PlayStation 5 will ship with a display stand – in Hong Kong, at least. The item – named ‘Base’ here – has been listed alongside other contents that will be included in the console’s box on a distributor’s website. It was uncovered by analyst Daniel Ahmad, although there’s no mention of a PS5 price and PS5 release date – obvs.
Other items included with the console are: a DualSense controller, an HDMI cable, an electrical power cord, a USB cable (presumably for controller charging), and an instruction manual. Ahmad does mention that while this information is accurate for Hong Kong, it could change on a regional basis, so that’s worth keeping in mind.
It’s also unclear whether the base will allow you to position the PS5 vertically and horizontally. The console is an unusual shape, and thus will require a display stand in both positions. We’ll obviously follow up with Sony to try and get clarification, but given how little we know about the next-gen system right now, we’re not expecting a response.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 139
Give me the price and the date!
Now I'm tempted to buy and Xbox Series X alongside the PS5, if I can pay only 35 euros a month!
@AFCC I’d be chuffed if they announced a similar pay scheme for PS5. It’s less than I pay for my phone after all.
I thought I'd get used to the look of it over time, but man, it looks worse every time I see it. And it won't even stand on its own cause it's a bizarre shape. Just need to keep telling myself "It will play Demons Souls, it will play Demons Souls."
It just looks so silly.
According to that pic, the DualSense is so advanced it's learned to stand up like a person. Walking controllers, now that's true next gen.
Meh I'll take it. I'm so thirsty for news that I'd be excited to see what the box looks like.
Nice, since I plan to put it sideway like my ps4.
@Old-Red What are you on about? It looks great. Look at this selection of alternate colour scheme green ones. Very futuristic.
@Brydontk Don't wanna sound too quirky, but I LOVE boxes and manuals of my new electronic devices. Have to ready every word on the box before opening it hahaha. I need to know every last piece of information possible
Box mockup would be great! Wondering about the design.
Does USB mean C or A?
@Matroska Haha
Microsoft: here's the XSX, it costs $299.99 and the XSX costs $499.99, and both will launch globally November 10th.
Sony: The PS5 comes with a stand.
Seriously, their trolling game is strong this generation. Well played Sony, well played.
@Jarobusa I can actually answer that question, it's USB C.
@SirAngry It's annoying, but then on the flipside MS haven't even shown a second of gameplay running on the Series X yet. We have a precedent of late price announcements with the Switch, which wasn't priced until 7 weeks before launch. But it's extremely weird to have seen zero gameplay on a console about 9 weeks before launch. Sony have had at least 2 separate events showing lots of gameplay plus the UE5 tech demo running on a PS5.
@Matroska don't worry about software running on XSX, please, it's weird to me, mainly because getting something up and running on it isn't all that hard. Why they aren't showing stuff running on it I don't know, but it's not because it's rubbish, or at least from what I've seen it's not.
@SirAngry From what you've seen? But that's the point, we haven't seen anything running on it. We also know it'll have no exclusives for 2 years. Knowing the price doesn't change that. Unless the PS5 is significantly over £500 It doesn't really matter. And just as it's odd that Sony haven't announced a price, it's honestly more weird that MS haven't shown even a second of the whole reason we buy these boxes in the first place: the games.
Whether or not you sant a Series X, don't you think it's peculiar that MS have intentionally shown exclusively PC or current gen footage and prerendered cutscenes when promoting their upcoming console? That they've intentionally neglected to show a single thing running on it? It's a choice they've made.
Youre kidding. Not one game with the digital edition. sigh
Not the most exciting news, but I'm still happy
@Matroska And yet MS HAS shown actual gameplay running on Series S hardware. Part of me feels that Microsoft will be pushing the Series S harder than the Series X.
I guess since Series S and Series X will run games seemingly identical (minus resolution differences), one can assume the Series X will look the same - only at 4K.
At this point, it does feel a touch silly that a price and release date hasn't been announced. Sony has to know the price point it wanted to sell - unless Series S|X price confirmation really put the Sony bean counters into a tizzy to come up with the absolute bare minimum Sony can sell PS5 and PS5 Digital without hurting the company too much and to be appealing.
I mean, if you were to look at hardware specs (not including the drive) the Series X should be more expensive - beefier hardware specs and larger SSD. But given that the PS5 SSD I/O is significantly higher than anything anyone has ever seen, the price point just on it's storage capabilities is an unknown.
I think Sony is more concerned with pricing being competitive with the Series S, not the X.
@Matroska I have, I've got a game up and running on it. I think the limited number of XSX Dev kits in the wild might be the problem. Teams need them to get their games finished, not to produce video reels of what their currently unfinished games look like. There are more PS5 Dev kits in the wild. I'm just spit balling, but honestly it's not some conspiracy as far as I know.
What game?
@Akimi a computer one.
Good job it comes with a stand/base........... Would of been putting magazines or news paper under 1 side to keep it level LOL
@SirAngry I don't mean it's a conspiracy but clearly they're avoiding showing anything running on it which is a worse promotional mismanagement than the absence of a price over 2 months before launch.
