekend chief.
@Lovespuds - Yeah the PS3 really is a great console, I mainly used it for the AAA exclusives and played stuff like Amalur and Mini Ninjas on 360 originally so it's cool revisiting them again and earning trophies to boot. Not sure I'll get KoA remaster any time near launch but I'll definitely do it all again at some point.
Good shout on Puppeteer and Tokyo Jungle, have them both thanks to PS+ and now I know what to play after I'm done with Mini Ninjas, cheers!
@Col_McCafferty Red Dead Redemption 2 was really good. I do have a few minor complaints about it, such as too much of it was just riding from A to B. But overall, I really enjoyed it.
Red Dead Redemption 1 is still my favourite out of the two of them. I liked the story and the characters more in that one.
Was playing Ghost of T but I've become addicted to "one more turn" on civilization 6 so I'll be playing that. Got it on sale.
Death stranding and Remnant from the Ashes on PS4
Despite unlocking Act II last weekend I've gone back and been spending my morning liberating the first land mass of GoT. Plus taking a few more photos.
Also finally got around to downloading and having a go at Fall Guys so will probably dabble some more with that too.
@crimsontadpoles Thanks for the reply. Glad that you enjoyed it although I disagree with your rating of the two as I found the prequel to be better.
@BranJ0 The same with me. Finished it early July but it has been in my thoughts ever since. Filled the gap somewhat by listening to the soundtrack and watching a certain playthrough on YT. It's a brilliant game with a compelling and very memorable narrative.
This week I really jumped around between Saints Row 3 (PSnow), Fairytail & One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 and I feel the weekend should be the same. Only 7 trophies till my 4000th so cool milestone and maybe a little Man Eater as week. None are close to plat Saints Row is the closest at 60% so I can't see my 11th plat of the year happening this weekend.
I'm still in Act 1 of Ghost of Tsushima. I'm trying to complete everything on the first section of the island before moving on to save Jin's uncle.
So far today have played: fall guys (won another episode - whoop!); had a few races on wipeout; dead nation - found final bit if armour. Next will probably continue RDR2 and maybe some uncharted2 crushing playthrough. Oh and of course a few more rounds on fall guys.
Happy weekend all, enjoy your gametime
Cuphead, Sayonara Wild Hearts and some Fall Guys mayhem for good measure. Great fun!
Final Fantasy 8 remastered. I am enjoying it far more than I did Final Fantasy 12.
@LN78 oh man that willson v McGill final frame was epic, haven't seen anything like it lol. I have 5 on willson from start at 20 -1 so it was even more nerve racking lol. Should be a good final too. Enjoy the final m8 I know I'll be watching the whole thing. Will also be playing some fall guys in between lol.
Oh you know, the usual.
I've been playing the campaign for call of duty ww2. Got it as a plus game a while back. Have to say I'm pleasantly surprised!! I can see why they might be dropped from future COD games as they must be expensive to make and most players probably go straight to multiplayer but its a shame if they are all as decent as this. Loving the band of brothers feel!
@ShogunRok funny enough I downloaded Cat Quest II on my switch a day or two ago. Fun Secret of Mana vibes, just a little goofier. Since we have similar tastes, I'll follow what you're playing in the future to pick up some tips.
Just mopping up the intel on my mw2 platinum, also going to try the avengers beta at some point.
Still playing FF7Remake. About 12 hours in and I believe I'm near the end of chapter 8. However I'm stuck on a side quest and too stubborn to give up. Game has been great so far, but chapter 8 has been really slow and dull for me.
Played the Marvel Avengers beta last night for a little while. Still don't know how I feel about it. I have both good and bad things to say, but it's too early. Also I'm stuck on the second level. Hoping to get "unstuck" in both games tonight when I have some time to play again haha
NFS Heat, Death Stranding 2d play through such an amazing and relaxing game, also GOT of course
PS4- Dragon Crown Pro, Street Fighter V, Samurai Shodown, and maybe Tekken 7.
I'm currently switching between Cities Skylines, Baldurs Gate and Fall Guys.
I'm working on getting the platinum in Pirate Warriors 4. I knew the PS4 version would be superior to the Switch port, but it's like playing a different game.
Fall Guys, 2 more levels to 40. No mans sky upgrading my freighter. Destroy all Humans to continue the story.
Fall Guys...rare of me to play so much multiplayer but that game is highly addictive,fun and easily the best plus game in a while!
Obviously GOT will be the next most played..still on Act 2 and absolutely love it..This game is Game Of The Year.Would be nice to have a story with at least one happy ending though..I mean..come on..
Animal Crossing will be getting it's daily look too.
And Umbrella Academy on Netflix..awesome show
Fall Guys, Avengers Beta mainly
GoT. I’d cleared as much of the lower part of the map as possible a week or so ago but haven’t played that much since reaching Act 2 and the second part of the island. It’s a great game, but it’s not something I can play as intensely as I did TLOU2 a couple of months ago. Despite the samurai setting, open world fatigue still sets in after too long a session.
I picked up World War Z in the sale, only played solo so far, so will try playing online over the weekend. I almost forgot how much fun Left 4 Dead was and this is pretty much exactly the same, with a little bit more narrative woven in.
Also playing GTA: Liberty City Stories on PSP. This and Vice City Stories are the only GTA games I’ve not played and I’m enjoying this one a lot.
