
Topic: Baldur's Gate 3

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My first ending was not what I wanted. I ran out choices to reflect what I wanted or thought could happen and had an outcome I didn't like. My whole playthrough I didn't save scum, and lived through some decisons based on poor rolls, but now I may replay my last save. I really thought well if I keep disagreeing ill get to a choice that I want. Nope. Maybe it still can happen later, but it irks me that I have to replay a part. Still love the game though.



@Elodin elaborate in spoilers so I know what you're talking about specifically, and I'll see if I have any insight to what you are/were aiming for.

I think you are supposed to make choices based on what is happening with the knowledge you/your character has at the time, rather than what you think might happen though, but I don't know what you are referring to, so 😆

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I restarted after first elder
Dice rolls when the emp. comes . I made a hammer of a choice and it worked out. Fun battles to finish it off. The flexibility of an actual DM of course could see what you are trying to do and explain when to lean in on a choice. Games can only do so much. Excited for round 2. May go finish Avatar first and come back for an evil power run.



Re-downloading. Not sure what my intentions are, but feel like it could be my chillout "cant-be-arsed-to-play-anything-intensive" game, so want it installed just in case.

Who am I kidding, my intentions will be to be as evil as possible and to try and break the game 😁

Update: made my drow dark urge monk last night, and today we see there's added dark urge content, huzzah.

How are everyone's dark urge runs going? Seen a few mention they are currently on them. I have yet to decide what I'm going to do, but I'll probably test the mechanics of resist vs give in at some point. And I want to actively do different stuff from my first Bard character, although the urge to just play how I usually play will need to be fought off, I think.


May have gotten a bit bloody last night, but nothing evil, as yet.

I also need to change the hair, as in the world the skin tone isn't very obvious and it just looks like I'm Jaheira

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Haven't found many evil doings yet, other than Gale deciding not to join the party.

But it has surprised me at how I made the start different on my own. I crashed, woke up Shadowheart and went straight into the locked door, which I can't remember being an option first time, but I'd looted some tools from somewhere. Opened another passage, surprised some thieving b*stards and picked them off, just the two of us.

Starting a game when you already understand the combat makes it a whole lot quicker early on, that's for sure 😁

Now it's just Me, SH, LZ and AS, two of which I know I can eventually lead down much darker paths. Having played all companion quests through to completion first time really does free you up for a playthrough. I will miss Gale.., his VA did a top job, but on the other hand I'm content that I've seen his tale through and he was one of the slightly more annoying companions to deal with 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

Re-downloading. Not sure what my intentions are, but feel like it could be my chillout "cant-be-arsed-to-play-anything-intensive" game, so want it installed just in case.

It's definitely a good chillout game even though it might not seem like it. I think it's the slow paced nature of the game. I've been playing it constantly the last couple of weeks, too addictive.


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