I think one problem they have is the lack of a software reason to buy it. There's nothing on it for ages that can't be played elsewhere - including on PS5, alongside games unique to the PS5. Maybe showing those multiplat games' actual gameplay would make that even worse when people see they don't look all that different from the versions you could get on XB1.
Wait, what? The SSD comes IN the box??? I want it inside the bloody console......... NOT THE BOX
I like the 'puter games. Maybe I'll check it out.
That stand puts the price up from 450 to 500 😆
@GamingFan4Lyf It's not just the resolution. The S is significantly less powerful than the X. It's like saying the only difference between the PS2 and PS3 was the latter did 720p. You'll get worse performance, lower draw distances, worse textures more basic lighting, less environmental detail etc etc. The only times that won't be the case is if the game isn't remotely taking advantage of the Series X's power.
It has half the compute units, one third of the tflops and half the RAM. It's like comparing a PC from 5 years ago to a high end new PC. It even only has two thirds of the tflops of the XB1X and less than the PS4 Pro. Even adjusting for the fact the actual effect of each tflop is now higher (so an old thing with 4 would be less powerful with a modern thing with 4) that's still really bad.
P.S. I said they haven't shown anything on Series X and they haven't. The Series S is an underpowered side show not an actual next gen console or the thing most people will buy.
@Matroska We actually saw Halo Infinite game play, that is why it is delayed to next year.
@Jarobusa That was running on a PC. That's what I mean, isn't it odd to not show your biggest upcoming game running on your new powerful console? But then I guess they know people will just assume it was. Imagine if we found out Ratchet and Clank or Horizon 2 was actually on a PC.
@Jarobusa that wasn't on the series x or s though. That was gameplay on a pc that's supposedly simulating what it would be like on the series x
PS Blog post about the HDMI cable next week lol!
@gort132 astrobot is free with every system.
@Matroska Well according to MS, the only difference in hardware specs is the difference between capping out at 1440p and capping out at 4K.
4K/60 on X, 1440p/60 on S
120fps on X, 120fps on S
Ray tracing on X, Ray tracing on S
Instant loading on X, instant loading on S
I see it more like the difference between docked and portable mode on Switch - not the difference between PS2/PS3 since PS3 is much more capable than a PS2.
Lets hope the HDMI cable supports HDMI 2.1.
I'm looking forward to getting my gnarled paws on the damn thing.
Heard the rumours of the series V? The middle ground betweem S and X and all digital? Surely not another console.
Soooo, when can we buy "the box" and how much does "the box" cost?
Breaking news: Playstation 5 comes with a USB cable!
But what we all really are dying to know is if the power cord comes with one of those little plastic prong protectors, or if it's just sitting bare naked in the box. And does the box have a handle? Plz tell me it has a handle, Sony! We need information!
I think your are spot on. Ms marketing is only that. At the end of the day they dont dictate what the devs can do with it.
The irony is all the FUD has been spread about the PS5 and that had the effect of making people even more aware that it's an incredible console.
I see a lot of people agreeing with the monthly payment option for the Xbox.
A little warning for peeps in the Netherlands (and maybe other countries?)
If u do take that option it will be considered a loan and will effect the amount of money u can get on a mortgage for a house. Just like a telephone does.
Just a friendly heads up for those who are in that situation
@GamingFan4Lyf well somebody ought to tell Microsoft games aren't just about pixel fill rate. Sure, if I'm running lower resolutions I might be able to get away with lower geometry models, but that's not linear in the same way. Ditto physics and other things. The XSS is a bottleneck on the next-gen pipeline, no question, but I'm sure we'll all get used to it, it will however ironically mean PS5 exclusives will have an advantage XSX exclusives won't... they won't be held back.
@Akimi - he's making it up. the guy lives on this site - when would he find time to work?
@NEStalgia - oh, man - that little plastic protector BETTER be on the plug or that'll kill the unboxing! now you have me wondering. LOL
@NEStalgia Those plastic plug thingies are great if you've got a cat. They love using them as a 'play fetch' toy, well, a couple of cats I've had did anyway. 🐈
@Ashkorsair - and i must be missing something - for a series s and gamepass ultimate, it's 24.99 a month for 24 months - that's 599.76 dollars.
a series s costs around 323 dollars if you buy it outright. so, it's 256 dollars for the 2 years for gamepass ultimate??? i think the payment option is a bad deal.
@nessisonett yeah they won't do it. But getting PS5 for 500 euros day one and keep paying the 35 euros (which is so low honestly) a month for the Xbox and you get every game you can! It's awesome!
i sure hope that stand allows for EITHER horizontal or vertical placement. everyone should be able to position it the way they want right out of the box. i want to stand it up like it was first shown by sony.