Still taking a break from ps4 so super Mario rpg on the Wii u and some more Netflix.
I’m giving TLoU part 2 a breather as I can’t get past <spoiler> and it’s doing my nut in!
So I’m trying Marvel’s Avengers beta as I got a code as I’m a virgin media customer. It’s not bad from what I’ve played so far, but clearly it’s not a direct replacement for the films and it’s not got the polish of Naughty Dogs’ game. It may be a buy for the PS5 when it’s been discounted ...
Marvel's Avengers Beta!
Enjoy your weekend y'all!
I'm finishing off the The City that Never Sleeps DLC, and enjoying the heck out of it I must say.
Hey man! Do you play SFV using the same user name? Just wondering cause I bought SFV Champion Edition and I've been having a blast with it! Even when I'm getting my butt kicked online. But when you win it's thrilling. Would enjoy a round or two with you. Guess I could learn a thing or two
Last of Us 2- almost got to 2nd half of the game on Survivor+. It's hard! Also, Street Fighter V. Fabulous game, love the artstyle, characters and it's so nostalgic with its arcade modes. Online is fine too. Side note: not gonna fall for Ubisoft games again (Wildlands, Odyssey, Far Cry). More repetetive than going to the toilet in real life...
@Lovespuds I was the same with Control initially but then made a concerted effort with it, absolutely loved it from then on. Stick with it, there's some fantastic moments in it and really compelling. There's a bit of a difficulty spike but invest in the right upgrades and it's easier. Enjoy !
GoT for me still, work taking over my life a bit thus stopping me but loving this game
Tales of Berseria - a wonderful JRPG
A few laps of Grid to make a dent in the huge career mode
Have a good weekend guys n gals ❤️
Started to play RE2 again after losing 4+ hours of gameplay because my PS4's hard drive got stuck again :-/ and I lost everything again(well luckily I save my game saves to USB everytime I play a few hours of a game because I really don't trust Hard drives at all) Oh well.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I did to the level below moderate and watched a few YouTube videos too but it got SOOO annoying I had to put it down. I’ll try again when less annoyed!
(And I think you’ve guessed where I’m at too)
hi!!! I play the game rage 2 ps4 . Great Game
I am playing Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate. Decent little game, but not worth the price it's selling for.
Sounds like good advice, for whatever reason, I am enjoying it more thus time around, I think I'll be seeing it through this time 😁
Enjoy your Tsushima sessions mate, I adored that game.
@gollumb82 my username is actually shonen86 on PS4. It’s been a little while since I played online on Street Fighter V, but is a nice feeling when you win. I’ve mostly been playing training and arcade mode at the moment trying to unlock the many art endings. I’m always down for a friendly match though.
I sent you an invite and I'm down for a friendly match every now and then I'm finding SFV and KOFXIV to be the perfect counterweight to my 2nd playthrough of TLoU2.
I finished it on Friday and feel the same!! Scrolled through my catalogue on the ps4 but didnt want to jump in to something new for fear of forgetting or not appreciating it
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, and possibly World of Warships, which is massively addictive
Just finished Yakuza 4 and The Last of Us part 2. I was really great (but depressing. I suspect the writers want for the players to hang themselves after finishing their game). I just went back to Persona 5 Royal.
Still trying to choose between a PS5 and a XBox Series X. My deadline us september the 4th, with the release of Avengers, I want to buy this one on the platform I'll buy the successor of.
@Col_McCafferty I can't stop listening to the soundtrack, I've had it on repeat since finishing the game, it's so good!
@Stevethejedi It really is a special game, I just want to make sure I fully appreciate it before I even touch any new games!
Killzone Shadowfall 😁
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I may need to do that ... sigh ... oh my aged hands, eyes and reactions!! Lol
@BranJ0 There's a version on YT with added rain and thunder effects. It really does add to the atmosphere especially during the more bombastic tracks.
@MightyDemon82 I'm still on Act 1, how are you finding Act 2, apparently new enemy types are introduced therein, are they particularly intimidating? What is enemy placement like in the second act?
@Draco_V_Ecliptic I'm currently doing the last part of act 2 just now and it's epic to say the least, I've been mixing it up throughout the game so not to get tired of constant battling, loads of great duels in act 2 and I just really enjoy exploring the island, the enemy placement is good, what I like about this is you can tackle the game in pretty much any order other than the obvious final mission to progress to the next acts!
@Col_McCafferty ooh that sounds very interesting, I'll give that a listen later!
@gollumb82 cool, I play KOF as well. I’ll pick up the friend request when I get the chance.
On Sunday I finished Ghost of Tsushima's story. I loved it, the game is amazing, but I still have a lot to do and I'll stop playing when I get Platinum. I like to enjoy the games, to explore, not to rush on beating them. Another great PS exclusive. Thank you all devs and publishers for these adventures!
@michaelf try the slow time when aiming function in the accessibility options. That part drove me nuts too. Good luck.
I bought ESO Greymoor. I love it so far, but I'm having a hard time with a few things... I wish some of my friends played as well, but beggars can't be choosers XD. Happy weekenda to all!
@Starkei now that sounds like a good idea!! Will give it a go!
UPDATE: finally beat the f*%{+$er !! Thank you and @1_W1NG3D_4NG3L for your suggestions!
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