@GamingFan4Lyf series s has 6GB of ram less than the series x — this will be a bottleneck in no time and likely reduce resolution to native 1080p. not to mention the measly 500GB drive with a costly upgrade to double it (i would guess $150 minimum). series s is going to be for tweens and causual gamers long term. everyone else need not apply.
I guess the thing I am trying to stress is that, for all intents and purposes, the real difference between S capabilities and X capabilities is going to boil down to resolution. Digital Foundry might be able to point out slight differences, but everything in motion will be seemingly identical.
I am not sure what you mean by "held back" in this instance. Velocity Architecture aims to do exactly what Sony is trying to do with it's SSD I/O speed being so high - just in an entirely different way.
Here is a blurb from the official Velocity Architecture Blog:
"Through the massive increase in I/O throughput, hardware accelerated decompression, DirectStorage, and the significant increases in efficiency provided by Sampler Feedback Streaming, the Xbox Velocity Architecture enables the Xbox Series X [and S] to deliver effective performance well beyond the raw hardware specs, providing direct, instant, low level access to more than 100GB of game data stored on the SSD just in time for when the game requires it. These innovations will unlock new gameplay experiences and a level of depth and immersion unlike anything you have previously experienced in gaming."
So...if those capabilities are identical on X and S, how are things getting held back?
@Porco Okay, so even if native resolution is back to 1080p, techniques like reconstruction will up it to look/exceed 1440p and no one is the wiser - just like games on PS5 and Series X will eventually have to rely on reconstruction to look/exceed 4K. Plus, that is what the machine is marketed for. It will play the same exact games with the exact same framerates. So...Series S is doing it's job.
I mean, if the S|X can run the same games and casuals love the price point of the Series S more than X, Sony has to be competitive with the Series S more than the Series X since casuals make up the bulk of hardware sales. PS5 is already sold to the Sony diehards even if it were slightly more than Series X. Sony has to convince the platform agnostics why it's system is better to play Madden, COD, FIFA, Fortnite against a Series S.
Have they confirmed what type of usb cable it is? I really hope it is type c
@GamingFan4Lyf as a developer, with over 20 years experience I can tell you pixels do not scale in the same way as geometry. The RAM situation in the XSS is a problem. It's not about 4K textures, it's about other things which don't scale in a linear direction. As a developer I hate that the XSS exists, hate it. I understand it from a consumer perspective, but it will hold the generation back.
I don't care price or date. I'm interested if Playroom can be uninstalled?
@Cutmastavictory yeah, but it only lasts a few hours. I was expecting for digi like a choose one bundle
@Matroska look at Gears 5 running on the Series S.
Going back to horizontal for me, don't think an erect PS5 will fit in my bookshelf!!! (oo-er misses)
@SirAngry I guess time will tell.
Microsoft has said that games will target Series X first and then get scaled back where necessary for Series S. I guess even if that means lesser geometry on S because it doesn't scale well on resolution only.
Plus, as other's have said, the console really is meant for casuals who are more concerned with just playing the game rather than shiny graphics - heck I think even Microsoft said it's for people more concerned with framerate over graphics.
Even PC games that scale across multiple card profiles show that they can scale pretty well based on various hardware profiles with compromises needing to be made.
I mean, I don't envy developers having to have yet another hardware profile target - I am a software developer too (just not a game developer). I would hate to have to deal with it.
I don't think overall game designs will change though. It's not as if The Medium is being held back because of Series S - it will still be able to run both worlds at the same time - even if it doesn't look as nice on Series S. Series S is there to run the same games as Series X at a lower price point and not looking as nice.
Nightmare for developers? Probably. But, if more casuals like the price point of the Series S and the thing sells like hotcakes, developers will suffer the nightmare and deal with it.
@GamingFan4Lyf you do not target the higher spec system and scale back. That's just not how development works. You target lowest common denominator so you're not giving yourself an impossible headache when trying to "scale down". Sorry, but I don't listen to any of the rubbidh coming from MS about development, because the people talking are not devs and have never been devs.
PS. I already know smaller teams who are considering not launching on Xbox this generation until they drop the requirement to launch on S as well.
@BNAG_Gamer Well the system comes in the box, so anything inside the system is technically also inside the box. Proof by induction?
@SirAngry Microsoft only announced that information because the cat had already been let out of the bag, so instead of denying it, they rolled with it. A smart move to be sure; but you can be certain that they wouldn't have told us for another week or more if it hadn't happened that way.
@SirAngry The XSS will unfortunately fool the masses enough to get a foot-hold at launch, but time will out it as a machine that is not capable of next-gen (not with that RAM), and games are either going to be severely crippled on that box, or crippled for everyone (common denominator). I think a 1080p version of the console was a smart idea, but hamstringing the RAM, was not.
Astro comes pre install, takes up 500gb ,
can’t be removed. Sing star will take up the remaining space.
That’s my prediction and I’m sticking with it.
@SirAngry The second they drop that requirement, the XSS is well and truly dead. Kinect déjà vu?
As far as I can tell, you are right. If someone offers a payment plan it's because they make more money from it.
But Microsoft isn't going to advertise that the cheap payment plan cost $600 and the expensive one costs $840, nor are they going to mention that the Series S is obviously only backwards compatible with digital games and that you'll need to repurchase anything you have on disks. You'd think that writers for games sites would remind customers of this, but sometimes it falls to the people in the comments section.
@thedevilsjester I don't know about Kinnect type situation, but the XSS is unwelcome. I think a lot of people I know hope the PS5 is a sort of PS2 run away success and they can essentially ignore Xbox this gen, because it's not an ideal situation. It mostly the RAM, but the GPU also presents an issue for some, in particular it's clock. Some calculations like happening at speed, slow them down and you have an issue.
For those saying Devs won't have a problem, there's this Twitter thread:
I'm certain some of the software engineers will be asked to delete some of their Tweets by higher ups.
@KippDynamite - so i'm not crazy? i kept doing the math and wondered why NONE of the gaming sites were talking about this? i'm older and money isn't an issue for me; but, if i couldn't afford to buy something, i'd never make this kind of a deal.
That is the right question.
Once I'm done with Astro's Playroom (don't get me wrong, me and the kids loved the Astro VR game), will I be able to delete it from the SSD, or shunt it to USB HDD for cold storage, redownload it from PSN for free forever? ANSWERS, DAMNIT, I NEED ANSWERS!
Price and release date would be nice, too.
@SirAngry As someone who has seen plenty of "impossible" ports successfully run on Switch, we will just have to agree to disagree.
There was still no U/I for PS5 shown.
Wonder what it looks like when you turn on your PS5.
I predict it will be similar with PS4.
@SilenceCZ Haha absolutely no judgment, I can sooooort of understand it. As a kid, reading and looking at every inch of the box and/or the manuals built the anticipation for the games on the drive home.
@NEStalgia I can't tell if you're joking or not, but I'll legitimately be upset if it doesn't have a handle 😂 It makes it SO much easier to transport my PS4 around with no worries.
@GamingFan4Lyf as someone who does this for a living yeah we will.
So if you buy a Series S with the payment plan you will spend $600, so about $300 for 2 years of Game pass (approximately 25% higher than usual).
If you buy a Series X with the payment plan you will spend $840, so $340 for 2 years of Game Pass (approximately 40% higher than usual).
Sold separately elsewhere lol
If they're stuck price wise, after Microsoft's Xbox price reveal. Sony can pull the base out of each box, drop the ps5 price by £20 and flog the base on its own for £29.99 🤣
@KippDynamite no because it comes with game pass ultimate which is $14.99 monthly, if you get the S option you end un saving $60 in the long run. If you get the X option you end up saving $20 in the long run. Game pass ultimate for 2 years is $360.
@eddie429 no because it comes with game pass ultimate which is $14.99 monthly, if you get the S option you end un saving $60 in the long run. If you get the X option you end up saving $20 in the long run. Game pass ultimate for 2 years is $360.
@SirAngry What I disagree is that it will hold back games.
I used the Switch as an extreme case where games targeting much more powerful hardware were able to work on the system - with some work and ran and looked surprisingly well considering the hardware.
I don't think the gap in specs between Series S and Series X is as significant of a drop as people seem to make it out to be - most especially not in the same ballpark as Switch to everything else. It's a 1440p MAX machine - and even if games start to be 1080p, that's fine, the system isn't an high-spec machine. The system is designed the run the same games and framerate as Series X only with less graphical fidelity. One can even reasonably assume that if the Series S is starting to get taxed to the point that resolution has to drop even below 1080p, the Series X is getting taxed in almost the exact same way (only dropping below like 1800p or something).
Again, same games. Much like PC can run the same games only will require graphical setting tweaks to run on lesser hardware. It's not as if the architecture is wildly different.
Same RDNA2 instruction set.
Same storage I/O - though less space.
Hardware accelerated ray tracing.
Same audio processing chip.
It's not like we are comparing an i9 with 16GB of RAM with an Nvidia 2080Ti and an SSD against like an i3 with 10GB of RAM an Nvidia 1060 and a standard HDD.
It would be an like an i9, 16 GB of RAM, Nvidia 2080Ti with an SSD vs an i9, 10GB of RAM, and an Nvidia 2060 (I realize the specs don't match Xbox Series X or the Series S, just using it as a basis for comparison).
I respect that you do this for a living, but it sounds like you haven't even worked with the Series X|S SDK yet to know just how much more difficult the system will be. You just seem to be judging basing it on raw specs alone - which these days don't mean much anymore.
It could very well stifle development, but I won't pass judgement until some developers - who have worked with system and not just question the system - come out and say "yeah, bad idea".
As someone who has worked in development for 20 years, you should know, things change. Technology changes. What may have worked last year, might be completely solved this year. Heck, real-time hardware accelerated ray tracing seemed impossible until now. 60fps with ray tracing seemed even more impossible until some smart decisions made things more possible (VRS compatibility, machine learning-based upscaling - or DLSS, etc.).
All I am saying is, it's too early to pass judgement on what Series S will mean in the future for Xbox. I have no problems being wrong - and time will tell.
@GamingFan4Lyf try this thread:
They already have.
@SirAngry Xbox Series S is compatible with every game over the next 10 years (and many years previously). Stop acting like Series S will hold the generation back because it won't. Series S is a beast of a console. Series X is the top end of the equation. PC gaming has had minimum and top end specs for years. The Xbox is an absolute monster regardless of which version you're talking about.
All PS5 base will belong to us.
I don't have it but from what I could find you can get Game Pass Ultimate for $120 a year if you buy annually instead of monthly. So $240 for two years.
Also, I have a hard time believing they would offer a payment plan that ends up saving people money. I've never, ever heard of that it any industry.
@SirAngry But he's a tech columnist, not a developer, so I don't understand the correlation. I know Sam Lake from Remedy said he is concerned, but again, it doesn't like he has worked with the system yet either. He is only expressing concern. That doesn't equate to hands-on experience to say "okay, nevermind, I see what you did there" or "yeah, I worked with it and it's a challenge"
The annual FIFA, Madden, COD, Fortnite gamer will only care about price tag. If the Series S can provide the cheapest option to play the latest installment, that puts Sony in a bind when it comes to pricing the PS5 - since casuals are the ones who make up a vast majority of units sold.
Sony will need to show people - who may not even necessarily care about Sony exclusives or 4K - why PS5 is the better place to be to play said COD, Madden, FIFA, Fortnite over a cheaper Series S.
We can mock the specs all we want, but it's that audience that buys the most consoles. If Series S becomes the casuals machine, Sony needs to plan accordingly to swing favor if bigger sales are what Sony is after.
For the record, I will be getting a PS5 as well as a Series X. So I don't necessarily favor one over the other. I like both platforms equally for different reasons.
I read the Twitter thread. I totally agree. I actually wonder why more people aren't talking about this because it's a pretty obvious issue.
I wonder if 3rd party devs might be tempted to go PlayStation 5 exclusively just because they don't want to deal with the limitations of the Series S. Playstation 5 exclusives would almost definitely be technically superior than any game playable on an Xbox.
Microsoft recently confirmed that the Series S can't even run BC games in Xbox One X mode, but will emulate an Xbox One S instead.
@GamingFan4Lyf 'Technology changes'
That got me thinking. I can remember, back in the 80's, bypassing the interpreter and programming directly with machine code, in-order to squeeze a few more fps. Then later on, C++ and graphic libraries came along and took away all the fun
@KippDynamite no that $120 yearly is for game pass not game pass ultimate, game pass ultimate doesn’t offer yearly. It is $14.99 monthly because ultimate also includes all the games on pc, regular game pass doesn’t. Alot of companies do this because they assure subscribers, if you get the monthly you can cancel anytime but if you get that bundle they have you under 2 years contract. It benefits their subscriber numbers.
@GamingFan4Lyf I have worked with both systems SDKs. In terms of geometry, or say destruction of environments the Series S will potentially hold it's bigger brother back. Those things do not scale in a linear way. Sure, you could do maybe similar things by using heavy amounts of billboarding for draw distance, or pre-bake the destruction, but both fundamentally require different development pipelines, and that's my worry. The RAM in the XSS is the issue. It's not enough, and the bandwidth isn't high enough either. Ports from PS360 era to the Switch should be easy, because the Switch is quite frankly a better system, but taking the Witcher 3 as the best example, or maybe Doom 2016, those required different development teams to approach those games in different ways. When one company (Sony) is trying to help studios reduce costs and speed up development and the other (Microsoft) is putting barriers in the way of that... well... there's going to be animosity. I love the XSX for the record, just wished they'd plumped for better RAM.
Lol I love how on a PS5 news article half the comments are about Xbox. But since people are piling on that bandwagon...
From what's been said with the no exclusives for 1-2 years thing and weak franchises even when they do, the lower spec XSS model hamstringing developers, the stupid confusing to parents naming scheme MS have been rolling with and making worse this time around, Phil Spencer's near-unbridled arrogance etc, I'm feeling that they've doomed this console even worse than they did for the Xbone in 2013. This is no mean feat. At this rate I'm starting to think they'll be lucky to sell as many units as the Vita and Wii U combined, as much as I loved both of those. Creating basically a two horse race between Sony's PS5 and Nintendo's Switch and presumably at some point Switch Pro.
For those annoyed at the shape of the PS5s, there is absolutely no doubt this "problem" will be fixed with the inevitable PS5 Slim in a couple of years. The real trick is whether or not Sony will be making two PS5 Slims or just one, and if just one will it have an optical drive or not.
@SirAngry I can accept animosity. It's not an ideal solution for development. We definitely agree there.
Heck, I don't 100% agree with the decision - it's just such an odd move to promote Series X for months, only to announce the S 2 months before release. And to top it off, show gameplay footage running on Series S hardware and not Series X hardware. It's all just...odd.
But in the COVID-19, limited money world we live in now where people are struggling, that $299 console to consumers is mighty tempting - especially if it can still play the latest COD, FIFA, Madden, MLB The SHow (since that will be multi-console), etc.
But despite all that weirdness, I would have to think the engineers pulled off some kind of voodoo magic that wouldn't stifle games for Series X. The APIs and SDKs have to have something about it that would allow developers to easily develop games for both consoles without headache. Right? I mean, forget about the PR talking heads here and think about the engineers. They are smart people, right?
We all know Microsoft isn't fighting PS5 for hardware sales - MS admitted it. I guess Microsoft just took notes from all that partnering with Nintendo to just march to it's own beat.
@GamingFan4Lyf the thread is full of Tweets from developers working at id, Remedy, Dice etc. etc. etc.
@SirAngry I clicked on a couple of Tweet links and nothing came up - so it looks like the negative Tweet purge has already happened.
@BNAG_Gamer Lol I thought that looked weird too.
I'm sure the system coming with a stand is old news. It has to be included in the box as it's necessary for both vertical and horizontal orientation due to the consoles curved shape.
So the "free" playstation 4 camera adaptor isn't a thing in this box right?
@Redflame I think you have to apply for it from Sony at launch.
@Matroska I think we all know that regardless of the game Xbox will beat PS5 in performance when it comes to multi-platform titles. It's similar to the SNES/Megadrive days. Xbox is clearly a more powerful machine. The fact that Series S is compatible with every game over the next 7-10 years for £249.99 makes the cost of hardware completely irrelevant. That and Game Pass flip the entire console war on its head.
And that's before anyone talks about games. Xbox have won the PR war on new hardware. They have delivered incredibly powered, unbelievably competitive hardware options.
Sony have delivered a weird looking reverse Orio that you can get with or without a Blu-ray drive.
@dngiovanni @KippDynamite dngiovanni is right. There is no official discount for Ultimate outside of the $1 for the first month. Phone companies do this all the time. Offer discounts on secondary perks like Disney+ to get people in the door. It's been proven multiple times now that people spend more money on gamepass games than average. Microsoft is betting new players will spend more if Ultimate is locked in for 2 years.
@Oz_Momotaro Microsoft showed Gears 5 multiplayer running on Series S at 120fps - see the Inside Series S video at the 6:04 mark on YouTube.
"Gears 5 multiplayer gameplay captured on Xbox Series S at 120fps" is written at top of screen.
Also at the 7:17 mark it starts to show multiple games. At the 7:33 mark, Jason Ronald states that all game footage was captured on Series S.
So...Series X is the only one Microsoft hasn't shown - oddly.
@redd214 if they included an ultra speed HDMI (2.1) in the box, that would actually be pretty great news.
@eddie429 I'm currently not working, I'm between projects. Handed off my work fully about 2 months ago. Still answering the odd question via email, but been twiddling my thumbs for a while now. Ironically going back fully around the start of November.
@Matroska Microsoft doesn't care about being the only place to play one thing they want to be the one Place to play everything at its best.
People keep pointing out that you can play everything in others places...duh!
That's on purpose!
They would have their services on Playstation if they could.
They're not competing with Sony in the same ways as before the consoles are just there and at two significantly different levels because they want to give those WITHOUT other places to play their games a place that can and does it with extreme value for what you're paying.
It's a genius strategy and like I said years ago best thing to happen to MS in a long time was losing the early battle of last gen.
They've been making nothing but great moves since.
I personally only planned to get a ps5 and play my Xbox titles on my 3090 equipped pc but now that I've seen the series s and the benefits it offers for the money I'm thinking about getting it just to have a second place for people to play as well as an entry point to 15 years of my Xbox gaming history / purchases that will never be cross support on PC.
It will be such a great back compat device giving me access to so many games I had just given up on amd now with huge improvements ( I mean HDR in a og xbox game? Sign me up!) the benefits of the console far out weigh the extra cost and already being a long term game pass user I can pick one up and only it and be set.
It's definitely on my radar now when a week ago it wasn't.
@GamingFan4Lyf this most likely just comes down to timing most of the Xbox series x focused footage came much earlier before release when actual hardware wasn't really ready to show. Now that we are that much closer to launch and hardware is :wsicwllu done the ability to show games running on actual hardware is much more likely.
It's no conspiracy just hardware and software development time tables.
Most games over the years even at places like e3 would be running on a pc behind the scenes.
That's just how it goes.
You'll see marketing footage moving forward that's new and not focused on the series s itself will be running fine in series x hardware.
@__jamiie you mean with or without "the growth" lol
@KippDynamite your math skills are very weak and trying to use the Xbox live $1 upgrade that's soon to expire doesn't work or does any annual plan as they don't exist its 15 bucks x 24 which should be $27.50 roughly for the series s (and only charging $25) and $36.25 (which again they charge only $35 for).
You say this is impossible that no one would finance something for less than its actual cost but you miss the part where part of what's being financed is a service, a service whose actual costs to them are extremely low and the profit from the model would still be substantial while also enticing more buyers with less financial means.
It's an absolute win win and a game changer for sure.
I also predicted this 2 years ago and am waiting on the final piece to my prediction to happen.
The Xbox is going iPhone strategy
No more generations console "series" will occur much more frequently and the whole idea of generations will be gone. Games will keep being BC to a certain cutoff point (or line in the sand as another way to put it) and that line will constantly move forward with new hardware releases if your on the front side of that line you can still play anything without issue but once your hardware is on the back side you'll need to upgrade to use new stuff.
Everything that's happened since my prediction has fell in line with what I was thinking.
From the naming scheme "series" to the cross gen transition period even smart delivery as well as the Series S with the biggest and most expected evidence of it being the expansion of this program that when announced two years ago as a little test was the birth of my prediction that this was where MS was going.
All of it points to a future like the model of iPhone or any other electronic device that's update regularly.
Gaming on iPhone shows evolving hardware can easily be used to have a solid gaming platform and pc is the ultimate example that splitting the hardware base doesn't stifle development.
In fact a ever evolving hardware ecosystem allows games to get more impressive sooner as older models fall off quick and don't have to be supported for the the full 7-10 years a normal console may have been before. No one's using a iPhone 5s today but it's just as old as the original Xbox which is still fully supported and holding everyone else back.
Just watch and remember you heard it from some guy Ina comment section on a Playstation gaming website who called it first. Lol
@SirAngry you say your a developer how about some actual proof your work? Do you have a profile or even a LinkedIn?
@Jarobusa it's usb-c for the controller
All hail Microsoft!
@Matroska you guys are ignorant it's not like a PS2 vs ps3 or a pc from today and one from 5 years ago.
It's like a 2000 dollar pc from today with a 2080 ti and 16gb of ram and a 1200 dollar pc from today with a 2060s and 8gb of ram.
In no meaningful way is the 1200 dollar build "holding back" the 2000 dollar one.
Some settings are dialed back and you're definitely not running at 4k but you can still enjoy rtx and DLSS and all the other new technologies that make a system from today anything but something like a system from 5 years ago.
You kids are just ridiculous and the amount of salt your pumping through your veins is life threatening.
@Matroska games have been shown on a because we're much closer to launch and they are ready to show now the demos of x type game play came long before now and before hardware was ready to show the game itself.
Things are obviously much closer to being ready to ship and I'm sure from this point further and new demonstration would be on actual hardware just the the series s was shown this week.
You people are digging so hard here and your in the completely wrong place.
Stop letting your fanboy show and use your brain. I mean we haven't seen a Playstation 5 ui beyond a 2 second clip does that mean Sony doesn't have a functional ui? Is it going to ship without the ability to menu??
Come on grow up.
@Cybrshrk nope, not going to post any LinkedIn or Glassdoor profiles. People either take it at face value or are free to think I'm full of it. Doesn't faze me one way or the other.
As to your iPhone theory, I think you are right. I think Microsoft are looking at Xbox Series Y and Z further down the line, maybe a couple of years and upgrade you via your finance plan of choice. I think generations always annoyed Microsoft, they got into consoles to promote their Direct 3D API, and to stave off any potential competitors from the console space emerging. On that score job done. Whatever is next for the Xbox Division, right now it doesn't look like a new generation in 5 to 6 years time.
Anyone else feel the ps5 might be delayed too spring 2021 ?
I just want to know the dimensions! Not sure it will fit in the shelf system I currently have. Might need to go in the second room.
As an ex software developer (moved around between games, data science and web services) with friends still in the industry, I am happy to vouch that everything @SirAngry has posted checks out. I can't say they're a games dev for sure, but I'm happy to believe it as nothing they've said contradicts their assertion, and there have been plenty of subtle allusions in the past which looked a lot like skirting around NDAs.
I'm pretty sure if they confirm their identity they'll be much less able to say things that are in NDA grey areas for fear of losing out on future work.
Looks like the leak was correct.
It said there would be a stand and that in the US it would be sold separately.
I'll have to look for it again, but it gave prices for everything.
So no one is concerned that the ps5 comes with only 825gb of storage and some of that will be used by the OS no doubt too 🙄
That really is not enough storage with how big games will be on ps5.
@Kev_Morrison This what you're looking for?
I thought it was kind of obvious that the one stand works in both orientations. It is curved when you look closely, as if designed to support the console horizontally when the base is rotated 90 degrees right.
@huyi I was not happy with that spec,I wanted at least 1TB,but I hope the situation of games being smaller this gen are true,so we do not have to worry to much,for space.
@Oz_Momotaro Sure, a bit of googling and you'll find my LinkedIn, and you might see some of my friends in my 1st 2nd and 3rd link connections, working at various studios, mostly in Europe. All I'm saying is that everything tallies with what I've heard from sources I trust. SirAngry isn't willing to put their credentials on the table because they're still in the industry and need to not be seen as a leaker to protect their career.
I'm medically unfit to work, and that's a long term prognosis, so I don't have that problem; I also have a wide enough network that I'm pretty sure I won't get any of my friends in trouble as long as I only verify what I've heard through multiple sources (essentially open secrets within the industry, as opposed to traceable intelligence)
You can, and probably should, take everything with a pinch of salt because even insiders get things wrong. I just wanted to lend my limited weight to some info which was being dismissed as coming from an unverified source, when it's likely a better source than half of the news you see on this site.
@dngiovanni - thanks - i didn't know the cost of gamepass. i still don't like it but at least the numbers add up now.
@NotSmartEnough But from history, SONY is eager to waste your free space. And because there is too much free space (825 - minimal 125 for system - 50 for other crap like sharefactory and other trash = 550Gb free) I fear they will surely make it not uninstallabe. I hope they at least repair themes and let us have custom wallpaper rather than fixed to current theme like it is on ps3.
I fear that you are right. The original Playroom can't be uninstalled, so I'd be surprised if Astro's can.
Bit worried about how quickly I'm going to run out of space. I'm thinking that I'll probably want CP2077 on the SSD, even if it is the PS4 version, to improve load times. Add that to a couple of launch games and it will soon fill up.
@NotSmartEnough I hardly imagine any game to be runned from disc. They will become only install device (and "ownership check").
Playroom could be fun, but I'm stuck at beginning when it required to set camera which, of course, I don't own.
Yeah some developers have worked miracles on the Switch. Crysis Remastered being the most amazing to me with the Witcher 3 being right behind it.
But that’s kind of the point. The Switch is a runaway success story. There are some developers who will put in the nightmare inducing levels of work to make big AAA traditional console titles run on Switch.
Barring the Xbox being an out the door sales success I don’t think they’ll go so far to optimize for Series S.
Sorry, wasn't clear:
I'm assuming that CP2077, as a PS4 game, could be installed to either the SSD or a USB HDD. I'll probably use a USB HDD for most old games, but if it's going to make a big difference to load times then I'll probably install CP to the SSD.
Its soooo ugly and weird looking. Such an eye sore. You would have thought sony could have made something that looked better.
@SirAngry Only because the dev systems for Xbox are PCs. They have shown plenty of footage capured from the game engines on dev systems. We already know the series X is somewhat better GPU, CPU and memory bw spec'd than the PS5 anyway.
@TheRedComet if its optimised for Series X then its already mostly optimised for series S which has the same CPU and GPU - just with fewer CUs.
@huyi - https://screenrant.com/playstation-5-reduce-install-sizes-faster-loading-ssd/
as far as the actual SSD size. i never had too much trouble with the 500 gig on the ps4. i'm going to wait and see how it goes - but if i need to get more storage, i will.
@JayShaw - that's what i had thought. i did see a couple of articles that questioned whether a stand for the upright position would have to be purchased. i'm hoping for the "one stand fits all" approach.
And 8 less gigs of RAM that is clocked at half the speed of the Series X’s main pool.
I don’t think this will be an issue until we are three or four years into the generation. The games being developed for release in the next two years won’t tax these systems at all.
But the games that start development two years from now? When the developers really start to understand the hardware and what it can achieve? I think that is where the Series S will become a bottleneck.
That said, I do really love the Series S and I plan on picking one up next year solely for Gamepass and the exclusives.
I didn’t have issues with my PS4 until I moved and had unlimited cable internet and went all digital for a year and a half. That 500 gigs went away real fast. Used an external harddrive after that.
@TheRedComet specs say it has 10GB of RAM. And developers have managed this for years on PC. Simply not an issue.
@zekepliskin It's because Xbox are stealing the headlines from Sony. They've gone to market with facts about their consoles. Sony haven't.
Does it come with a blanket so I can cover the hideous giant console?
@thedevilsjester So why doesnt it say 4K UHD drive in the box then? huh? huh? huh?
Just admit it, They Fcuked up creating the box contents
@TheRedComet It won't ever be a "bottleneck". Just like it isnt for the PC master race. Assets and performance will simply be adjusted to fit the capabilities.
@__jamiie As it turns out, Sony's strategy of withholding and letting speculation and hearsay do the viral word of mouth marketing is working a treat. How many blog posts did we have about the DualSense controller when it came out, all across the gaming sites of the Internet? Loads.
@TheRedComet - if you like keeping a lot of games on your system, then i see your point. the only reason i didn't have too many issues is i tend to uninstall games if i'm not going to play them for a while - then i just redownload when/if i want to play them again.
Let me guess. Tomorrow we will find out it will be packed in a cardboard box!
@rachetmarvel we shall see, but with the recent article with game installs being up to 105gb that doesn't seem very likely
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